The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 06, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 25.
mJL liVKV. JrsVi
. . n iw . M " i '
i;il!lllillc ilsl REIGN OF LUST
Only Small Possibility of. Lead
ers Losing the Coveted Vfeiri
.County Championship.
" -
Ry Winning Over Bandon
llomu Boyo Move Into Second
.. .. : -ywT$ .&
- w m
Sunday, Stiipi
Club. F. W. L.
Coquillo 0 S 1
Marshfield ... 0 5
North Bond . . U 45
: Bandon . , : J. . y y s
'ct. :
$ J J
Marshflold gained second place in
the league raco on Sunday by defeat
ing liandon, while the leaders took
care of North Bond by a score of S to
2. TI1I3 winnhrg gives Marshfield a
hope ot yet winning the liennaut, no
matter If It Is a forlorn hope. There
are three game3 yet to be played, and
Coquillo must lose two of them and
Marshfield must win all three if she
would tie Coquillo for the champion
ship. This looks like an Impossibil
ity, but baso ball is always uncertain
and tho unexpected may happen in
this Instance. North Bend cannot
tie Coqullle for. tho lead If she should
win all tho games she is yet to play,
since she has lost five games, and
Coqullle could lose but four if they
fell down on every game for the re
mainder of the contest.
Tlic Game at Raudon.
Tho Marshfleld-Bandon game
played at Bandon, was a poor exhibi
tion on the part of the Bandon play
ers, and they made fifteen errors In
tfio nine innings. Marshfield played
good baso ball, and had but three
fumbles chalked up against her.
Bandon wasexcusable to some extent,
since Its catcher had a thumb broken
in tho first inning and had to retire
from tho game. Rosa, who caught
for the remainder of. tho game, did
good work, but tho elu-b scorned to
have lost confidence when the regu
lar man wont' out, and played poorly
for tho rest of tho game. Had Hohn
had the support that Wright had, the
Bandon boys would have won tho
game. Tho base hit column shows
tho Bandon boys to havo done much
better stick woi k than the Marshfield
aggregation. .Yet this Is a part of
tho circumstances which win and lose
games, and tho team which makes
tho yellow plays usualy loses. There
wore no features In tho contest and
tho umpiring was considered fair.
Tho crowd was about half that which
comes out to see the games In Marsh
field and North Bend.
Bandon ab r fl po a e
Blackborby, ss . . 5 1 1 0 2 2
Fleger, lb 5 0 2 19 3 3
McNair. If 5 1 1 2 0 0
Dennis, rf 4 0 2 1 1 1
Rosa, c 4 0 2 4 12
Lewis, cf 4 0 1 0 1 1
Hohn, p 4 1 1 0 5 1
Cox, 3b 4 2 1 1 2 1
Deverix, 2b 4 1 2 0 G 4
Totals 39 .0 1327110 15
Marshfield nb r h po a 0
Tower, ss G 0 0 1 1 0
Wright, p D 3 2 1 B
McJCeown, 3b . . G 3 3.3 3 0
Perrey, rf G 2 2 0 0 1
Snyder, c 5 1 0 G 2 0
Llljeqvlst, cf . . . 5 1 0 1 1 0
Dlmmick, lb... 4 1 0 4 3 1
Wolls, lb 5 0 0 11 0 1
Davis, If 4 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 4G 12 7 27 15 3
Score by Innings:
Bandon 003000012 C
Marshflold 20111015 112
Summary: Earned runs Marsh
field 2, Bandon 4; two baso hits
MoKeown. McNair, Blackborby; first
base on balls Off Hohn 2; struck
ou-by Hohn 4, by Wright G; left
onbases Marshflold 9, Bandon 4;
wild pitches Wright 1; umpires
SSnedden and Berdllllon.
Tho game at Coauillo between Co
quiile and North Bend resulted In a
one-sided cpro, through, ttho, -tunibles!
of North Bend. Old and seasoned
players made most of the mistakes.
Italians In Subucfls Attack De-
leless Children and
Policey4re Heirless. .
.els Are Being Arrested, But
Many Guilty Escape Ruby
Last Victim.
New' York, "Aug; 5. One of the
most brutal of tho recent crimes
against women and children was to
day charged against Luzza Fontaza,
now locked up in New Brighton sta
tion, charged with assaulting An
toinitte TaluccI, tho two-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mr3. Pasqual
TaluccI, of New Brighton, with whom
Fontaza boarded. He was left with
the child this afternoon while Mrs.
TaluccI went shopping. She had not
gone far from tho house when the
child's screams were heard. When
he saw Mrs. TaluccI returning, Fon
taza rii3hed from the house, the wo
man following him. Soon a mob
was chasing tho Italian down the
street. Ho was overtaken and se
verely beaten until a policeman ap
peared with a revolver and club and
fought off tho crowd. A physician
reported the child seriously injured.
