The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 07, 1907, Image 1

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member op associated press.
NO. 26.
MM. !
in n p i i
j i I rwl
LaGrande ManyWoulrJ Nfit
Stand foryflackmaiM
Offender Caught.
Letter and Instructloiih JFuUc Jar
Hidden For Crgoit to
1MB Up,
La Grande, Oregon. a yucep
and well-laid ploWlo blackmafj. D.
McKennon, alcadlng groegf of this
city, was frustrated, It IsJioped, this
morning, when arrestyWas made of
a man sent by Urngang of black
mailers to collect the money demand
ed in the anonymous letter to the
Two days ago Mr. McKennon re
ceived a letter demanding that ho
pay $1000 or lose his home property
and even his life. The letter was
turned over to the police, who were
at the designated spot all night.
Their long wait was rewarded by the
appearance of a young man. Ho was
arrested without difficulty and Is now
in jail.
The letter was written at Walla
Walla on Pendleton stationery, and
explains itself. Others of the gang
are hero, as evidenced by signs of
communication made with the pris
oner at the city jail this morning.
The letter, verbatim, follows:
"Dear Sir You will no doubt be
very hostile on coming to possession
of this letter. But It will do you no
good. My request is more easily
complied with than refused. All I
want of you Is the sum of $x000, one
thousand dollars. See! Now, to
business and directions, nnd be very
careful of your movements after re
ceiving this. For I have two men
stopping at LaGrande.
"First place the amount named In
a 1-2 gallon fruit jar and bury It at
the Northwest corner of the Mor
mon sugar mill. You will notice post
or piling running toward the wagon
road. Will put the jar in a hole In
front of the nearest post to the road
and lnrthest toward bridge. Just
cover so It won't be noticed. Two
inches from surface will do. Don't
forget the dato, August 2,t 1907, at
10.30 P. M.
"Now, McKennon, this means you.
I will tell you some important facts
to keep constantly in your head.
Don't think you can havo anybody
there to capture the boys, or that you
can run away and get around pay
ing us, for tho first move you make,
you die. If you value your life and
family and store in La Grande, come
through, that is all. This is the only
time I will warn you by letter, and
I wll not bother you for any more if
you act according to directions.
"XAVIEIt 23-23.
"P. S.- If you try to bo a hero and
get gay, then look out tho best you
can do Is to keep still. If you should
happen to get tho man that goes af
ter the coin, thero Is still some of us
left. Now, do as you please.
"Tho facts a'ro hero. X 23."
Mr. McKennon secured tho ser
vices of ex-Deputy Sheriff Tom John
son and ex-Chief of Police L. Rny
biirn, who took with them enough
provisions to last them, secreted
themselves in tho best sheds in view
of tho proper location last Thursday
night and remained thero until they
got their man this morning. About
C:30 last evening tho special officers
saw a man walk by on tho road and
look over In their direction. A few
moments later another folldwed and
the two returned together, one being
tho man arrested.
A little before 5 o'clock this morn
ing tho ofllcers saw a man climb over
the fence, walk by them within six
feet, then immediately go to the
exact spot designated and commence
scraping around. Finding the dirt
soft he picked up a stick and com
menced to dig up tho jar burled
thero. At this juncture Rayburn
stepped out and covered hlra with a
Tho prisoner was surprised and
made a move to his hip pocket but
was ordered Immediately to throw
up his bands, which he reluctantly
. jf
llllll)l(ail(h Flock foVIIIiiiiietf.-
Villi-' During HowflPlekJng
i jr
i. 4! sW
rjprtnWd, AufTG. ConnyKrebs,
io has lartfFhop yardsxjm different
parts of Ure WillameUrvalley, Is in
the clbarranglng Jopen headquar
tersjior engaglnojffickers for tho sea
son. "PIcklnjifwill beKin about Sot-
embor 1,'UJro says, "and as we need
about ljfiwb pickers, we havo to be
gin enjSJging help early. I look for
a gupu supply of pickers this this
year, however, as tho people who
ve picked our hops In former years
ro mostly llgurlng on returning to
jour yards this year again.
