.MTg.nfw, in.1 ! yimittiJi!im!'it,i',i't.--''.l':tktG 2 THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, RATimnAY. AUGUST 10, 1907. Coos Bay Times AN INDKTBSDKNT RErUI" " V KTWSTAPKB rDBU'jnBD EVERY DAY EXCEITINQ MON DAY AND ALSO WEEKLY BY The Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. REX LARGE, Business Manager. '' f i Tho policy of The Uoob Bay Times Hill be Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Entered at the postoflice at Mnrslifleld, Ore gon, for transmission through the mails an second class mall;mttcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single copy, daily, Per month, daily, Three months, daily, Bix months, daily One year, daily, Weekly, per year ers of lots should be made to pay for Improvements, there Is no doudt that, since such Improvements are bene ficial to tho whole community, the assessment which is often suddenly and almost unexpectedly levied, should be carried by the public for a reasonable time. But hero the pub lic is weak and the Individual, so far as tho public benefit Is concered, is relatively weaker. MarshflelJ should take steps to organize under tho gen eral laws and by so doing improve her capacity for self help. THE RACE QUESTION'. The race question in America is al ways active and will never down. In tho South it is the Negro. In the East and North It is the "scum" of Europe. In tho West It Is the Asiatic. In the South no real progress seems to be made toward a solution of the problem, but It 13 encouraging, at Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES i Marshfield. Oregon STRAIGHT JACKET LAWS. One of the most apparent reasons for tho acknowledged backwardness of tho state of Oregon along progres sive lines heretofore, is the deficiency Intho legal and legislative system The man who has studied the laws cf other states In the' light of modern development Is amazed when he takes up the study of Oregon's system and makes comparisons. He finds that the Oregon system, both general and local, Is in nearly every respect a straight jacket, and that growth un der ordinary conditions would be im possible. Tho present conditions are not ordinary and the growth which this state is now enjoying, Is in spite of its laws. The city of Marshfield is a re markable example, In miniature of the same defects. It Is astonishing that tho city has been able to make any progress at all, bound and hampered, as It Is, by charter and legislative restrictions. It Is no wonder that the streets are in bad shape. No wonder public Improve ments are lacking. No wonder pub lic spirit Is suppressed when its most reasonable demands are met by such ancient obstacles that ono has to think a long time before he can figure out just what they are. For instance. The charter provides that tho city can not Incur a greater indebtedness than $25,000. There it stands, an obstacle to overy move in the direc tion of progress. It Is quite custom ary, In other states, to limit the pow er of the city government to Incur in debtedness beyond a certain percent age, usually five per cent of its as sessed valuation. But hero It is fixed at $25,000. No matter how great the Increase Is in valuation or popu lation the limit is $25,000. No wonder that the city can do so little! No wonder tho people are In clined to object to proper grades, sewers, water systems and public Sulldfngs! While the abutting own- 5 cents 50 cents $1 25 $2 50 least to note that Mississippi can keep $5 00 cool long enough to elect to-the sen $1 00 ! ate such a man as Williams rather than the fire eating .Vardaman. in the East and North the "scum" sends its children to school and one genera tion disposes of the race question there as far as the present phase is concerned. The second generation is all American and as Intelligent and patriotic as any. But the question affecting the Pacific coast Is differ ent. In the South the problem is aggravated by fecundity. In the West It Is plain enough that If given the liberty to do so, the Chinese and Japanese, to say nothing about Hindus, will swarm over