THE DAILY COOS BAY T1MIS, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 10, 1907. LAND CONTEST EVIDENCE HEARD BY SWANTON E. R. STEVENS HAULS I' LUMBER FOR HOME Evidence In the land contest wherein John Weiser appeared with the hope of sustaining his claims tc the south half of the northeast quar ter and the north half of the south cast quarter of 'section 10, township 25, was taken yesterday by Dcnuct Swanton, and will be forwarded to the land ofTlec at Itoscburg. The witnesses for the defendant were: Iver J. Peterson and Jorden Schapers. Olaf Peterson !s the man defending the title to the land. REMOVING RAILS TO BANDON FOR JETTY "William Wakefield, of the firm ol Jacobson & Wakefield, who are put ting in the new Jetty at Bandon, was here this week to remove the rails from the government pier at the en trance to Coos Bay, for removal to Bandon. There were two scow loads of the rails which are now at the Southern Pacific depot waiting ship ment to Cedar Point, and transfer at that place to boats bound for Bandon. E. R. Stpvens, "who lately bargain ed for lumber with which to build a home In Forndale, commenced haul ing his material to the site yester day. The new home will bo a six- room cottage and wfll bo completed within a short time. SEALS IN BAY INDICATE SALMON SEASON IS ON Parties who were out' towards the entrance to the bay yesterday report hundreds of seal within the bar This is said by old timers to indicate the opening of the salmon season, since the seal Is always alert when the salmon commence to run for fresh water. SHOULD MEET ON DIFFERENT DATES There is a belief that the meetings of the North Bend and Marshfleld Chambers of Commerce would ob tain better results If they were held on different evenings, Instead of both on Friday nights, as is now the rule. Such an arrangement would give the members In eacli of the cities oppor tunity to visit the neighboring meet ings and thus, through affiliation, be come bteter acquainted with each other and with the ueods of the bay country. LAWHORNE PRODUCES GRAVENSTEIN APPLE Roy Lawhorne has an apple car toon in the Chamber of Commerce window which attracted conslderabla attention yesterday. The greatness of the Gravensteln is shown by the cartoon, wherein a small man Is car rying an apple several times his size. Lawhorne Is a handy man with the pen and his fame will sooner or later attract attention outside of the Coos Bay country. BLACKBERRIES AND GREEN CORN IN MARKET Green corn and blackberries came Into market the forepart of this week, and the supply has been sulll cient for all purposes. Corn sells at 25 cents per dozen ears, and black berries, three boxes for 25 cents. These come from Coos river, as does most of the green stuff now in market. SUIT OF CAPT. EDWARDS SETTLED OUT OF COURT The case of Capt. C. E. Edwardi against the North Bend Condeiiiory, called yesterday for trial before Jus tice Pcnnock, was settled out ol court to the satisfaction of all par ties. The case was brought by Capt. Edwards for recovery of charges lor transportation of milk. TO ARRANGE FOR A SUMMER RESIDENCE George Stolz, C. M. Rhodes and T. I. Lewis will go to Ten Mile this af ternoon for a two days' stay. Mr. Lewis will complete arrangements for the erection of his new house on Black creek. DR. MINGUS AND ALBERT MATSON RETURN HOME Dr. Everett Mlugus and J. A. Mat son returned yesterday from a week's trip to Ton Mile. They paid tittle attention to hunting but en Joyed a re3t and caught all the lake -rout they cared to eat. If you want to sell any old thing see Mickey, the Second Hand nan, in Nortn Bend. Today Hot chicken at Davis & Davis". Iim-' 'mwrT"IXymiil.,.'''..,J: !..' 