The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 13, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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Miss Myrtle Harris is visiting
Folrview friends for a few days.
R. Bellow ot MarahflclH mnrio Mo
i (Recorder.)
Lt Sunday evening at 5 o'clock,
tbe'dooM ol theJiew-Vienna; Cafojin,i
Lkery(firoro thrown, cpju to the pub-
im A lurJtey dinner yt&a served to
rutroM :rom mai ui'r uuui i;ou,
.iaithe fieaBldo orchestra furnished
music for tho occasion from tho bal-
fffa built In tho rear of tho dining
(jko, p. Lalttt'la having! a building
,10 by 40 feot erected on hia lot for-
hjaerly occupied y .tho -old- livery
itill. '-It will ue two sioriea mgn,
in the work is being rapidly pushed
ku to have it ready for occupancy
rf xn as posslblo for C. A. Jamison,
wBer will open up a saloon down
jaUrs, and uso mo upper Biory ior
If.rwMence purposes.
&' Tho flnanco committeo of tho Bati-
Pj do 'Development Association have
iTbeaa busy thia week and over 2Q0
I? tMfe'baeaisubacclbed'.to'i advertise the
i .
i.loVa'ttftbotoutsldeA world. Tho-ad-LtnUIdb
committeo have already
tkP photographs' to the i engravers
fornulftoaes -to bo used ln a deserlp-
jitIlMooK10t, ana a uacit. iur euvuiupuu
lliijiejtag mado. 'This back- wlll bo
fprjBted on-ail or ineenvoiopesoi we
" i B tmmn tYnrm Vvr inn
'MMBees wuu ii ui mi6 "j
jfuioclatlon.r Jt will? In a condensed
wWBtato'what'wo have and' what we
'"not in this fertile valley, and will
'baiead by countless business and
', Bibneyed 'interests -who 'arc looking
' foropportunltiea to invest profitably.
A first class high school for Ban
dosUa necessary and' tho growth of
thclty,wlll warrant tho provision' of
lcb an educational institution insldo
of another year. The school house
problem .. la exactly,.. whero it was a
ier ago. The old buildings will
tare to bo used again this year, as
Uie.proposed new buildings tire still
oa paper. WHen the board docs get
ready to havo tho now buildings
erected, provisions -should by all
owns bo made for a convenient
laboratory and a lecture room. Tho
additional requirements forn twelve
pUci school is not much more than
' for 'the ten grades. A large assembly
room is essential, and, a couple of
.extra'class rooms will bo all that 1b
required. Many parents have to
Mfli their chlldron away to school
who touch- rather' they would finish
their high school education at home.
A'good many' can not afford- to pay
tuition and board, and consequently
their education must bo neglected
after they rbave finished " tho ten
grades, at least until they can them
(elves provide means to pay for their
Khoollng elsewhere. A high school
In Bandon will bring students- from
all along tho river here. In building
Ihe. new educational structures this
next year, lot tho school board ar
range for tho additional rooms and
projlde for Instructors'that will keep
the'standard-ot this school up to that
ot any In thetatate. i Inside .of a few
years the enrollment will be doubled
ad by all means let the educational
Interests keep pace with the advance
nest of tho town.
regular Sunday call hero yesterday.
vruaia me attraction, Ren?
Company Chartered With $BOlOOO,000
Capital to Build to Galveston
Double Track.
-,"!, ov
flnmner, Ore., Aug. 12 Capt. W.
C Harris' cheese factory Is running
rail blast and is taking care of all
the' milk produced in the Sumner
neighborhood'. -He Is paying the
highest market prico for buttcrfat,
harlflg paid 32 cents per pound for
April, 31 cents for (Hay and 32 8-10
cents for Juno. If any ono can beat
these figures let's hear from them.
"8innner against the world."
A new vein of coal, was discovered
on ftho property of the Newcastle
Coal Co. a few days ago by Rs Con
by and John Wall. Tho new vein is
,flro'and a half feet in thickness and
,4a of excellent quality. This, makes
Jour velnB of coal on tho Newcastle
"Property, ranging from three to flvo
and- a half feet in thickness.
Road Supervisor T. N. Boone has
heen busy (the past week with a crew
(of men and teams graveling Iho road
from Sumner to the Wilson farm.
This has beenra-rvery bad piece' of
road In the winter; time and- we are
Blad to see such improvements go
Jag1 on.
Walter Laird of Sltkum was here
Saturday and Sunday repairing tele
8raph lines.
Ralph and Richard Bollenbaugh ot
Canyonvlllo are visiting 'their aunt,
Mrii J. W. Catching .
v Miss Myrtle Boone of Marshfield
. visiting frlends.i. and.j. relative
er yesterday.
Mr. August Matson, one of Catch'
tagJnlet'a enterprising young farm
ers; left on the last Breakwater and
IH visit Washington coast towns
befftrB returning,
Guthrie, Okla., Aug. 11. For tho
.purposo of building an electric lino
botween Minneapolis, Minn.- and the
gulf, double-tracked, a company has
been chartered with 150,000,000 cap
ital stock under tho name of Minne
apolis, KanBas City and Gulf Railway
Company, with headquarters at Mia
neapolts. Tho proposed routo is via
Des Moines, Kansas City, Wichita,
Guthrie, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Wa
co, Houston and Galvedton. with
branch lines connecting Topeka,
.Omaha, St. Joseph and Lawrence,
The main line, as routed, runs di
rect from Minneapolis and St.' Paul
to Des Molnoa, la., thoncc' oa a bee
line to Kansas City and to Wichita
via Ottawa, Kan. From Wichita; will pass through Porica City,
Guthrlo and Oklahoma City to Dallas,
thence south to Galveston, where con
nection will be made with gull steam
ship lines.
