The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 11, 1907, Sunday Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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Tho torpedo boat destroyer Problo
departed from the bay yesterday
morning shortly after five o'clock,
bound for Grays Harbor. The boat
,va3 spoken by a few Coos Day peo
ple, among them being tho owner
nt a llshlng boat coming In from tho
outside. Tho Preble crow wanted to
gaining, the mission ot tno destroyer
was ascertained. Tho boat Is short
of men and laid up over night to give
the firemen a chance to rest. She
expected to make Grays Harbor last
HBldo. Tho Preble crow wanted to givo cchoca of h ' convcatlon
irchaso nsh. and during tho bar- rcccntIy ho( nt "eatn e?'
FOR. SALi: Portable bako oven and
baking utensils. Address "Busi
ness" care TIitps.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Address Mrs. W. H. Elck-worth.
FOR SALE Homestead relinqulsh
mont. Address It. B .C, caro The
WANTED Two heavy teams to haul
piling for Plat B wharf, on con
tract or six dollars per day. L. D.
COQUIJjLH citv news.
Conuille, Oregon, Aug. 9, 1907.
A great commotion was caused on
the streets this morning by a run
away. A gentleman was breaking a
colt to a cart and had hitched him
up for tho first time. He was be
having very nicely, quite as a good
colt should, when in tho twinkling of
an eye, the seat of the cart became
unfastened and the driver was
tossed, heels over head backwards to
the ground, tho lines woro Jerked
from his hands, and away went colt
and cart In a mad race, to see which
would get there first. Tho cart
seemed to Imagine it would gain time
by going on one wheel, so over it
went, spinning ono in tho air, dizzily,
round and round; then with a bounce
the cart righted Itself, only to repeat
the performance, and suddenly, of
course, the cart caught against an
obstacle and the race was over, and
the poor colt stood trembelingly by
awaiting his master, who had not
been hurt and was participating in
the race for the consolation prize
which constituted a colt, only
scratched a little, a harness not very
badly broken, and a cart unharmed.
At the homo of tho bride's parents
Jlr. and Mrs. N. Lorenz, Thursday
eve August 1, Itev. William Horsfall
united in marriage M. J. Harston
and Miss Edna Lorenz.
Aug. 5th Solomon C. Endicott and
Miss Andry B. Bridges, secured a
license to marry.
The annual reunion of tho Pioneers
and the Grand Army of the Republic
will be held at Bandon on Aug. 28
29 and 30.
Orvll Dodge and a friend from the
cast, Frank Putman, left last Mon
day to enjoy an outing In tho moun
tains. B. C. Knight of Myrtlo Point, who
has been very sick with fever at the
city hospital, Is much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea F. Lee of Rlv
erton left last week for their old
home In Kansas to visit relatives.
John Farse, an expert miner, has
been prospecting nonr . Lampa and
will now go' to the bay td help open
the old Henryvllle mine.
Sam Johnson and G. Boak, who
have been hunting In the Salmon
mountains, have returned and report
a good timo and plenty of venison.
Mr. Johnson picked up a nugget of
gold from the bottom of a creek.
Mr. William Windle, who lived
near Beaver Inlet, left on the last
Alliance for England, via Portland.
a 0 Tni.inn n ? wtfn nflTTIft 1111
from Redding. Cal.. to be present at WANTED By Mm. J. A. Goodwill,
U ,,AAt. nf fm Inttnr's fllfttAl. I . i
i.U WCUUIUK Ul Wl ., w - r
Miss Edna Lorenz.
Mrs. J. H. Nosier
Tho attention of Btrangcrs In our
city is called especially to these ser
vices, at all of which they are
eartlly welcome.
A Christ Inn Kiide.n or Rally.
The Christian Endeavor societies
of Marshfleld and North Bond will
join together in a rally on Tuesday
evening of this week In the 'Presby
terian church of this city. On this
occasion the Rev. H. II. Brown will
He Is cordially invited to bo present.
Tho full program wil bn tnilillslmrl
Tuesday morning.
Church Sen Ices nt Pipers Grot
The M. E. churches of Marshfleld
and North Bend, will hold service nt
Piper's Grove, Coos River, on Sun
day forenoon. Steamer Alert will
leave Marshfleld at 8 a. in., returning
at 4 p. in. Everybody Invited to at
tend. W. R. F Browne,
Pastor M. E. Church.
WANTED Ten men to clear land on
Plat B, by tho acre. L. D. Kinney.
WANTED Dishwasher and chamber
maid, at Hotel Oregon, North
less than four rooms; by August
20. Address L. W. M., or P. O.
Box 314.
Application will bo received by
the clerk of school district No. 6,
Empire City, Oregon, for the posi
tions of principal and assistant;
roferences must accompany application.
LOST July 12, on Front street or
noarjMort Landing, small plain,
' "goPJ wateh,'no'lnltlaTs or engrav
ings; open faoed. Suitable reward
offered. Leave at Times office, or
address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam,
Marshfleld, Oregon.
WANTED Men to work in sawmill,
wages" $2 per day and upward.
Simpson Lumber Co. 8-241tf
has none to
eastern Oregon on a. visit, thence on
to Indiana to visit her aged mother.
. Leon and Albert Paull were over
from North Bend on Sunday yltlng
their parentB and brother. They
both have positions at Simpsons
Mr. and- Mrs. E. E. Bender of
Myrtle Point visited Coquille over
Land and Lyons, Prof. Hawkins
and Thompson, the barber, left yes
terday on a hunting trip to Eden
valle.. Johnny Lenevo and Rose,
the candy man, and one or two
others took a hike for Curry county.