and run over the whole country v The trouble might not be serious if the swarm ing were less swift and the immi grants could be assimilated before they could impress their own charac ter and institutions on the country and rife our American institutions. It seems plain enough that the way to prevent the Asiatic problem from becoming serious and complex Is to continue to restrict immigration from the Orient. Rather than have Amer ican students submerged, and the American character superceded, many very wise men would think war preferable. , i n i i .u.. HUB .J. .J. . .. ,$. .. AT THE HOTELS. Blanco R. W. Phlle, Portland P. F. Balrd, Newport, Wash.; J. A. Fauld, Spokane; Wallls Jackson, Portland; R. L. Dugan, Portland; E. P. Sommers, Portland; Floyd Coffelt and wife; P. Goldenberg; Henry Michelbrlnk; J. W. Russel; A. C. James, San Francisco; J. A. Bern stein, San Francisco; M. A. Tupper, Coquille; L. C. Collins and wife, San Francisco; T. C. Haynes; W. P. J. Llndberg; Alfred Johnson, Coquille; M. J. Bowron; Claude Nasburg; C. C. Carter. Ci-ntral J. O. Jones, Coquille; L. B. Baldwin, Corvallis; S. M. Tolen, Portland; H. R. Barnard; R. S. Showers, J. Shafer, Penn.; C. F. Don ovan; McNeel, Coquille; J. E. Ma Ginnls, Spokane; Roy H. Rozelle, Empire; Walter Elliott. The Steamer Rot will leave foot of A street Sunday morning at 8 o'clock for Charleston Bay, calling at way poTts. Will return in even ing. Round trip 50 cents. I Coos Bay 1 I Steam Laundry I 1 MARSHFIELD and NORTH BEND 1 I All work nfew done at 1 I the North Bend Plant I I Edgai Mauzey 1 I Agent, Marshfield 1 North Bend Phone 1031 1 1 Marshfield Phone 180 j Business Directory Doctors. n 1 rssir;.r E. E. STR'AW, M. D. rnYSICIAN and sunaEON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, l.oat und Throat a specialty. Office in Lockhart's Building. Marshfield, Oregon DR. HAYDON Office opposite Onion Furniture Blows. Hour 10 to isrand 2 to 5 Special attcnUon paid to ilcaca of tne i urinary and digestive organs U. BPcnsltfn oxanilnei Marshfield, Oregoi i DR. a. V. 1NGHA.U. Physician nnt! burgeon. Ofilo over Sengstacken's Drug Store Phones Offlco 1G21; residence 78S Nelson Iron Works P.' E. NELSON, Prop We repair all kinds ol Machinery, Steam and Giw Knglnes, Guns and Bi cycles. Bust of work our Specialty. : : i" We maimfactue'a-lngMp Iron and Ilronzo for Saw MlllV and Logging Camps. We make the est Sheaves hwA Road Spools for Loggers. : : : TKLErnONE 921 MARSHFIELD. - - OREGON Lawyers. E. L. C. Farrin Geo. N. Fareln 1WRRIN & FARRIN Attorneys at Law City Attorney, Dep. District Attorney Will practice in U. S. Courts and before Itho U. S. Land Office. Lockhart Buading, Marshfield, Ore. Phone Main 41. J. W. BBNXET1T, Offlco over Flanagan & Bennett 3ank. Marshfield, Oregon Francis II. Clnrkd Jncob M. Rliike Lawrence A. Liljeqvlst CLARKE, 1JLAKE & LILOEQVIST, ATTORXEVS-AT-riAW Times Building, J Marshfield, Ore. United States Commissioner's Office. WMMHHI ! irfl;ttjtfiyilZE33aKl McPhersoD Gmser u. n Wholeswe lKjuor HcahifH ' i Cigars iwffl wtloohup- P plies. ij ' California Yines a Specialty ' B Front St., Marshfield g , . f. Mcknight Attorney Upstairs, Bennett Marshfield, - COKE & COKE, Attorney Marshfield, at Law, & Walter Block OregoD L Law. y Oregon MARSHFIELD GENERA MISS M. BL Hospital fo Medical cases, able. rSPITAL C, Mntron Sttrgical and Rates reason- Phone 991. 1'IXLEV & MAYREE, Attorney at Law. Offlco over Myers' Store. Phone 701 - - North Bend, Ore. IJRIGHAM & BELL, Architects. North Bend, Oregon Skating Rink D. L. Avery, Maimcr. Thursday and balance of the week "THE AMERICAN BIOSCOPE" Under tho direction of Mr. G. A. linger, Will nrp.eent n lone scries of tho Latest and Subjccls i Timely MOVING PICTURES THE EXCEEDINGLY FUNNY COMEDY FILM. "A VOYAGE TO THE MOON" Illustrated Songs Music by the Eminent Piano Soloist Prof. C. A. Guiitliir. Arrefincd entertainment for Ladies, Children and Gentle men. Ono performance every evening. Change of pro gram Monday and Thursday. Box oflico opens at 8 p. m. Performance at 8:30. Admission Children