The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 06, 1907, Image 4

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THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, T"FsnAY. AUGUST 6, 1907, ii u.iiiiii. ,111.1 ii. j i.iii- ii i i rT 1'y I'WWi'M"" lll-ii -J
!x Coos Bay-Times.
an lNDKPENnK:t'lKl,T"T',," T"varArKnl
pnni.Himn evkkv day exceptino
jTnK Qpos Bay Times Puiiliiiiin'o Co.
$.JMDt PASIjEV,. Editor.
'.cfi-EX LARGE, Business Manacser.
Tho policy of The Coos Bay Times
vrill be Kepublican in politics, with the
"''IhdopendericeMl wh(jh President Koose
'' ek to tlNHuaUin uxjxm.ont.
.faSWiltered at the poBtofllco Rt MarSlilleld, Ore
gon, for transmission through the malls as
second class malltmattcr.
'uuflB$CRIP'fi'6"to RATES
&tn'gh copy, daily, J-' -.'Mf.taoath,
(Phrce months, daily,
Bix months, daily
One year, daily,
JJSN11?' r year
5 Cents
50 cents
$1 25
$2 50
$5 OQ
U 00
Address all communications to
Marshfield, Oregon.
, .;ti,i , ItOADS. AND JIOllOES.
v'.'.-"?1,p ro.aJs of tl10 county lnimedl-
' 'vatey surrounding and connected with
Coos" Bay lire ti'mong the llnest of the
kind In the world. They are never
,k!',tfwijdy. -. There, ore no defects -,ln
thfMrir. Bocks-, hubblos, holes, ridges
i fJl obstacles never occur, unless we
u-'.oxcerit ethe-j occasionftl rock of the
boat, the bubble of a sudden wave.,
the hole of tho ship and the ridge of
"a swell, as tho vehicle or conveyance
moves along. For the hlghw'ays and
.. mIprpads of Coos, Bay arc water
ways and mere dirt roads are by
ways. ' Coos Bay people are proud of
,';'" these; fine water-ways iind know of
, improve them unless it be
by widening and dredging.
v,Pujt there are other country roads.
In Uio summer, time they are good,
but In the winter they are poor, ho
' " cause they are muddy. They are in
' dispenslble and will have to bo made
good. It will not be a serious task
to make .them good when the neces
. .. aaryhard rubble rock is available.
'vRoad making is not gping to be a
'difficult question when the tianspor
i; tation of hard rock is brought within
range. But there Is another thing
tho Coos, Bay country Is able to con
gratulate Itself concerning. There
''"'"'are very few if any -tramps and ho
'" ' bo'el In the district. While other
sections aro distressed 'with the prob
lem of -what to do with bummers,
beatptramps-and hobdes, this sec
, iv tioq., anxious to iind any kind of
'may who will attempt to work. If
wo were infested by such people, we
could solve the problem of putting
them at work on our country roads
''"aVid it would furnish them no end of
' pleasure", as tho days aro always de
HghtfifT, being neither -hot nor cold)
,..--and having all the bracing inlluence
of tho oceaii-and all the balnilnebs of
Bprinaw '
tv'-M1 &Vo havo no wish to recommend
this country as the paradise of the
" 'liobo.'but wo can say that we have
never known a country where a man
''i'"c'an"Hvo as 'well without work as he
can herepr Whore a nuin feels, , soon
tJ'.lJp'rTl W" ,nu enthusiasm
t anci" physical' strcnath that hecon
$ ,jidesj,iogqUo .work ind ceases to
3, ''bo a liobd. " Thb'hims, and crabs,
ft . and fish, and wild gamo, and wljd
bijc()s,,1whl,ch abound, will never nd--& an insatlsfted appetite on the
f sllofes of" Coos 'Bay. All winter ho
may Ilsh and dig clams, and all suni
"x mor lio.may pick fruit. If ho should
,4jay0ti,wai.ii .little br,cud, or. meat
t or sugar, a few clams, or a little fish,
& or tr-'iititntity of berries, will pro
& vide Wni what he wanjs, for the; nmr-p'Vmnnfvcrous-
h'nd Slothing spoils
"orgoesTjegglng or la undervalued at
gclldsay. ' - ' ' '
. JFISH1 J-j'JO, 123,000. . :
Imagiilb,:the'"Suuidard Oil Com-panv-lu
coufct. You avo tho plaintilf,
it if thV defendant.. Tliero it stands
beforo his honor with Its long lin
gers entwined, around around your
purso in your pocket. Tho court
finds it guilty of unlawful couiblmi;
?J0ifl. ilKIUlSl Uo !fdl'm vK thS statute
i such caso mado and provided and
Imposes a lino of $29,425,000,. It
lo)jkft.4Jio.i.tbig lne And you. tho
plaintiff, .tho)eoil,o, eeem to bo vin
dicated. 1Tut tlio hVond smllo-'does
not loavo tho countenance or the
Standard Oil Company and tho tamllo
.victorious ,f,a.c.Q suddonly dis
iiiinfc.tifi.-'-ror ino -iiuiuuuuui ud
yourket'flokif-rom your pocket
and take3 from It your rou ami
counts out your dollars In payment
of thllinb. ': i' ' "
Tho tj,ust fc.tpm ivHioycr, be de
stroyed by heavy fines. As Jonfe as
. J-httJPCPii'oi'oal cxirporatJou Is JtPiSijf-
iKunJffiinStt. 'the farco of'flnlng
)-iaurffii'"mifm -wTli ctfntlmiie.'VIhy?
