The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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' " " "M""miJ MMMW
fPtwJ: 10m JJ) ' I WIAGINE this big store turned into a bargain booth every depart- M lK4fSPPi I
CJ m S ment f'"ec! wit'1 cut pr'ce offer'ngs Bargains Bargains MA jKfpfW I
-yljMSElfr That's what awaits you at the Mid-Summer Clearance Sale, S I
I ,iW WMiWi- ' I which opens Thursday morning a veritable feast of plenty, such ?S?? M&afez
I fiJVSx money saving chances as must amaze you, when you come. LPS
Sales may come nix! i,alcs ii'ny go, but at no s.ile v. ill
(lie reduced prices he so thinly Hd in (he ininds tif the
people as those named for our Mid-Summer Clearance.
These prices are .simply liejonri competition anywhere,
and invohes the sale of the finest as emblaze of spring
and summer merchandise eer exhibited in the Coos Hay
Country. I tend these items for further proof:
All tailored suits, formerly soiling from $15 to
$22.50, go at the Mid-Summer Clearanco
Sale, ut, each $11. on
Ladles' Tailored Suits, formerly selling from
$25 to $30, go at, suit, only $1.,7."
$32.50 to $37.50 suit, go at suit $22.50
$40 and $42.50 Ladies' Tailored Suits, choice, suit .$32.50
Ladies' Novelty Jackets, selling regularly from
$12 to $12.50, go at, choice $8.75
Long Coats, formerly selling at $20, go, choice. .$18.85
uch phenomenal opportunities such astonishing values such prac
tical economies such pointed and pertinent prices who will care to
miss them?
What are your needs? What are your tastes? Drop in and see the sub
stantial bargain?. -You will find them at every turn, and if you turn often
enough, you can save considerable money.
Sals begins promptly at 8:30, Thursday morning, August 8th, and closes
at 10:00 p. m., Saturday evening, August Z4th. Be sure to attend often.
More than ever before will it pay you to do so.
Judging from the great reductions made in the mcn'si
section, tills department will be crowded to its capacity
Willi eager bujers throughout this sale. The prices
named at the Mid-Summer Clearance Sale are unsur
passed, and no man ca.i wlnly pass up this buying oppor
tunity. Itead (hose items, ni.d there will be tlocns more.
mex's scsi'nxnirs.
Men's Suspenders, formerly selling at 35c the
pair, go at, pair lie
Men's Suspenders, formerly priced at G3c and,
75c, all go at, pair !J7e
Men's 10c Bandana Red and Blue Handker
chiefs, each lc
Men's Soft and Stiff Hats, formerly priced at
$2 to $3.50, all go at choice, each 2c
$5 Stetson Stiff Hats for men, biack, about a
dozen In the lot, assorted sizes, good block,
go at, each $1.05
Summer Shirtwaist Suits at Half Price
Our remaining stock of Summer Shirtwaist Suits in fine lawn, linen
and dotted Swiss, handsomely trimmed with embroidery and lace.
Former prices were $2 to $12.50, and at the Mid-Summer Clear
ance Sale they all go at exactly half the regular prices. Remem
ber there is - HALF OFF
At no tlnio were greater reductions indulged in than at the Mid-Summer Clear
ance Sale. No matter how many skirts, or whatever, you may have on hand, it
will pay you big to anticipate yftur wants for months to come and buy liberally
at this sale. Look at these items:
All our Ladies' Skirts, formerly selling as high as $S, go on sale fiJS QC
Thursday morning at the one price of, ach ipJJ?J
All other novelty plaid and mixed weaves in Ladies' Tailored &L f
Skirts, formerly selling fiom $12 to $20, go at choice, each . . . qJ,Jr
And correspondingly low prices on all other skirts. Don't miss to look the
stock over.
No goods will be sold at Clearance
Sale prices prior to August 8th.
No sale goods will be exchanged,
returned for refund, or sent on ap
proval. No telephone orders tor sale
goods will be filled.
Mall orders will bo filled only
when money accompanies order, and
on conditions the goods are in stock
at the time we receive the order.
Wo reserve the right to send fair
substitutes, or refund the money.
No sale goods will be laid away
without having been paid for, nor
sent C. O. D. A nominal charge for
alterations will he made.
There is certainly the greatest saving in it for you to buy your
suit during this sale. Never have we reduced the prices so greatly,
and never was it more advantageously to buy. Look these prices
over, and then be at the sale to make your selections.
