tw.uAmiiMimntmuimmiiiiiMiutu.umsMriiKmmiAjaxx JHE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDMESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1907. PERSONAL MENTION. ,Ir a K Sciinmn was down from ,Tl,o Orchard ' yesterday. Major Tower wad a'Marsliflcld vis itor jc-torday. Misses ICffle and Carrie Iloillno ,en?u"w" "" " ' ! j.SS Ulllnn McCnnh of Kaat jlanshflold was hero yestordny. nr McCormnc waa down from tho ,Htr jestcrday. ( . Mr H Hlouer icavus iuuuy on mo Plant for Sa'n Francisco. mi Cottle of Mllllngton was In this clt osterday. Miss Lucy (.touch 01 uaynos miei ffas In Mur'dlincld Tuesday. ' M1S3 Larson of Hay City was shop nlne hero yesterday. Miss Grace Gould of Elk Horn ranch was In this city yesterday. Mrs S A. Yoakum of C003 Rlvor naa In Mn.ih fluid Tuesday. jlr Johanncson of Empire was hero yesterday. Miss Mabel Mauzcy has returned from Charleston for a few days. Mr. Klahn of Empire was a city visitor jrHterday. Miss Eii ma Ellteroft of North Send as In this city yesterday. Mis3 May Uurrand of Mllllngton ffas here Tuesday. AtiS'ist Erlckson of Ten MJlb is visiting In thiB city for a fcv dav. MIS3 Matson of CaU-ln Inlet was la this city yesterday. H. C Dlers ot Norm JJenu was here yesterday, j J Uurna had bii',:.ic;3 In Marsh- field yesterday. AuRust Elchworth -.vac over fua jllllic.ima yesterday. Mr V Kronjiolm r ,i!:n"3 hi3 old position totlr.y at the .-hi.j.Mng shop. Mis lnlia Wickli.iul of Empire fit U i-iting with i.ionlj in this city. -" k is Pittljohn has returned from a tv,o v.cks outing at Charleston Ba Mr Chris rtasmunson and wife of Band'i'i ure visiting on tho bay for a she t time. Ml 3 Myrtle Collver of Catching Inlet was a Marslifleld visitor Tues i day Jlr Muison and his two daughters ot Ten Mi'e were in this city yester day Mrs Marsh came up from Charles ton on business yestordny, but will return to camp today. Ill, and Mrs. John Curren of North Bend were over to Marshflcld jesterday. Ex-County Surveyor C. 'S. McCul loch. of Baudon, and his father, O. 0. McCulloch, of Grants Pass, are in Marshflcld Mr and Mrs. Loo Cook of Empire left yesterday morning for Roseburg, Wicre they will visit with roUtlvja and friends for a few weeks. Mrs Bowen and Misses Mattie and Mamie Bowen formerly of this city, arrived on tho Plant, from San Fran cisco and will roruain for a short visit on the bay. Mrs. Mary Thompson, tho teacher at Ten Mile, is visiting Mrs. Strick land of North Bend, from thoro she will attend tho Teachers' Institute at Bandon. Judge E. D. Sperry, a prominent attorney of Coqullle, is in Marshflcld, awaiting tho arrival of the Break water, on which boat he expects some friends. E. Heuckendorff, tho Prosper ship builder, was hero yesterday to wit ness tho launching of the steam schooner, F. S. Loop, and incidentally to secure calkers for finishing the ship he will launch within a few days at Prosper. Mr. Heuckendorff think3 some of starting a ship yard on Coos Bay, and it is said he has met with much encouragement on this side of tho divide. Hot Chicken pie today at Dayis & Davis' Delicatessen. utmmmm.mng'rMiuniimMm'maii The King of Anam'o summary manner of disposing of his wives without oven tho formality of hiring a private detective Is most uncivilised. GENTLEME F. G. McGann & Sons give notice that they will not bo responsible for any bills contracted in their names without written order. F. S. McGANN. E. M. McGANN. J. W. McGANN. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pcndersrass Jfcwster and 1(:30 a. m., aW 1:00, 2:30 and 4100 p. myr Leaves Nyui Bend at S:15, 9:45 aid UK15 a. m., aud lv5, 3:15 aVd5:00 p. m. Makes dally trips exceVt Sun days. Faro: One way, 15 conts; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TAWjE. Leaves Marshileld 7:30, 0:00, ialc f your oiitligu-Jp; M with . i tho Ko your out u full 11 supplies nt tho Red Cross '"Y-giTm-wriTw w i Iff 1 E&3 ftl We are now met .ueil ..lo-m Bt nnd blockyour h in ns well as g cleiinliifjisurt ,i casing join g clothes. Our wo k is strictly M first clal s. fjk We to our mjn stcnm-clcnn- Ha ing i:t:I dyvUigJ $j iajliss & Mercer 1 v Unique Pantatorimn I PhcM 1444 1 -" -' - - ' -nrT .II IM V 1 MIMJ (J. , i ( .lithe S t I Jp i BELlI CJMfD to j Wei V..i:r vliisThen Blow m I J. I. U'.HUON, Prop. J t Pnint Sir n, . .liarshfklJ. Orfcon f m m u:r:sx.j a : MEciiAicAii S Cards DcWsnld nn Letter Heads. W GenciiU wor,jr ioproduction. 