I BeJuJisg ,0, fije does not hurt Stnrid-
nrd "01, or Steel, or Suuar or any
t tfcVmi olscthatls luouopollzed. Tho
dljy. nHor, tlip people havo, onjuyod
thV'lr ia'ug'h ''at' ;tho oxp'onso of , tho
)6iHitttj tho cuBtonion ror oil, or stooi
or sugar, Is startleu to learn that oil
has gone up half a, cent, steel has
raised and sugar is soaring. They
u8cd to say that an Import tax was
the only kind of n tnx tho people
would Btand because they could not
define it and imagined they did not
pay It. Tho line Imposed by Judge
Lnndls on Standard Oil looks like
justice. When the poor wife has
been beaten by her husband and the
latter Is fined, that looks like justice
too, but when tho wife steps up to
the clerks desk and pays the fine,
what is the effect of that?
There is the little catechism which
might bo impressed on modern so
ciety. Question Who pays the freight?
Answer The People.
Qucsiton Who pay the Taxes?
Answer 'i he People.
Question Wno pay the fines Im
posed on corporations which have a
Answer- The People.
Question Who pays the Standard
OIL llnoiof $29,42o,000?
Answer The People.
Question Suppose the- magnates
should be sent to jail? (Cries of
Treason! Treason! Damn tho an
swer.) Suppose tho company should
be placed In the hands of a receiver
for a term of years, Its profits to bo
confiscated during that time? (Cries
of Anarchy! Anarchy! render the
answer ,inaudlble.)
We-tlo not ask If the company wjll
pay the fine, but in view of possible
legal complications on appeal, we
as"k, If the fine will bo paid and
whatMviJl be dono with the money.
Statement No. 1 Aain.
(Pendleton Tribune.)
The Portland Journal made a roar
because a few republican papers re
ferred to the fact that the people of
Oregon at the polls last year elected
members of the legislature without
any regard whatever as to their atti
tude toward Statement No. 1.
No denial has been made of this
fact, for It was true. Everybody
knows It.
And when it was said that on ac
count of the action of tho people It
was likely that candidates generally
next year would not take Statement
No. 1, since tho people evidently did
not care anything about it, those
making the suggestion were at once
declared to be "enemies of the peo
ple," for referring merely to what the
people themselves have done.
And It was added that. the papers
making tho suggestion were wanting
a "return to tho scones of disorder
and riot at Salem."
To this it wasJ shown that to elect
the candidate who had been selected
at the primaries by His party would
result In an election by the legisla
ture on the i first ballot, and that
therii would be no possibility for a
scene "of riot and disorder," that
ground was abandoned and the asser
tion fallen back upon that "the peo
plo should be trusted."
So the round Is completed again.
The position of The Tribune, taken at
the first, that the entire matter rests
with tho people aa to Statement No.
1, and that their opinion of it must
Di-evall, is the correct one. If they
do not want it, and won't use It as
they didn't what harm Is done by
referring to tho fact?
Tho example sot by them was to
the- effect that they want the candi
date elected of. the majority party
who received the largest vote, and
this will, as frankly admitted by the
Journal of tho 30th hits., prevent
any "bceno of disorder and riot at
It- might not elect a democratic
.senator, to be sure, to the disappoint
ment of tho "non-partisan" .press,
but everything would bo orderly at
Salem, and tho members of the legis
lature would at tho same time have
the matter taken out of their hands
And tho consummation is a great
torward step in the right direction,
Isn't It? It would not result In the
election of a democratic bonator, but
If tho peoplo don't care for Statement
No. 1, and they didn't, let us accept
tho reform offered by them and
thank tho Lord for oven small favors.
What do you say, Brother Wager?
A l'lcu for Boys iind Girls.
. . (Exchange.)
Tho other day a 57 year old woman
entered a ton mile swimming race
which was held at St. Louis. Four
years ago her physician told her that
hor lungs wore affected and her gen
eral health run down, lie advised
hor to take up swimming, because
that exorefso Inflates and donates tho
lungs llko'a hollows, spreading out
tho tissues and follicles to tho full
and airing them thoroughly. Sho
followed tbo wise doctor's advice,
and now sho is an athlete at the age
when most woiuon aro only half allvo
Dartmouth college lequlres every
ono of Its students to swim boforo it
allows thorn to graduate with tho de
gree of ..bachelor of arts. It holds
that swimming. In a more useful art
for 999 iu0u out of 'in thousand than
Bcir'nnlng. Aosthylim Many of ' tho
boTirdlng'schbtiiB in tho 'country riiako
swimming compulsory. So do An
napplls atid West Point.