Lot No. 1. Men's Light Outing and three-piece Suits. Former price C S! Q C
was $12:50. A great buy at, suit pJirJ
Lot No. 2. Our entire line of Men's Suits, formerly selling at $10.50 and $20
must go at the Clearance Sale to make. room for our big fallan V fl ?
stock. So take your choice, suit Jpfi 1 .& C$
Lot No. 3. Men's Spring and Summer Suits, formerly selling fromgr J ftP
$21.50 to $25, go at the Mid-Summer Claerance, suit p I CJ.y
Lot No. 4. Men's Suits, formerly selling from $27.50 to $35, allS 5Q AC
go at the one price of, suit , '. 3 1 y. jf J
Our Mid-Summer Clearance Sale will be an
abundant feast of bargains, but in no section of the
store will bargains be so substantial as in the
Ladies' Waist Section. Head these items:
$1.50 Ladies' Waists 65c.
These waists are made of excellent quality white
and black lawn. Made up in this season's styles,
with long and short sleeves. This lot represents
our entire line of summer waists formerly sell
ing up to $1.50. Mid-Summer fhfs
Clearance price, choice, each 1JtJ
$1.75 Waists 95c.
Wntte Lawn Waists, handsomely trimmed with lace
and embroidery, and formerly selling at $1.G5
and $1.75. QSf
Your choice, each JJ
$2.25 Waists $1.25.
These are the prettiest waists you ever saw at $2
and $2.25. Although they sold rapidly when the
season was on, we do not want to take chances
in carrying them over, and out they must go at
reduced prices. Hence all our $2 (tl C
and $2.25 waists go .at, cholco p A &
$8 Jap. Silk Waists $4.75.
These handsome Jap. Silk Waists are daintily trim
med with embroidery and lace. Short sleeves,
and, this summer's styles. Former prices were
from fO to $8. , 7S
All go at, each
The real savings that await you at the Mid-Summer Clearance Sale, mean more
to you NOW than at any previous sale. First, we can assure you of larger and
more complete assortments, and secondly the prices are more pronouncedly re
duced. Read over these items, and then be here to lay in your fall supply of shoes
for the whole family.
:. Sizes
Lot No. 1. Children's Black Vici and White
Oxfords. Sizes 3 to 10. Former prices were
$1.15 to $1.50. Mid-Summer
Clearance Sale, price, pair
Lot No. 2. Ladies' Fine White Oxfords. Sizes
a tn FWA. Were S2. To close.
they go at, pair
Lot No. 3.-Men's Work Shoes. Excellent values
at $3.25. Good assortment of
sizes.' Buy now, pair only
Lot No. 4. Ladles' Oxfords in vici, patent
leather and box calf. This season's lasts, and
regularly sold at $3.50 pair. All sizes and
widths. No more powerful buy ifl Crt
at the Clearance Sale. Pair p 1 .JV?
Lot No. 5. Missc-' Shoes in vici, box calf and
gun metal. Sizes 8 to 2. Regular prices were
$2.25 and $2.50. A great saving
is yours in buying now, at pair.
Lot No. C. Boys' School Shoes. Made of best
grade materials. All sizeB from 10 to 5.
About 200 pairs to select from. Former prices
were $2.25 to $3.
Choice, pair
Lot No. 7. Ladies' Shoes In vici, patent leather
and bos calf. New styles and lasts. All sizes
from J& to S. Among this lot are some Old
Ladles' Comforts and Juliets. Regular prices
were aB-High as $4.50. Mld-
Strmmer Clearance Sale, price, pai
Lot No. 8. Men's lOxfords in vici and box calf.
New lastsJprmer price was $4
and .1XyrK big buy, pair only.
Lot No. 9. Men's Work Shoe. A big assort
ment to choose from. Among the lot are a
number of genuine Napa Tans and tho famous
"Jeff Work Shoes. Sizes u to 11. Former
prices as Jiigh as $4.50. A
wonderfupsaving at, pair
Lot NglO. Men's Dress Shoes. Several hun
drdapairs to select from, All sizes and widths.
tegular prices were $4 to $5. Come in vici.
box calf and gun metal, and latest lasts. All
go at the low .price of,
Men's Drawers only In wool and salmon and brown
ribbed cotton. Former prices werf !J5c to $1.