"Whole families take their regular
annual vacation in our yards, and
ithoy make money at tho same time.
i I know of some heads of families
j who are making as high as $5 a day
I in the city, but they havo notified
j their employers that the regular hop
'yard vacation is duo pretty soon and
that a leave of abscuco is expected.
Whero the family is large and all the
members work, they can make as
much as $20 a day in our hop fields,
and they return to the city with
j health renewed as well."
Ho says he will have preachers on
hand at tho Independence yards to
conduct a revival during the three
weeks of hop picking, and that this
will bo considered quite an attraction
by those religiously Inclined. In
other yards, however, he will have
different kinds of recreation.
As for prices for hops, Mr. Krebs
thinks thero Is very little encourage
ment to pick this season, but he
hopes that tho market will change
by the time tl.o hops are in the bale,
and that the hop growers of the
state may be recompensed for their
labor and outlay. He expects an
average of a ton of hops to tho acre
for tho entire 800 acres under culti
vation this season.
Gathering at Chamber of Commerce
Headquarters Compare Notes
With Strange Results.
The cosmopolitan population of
Marshfleld as well cj the remarkable
change and Increase in the popula
tion In the last few months was well
Illustrated today by an Incident
which occurred at the Chamber of
Commerce rooms. About a dozen
men were present and one of them
mentioned tho fact that ho was from
Now Mexico. Thereupon a censu3
was taken on the spot by states and
the following rennlt was scored:
Kreltz from New Mexico; Lederlo
a'oni Michigan; Stafford froL. Illi
nois; Blake from .Indiana; Thurston
from Maine; Clarke from Massachu
setts; Lyons from Kentucky; Snover
from Oregon; Morris from Idaho;
Schlagel from Pennsylvania; Whis-
nant from South Dakota; Dodge
from North Dakota; Watkins from
California. It was voted that many
states had heard the Call of Coos
San Francisco, Aug. 0. A fire
which satrted near the baseball
grounds this afternoon spread to the
bleachers, destroying them. No
Portland, Aug. C. Oakland 5,
Portland 4.
Vancouver, Aug. G. No game,
Oakland, Aug. G. Los Angeles G,
San .Francisco 7. (11 innings.)
Pittsburg, Aug. G. Four were
killed and twenty-five injured in a
wreck on tho Pennsylvania railroad
near Kelly, about 35 miles from this
city, today. W1JH passing through
Kelly, the TitnsvHe express was
"s'ldeswiped" by a gondola car and
tho engine, tender, baggage, express
and three day coachss wero derailed.
The victims all live In Pennsylvania.
Convict iUVs Another.
Salt Lake, Aug. 6. Abo Majors,
doing a life seatence for murder, in
tho Utah penitentiary, almost killed
another man today. He stabbed
Henry Waddel, a long termer, six
'times. Guards wnt to Waddel's res
cue, but probably too lato. It Is
thought Waddel will die.
French and Spanish War Craft
Bombard Arab Quarter at
Casa Blanca.-
Shore Batteries Show Fight, But Did
No Damage Foreigners
Are Fleeing.
Tangier, Aug. G. Casa Blanca, on
the Moroccan coast, has been bom
barded by French cruisers, and
Moors are reported shot down in
large numbers and the town since
Sunday night has been practically In
possession of landing parties from
the French and Spanish cruisers.
The first shots wero fired by the
Moors. The occupation of Casa
Blanca Is a direct outcome of a na
tive uprising which resulted in kill
ing last week of eight Europeans
there. Both France and Spain are
hurrying additional warships and
troops to various points on the Mo
roccan coast.
Tangier, Aug. 6. According to a
semi-official account, there Is fighting
at Casa Blanaca. The French cruiser
Galilee asked permission to land a
guard of sailors to protect the
French consulate. This was granted,
but while the guard was proceeding
to the consulate, If was fired upon
and seven were wounded. The
French then cleared the streets at
the point of bayonets, killing many
Moors. Arriving at the consulate,
the guard signalled the news to the
Galilee and the French ship notified
a Spanish cruiser which had landed
a guard for the consulate of Spain.
