The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 08, 1907, Image 1

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    - T?Vf
WO. 2
At Chamber of Commerce
Meeting Friday Night
Commercial System.
Company Jo Estubllsh Stations from
San Diego, California, to
Dr. Emil Stoessel of New York, a
traveling representative of the United
Wireless Telegraph Company, anicd
here" on the Breakwater accompanied
by Air. Fred H. Shoemaker, an em
ployee of the same company with
headquarters in Portland. The ob
ject of the doctor's visit is to inves
tigate the advisability of erecting a
wireless station at Coos Day. The
United Wireless Telegraph Company,
which in fact by this time has ac
quired a practical monopoly in the
wireless field, is about to complete a
chain of stations along the Pacific
coast from San Diego to Alaska, of
which chain the Coos Day station
would form an Important link. The
same company has covered the Atlan
tic coast from Cape Cod to Galveston
and is just about to enter Into a con
tract with the Mexican government
for the equipment of shore stations
along the coast of Mexico. Desldes
these shore stations, the maintenance
of which is necessary in order to al
low the ships that have a wireless
equipment to communicate with the
land, the company has already erect
ed and is operating quite a number
of inland stations for commercial
business. Stations are now in course
of erection at Portland, Tacoma and
Seattle and with stations working at
San Francisco and other California
towns a wireless station at Coos Day
would not only mean that Coos Day
would become of additional Import
ance to Pacific coast shipping Inter
ests, but that our citizens could at
ill times of the year and in all kinds
of weather communicate with the
principal points on the Pacific slope.
The very Idea of wireless teleg
raphy Is synonymous with low cost
of operation and therefore with a low
cost for the consumer. Wherever the
wiroless has entered into commercial
land business it has cut the price of
telegraphing by 25 and in some in
stances by as much as 75 per cent.
The lower the cost of telegraphing
on the other hand, the more accessl
blo tho commodity becomes to the
general public and the moro use is
made of the telegraph. It Is a fact
that with a cnargo of only 12 & cents
for a ten-word message there are
more telegrams sent in England than
in the rich United States.
Nwt an inhabitant of this district
but knows how often wo are cut off
from communication with the outside
world during the winter months, how
often the wires are "dow'n" and how
many accidents of one kind or an
other are happening in course of a
year. Many believe that wo have
grown sufficiently to deserve to be
freed from such incommodltles and
a wireless station curtainly would do
away with them once for all. The i
same company is now putting up a
station in Astorla.whtch became nee-1
essary although tho government
maintains it's own station also fur
nished by tho United Wireless Tele
graph Company, at North Head, just
n few miles away from Astoria.
It is only a question of timo before
tho stations are to bo erected in all
tho nrlnnlnal 'cities of the United
States not only but" of the world, so
that a station at Coos Day within a
.? Hum wnlllfl ItP ill COIU I
,....!..!...,, nvart', nnrt of the I
wprld, winter or summer, rain -H
ulilrift nniin m ctni'Ill.
? On tho JSth of .March tho uiU.u.y
....j-.. -...i ll., V. Mm MlW lie- '
partment senV a"'messagJ from For-- f
sacola. Fla., to Point Loma, near
. Satv Diego, qal adistance of owr
J (
Milwaukee, Aug. 7. A race
between two big automobiles
from Milwaukee to Okauchee.
a dlstanco of 25
miles, with a
supper as prize ana ?25 as
stakes, resulted In a frightful
accident to one of the cars and
death to two occupants and
serious Injury to two others.
The machine collided with a
bridge spanning a creek near
Brookfleld Junction. The
wrecked machine was owned by
Alderman Koerner.
3000 miles, thus demonstrating that
ultimately no distance will be too
great not to be oveicome by wireless
telegraphy at a speed of 180,000
miles a minute.
