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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1907)
"""ffiBYTlf l IMfffT'"1'! --MftW t-W&Ti- awShMAuHM st5r-ra5snre H35BS? THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1907. 7 1 a a 6 Bl l' CJ f It cl in Rl au. it: ti tilt ill giv reg the iikI 700 uoi, tho fact, tho steal 500C pro Bay fifty chau cossl attitl In o other fixing maud, attcnl Coos small on ot Bay h oxamp provei Liven) at nn Clyde tor oi few y"( yond X PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. C. Lightner wa3 in this city jyestei day. Mr. W. F. Hodson of Coos River was in this city yesterday. '.'Mrs. -Knapp of Coquille is in this i city visiting with friends. 4 Mr. Byron Hodson of Catching In- ilet wa3 a city visitor yesterday. IMrs. Itlggs of North Bond was a iclty1 visitor Wednesday. 'Mr. John Hagner of Ten Mile was tin this city yesterday. iMrs. Lattin of South Inlet was a VMarshfleld visitor Wednesday. Miss Eva Wilson was a city visitor nyesterday. Mrs. J. H. Price of Coos River was ln tho city yesterday. , Mrs. Peterson of North Inlet was .nMarshfleld visitor yesterday. ' Miss Mandlgo of North Bend was Bin this city yesterday. Mr. John Conklin of South Inlet ,was in this city Wednesday. . Mr. Wm. Magee is on the bay vis iting with his parents at Empire. ' Mr. H. Behnke left yesterday for a "week or ten days' outing at Bandon. , Mrs. Wise of Portland is visiting ihor sister, Mrs. Chas. Bradbury, of this city. Mrs. Dr. Austin arrived on the Breakwater to visit with her brother, iMr. James Hibbard, of this city. Miss Jamesina Hibbard returned (home yesterday from an extended (trip inorth. Mr. Henry Black of Sumner mov ted Into his new residence In this city yesterday. Mrs! A. B. Campbell went to Sum-1 jner yesterday to meet her husband, returning the same day. Mrs. Capt. McGenn and son, Rob lert, of Empire were in this city 'Wednesday. i Mrs. J. T. Stoneroad and children of Portland nrc visiting in this city with Mr. H. S. Tower and family. Mrs. Hawes of Portland is visiting In this city with her daughter, Mi's. Chas. Bradbury. Mrs. Ernest Brown and Miss Dolly Rohr of Shcrfdnn, Oregon, are hero to visit thoir father, J. B. Rohr. ., Mr. II. D. Wallace of Catching In let was In this city yesterday on business. J. S. Cody, of tho Cody Lumber Company of Bandon, was in Marsh field yesterday. Eugeno Martin, a machinist who has been in tho employ of the Smith Company, leaves today on the Break water for Portland. Dr. A. B. Prontls and sons, Shirley and Gus, left Tuesday for Bandon, where the doctor will make arrange ments In regard to moving there. Mrs. Wm. McCullough and child ren returned to Ten Mile yesterday after a few weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. Brlnn of Llbby. Miss Hassen of Coos River leaves on the Breakwater for Portland, where she will visit with friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Chas. Kaiser and mother, i Mrs. Gebhart, of North Bend spent Wednesday In this city with Mrs. Rochon. Swansou & Davis are building the first of three new cottages to bo erected on C street, In West Marsh field. Mrs. Dalton and Miss Grace Hutch eson returned to Berkeley, Cal., after having visited on the bay for a few weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. Bernie Knapp, who has been visiting at Coquille for tho past month, left on the Plant for San Francisco, where he will resume his work as cabinet maker. Robert Dillard is now employed In "The City of Paris," the largest and best dry goods store in San Fran cisco. His many friends wish him the best of success. WANT AD! Two Story Cottage. Attractive (Exterior and Roomy Interior Estimated Cost, $2,100. CooyrUht, 1007, by P. T. Mie Lttfin, 605 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. k-.. FRONT ELEVATION. pfcJfJTT 1 1 -...J JflTCHEV - OOAM-O mm ... f gjj " Qscpr. hall Paqlok. 'Jo'' " l l J3ed J2oor 3e& fcoasi A? 0'2'l 3 ED 7ioOM t-L A J-O Enn mmmmammwm BCD A2ooAf J 1UJ FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Wodllustrato herewith an attractivo design for a two story cottage with six largo rooms, cxcluslvo of pantry and bath. Tho rooms aro rectangular, thus avoiding any waste of space. Tho estimated cost is $2,100. For a cheap but good, looking and substantial framo houso this design Is bard to excel. j P. T. MAO LAGAN. J WANTED Purchasers for 10.000 rolls of wail paper. Papers suit able for tno tlnest houses. Largest stock on Coos Bay. Also large stock of paints, i varnish, stains, mouldings and brushes. Closing out saip at wholesale prices. J. S. Edmunds, corner Union and Com. aves., North Ben'd, Ore. FOR SALE