The warships then bombarded the
Arab quarter of Casa Blanca. The
Casa Blanca battery fired a couple
of blank shots which drew the fire
of tho warships in the harbor, caus
ing tho Moors to retire. The Euro
pean part of the city was not touch
ed. The Du Chayla shelled the beach
where a number of Kalyes assembled,
killing many of them. Reports from
Kabat say the situation Is critical.
Berger tribesmen continue to threat
en to invade the city. Europeans are
Continued For Two Days.
Paris, Aug. G. A special dispatch
from Tangier says tho street fighting
and bombardment at Casa Blanca,
according to a refuge who has ar
rived there, continued throughout
Sunday and was still in progress In
the evening when I he steamer Ana
tolo sailed, fne l'cnch ships fired
about two thousand shells. The
number of Moorish dead Is In the
hundreds. A single party of ma
rines killed 150 Moors. The French
wounded number about twelve.
Pasha Surrenders the City.
Madrid, Aug. 0. A dispatch to tho
Imparslal, from Tangier, says It is
reported the Pasha at Casa Blanca
has surrendered tho town and that
guards for the protection of for
eigners will be landed soon as pos
sible at Mogador, Rabat, Safll, and
Arc Effecting Combination to Beat
Government Investigation.
Chicago, Aug. G. Conferences in
dicating a combination of Interests
between tho Standard Oil and rail
roads to fight further government In
vestigations are In progress in Chi
cago and New York, according to the
Chicago Record-Herald. Tho Chica
go and Alton, tho Chicago, Burling
ton and Qulncy and Chicago and
Eastern Illllnois lines Jointly named
In 3491 Indictments returned by tho
federal grand Jury are represented
In the negotiations. Tho attitude of
Judge Landis in declaring the rail
roads equally culpable with tho oil
corporatloa In rebating offenses and
calling a special grand Jury has
caused the hasty banding together
of the different interest.
Likely Remains of Indians Killed
In Long Ago Tribal
Manknto, Minn., Aug. G. The
skeletons of 16 men, minus their
heads, believed by representatives of
the Historical Society who have ex
amined them to be those of Indians
who were burled 200 or more years
ago, have been removed from a
mound on Arthur Mitchell's farm In
South Bend township. Excavating
has ceased for the present, but will
be resumed within a short time,
when it Is expected other skeletons
and perhaps some more Interesting
things may be found.
While residents of South Bend
cling to the belief that the skeletons
are those of white men, others do
not think so. Thomas Hughes, the
county historian, is of tho opinion
that the bones have laid where found
over two hundred years. He believes
that a party of Sioux Indians that
had gone to Fort Le Hullller to trade
was ambushed by a war party of
Sacs and Foxes from Wisconsin and
a number slain and their heads car
ried away as trophies, and that the
men from the fort then burled the
One of the skeletons has a flint
arrowhead sticking between the ver
tebra, thus Indicating the manner In
which" this man came to his death.
Bids Let For Macadam and Planking
In Various Sections of City
Other Business.
The city council hold a meeting on
Monday night to consider bids on
work recently ordered. There were
bids to be opened for work on 10th
street, and California avenue. The
offers were opened and considered,
but action on them was postponed
until August 19 th when the board
of equalization will meet to adjust
prices on the improvements. The
work on 10th street Is estimated at
$1.G per front foot and on Califor
nia avenue, $1.18. The meeting was
adjourned to last night.
At tho adjourned meeting, held
last night, bids were let on tho fol
lowing work: Grading and macadam
on First and Cedar streets, together
with curbing and crosswalks, from
A street to the north bridge; grading
to J, . Burns, and tho other work to
Masters & McLain. Second street
from Pino to Alder, macadam and
grading, together with curbing and
crosswalks; grading to J. J. Burns,
other work to Masters & McLain.