'Stf R fij llSfi VTOY E. LAWJIOUNE. Phono 1311 Jf f,,JJV, J, - m Laisach Express 1 7177 a m r Will make regular tripsbetween V 11 V Pki & South Coos fiver and farshflold j imirifittWteii&mwszTiTt leaving ma Aiazo aft.v) a. m. ak and Marshlield al(r4:30 p. m. m She will bojjpn tor chartjr M betwecii C a?"Ti. and 4 p. h 'w MASTER " m WYATT COPFELT. $ t , ' ir ? '' - - ijc m ki &' i i MmMSmM$mMmmSm &sessxMz&e8xiss&0) mamasstsgum', f2 never win Be a ne Our service is the best of any restuarant in MarshfielcL We have a restuarant that would do credit to a place of many times the size of Marshfield, In our dining roorrjjyou can secure privacy and qujfit and the best of cuisine Experienced waiters will attend tq'your wants in the shortest possible time And our limch counter is not to be excelled Everything LOST July 12, on Front street or near Alert Landing, small plain, gold watch, no initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable) reward offered. Leave at Times office, or address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, Marshfleld, Oregon. WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer boarders; parties wishing a day on South Coos river can get dinner. Phono 20x8. Launch Tioga leaves 8:00 a. m. dally. FOR SALE Open launch; 19 feet long, 4 feet, 5 inches beam; three horse power engine; nearly new and in finecondition; only $250. G. K. MillgV, Marshflelfi, Ore. WANTED Anybody having goods to store call at Tajfor's Piano House oil Broadway, niar C. street. Largo warehouse jusf completed Terms reasonable. FOR SAtE Cucumbol-s Just tno right si :o for pickelBig at 25 cts per gal on. C. J. Tlbbetts, Sum ner. Or . Phono ISIS or 121x3. FOR SALE Ranch ol 158 acres lo cated 5 miles abovfl Allegany. For particul&rs apply fib Henry Mich' elbrink, North Beitl. AVANTED-l-Two heafy teams to haul piling Mr Plat Bl wharf, on con tract or alx dollars per day. L. D. Kinney FOR RENTl 3-roofn cottage, suit able for Iman rflid wlfo. Apply next to CittuoHc, Ihurch, or Times ofllco. WANTED AVgoocJ girl for general house work lighest wages for right party. Sirs. I. S. Kaufman. FOR SALE Portable bake oven and baking utensils. Address "Busi ness" caro Times. WANTED Dishwasher and chamber maid, at Hotel Oregon, North Bend. , FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. Addross R. B ,C, caro Tho Times. WANTED Ten men to dear land on Plat B, by tho aero, L. D. Kinney. WANTED Man to do manual labor. Apply at Going & Harvey Co. is first class the cooking vf "Like Md v up-to-date; and- as with that at i..- iTwi-a -wL &5a&a uao'UJ jb'W Btoke" 1 North Front Street Opposite City Hall jppsmipn immmsmmmmm i I 0130 'ul JCV If ' W . fx the i I Hi SI ii vi a. ie present nme Lumber is cheaper now on Coos Bay lhan it will ever be again we are not selling lumber. Wo are power and electric lighting business and are at work putting in a gas plant. And when you put u pyour new, building have it wired for electric light and plumbed for gas. 3SE33SJ2EE22E3 a pvir:,'ftOT.'y.i-ffT.r?'::JLr,a' p w. . - h i ne bteamer n Sails from Marsmjpfa Tuesday at noon, i F. S WW Ag-ent 3 I MARSHFIELD, : : OREGON iimrsrwjwMixaiETMHnmifissswam'. n y rcrc oav fei filONUfflENMWORKS i ( SaB e BuftfalpMvork at lo-srer prices, i ' sZ!8& MM rfSIRNjf thaairtTOo nad elsewhere. I)o not order i. i gC4!fWtSiJTirfWfio"U'nental work until you havo YWnxMWWmWIm SEn us l gS Stewart Mitchell W$lJiil Corner 3d & D Sts. i smivhsfS! Phone, Main 1731 : . t THOMAS Contractors bnd Builders T.'j'usiva mvwKWNmwnfmAWWMkwiwmMirMH.'imwniv rU ( r t I &- ) m jar i a I ? - j j Offico fixtures a specialty. Storajwronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us workfout yorfFplans. See us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street w FOR. SALE O Neat and modern. Heights. Best vie vacant lots in the sonable and term HOUSES c IEASY TERMS Situated Jfl w on m feampf North Bend peninsula, also ract. Prices rea- isy. WARD & HURD Successors to Ward & AVnrd. Corner Jleado nud Vermont Sts, if you have would hardly Gandles or f housewife iron she wo, it. And if no one co old sooty, ovei tink of oing aul-smof hhc pip tilfl nrVln I1IU UVWUC on ri ma Vany use electric light you back to tallow ling kerosene; if the used an electric fiat- disposed to surrender ive ever used a gas stove tduce,you to go back to the coal stove. A a arshfield and North Bend. SlSeSSSXS!P&SsSSP3 t$?2i$&2W&IZG$&&8&2& 392ZE3W1XUXrc psaCT ariJV:rr:HJl?I?,Iin.'.,SaaL,JX:arsar3SrzzaiSSS r? w J,rTrwnrmrT.rrv. Egn-mcn-t'jrwg el 1 1 torim We beg to announce die arrival of our new line d the Adjer & Sons I Autumn and Winter Clothing. We do business urder themotto, Tfis better a little iarly tMn a little late" and theref oremave omered our new sea son's goods so as td have them as soon as the makers hae them out and by this method have eliminaied all the vexatious delays caused by the conges tion of shi Jpjfig in the months of Sep tember anjyOctdber We have an exclusive line of the Adler 3i Sons Clothing. These lines are clothes celebrated for their wearing qualities, their ft--" and distinctive style. A SaccM BiaiSdbfcg on 2nd Street u i d 4