Angollno CondartI, six years old,
was terribly bruised In a thicket near
the village of Llmonvlllo, Staten Is
land, this afternoon. She had been
attacked by an unknown man. Joly
Ambatro was arrested in Brooklyn
charged with attempted assault upon
two little girl3. Daniel Lalo and
Frank Feabody were arraigned on
similar charges. Five hundred addi
tional police are asked for. Most of
tho crimes are committed in seclud
ed places. Mothers throughout the
city are terror stricken.
Coroner's Jury pays Dynamite Was
'. Not' Protected.
Spokano,rAug. 5. In the case of
D. E. Buchan, killed by an explosion
of dynamite during a firo at Winona,
Washington, Saturday, the coroner's
jury returned a verdict of death
caused by explosion of dynamite
stored in a yrarehouse of the O. It. &
S. not properly protected.
Foote pitched a winning game, but
tho support behind him lost tho
game. There was considerable ar
gument and chaff at the first part
of tho game on account of tho um
piring, but tho offonding .official was
removed and the game went on bet
ter afterwards. An amusing accident
happened to Paul of tho North Bend
team, and this can bo seen in tho
Coquillo report of tho game, publish
ed elsewhere.
Coqullle ab. r. h. po. a. e.
Lorenz, 2b 5 12 2 4 0
Howell, 3b 4 2 2 1 1 0
La'ngworthy, cf . . . 5 1 0 2 0 0
Prey, ss 5 1 CO 1 0
A. Collier, rf 5 1 1 0 0 0
Hartley, lb 4 1 1 13 0 1
Nosier, rf ".. 4 1 0.1 0 0
Peralta, c 4 0 2 7 2 0
J. Collier, p 4 0 0 1 4 0
Totals 40 8 8 27 12 1
North Bend ab.
h. po
Wlckman, cf 4"
Folter, lb 3
Gale, 2b 4
Keaue, 3b 4
Graham, rf
Lyons, c I .
Gaffney, ss
Foote, p
Paul, If ,;,.- 3 2
Totals ..,... 32 2 8 2314 8
One man called out for Intorfe'r
anco. of team mate.
Score by Innings:
North Bend ...001000010 2
Coqullle 012031010 8
Summary: Earned runs Co
qullle, 2. Two-base hits Peralta,
Lorenz. Sotlon bases Lorenz, 3;
Howell, 2. Struck out By Footo,
9: by Collier, C. Passed balls Per
alta. 2: Lyons, 2. Wild pitches
j? otW2 ; VCoiuSS'Sz.;. DoubieTiiayBT-'
Gale. Lyons, Felter. Scorer Mrs.
. a. o.
0' 1 0 0 1
0 0 G 1 2
0 10 3 1
0 10 2 2
0 0 0 0 0
0 15 3 0
0 $ 1 1 1
0 0 0 4 1
1 1 10 0
$ J Jk J J J J J J J J $$
Portland, Maine, Aug. 5. Commander Robert E. Peary left hero
today for New York whence he will sail in a few days on an ex-
peditlon to tho -north polo. He says he is going prepared to make 4
every effort to reach tho pole. He carries with him a large num-
ber of his former crow. Ho would not commit himself regarding
the likelihood of reaching the pole as "For a man to say he will do
a certain thing up there Is madness. I have learned many lessons
from my other trlp3 and I shall profit by all my experiences. What
I shall find at tne polo Is a question until I have reached It."
Peary appears In rugged health. -
New York, Aug. 5. Stronger
equipped generally for her battle
Peary's steamer Roosevelt lies at
4 a few days on her second trip In
5 t 2 $ t t 4 -J J t 4 $ 4
Experiments Have Proven Steel Cars
Are Stronger and Better Than
New York, Aug. 5. Satisfied with
tho performance of the experimental
all-steel box car built at Its Omaha
shops, tho Union Pacific Railroad has
ordeied 25 of these cars to be con
structed immediately. With a ca
pacity of 50 cubic feet more than
that of tho standard Union Pacific
wooden box car, the steel car weighs
two tons less 37.S00 pounds. Be
sides affording greater safety and
protection to goods In transit, the
steel car requires less repairing than
a wooden car, will be out of service
less frequently and will therefore
give mdre as well as better service
to carrier and shipper.
A 15-lnch steel I-beam forms the
center sill of the car below the
double steel flooring. Actual tests
have shown that the one-eighth Inch
sheet steel forming tho sides and
ends of tho car Is Wronger than the
wood usually used. Tests have also
developed the fact that the steel un
derframo of a wooden box car can
not stand up against the all-steel box
car. in collision tne enu ot a wooa
en car was badly d&maged, while the
steel car was uninjured. The doors
of the steel car aro formed by single
sheets of steel reinforced, like the
sides and ends of the car,' by diag
onal bracing.