Sneridan avenue, Washington to
Pennsylvania; planking, Masters
McLain. Pennsylvania avenue, from
Sheridan' to Coal Bank Inlet; plank
ing, to Masters & McLain.
Tho great activity in building af
fected the bidding, as there wero no
other bids for tno macadam except
that of Masters & McLain.
Seymour Bell was present at the
meeting and gavo notice that ho
would apply for a franchise for an
electric railroad at the adjourned
meeting which Is set for August
Marshfield's Palm, the liquid pal
ace where Coos Bay's "elite" and
others are wont to gather to escape
the ennui of life, over a coco cola or
a "sodl," as fancy dictates, has been
observing banking hours for tho pnst
few days. 'Twas not that the man
agement had grown purse-bound and
wished to allow for an equable dis
tribution of Coos Buy's floating cur
rency, neither had tho shop been un
ionized. That relentless forerunner
of tho march of civilization, tho pile
driver, did It.
Monday, while patrons were par
taking of tho hospitality tho estab
lishment affords a violent interrup
tion which shook tho building from
foundation to roof, and otherwise,
occurred. Lady patrons trembled In
fright while glasses, tables, and other
movable fixtures took on sudden ani
mation which In many cases proved
costly to tho management of tho
Palm. The cause of tho shaking oc
casioned to the building by the driv
ing of piles is ascribed to the fact
that there Is a bed of sawdust sev
eral feet deep on the lots contiguous
to the Palm building.
Season Yet Early and Hatch
eries Have Not Obtained
Any Eggs from Fish.
Season, It Is Believed, Will Be Very
Late Columbia River Has
Five Stations.
Astoria, Aug. G. Master Fl3h
Warden Van Dussn 13 receiving word
every day from the rnen in tho state
hatchery department that tho twelve
different stations in the stato are
getting ready to handle the egg3
which will be swamped from the sal
mon thi3 season. At no point in the
stato havo any eggs been taken or
received Into tho hatcheries. At the
Clackamas and Salmon river stations
the work will begin earliest in the
season. The eggs taken so far at
these places have been taken solely
for the purpose of determining their
condition. The salmon at the Clack
amas station near Cazadero are not
yet ripe.
From Bill Smith, who Is In charge
ot the Clackamas station, who re
ported to the fish warden yesterday,
comes the information that there are
plenty of fish In the stream there but
that they are not yet ripe. He states
that there will be no difficulty In
taking the salmon as the seln has
been tried and found to work per
fectly. At the Clackamas station
there is an arrangement of two sets
of racks and a place to hold the sal
mon in until they mature. This sta
tion is only a temporary one, the
miles further up the river but as the
permanent station being located 20
Portland General Electric Company
has a G 0-foot dam at this point no
fish could go above it this year. The
company, however, Is blasting a fish
way over the dam and Smith informs
Mr. Van Dusen that the work Is be
ing done at tho upper end of tho fish
ladder bo that the blasting will not
interfere with tho work of tho state
in taking eggs. Blasting In or near
the water has proved In the past to
be tho best way to drive fish entirely
out of a stream.
The 12 Oregon hatcheries aro ca
pable of handling 50 million eggs
and Mr. Van Dusen thinks that
should everything bo favorable that
this amount will be taken this sea
son. Should the greater per cent of this
take bo hatched and liberated to tho
streams there should be no difficulty
with a slack salmon season as this
one Is reported to be. But among
hatchery men this Is not considered
to be a dull fishing season; It Is gen
erally believed to bo a lato season.
Reports coming from Alaska bear
this out. The run of salmon there
has boon kept down by low tempera
tures and at tho time tho last reports
were sent In tho run was Increasing.
The work In the ofllco of tho fish
warden Is just beginning to com
mence and after a few weeks there
will be all that tho force cares to do.