Portable bako oven and baking wtenslls.' Address "Busi ness" care Time's. gimimm:nnn$mim5mismtimimnmmmmnmtii n WANTED Girl for general houso work. Address' Mrs. W. H. Elck-worth. FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. Address 'r. B .C, care The Times. r FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, close In, good furniture; cheap. Coos Bay Auction Co., 2nd St., between B &. d Telephone 874. WANTED Two heavy teams to haul piling for Plat B wharf, on con tract or six dollars per day. L. D. Kinney. ' WANTED Ten men to clear land on Plat B, by the aero. L. D. Kinney. WANTED Servant girl. Inquire Mrs. H. H. McPherson. WANTED Men to work In sawmill, wages ?2 per day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-241tf NOTICE TEACHERS WANTED. Application will bo received by the ciork of school district Tto. 6, Empire City, Oregon, lor the posi tions of principal and neaiBtant; references must aocompany application. LOST July 12, on Front street or near Alert Landing, small plain, gold watch, no Initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable reward offered. Leave at Times office, or address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, Marshfield, Oregon. WANTED TO RENT House, not less than four rooms; by August 20. Address L. W. M., or P. O. Box 314. WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer boarders; parties wishing a day on South Coos river can get dinner. Phone 0x8. Launch Tioga leaves 8: 00 a. m, daily. WANTED-4-Dishwashervand chamber maid, at Hotel afegon, North Bend. TEACHEBS' BjKAMINATION No tice is jperey given that tho reg ular sJnumual examination of applicants for state and county pa pers will be held In tho court house at Coquille, August 14-16, 1907. Teachers who aro required to pass in but two or three branches may arrange with the un dersigned to attend but one day, most convenient to them. Dated this 29th day of July, 1907. W. H. Bunch, Co. Supt. TO RENT Garden land; 5 acres good garden land; close in. Box 97, Marshfield, Ore. POSITION WANTED Work In office or store prefered. Address Box 390, Marshfield, Oregon. FOR SALE Cucumbers just the right stzo for plckellng at 25 cts. per gallon. C. J. TIbbetts, Sum ner, Ore. Phone 121S or 121x3. WANTED Any kind of second hand goods at tho Second Hand Store, North Bend. FOR SALE Well loVUed lot in tho coming town of Vhtsgow; price ?S5; easy terms. . S. Burney, North Bend, Ore. FOR SALE Ranch of 18 acres lo cated 5 miles above Allegany. For narticulars apply to HeufysMIch- . elbrink, North Bend, WANTED Waitress for mill board ing house. Good wages to right party. Courtenoy Lumber Co., STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master and 10:30 a. in and 4:00 p. m Loaves Nor, 9:45 and 11: 3:15 and 5 Makes dall days. Far conts; round TIM Leaves Marshfield and 1:00, 2:30 at 8:15, and 1:45, ii nlnrl F lr r v-ati h' tiipsfcxcopt Sun- AVOnol way, 15 trip, 2!coS 3 TAIlLft I 7:30, 9), I The Undisputed Excellent of the Henry F. piano is due to the high artistic standard which has always been the principle of its design and manufacture, so that to-day the Henry F. Miller (Mb Sons is synon ymous with all that is excellent, in piano-forte construction. The best evidence of the permanent adherence to high ideals is the length of years most of the Miller representatives have had thMiller We are exalu M, ve astern Haines Music for Southwest Oregon o Co C Street Between Front aad Broadway TELEPHONE 1441 ciate IDGE utes Ind mmmmsmmnmmmtmuitmmmmmtnummstmmwiii THE COOS BAY TIMES does high class job printing of all kinds Try Us ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the sending money world; and witl lecessary facilities for rts of the )utjranger or loss THE FiRST NATIONAL BANK OPS COOS BiU Marshfield, Oregon. 1-TpniiegggBtf NEW FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Neat and modern. Heights. Best vie vacant lots in the sonable and terms1 WARD SueecsMji's to Wind & AVm-tl. KihiatpJT vy onin raorc cm cuoy. & n sn I mIpA e pemnsuia, iw ct. Prices rea- O JRD Corner Meade and Vermont St!- natiBfl )ftR CCT VWTJSTrrrX gTAgAVJA'BffiTOil'HWH.W.Tiffa! Come Early to Make Selections of WAL Our stock is goinfe fester A trial of our Paints a! will convince that they arc thlbest on thd market Coos Bay Paint & Wallpaper-Co. 2nd near C. Street 'szsrsmmwtiEiiEai'&ii. TRY A TIMES WANT AD. jde 0 Mi' Sli'l New mes impa1 jrlng the onou Tin ilgm Ind !opri !e Ai Th d e dOi cted nm 'onit ,ent S, I ntei .at I )0 !he jie 1 econ wfi heS jil r ied Ml elu hat '" Bial rai isu st as PS Ire n ith aci bos Met hi ill 3t. Ing .01 jer ilu KI IBC be rr K01 In S8 ,61 U c ( s Ih