The company however makes the
erection of a station at Coos Day
somewhat dependent on a certain
amount of support to be given by
our citizens and Dr. Stoessel has
been invited to appear before the
Friday meeting of the Chamber of
Commerce to talk before that body
on wireless telegraphy in general and
the proposed Coos Day station in par
ticular. The doctor has accepted the
invitation and as his lecture un
doubtedly will be of general interest
to everybody who Is looking for In
formation on this subject, of which
most people have read a little and
heard a little but in fact know very
little, the rooms of the Chamber of
Commerce ought to be crowded on
Friday night. Ladles aro invited.
Fourteen Year OKI Miss Led Rela
tives and Officers Merry
Albany, Ore., Aug. 7. Decause of
improper attentions which she asserts
were forced upon her Ly an jincle,,
Lucllla. Green, whose mother resides
111 nuuet mis uuiiuiy, iuu nnny iiuiii
home last July and has since been
wandering about this section finding
employment wherever possible.
During the past month' the glrl,
wlio is but 14 years old has been
leading a typical hobo life. For the
past three weeks the girl has been
In and around Albany, but a few days
ago learning that she was the object
of police search, who were endeavor
ing to locate her that they might send
her back to her mother, the girl left
tho St. Mary's hospital in this city
and walked to Corvallis and thence to
Philomath where she was finally cap
tured by local officers.
The Green girl was brought to Al
bany yesterday evening by Constable
Catlln and was returned to her home
at Holley. The child gives as one of
her reafaons for leaving home that her
undo made Improper proposals to
her. Fearing to Inform her parents
of what had occurred, the girl con
cluded to leave home and did so on
July 5, last. She came to Albany
and after working at several houses
about town secured employment in
tho St. Mary's hospital.
At tho time the local officials were
unable to ascertain the girl's home.
She claimed that her homo was in
Wheeling, West Virginia. She was
doubted by the lonl officers and up
on inquiry it was discovered that she
lived at Holley.
Tho girl's mother has been ondeav
oring to find her wandering daughter
for some weeks, but was unable to
discover her until a few clays ago.
C. J. Mahoney was appointed chief
justice for tho city ot Marahfiele dur
ing tho absence of J. M. Upton, who
Is at tho Upton ranh in Curry coun
ty. Jay is there with justice and
when tho trembling victim appears
before tho bar and pleads guilty, Jio
irets his dues wltuowt any hesitation
on tho part of th-judge. No dis
counts' are allowdd for cash, and
those without cash4 would better bo
1 i23S. w -
Strike Affects Entire Pacific
Division Men Wish Fore-
man Discharged.
Los Angeles, Iteuo, Rakcrsflckl and
Other Cities Have Idle
Machine Shops.
Los Angeles, Aug. 7. All opera
tors employed by the Western Union
Telegraph company walked out this
afternoon. Only one man, It Is
stated, remained. Operators gave no
Intimation of the strike.
Trouble Arose Over Discharged
Los Angeles, Aug. 7. The walkout
followed a refusal of the Western
Union to reinstate a discharged
operator today. At G:30, an hour
after the men walked out, there were
five men working the keys. The men
held, a meeting tonight to decide on
future action. According to an un
official statement, there is np pros
pect of the men returning to work
before tomorrow and even then their
return is problematical. They de
clare their intention to make re
instatement of the discharged opera
tor the Issue. In a statement, Dis
trict Superintendent Lamb said ho
had had no requests for negotiations
and he could not assume any connec
tion between anything that has hap
pened and the walkout of the men.
Superintendent Makes Statement.
Los Angeles, Aug. 7. Late to
night, Superintendent Lamb said, re
garding the statement made by the
telegraphers, that It Is an issue of
lies. He said ho has received no peti
tions except one for re-instatemont of
Operator Ryan and he did not re
clvo that until four o'clock today
and the walkout occurred before he
had given any reply to it. Lamb
says Ryan was discharged for de
liberately delaying messages.