As a life-saver, swimming is a good
deal like tho Texan's gun, which ho
said lie didn't need oftcn.but when he
did need it ho needed it big-expletlvo-ly
bad. But, unlike .the gun, swim
ming is a.Uo the best kind of fun for
the boy. It gives him big lungs, a
deep chest, a strong, regular heart. It
doesn't develop big bunches of mus
cles on the outside of him at tho ex
pense of his organs within, but it in
creases his vitality while keeping his
muscles long, flexible and quick. It's
a moral amusement; whiskey and
late hours don't mix with hard swim
ming. It's cheap; nature has pro
vided all tho ''necessary Impedimenta
of tho sport.
If you have a boy growing up and
you are conscientious about his edu
cation, don't make him spend all his
time at -Latin, spelling and dancing
school. See that he learns to swim.
It may save his life some day, and It
will certainly add to his grace and
Would Keep Children Nude.
Prof. Frederick Starr of the Uni
versity of Chicago has openly taken'
Hie stand that children would bo bet-'
ter off if they wore no clothing until
they were ten years old, and several
other' members of 'the faculty, to
gether with a few wealthy neighbors
in the exclusive south-side section of
Chicago, have jollied in a movement
to establish a rcbidentlal Utopia at a
cost of $50,000 or more for the pur
pose of putting tills theory into" practice.
Never Too Old To Lcnrn.
(Telegram )
Had Mr. Roosevelt and Ben Till
man been on terms of familiar
friendship the latter might have visit
ed Sagamore Hill and learned some
thing about the proper use of the
A Matter of Location.
(Albany Democrat.)
It does look as If some people's
brains were in their stomach during
the ico cream season.
Steam Dye Works
I mito" tiuUienty,ffaftt'iilvU,ftn
ed or wfed.
Philip Becker, ProprlW oi. '
Each E
are the
same bla
ue iM
The Family
rthesc cinflos all
nM you
Now Thought.
A New York scientist says people
think with their toes. If their legs
nre amputated they continue to havo
the sensation of toes, and appear to
go on thinking as usual, which Is as
far as -the psychology of tho matter is
likely to be carried during the heated
liavo Astigmatism,
come in and I will explain
your trouble is.
.mjJMl '"""" TTTIT7TTHI TTTT t-Tl.UIL J 1J !. I
Pull the (
Wet Your Vrnf Then Blow
J. R. HERRON, Prop. V
i-ront biriM-t, : : .tiorsnueia, urecon I Phonel210
r A r
If" uj"' "L- i y0T tt
0 -fS o-k" . . lyy-,
H SLnL . &' T. f 4ksf, H
Rv i S
tLlAdnkoii K
youl Jfiting trip; N-'
a fiTTl line with
supplies at the $
Red Cross ;I!
iDsVBancroft 1 1
EYE and)5BjrE SpeVffaKst
Ropm Blentr&HiQtel i "M
AFTESFAUG. 4tli"' 1 tt
rri ; i ii i nTl
I nan r of (Drpcrnn tt
. . -,"
Capital Stbck fufly Aaid up'x
$50,000 j O
Transacts a General Bonking
UU3U1C33 W
1 North Bend, Oregon $
, i . ,
DjRAINd o 1
Cards Desidiyr ami Letter Heads.
Geiieral uork for loproductlon.
V()Y K. LAAVIIOltNE. Phono 1511
Half fW' Schedule
llui Between Marsh II old mihI North XX
Bend Slndo in -l'J .Minutes. XX
Private ljm:lln(;s.
l-'ure: Que wnv, 15c; roinul trip, JSo.
J.1 A. O'KKLLY, Proprietor.
Oakley & Arnold
Civil andM
7 n
North Bend, Ore.
Ofice In Myers BUg.
Is complete, as n rulo, only at even
tide when tho artificial light Is
nccessnry in order to see by. For
this reason isn't it really Important
that tho light in your homo should
bo tho most ciiarmful, tho safest, tho
cleanest and tho most convenient
you can prfymre?
What is tat Hch
You know! It's ELECTI
Why not ltivo it?
Don't say
You would
That's chc;
Is your hoi
That's the ci
Come in and'
? S
l't livo la
per thai
bo wiJPd?
mo us.
a house,
The Coos Bay Gas
d Electric Co.
I Marshfield and North Bend.' J
n isn't the size or appearance of the
piano case that counts it's what's in
it. Pianos are like diamonds. Some
are made in a twinkling great big
pasty ones, and so cheap. But the
truly artistic is the product of infinite
patience and the application of the
highest scientific knowledge
0 Till" n a m. m . ..... .1 m
i iiit ehuh mm h mm. mi
In quality of tone, its responsiveness and delicacy of action, is all that combines
to satisfy the highest artistic taste, the GABLER is an acknowledged eem among
The best thought and skill of two geniratSns have been given to the evolving
or this most exauisite instrument
4 -- ,
W. R. Haines Music Co.
Corner C street three doors west of Front street
r hone main 1441 Marshfield, Oregon !
Avt.-. ' -
iixmh 'a