The anticipated difficulties in
loading and unloading and the injury
that tho stool sides and bottom of
tno car might do to contents havo
not been borne out by tho Union Pa
cific's experience, as shown in the
order now placed for additional cars
of this type.
Arrive in East to Ansuer Questions
As to Competency.
Concord, N. H., Aug. 5. George
W. Glover and daughter, Miss Mary
Baker Glover of Lead, S. D., prin
cipals In the suit for accounting of
tho property of Mrs. Mary Baker
Eddy, arrived here today In answer
to a summons to .appear before tho
masters appointed to determine tho
question of Mrs. Eddy's competency.
A ketch of him Just he h bteh slverVticket to the bawbali
' bn..uWKecthU-urirby'nothir unol., both tloketi
tha'um afUrnoon.
J j J $ j J $ J J J J $
than pver in her hull and better
with Arctic icefloes, Commander
Shooters' Island ready to start In
search of the north pole.
-J $ J J $ $- J 4 $ t jf
Myrtle Point Physicians Expect No
Serious, Spread of Mild
Myrtle Point nas been experienc
ing a smallpox scare, which has been
something like the war with Japan
up to date considerable of a scare
and no one hurt. H. A. Tucker was
taken with the dlscaso and as soon as
it was determined that It was small
pox he was removed to a detention
hospital, and those who had been ex
posed were viccinated and kept under
surveillance. The original case was
of a very mild nature, and the two
cases growing out of It are also of a
mild character and were promptly
isolated so that It Is believed the dis
ease Is under complete control.
Every precaution to prevent the
spread of the disease Is justifiable
and to bo commended, but In this
modern day, there Is no cause for
serious alarm, as serious results are
seldom shown, tho physicians being
so capable of coping with tho disease
that It is little worse than a case of
chlckenpox, under proper conditions.
Meanwhile there need be no fear In
coming to Myrtle Point, nor for Myr
tle Pointers to go to other towns.
The health officers aro vigilant In
fIJe'r"Ttttentlons to the matter, and If
there Is, any reason for alarm be as
sured that they will not permit tie
people to take chances of contracting
the disease.
Will Withdraw From Dowio.ville nn7
Establish Opposition Heaven
For Few Followers).
Chicago, Aug. 5.. Refused the
petition that ho bo appointed by
Judge Landis, of tho United States
District Court, as co-receiver with
John C. Hately, now in charge of the
Zlon City property, and unheeded In
his protests against the sale of tho
laco Industries, Overseer Wilbur
Glenn Vollva, who usurped the lead
ership of John Alexander Dowle, to
day asserted his defiance of the
forces against him and declared he
would abandon Zlon City to estab
lish a colony of his own elsowhore.
being for
WobiUr In Chicago Inter Ooean.
Insane Mother Takes Babes to
Grove and Ends Inno
cent Lives.
1 . 1
Neighbor Invited In to Help Dress
Chltdica Discovers the Terrible
Baltimore, Aug. 5. The atrocious!
murder here of two babies by their '
. .. ., , , ., n . i
Insane mother thrilled northern Bal-
timoro today. Madness, which has , the town of 1Ini,crIaK Already evl
twlce confined her to an asylum, to- denca has boon produced showing
day took possession of Mrs. Crlstlne
Neneadal, aged 2G, wife of a wood -
maker in a wagon factory. She
took the young children into a park
in a carriage. Just what happened
there Is not known, but when the
mntlifip returned thf nttifi nnns' car -
riage was covered with leaves and
small branches, but a neighbor no -
tlced that the faces wore strangely
pale. A little later Mrs. Neneadal
sent for a friend, Mrs. Victoria Vala,
and asked her to come In and aid in
dressing tho children. The woman
entered the dining ,room and found
lying on the table, the two children,
both having been strangled by the
mother, who fondled them and only
gave thorn up when forced to by tho
police. Her only concern now Is lest
the children be awakened. She Is
being carefully watched In her cell.
She attempted suicide some time ago.
Hailrcmds Plan Elaborate System of
,. . , . T, .