There was still another party of
hunters left town yesterday for the
mountain wilds.
Ray Bates came In from Walla
Walla on tho last steamer and re
ports awful hot weather there, and
everything dried up with tho heat.
First Baptist Cliuicli.
Rnrvlnoo tnr finnriflV. AllCUSt 11.
10.00 a. m., bible school, Alva Doll,
superintendent. 11:00 a. m sermon
by Rev. D. W. Thurston, pastor; sub
ject: "Tho Sea: Its Ravages and
Tragedies." At tho morning services
a duet, "Saved by Grace," by Mrs.
Emll Ogren and C. J. Millls. 7:00 p.
m Young People's prayer meeting.
8:00 p. m sermon by Capt. R.
Schmehl, commander of tho ship
Gleaner; and the following selections
by the choir: "Power to Save," by
male quartette; solo, "Moment by
Moment," by H. B. Millls; solo,f"My
Lord and I," by Mrs. McCray; also
several familiar hymns by tho con
gregation. Strangers are especially
invited to all services.
Tho First Presbyterian Chinch.
Announcements for Sunday, Aug
ust Jlth: 10:00 a. m tho Sunday
school convenes for bible study.
11:00 a. m., morning worship, with
sermdn by tho Rev. William Alex
ander Smith. 7:00 p. m., the Chris
tian Endeavor service. Topic: "Tho
Teachings of tho Trees." 8:00 p. m.,
evening service at which the Rov.
Tracy B. Grlswold will speak,
Among the special musical foatures
for the preaching services aro to be
mentioned the vocal solos by Mrs.
JeasaJngramaaOjy M&JSSw
a few summer Hoarders; parties
wishing a day pn South Coos river
can get dinner. Phone 20x8.
Launch Tioga leaves 8:00 a. m
FOR SALE Cucumbers Just the
right size for picketing at 25 cts.
per gallon. C. J. TIbbetts, Sum
ner, Ore. Phono 1218 or 121x3.
FOR RENT 3-room cottage, suit
able for man and wife. Apply
next to Catholic church, or Times
WANTED Any kind of second hand
goods at tho Second Hand Store,
North Bend.
FOR SALE Well located lot in the
coming town of Glasgow; price
$85; easy terms. B. 3. Burnoy,
North Bend, Ore.
A good home in South Marshfleld can be
bought on easy terms.
A valuable two-acre tract between
Marshfleld and North Bend at a bargain
A fine business corner, right in the heart
of the business district, at a price that
makes it a "gilt-edged" investment.
' Two fine business lots the best .in
Marshfleld at a figure below the market.
A beautiful residence site, close to
business, with fine bay view, worth the
money. a
One of the best ranches on Coos River;
well improved; at a "snap" price.
These investments are well worth your
money. To investigate them is well worth
your time.
Marshfield, - - - Oregon.
The Steamer
Sails from Marshfield Tuesday at noon.
F.S DOW Agent
FOR SALE Ranch of 158 acres lo
cated 5 miles above Allegany. For
particulars apply to Henry Mlch
elbrlnk, North Bend.
WANTED Waitress for mill board
ing house. Good wages to right
party. Courteney Lumber Co.,
WANTED Anybody having goods
to store call at Taylor's Piano
House on Broadway, near C. street.
Largo warehouse just completed.
Terms reasonable.
FOR SALE CHEAP FIno set single
buggy harness; a 40-82 Winches
ter rifle, with case; bright now 30
Inch steamer irunk. G. W. iom
ple, North Bend, Ore. Phone G61.
We guarantee better work at tower prices,
Ubaji can bp had elsewhere. Do not order
monumental work until you novo
Stewart & Mitchell
Corner 3d & D Sts.
Phone, Main 1731
There never will be a better
time to build you a house
than at the present time.
Lumber is cheaper now on Coos
Bay than it will ever be again
But we are not, selling lumber. We are
in the power and electric lighting business
and are at work putting in a gas plant.
And when you put u pyour new building
have it wired for electric light and plumbed
for gas.
If you have ever used electric light you
would hardly think of going back to tallow
candles or foul-smelling kerosene; if the
housewife has ever used an electric flat
iron she would not be disposed to surrender
it. And if you have ever used a gas stove
no one could induce you to go back to the
old sooty, grimy coal stove.
The Coos Bay Gas
ft Electric Co.
Marshfield and North Bend.
i"- --"---'-
Contractors and Builders
Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters,
Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us be
fore building,
Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street
WANTED Energetic young manor
1 in,i,r nt nnoo: eood salary. Call
at Times office for particulars.
LOST- Near corner C and Laurel
streets, Wednesday morning, a
pair 'of elbow-length, tan colored,
kid gloves. A reward Is offered
for their return to Times office.
WANTED A good girl fbr general
house work. Highest wages for
rHht narty. Mrs. I. 3. Kaufman.
Neat and modern. Situated in North Bend
Heights. Best view on the peninsula, also
vacant lots in the same tract. Prices rea
sonable and terms easy.
Successors to Ward & Ward.
Boro Thymo
Anticeptic Tpoth
This is a delightful prep
aration for cleaning
and preserving the teeth
We will sell this for this
week only at the re
rriarkably low price of
1 5 cents
Corner Meado-nnd Verjnoat Ste.
Drug Co.
, I..