, Tho stock ot theicompanyiialn the
hands ot tho Northern Securities
Company ot Minneapolis, which is
acting as fiscal. agent for the com
pany. C. B. Holmes, -former -presi
dent of the Chicago City Railway, is
chairman of the board- of directors.
Public Invitation.
Marshfiold C. & J. Union cordially
Invito tho public to attehd an. open
meeting to be held In thf I. JO. O. F.
hall on Tuesday evening August
13 1907. V
LOST July- 12, on Front otroetlor
near' Alert-Landing, small, plain,
gold Wflfch, 'no initials or engrav
ings; open faced. BultabU reward
offered. Leave at Times office, or
nildrcaa, Mrs. ,B. A.. Yoakam,
Marsh&eld, Oregon.
, : " ,.; Lii
WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill,
a few summer boarders, parties
," wlshlng'avdfty5 on-'Sou'th-Coosrlvei'
can get dinner. Phone 20x8.
Launch Tioga leaves 8:00 a. m.
dailyi - ' ?f
FOR SALE CHEAP-J-FIn'e' set single
buggy harness; a 40-82 Winches
ter rifle, with case; br ght new 36
inch steamer trunk. G. W. 'i em-
Die. North Bend.iOrei Phdne 661.
FOR SALE Open, laufichj 19 feet
long, 4 feet, 5 Inches beam; three
horse power engine
and in fine condition
. -I . JL
G. K. Miller, Marshifeld, Ore
nearly new
only 250.
WANTED Anybody having goods
to store call at Taylor's Piano
House on Broadway jnear C. street.
Large warehouse Jyst completed.
Terms reasonable.
right sizo for blck
per gallon. Ct J
ner. Ore. Phone 1
icumtfers just the
Ing at 26 cts.
fribbetts, Sum-
18 or 121X3.
cated 6 miles
particulars apply to
elbrlnk, Nortbf Bendj.
168 acres lo-
bovoj Allegany. For
Henry Mich-
WANTBD-Twdl heav
piling for Pitt B
tract or atx dfllar
FOR RENT 3room
able for man and
next to Catholic
bouse work,
right party.
teams to haul
wharf, on con-
day. L. D.
Her i
cottage, suit
wife. Apply
chttrch, or Times
pd Hfrl fo
WANTED Energfetlof
lady at once;
at Times-office
J general
vjagps for
S. Kaufman.
young man or
ol salary. Call
FOR SALE Portable bake oven and
baking stcnsils. Address "Busi
ness" care Times.
Our -service is the best of
any restuarant in Marshfield
We havea restuarant thax would
do credit to a place or many
times the size of MarsHfielcL In
our dining room you jean secure
privacy andlquiet and the best
of cuisine pxperienced waiters
will attend Jto yotpr wants in
the shortestlpossiWe time
Arid' our lunch counter is
not to be excelled; N Everything
isJirst classy . jfp-to-date, and
the cooking viel with that
"Like Mother used to
Opposite City Hall
The Steamer a '
M. P. P
Sails.f rom Maiihf ielc
i rs bow
'uesday at noon. "
Agent L
Wdjgnarantee better work at lower prices,
than can be hadnsovrtiere. Do not order
nmooUlvserk until you liave-
SWwart & Mitchell
s? Phone,
Corner 3d & D Sts.
Main 1731
CoRtractor&and Builders
OfBoe fixtaros a-Bpoci
Shelving. Let 'us woj
totebil4lH A,
aity. Dtoreonts
Ik out vflWTl
i, Counters,
ana: See us be
There never will be a better
time to build you a house
than at the present time.
Lumber is cheaper now on Coos
Bay than it will ever be again
But we are not selling lumber. We are
in the power and electric lighting business
and are at work putting in a gas plant.
And when you put u pyour new building
have it wired fir electric light and (jlumbed
for gas. y
If you havl ever used electric light you
would hardlythink of gotog back to tallow
candles or 1 jul-smelliag kerosene; if the
housewife h is everiflsed an electric flat
iron she wou d noboe disposed to surrender
it. And if youjsrave ever used a gas stove
no one could induce you to go back to the
old sooty, grimy coal stove. .
The Coos Bay Gas
cl Electric Co.
Marshfield and i North Bend.
t llWIBMMIllMll
T (, 1
Ste? ppesite"fieaHs Uveryj Stable, North Front Street
WANTED Dishwasher and chamber
maid, at Hotel Oregon, North
WANTED-r-Glrl for general house
work. Address Mrs. W. H. Elck
worth. v
FOR SALE Homestead relinqulsh
' ment. Aa?ss II. B .0., car The
1 Times.
WANTED Ten men to clear land on
Plat B, by the 'acre. L. D. Kln-
Neat andLrnodGr'n. iSituatein North Bend
Heights. Best vieJopne peninsula, also
vacant lots in the same i tract Prices rea
sonable and. terms easy.
SaccemoH to Ward & Ward.
Corner Meade-and' Vermont Sts.
1 . r .
Clothing I
We beg to announce thearrival
of our new Mne of the Michas-Stearn
Autumn and Winter Clothing. We
do business under the rntto, "T'is
better a little early than L little late"
and therefore havjfc ordered our new sea
son's goods so as to hae them as soon
as the makers hive them out and by
this method haAre eliminaied all the
vexatious delays caused by the conges
tion of shipping! inhe months of Sep
tember and October.
We have Anfexclusive line of the
Michaels-Stf orn Clothing. .These
lines are clfithes celebrated for
their weariife qualities, their fit
and distinctive style.
Sacchi Building on 2nd Street