, '
Chicago, Aug. 5. Following up
efforts already made to avert a repe
tition of last winter's fuel famine In
tho West, additional ordoi-3 have
been Issued to local agents of tho
Union Pacific ltailroad to advise deal
ers of the urgent necessity of laying
in their supplies Immediately. At
tention Is called to the faet that tho
prohibition against transportation
companies engaging in coal trade af
ter May 1, 1908, has stopped all de
velopment work in this direction by
railroads, making it impossible for a
large territory to draw Its supplies'
from the Wyoming fioTds. Supplies
must now bo sought In Colorado, or
east of tho Mississippi,
Good results havo followed tho ac
tion of tho Interstate Commerce
Commission, at tho request of the
Union Pacific, in authorizing a reduc
tion of 25 cents a ton on coal ship
ped to Washington, Idaho, and Ne
vada before September 1. Tho com
pany's object in putting this rato re
duction into effect Is to lnduco
dealers to order fuel now when It
can bo readily nandled, rather than
to wait, as they did last wintor, until
transportation is difficult If not Im
possible. By September 1 local Union Pa
cific freight agents aro required to
report tho amount and kind of coal
each dealer has In stock m that date,
and If dealers havo failed to get their
supplies to report the reason, On its
own account the company has stored
200,000 tons of eastern coal, and'i
states that tho public can only be
assured of fuel next winter by
dealers filling their sheds now.
Fallerles' Assailant Sent to Asylum,
Aug. H. Leon Malllo, tho
naval reservist who fired two re
volver shots at President Fallorles
In Paris 'on July 14, was declared In
sane and sent to an asylum.
Albany Seismograph 'Hccords .Quake.
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 5. Tho seis
mograph of tho state museum regis
tered an earthquake early this morn
ing lasting ton minutes. Location of
tho shako 'is not .determined.
. Secretary Wilson III.
Portland, Aug. 5. Secretary Wil
son of tho Department 'of Agricul
ture, is -cdnfihed"b'hrrTjed"'Wdttr
with a slight Illness. He is resting
comfortably tonight.
Rich Imperial Valley Prey
Greedy Companies With
Covetous Schemes.
' Settlers Took Land on Contract
' Case Submitted to U. S. Attorney
, General.
Los Angeles, Aug. 5. Startling!
disclosures of "land frauds In Imperial
valley came to light through the fll-
, .... ...
lnir of contests to desert entries near
that several thousand acres of the
' rlche.t section of the valley were
fraudulently entered
It Is believed that some corporation
Is engaged in the purchasing otl
j desert claims, and inducing dummy
1 homesteaders to settle on valuable
tracts ot land. Before the govern
!ment investigations aro concluded
! thero is reason to believe that stu-
I l'endous frauds will be shown up
In many particulars tho Investiga
tion may seem similar to those la
Oregon and Colorado. The matter
has been referred to the attorney
general n,t Washington, nnl secret
! service men have begun an lnvestlga-
Discolsures of fraud came froini
the investigation of E. L. Skinner
formerly a non-commissioned officer
In the Philippines. After his term o
service expired, Skinner went to In
berial valley with the view of settling
on government land. He did not
find anything desirable, but was In
formed that certain tracts near Im
perial were for sale.
Ho found men who admitted that
j thev had nlado entrv on the lands
and then given them up on payment
of small tecs.- They said that tho
company would dig a canal through."
;tho lands and could not securo a
, .,, nf wnv ., th. nvoPnmfinf
..0..V .. ,.,, ..... ..- 0w.. w.--7
Tho entrymen all said that thty wero
not aware that they were participat
ing in -ny fraud when they aereed
to settle on tho lnn'ls. United States!
District Attorney, Lawlcr made tho
following statoment:
"I havo every reason to bellevo
that stupendous land frauds havo
been perpetrated in Imperial valley.
The situation is so complicated and
the parties Involved so prominent.
that I havo placed tho United States
attorney general In possession of the
fact3. Secret service agents havo
been at work for some time."
F. P. Casey, Returned From
Orient; Is Optmistic.
Politicians In Island Empire Are Try
ing to Embarrass the Present
San Francisco, Aug. 5. F. P,
Casey, who wont to btudy conditions
in Japan, arrived today on the Nlp-j
pin Mam. Ho says war talk in Japan
Is confined to politicians of tho pro4
gresslvo party who aro opposed to!
the nresont ministry. "Thero Is no!
talk of war with tho United States?
among tho great mass of people norn
among government officials and I bo-fl
Uovo that tho whole thing is confined
to a political move on tho part of aJ
small coterlo of Japanese politicians.!;
Tho present ministry Is very frlondlyj
to tho United States and tho party
out of power Is agitating war to em
barrass tho government anu creator
ail issue. 111 1110 coming uicciiun.
Him T.V.iiwltrii Mnvoe Wnillrt Know
Ills Status.
Sau Francisco, Aug. 5. Tho Supremo-Court
.today granted tho ap
plication of Harry C. McKanny, sec
retary to Mayor Taylor, for a writ ol
mandamus requiring City Audltoi
Horton to aiinrovo McKanny's saTti
warrant. Tho writ is returnahk
AugUBt 12. The real object, of tin
uuuuu a lu uuiuiumio ww vt A
BTatU"B"0f DCTayloratrrnayorln rela H
I tlon to tho. claims of Eugono B
Schmltz to that office,