'i Have iid b me by E. R.. COLGAN, Successor to Colgan &. Gallup. Phone 1081. WILL NOT RETURN UNTIL DEER IS SLAUGHTERED Dr. K. E. Straw, Ivy Condron, Will Ford and Mr. Chas. A. Doubell, ol the Union Iron Works, of San Fran cisco, loft for an extended hunting trip to the Gould neighborhood, and will be absent for over a week. The parties said boforo they left that the friends need not expect to see them In Marshfleld until some one of the party lands a deer. REPAIRS ON ALLIANCE WILL REQUIRE 10 DAYS Mr. L. W. Shaw, agent of the steamer Alliance, was seen yester day and asked what news he had from tho damaged vessel. Mr. Shaw wilil ho had been advised by the Portland agent of tho boat that the repairs would likely not require more- than ton days, if as many. This Is certainly good news for the bay, since this Is the really heavy part of tho season In passenger traffic. BONITA and NORTH BEND FASTEST )cats on ths Bpv Half Hour Schedule Rill- Hotwi'i'ii MTursIifield tiitl North IScnd Mnrte in It! Minutes. SYiviiie Jjnu:1i'i;;i. Fare: Oneway, l"r,; r.ii'd trip, Mv. J. A. O'KSIjLY, Proprietor. wajr ROBERT MARSDEN HAS A NEW MANAGER Robert Marsden has placed in chnrgo of his wholesale- liquor liouso, Mr. Jack Rico, of Tennessee, a gen tleman born and bred in this time of notlvo business. Ho Is a genial Kontlomnn on all occasions and will bo pleased to meet all old customers and now patroim of tho business. 0. A. C. REPRESENTATIVE VISITING ON COOS BAY L. B. Baldwin, representing tho Oregon Agricultural College of Cor vallls, is in Marshfleld, soliciting stu dents for that Institution, gathering data, and finding what bchoota of this section can be placed on tho ac credited list for -idmlbslou of iheir Htudonts to tho college. S TEAMED FLYER M. P. Pendersrcss, Master and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:S0 and -1:00 p. m.J ft,' Leaves Nortn l'nd at S:15, 9:45 and ll:lm.,Und 1:45, 3:15 and SiOOV m. Makes daily trips oxcopt Sun days. Faro: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TABLE. Loaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00, Banl of Oregon Capital Stok ully paid up $50,000 Vrs Transacts a bfciVraT Banking Business Nnrth Bend. Loth wwmm ma. mi iiwiwm , i I 3 NEW HOMES GOING UP IN BUNKER HILL August Frlzeon has ordered lum ber for tho first of three cottages In Bunker IIIH addition. That section of the suburban surroundings Is building up fast, ami other territory near there is building as fnst. At Hay Park, Flagstnff and Mllllngton, now homes are going up every day and tho real estate activity in theso places Is marked. W. A. HARING D It R Dealer in Iiirojlfrauii Milk and Tluttonliinc.l Kreo do livery to all par CI F: thlorliio city. North Bend, - Onejion B MTOTTlTfriWr-Tfyl,'WlglTIJfr 1 luU the BELl yP-ORD Wet Your vfyjatleiThen Blow Front Street, I t Mart bOcId, Oreson Get It For Her Electric Flat , Save her time Save her health Save her weary steps Save you money Save you clothe Save her temper I Save her completion X o yTiV 2 Aincr- Vt Wfl II The very best arc liiadc lean Electric HeiterCo. and the General Electric OK.Wo have them on hand now.. .A largo number arc already in use in Marshfleld and if you want to know whether they are a Miccess or not ask any woman who owns one. iie ' ltos isav laas m. of Electric Co. Marshfield and North Be::d. XtOW&XX. 8 V ' Ci IMPORTED, UR.VXDMCS, filXS and .WHISKIES. Also for family trade a choice lino of the celebrated J Castleivood. ' Old Hickory, Yellowstone and Ca- nndlan Club Whiskies; also vor- mouths and cordials. $$$$$$V5 SGWSSSOOSWSOWtf Try a Times Want Ad. vns Clothing, Hats, a o A full I line of ruhoer goods just whit ypu want at POPULAR BRICES an exclusive line m IRING AND PI 8 FR YOU AS 0FTI Y0UWSSS1 IT? M 1 I W l JrJ Next door south of Going & Harvey NORTH FRONT STREET "