loc, Aciuitszoc. "M i. -1 ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the necessary facilities for sending money to aLparts of the world; and withotljdnger or loss THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield, Oregon. The Steamer M. R PLANT Sails from Marsh4eJdTiesday at noon. F.S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, JHWII1!1" I l 'l 'I'lliliMtftf : OREGON jKEBB!Sn3K33235IZrS3S2 IH3EH22E5 nTrTTTrrrremenggmCTrTygiyra WILSON Contract THOMAS Flanagan & Bennett Bank UAKSHFIELU. OREGON. Capital Subscribed fAO.OOO Capital Paid Up HO.0O0 OnUlvldod Eront4M.000 Doe a geiteral kantlnVu,,l'leM ttn1 drawt mi the Uank ol Vallfaryla. j"n Kmncifco Calll., KlrtNatlcLillj4nlotJnd Or., Flnil National Hank. RoVblft-s.TOr., Hanover Na tional Bant, Now York, fj. M. Uutlxilind & Son, London, England. Also roll chatigu on nearly all the principal olttes ol Europe. Accounts kept fubjoct to chocfc, wiio dopoew lock )03ca for roirt. at 5 cents a month or i$. a your. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS rs ana uuimcrs Oflico fixtures a specialtj Shelving. Lot us work Mit yoin foro building. i ' -. StiVre Mionts, Counters, plans. Sue us he- opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North gMgHfmrTingflm3ireBga3nBSESgas 3 w HOU Front Street h " em't Forget ' Real Estate Agents. DIEIt LAND COJIPANY, Real Estate Brokers. North Bend. Oregon MR. ALBE3UT ABEL, Contractor for learning of all kinds. Phono 1884. TheC.B.,R.&LR.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. In Effect January 1, 1007. All previous schedules are void. Subject to change without notice. W. S. Chandler, manager; P. A. Laise, fi eight agent; general offices, Marshfield, Oregon. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. V. OLSON, MflstorX COOS BAY ANDPOR.TLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. Bauingaitner, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore, L. W, Shnw, Agt. Mnrshfleld, Ore., Phone 441. mmmmnmnnnntnmmmtnmmmiti tt H linepf- lAcbr A mc( Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN No. 1. Daily Excopt Sunday. Leave 9:00 a. 9:30 a. m: 9:45 a..m. Arrlvo 10:20 a.m I f l ij mi i; ruins. tho Kodak on your oil! hit; trip; a full lino with supplies nt tho No. Stations. arshfiold. H. Junction. Coquille. Myrtle Point. Daily Except Sunday. e "OSS rrTTTHTTmrirn! rtm"""" rt"TFI .urgtMimiMifiM FOR. SALE ON EASY TERMS Neat and modern. SituatkKm North Bend Heights. Best view Non thftpQinsula, also vacant lots in the samVfracK Prices rea sonable and terms easy. WARD & HURD Corner Mfiulo and Vermont Sts. Surcessors to Wartl & Ward. ARTISTIO AND 3IECHANICAL Cauls DRAWIM &3&SZ&X3 l)ik.ioiiifl Aiiifl. lY .-v -.M... v-y - &SSS tt) Heads. Leave 10:45 a. m.Myrtlo Point. 10:30 a. m.jcoquillo. 12:00 m. B. II. Junction. Arrlvo 12: SO p. m.JMarshflelC. Extra trulns will run on dally special ordors. Trains to and from Beaver IIH1 dally. General work for ioproictlon. VOV K. IiAWIIORXE. Phono 1511 Launch Express trips ud a Steam DyeWorks C SLrj Initio tiultien ed or -reU rgiiiiiifniPUM dytM.V Philip Becker, Propiiflot. s tx n tt mmnmtmmmm tmmntttntmtttttttt Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line BllEAliJrER Sails forPortland and Astona every Thursday C. P. McColIum, Agt. Phone Main 34 A. SU Dock WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAJSC It is choice inside rlsidenle property, lots 50xJ00 with alleys, is well shelteWd with a good bay view and prices of lots arc reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstackcn Manager. TRY A TIMES WANT AD. Will make re South Coos Leaving the and Marshfl Sho will bo hotweon C u trips between nud Marshfleld 7.00 a. in. tVJ:30 p. m. opo lor charter a. nd 4 p. in. onlai VIA VN1UVO IiIASTBU WYATT COFFELT. E tV9ju CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS "Mn i fHn f'l W r PMn T .2-k. A 1.1 -i- uica v,uu5ija, vuiua, v-iuuH, ua uuppc, ttSinma, X nroat The Genuine Is in tho and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaor M4M k i&E. mati4&JtibA&&iMKKUKKBBIiiMLJ8