Tho correspondence from men in
charge of stations is piling up and
this Is merely an Incident of the
work. Thero are five stations tribu
tary to tho Columbia river. They
aro located at Ontario, McKenzle
river, Wallowa river, Salmon river,
and Clackamas river, which Is a tem
porary station. Tho coast has the
balanco of tho stations which aro lo
cated at Coos Bay, Umpqua river,
Slnslaw river, Yaqulna bay, Tilla
mook, Alsea and Coqullle, the latter
two stations aro now.
Los Angeles, Aug. G. Thomas II.
Chapman, aged 50, an expert ac
countant, late this afternoon shot
and mortally wounded a woman with
whom ho had been living ten years,
then blew off the top of his own
head. Neither can recover. Chap
man came from Detroit. The woman
was Barbara Hayward, of Sacramen
to, Cal., but it Is stated she was mar
ried to Raymond Wise, also of Sac
ramento. Coalman met her at Bat
tle Creek, where she was studying to
become a nurse.
Has Recently Seen Most of Western
Territory Coos Bay
Suits Him.
"Coos Bay is good enough for me,"
was tho earnest declaration of D. B.
Crltes, late of Las Vegas, N. M., and
who has toured extensively the vast
area of country Intervening between
the stato of Indiana, southwesterly
to where the sluggish Rio Grande di
vides tho Sal Del Flerro range lh
"Of all the cos3t places I have seen
in my travels up the Pacific slope,"
said Mr. Crltes, "none compare with,
C003 Bay, either In natural resources
or climate. My objective point has
always been here, but I desired to
thoroughly Investigate the different
localities, where promises of won
derful possibilities are held out be
fore coming. I am free to say that
In no way am I disappointed in tho
expectations which tho wonderful
claims for this place naturally caused
me to hold."
Mr. Crltes has been on tho bay but
a day yet like so many others beforo
him he ha3 become one of the en
thused converts to tho Coos Bay
faith. He says to his personal knowl
edge thero wero twelve families in
Las Vegas making arrangements to
pull stakes and set their faces Coos
Bayward. He says tho wide publicity
which the Coos Bay country has at
tained is nothing short of remark
able. Ill the hamlets and cities of
Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Ten
nessee, Kansas and the Indian Ter
ritory, he heard of Coos Bay; always
the reports spoke the same until It
came to him to be like some refrain
"Coos Bay, the young man's goal
and the Mecca of the opportunity
Mr. Crltes is a young man and af
ter a few days spent in looking
nround the bay ho will make definite
plans for the future.
New York City and Suburbs
Overrun With Mobs and
' Lynchers.
Angered Citiens Ready to I'omico
Upon Men Who Show
New Yoiilc, Aug. G. Mpro "Near
crimes" and "lynchlngs" occured' to
day. Scores of complaints were filed
against alleged lnsultcrs and assault
ers of women and children, but only
half dozen required serious atten
tion. More than one lnnocont man
was pounded until unconscious by
angry mobs of men and women, but
police were generally on tho seono
In time to prevent serious results.
Tho least familiarity shown by men
to women and children was splzed
on as an opportunity for the gather
ing of mobs. Superintendent Jenkins
of tho Society for Prevention of
Cruelty to Children, denies a "crime
wave" and says statistics show no
greater Increase In this class of crime
than In previous yaers.
Clothing Found on Same Belonged
to G. T. Spaiks.
San Franclbco, Aug. C. A hfo
from tho Columbia was picked up to
day at Half Moon bay, thirty miles
south of this city. On tho raft was
found an oar and under!- rmont
bearing tho lnltlnls "G. T. S.". This
presumably belonged to Georgo T.
Sparks, banker, Fort Smith, rlc,
who was among tho drowned.
$ $ $ fr 4 ! 4 4 $ t J,
Western Oregon, show,
cooler, excopt near coast. Soiijih-
west to west winds. "VTtsftrn
4- Washington, showers, westerly 4
winds. Eastern Oregon, "$h-
lngton, Idaho, showers, Wa- t
derstorms, cooler.
"rrr- vj -