New York, Aug. 7. Commander Robert B, Peary says that unless
"Old Mother Nature plays a new trump card this timo',, ho certainly
will reach the pole. Ho says his equipment is tho samo as that on tho
last trip, but ho expects to profit by tho lessons of that trip. Th" Inst
time hfr would have reached tho polo but for eustorly Ice drift ; this
time he will go farther west by land, and instead of heading dire. !y
north, will head northwest, thus gottiug tho bouofit of the eastorly drift
of which nothing was known until his lnst expedition,
J ! J J J $ $ J $ .J ! J $ $
Portland, Aug. 7. No game.
San FranciBco, Aug. 7.- San
Francisco -C, Los Angeles 2.
5. ...$...- 4; J. J. fr $$! !
Steland in Columbus Dispatch.
Purchases Timber at Head or
Coos River and in West
ern Douglas.
Northwestern Will Likely Pass
Through Territory Embracing Holdings.
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. G. The C. A.
Smith Lumber Company, which has
large holdings on the Coquille and
the head waters of the Coos river,
has rurchased 8,485 acres of railroad
land in Township 31 South, Range
9 and 10 West, for $3G,935. Tho
deed was made through the Union
Trust Company of New York to
Charles A. Smith of Minneapolis.
The body of timber Is located on the
headwaters of the Coos river and Is
partly in Douglas county and partly
in Coos County. It is rumored that
these purchases have been made
along the proposed line of the North
western railroad through Coles Val
ley and Coos river valley to Coos Day
and it is claimed that the lands are
tributary to the great C. A. Smith
mills at Marshfleld, which will be
connected with them by the North
Man Out On Ball Preferred No
Demonstration, Deeming It
Denver, Aug. 7 Charles H. Moyer
and wife returned very quietly to
Denver last night. Their friends
were not aware of their coming. Tho
object of their coming unbeknown to
their friends was on account of a
desire that no demonstration bo
made. They think such things un
necessary and do no good.
Eledioii of t'aidliials Postponed.
Rome, Aug. 7. Cirrodltaliu an
nounces tho Pope has.nstponed tho
election of cardinals scheduled for
tomorrow, because of tho present
antl-clerlcaj agltatJ6n 1n Italy
J J J ! J j J J J J J J
Rockland, Me., Aug. 7. The
new battleship Connecticut, the
first battleship of the first-class
bulltby the government, made
an average speed over a meas
ured course today of IS. 76
knots, the fastest mile In 19.01.
Her sister ship, the Louisiana,
built by contract, under the
same conditions made an aver
age of 18.59 knets. The gov
ernment officials were pleased
at the handsome performance of
the Connectiput.
4 4 $ "KilL J ''"
Ni'gro On Trial for Complicity in
Laiso Theft Will Bo
Tried Later.
Pittsburg, Aug. 7. Thomas Jor
dan, the negro janitor of the First
National Dank of Turtle Creek, is
under arrest for disorderly conduct
In connection with the disappearance
of $4,550 about a week ago. H was
taken before a justice of the peace
for hearing today. During the pro
ceedings a terrific thunderstorm oc
curred and Turtle Creek overflowed,
flooding the town. Lawyers, bank
officials, constables and detectives
were forced to seek shelter and the
hearing suddenly terminated. The
case will be taken up again tomor
row. The storm was the heaviest of
the season. Ligiitning struck a num
ber of buildings, but none were seri
ously damaged. Considerable dam
age was done at Irwin, and at Lara
mac, and at Wilmerding much dam
age was done.
Believe Bout Is Being Side-Tracked
For Gniis-Britt Contest
."Many Rumors.
Los Angeles, Aug. 7. Following
the conference between tho managers
of Joe Gans and Jimmy Burns, who
were to fight hero August 10, and
Manager McCarey of Pacific Athletic
Club, it was announced this after
noon that the fight has been indefi
nitely postponed, owing to tho fact
that Burns is physically unfit to par
ticipate. The club physician and an
other doctor are said to have pro
nounced Burns' stomach in such
shape that he will be unable to fight.