Sizes 30 to 3G. Entire lot goes Q
at, garment I "C
Men's Jean Drawers. Worth 50c pair. Made same
as the famous Scrlven's drawers, which sells
everywhere at $1 pair. Our price at the Mid
Slimmer Clearance Sale, Tfci
pair JljC
Men's White India Gauze and French Balbriggan
Underwear shirts and drawers. Especially lino
garments, and sells regularly at 75c. .Mid
Summer Clearance Sale, price, A "t?
per garment HrOC
Men's Ribbed Underwear In dark tan and balbrig
gan. Medium heavy weight, and Just tho gar
ments for this climate. Formerly selling at 76c
a agrment. A great but at, a ey
per garment tt4 C
Men's Dress and Work Shirts, odd sizes, formerly
selling from 50c to $1 each, all go at the Mid
Summer Clearance Sale, 0X.
each d2C
Men's Fine Dress Shirts. All sizes. This season's
patterns. Worth $1. Mid-Sum- Kff .
mcr Sale price, each 3)& C
The Dress Goods Section is bound to be crowded from
morning till night throughout the life of this sale. Such
prices as the ones that will prevail, assures us of this.
Therefore, in order to get the best in the stock, better
come out as early 'as possible to make selections.
The Dress Goods Section is bound to bo crowded from morning till
night throughout tho life ot this sale. Such prices as the ones that
will prevail, assures us of this. Therefore, In order to get the licit
in tho stock, better come out as early as possible to make selections.
All mixed novelty wool Dress Goods, 30 che3 wIdo A7 q
..i iii.r f,,, 7r.n tn src. co at. cholco, yaiu "ire.
$1 to $1.05 Wool Dross Goods, 30 to 42 inches wldo,
goes at the Mid-Summer Clearance Sale, yard
$2 Dross Patterns, yard Vi ti-
$2.25 and $2.5Q Dross TattoiMS, yard jfj-jj
$3.00 Dress Patterns, yard '
75c bleached and unbleached Table Damask, yard Ii-
$1 bleached Damask, yard "-1"
$1.2o and $1.50 all Linen Daunsk, yard
$1 75 and $2 nil Linen DamsHk, yard Vi-
$2.25 and $3.50 Table Damask, yard ''
Our Summer Waistings iintl Wash Dress Materials go nt the Mid
summer Clearance Sale at piactically half price. This will be of
special interest to hundreds of women in tills vicinity, and in view of
there being limited quantities better come out eaiiy to do your
All 25c Walstlngs and Wash Materials, go at, yard,
Everything in Walstlngs, White Goods and Wash Dress
Goods, formerly priced at 35c, goes, yard
50c Walstlngs, Organdies, Mulls, etc., go at. r
yard &
C5c and 75c Walstlngs In silk and cotton, fine organ
dies, mulls and figured fabrics. Choice, yard
Wondeiful savings awaits you in the Toweling; Section, and what
ever you do don't leae the stoic Thursday without looking at these
great values.
5000 ytirdb of 1992 Irish Toweling, worth regularly 10c to 12 c.
The lot represents a very special buy made for pur Mid-Summor
Clearance, and out tho entire consignment goes at, ff
yard iv . . . -X- '
About 2000 yards of the genuine Irish Huckaback Towo'ling, worth
fully 12 Vjf. A powerful buy. O
Yard only Oi
Yards und yards of Unbleached Toweling, of the pure llnon, formerly
selling at 15c. Mid-Summer Clearance Sale, fc
prico, yard Sty
These pants would sell regularly at 35c eacn. They are made of
good grade material, carefully sewed, and to close
them out, they go at, pair
35c BOYS' SHIRTS 23c.
Our entire line of Boys' Shirts, selling up to 35c, go at
the Mid-oummer Clearance Sale, each
BOYS' SUITS AT HALF Ages, 6 to 15.
About 100 Boys' Suits of this season's purchase, regular prices rang
ing fiom $1.50 to $8.50 will go out Into activo service during this
sale. Thoso suits are special buys at tho regular prico, and they
indeed powerrui buys at tho price avnr'b
now asked for thorn J &Ivo
About 200 Men's and Boys' Capa, summer styles, will be sold during
tho early part of this sale. Thoso caps aro regularly selling u
C5c, and are good values at that All sUes aro hero, and at the
Mid-Summer Clearance Sale thoy go, 3L3L.
each : . . . ,Jj
Our icnialuiug stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats must be closed
out at this sale. Nothing of our spring and summer goods must
be l)eld over for another season. It i3 against our methods of
doing business. Therefore, to move them In a hmi. you can
doing business. Therefore, to move them In a tun i , you cum
preu,e,n. 8t !!,e.,:og.u.m: Less One