Tonight, McCarey states that Gans Is
determined to claim part of tho for
feit, sufficient to cover his expenses,
.tonight a local newspaper sent a
third physician to examine Burns,
but the result of tho Investigation
has not been made public. McCarey
admitted ho heard rumors to the
effect that tho coming event had been
sidetracked to permit Gans to par
ticipate in a fight with Drltt at Gold
field or San Francisco. Ho stated
he would Investigate and If he found
reason to credit this belief, ho would
take action with regard to forfeits
posted by both mon.
In tho Informal talk at tho coun
cil meeting hoid on Tuesday night,
Mr. Seymour 11. Bell outlined tho j
routefie would ask for through tho
city of Marshfleld for his electric
railroad. The plans of tho company I
which Mr. Bell represents, call for
a water level lino -jotweon North
Bend and Marahflold, and tho lino
will strike directly south from a
point noar the atavo mill, coming
acroBs the draw at tho north end of
Cedar street, following down Cedar
to First, and then to Broadway,
turning ift Washington avonuo and
from thonce to tho Southern Pacific
depot. Such a route would give an
almost straight lino betweon tho ter
mini In tho two cities, and furnish
transportation to practically every
point in either city.
Los Angeles Key Manipulators
Walk Out And Leave City
Without Service.
Discharged Employe For Deliberately
Delaying Messages Super
intendent's Statement.
Dakersfleld, Aug. 7. A strike of
boilermakers which affects all mon
employed In this capacity by tho
Southern Pacific company In Its Pa
cific division went into effect this af
ternoon. Fifty men laid down their
tools in response to an order from
tno strike committee of the national;
union. The strike had been antici
pated soveral weeks. Superintendent
of Motive Power, Small, arrled hero
last night. He went Into conference
with the strikers' grievanco com
mittee and after a two hours' session,
neither Small nor the committee had
anything to say. It was learned tho
conferees were unable to reach an
agreement. Small will leave for San
Francisco tonight. The primary
cause of the walkout is not known,
but it is asserted it has to do with
failure of the company to remove an
alleged abusive foreman In the Los
Angeles shops.
Out at Reno Shops.
Reno, Nev., Aug. 7. The bollor
makers employed In tho Southern
Pnciflc shops walked out this after
noon on instructions from the presi
dent of the union. They say they
have no grievance.
Los Angeles Shops Idle.
Los Angeles, Aug. 7. The bollor
makors employed at the local South
ern Pacific shops walked out this af
ternoon. It Is understood that tho
men wnlked out as a result of th
fusal of tho company to rcinstato
the boilermakers' helpers who struck
June 18, and to doposo W. H. Carter,
recently made foreman of tho Los
Angeles shops.
Work on Kino Office ami Business j
Structure, Will Start This
Mr. J. S. Bowman arrived In on
tho Breakwater Tuesday night, ac
companied by Architect Wilson of tho
firm of Travers & Wilson, J. G. Kill
green, contractor, and Gen'l Kill-
feather, foreman of construction
work on the new Coos building, and
eight workmen. Work will be com
menced today on tho foundation for"
tho building and tho work will push
ed as rapidly as possible. Messrs.
Bowman and Anson Rogers went up
Isthmus Inlet yesterday to the Utter
brick yard to Inspect tho progress
In brlckmaklng going on at that yard.
Tho excavating for tho foundation
was finished a few days since, und
tho premises aro ready for rapid
building. Rogers and Bowman havo
no water to contond with In pntHng1
up the Coos building and will tit. ro
ford bo enabled to hurry the work.
Tho slto of the Coos building Is tho
southeast corner of A and First
.. .j. .;. .. .;. .;. . .;. .j .;. .;. .;. .;. .j. ,;
Woatorn Oratjon, Weiitevn
Washington, showers, fol1wd
by fair; warmor, oxcept iiMir
coast Eastern Oroson, gener
ally fair, cooler Eastern Waeh
ington, Idaho, generally Mr
$ $ 1$ 4 $ t J $ $ J $ $ & $ J
t , VB- 'i