The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Coos Bay Times
TnK Cooa Bay Times Co.
REX LARGE, Business Manaokh.
Tho policy of The Uoos Iky Times
vill bo Republican in politics, with the
independence of which President Kooso
volt is the leading exponent.
SntcreJ at the postolllco at Mnrshfletd. Ore
gon, for trniiHnisMon througli the malls as
second clam inatOnattcr.
Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents
Per month, daily, - 50 cents
Three months, daily, - (IS
flix months, daily - - $2 50
Ono year, daily, - - - $5 00
Weekly, per year - ?1 00
Address all communications to
Marshfield. Oregon.
The nddress of Hon. J. W. Snover
before the Chumber of Commerce of
Marshfleld Friday evening was one
of tho notable events for which that
Tiody, since Its rejuvenation, has bo
come famous. Tho subject, too, was
one which will appeal to every per
son on the coast who may read the
address published In this Issue of The
Times and ordered by the Chamber
to be printed and published In pam
phlet form. The thanks of all who
are interested in Coos Bay are duo
to Mr. Snover for his timely and
masterly presentation of this subject.
There Is no better way to adver
tise Coos Bay and render it famous
than by encouraging the cultivation
of the Gravensteln as a specialty. It
is a fact that comparatively little of
the area of tho American or any
other continent Is adapted to the cul
ture of good apples and the section
which can be claimed as specially
suited to any one kind, is exception
ally fortunate. Mr. Snover has shown
that the market for Gravenstelns is
unsatiablo and the half a million
boxes would never bo sufficient. Tho
strenuous call for Gravenstelns is
heard in the Orient, Southern Cali
fornia, South America, the Hawaiian
Islands, tho East and in Europe, but
its peculiar value Is made all the
more apparent by tho example of
Alaska. Other apples are produced
In Coos Bay very successfully, but
none can measure up to the value
and standard of the unapproachable
Coos Bay Gravensteln.
The discussion of this subject of
fruit raising at this time is very im
portant. Without reflecting on tho
extraordinary richness and produc
tivity of the hillsides and valleys of
Coos Bay, both in vegetable and
dairying lines, it is safe to say that
tholr fruit bearing qualities will be
more attractive to desirable immi
grants from the East than any other.
Tho East is alive with Interest in
Western fruit lands and the fruit
feature is one which appeals more
to tho people in a democratic way
than any other. Tho average man
thinks coal, timber and fisheries be
long to large combinations of capital.
Not so tho twenty or forty-acro farm
which Is devoted to fruit culture.
Tliat is within the reach of the indi
vidual and independence and happi
ness are associated with it. Tho cut
over lands, and those which are now
covered with timber in this section
are destined to attain great value for
fruit farms. The hills are fertile
from summit to base and the forma
tion rarely comes to the surface.
Scarcely any c the land, now heavily
timbered, it incapable of such use.
The absence of pests cf all kinds Is
a point of immeasurable superiority
and to cap the climax artinclal and
expensive irrigation is entirely un
necessary. Let us all unite then In making
tho Gravensteln one of our strongest
notes in our "Call of Coos Bay."
It Is announced that tho naval de
partment will carefully Investigate
the Pacific coast with a view of imme
diately F.o!ectiut a location for a new
navy yard and military stronghold
on the western ocean. A commis
sion consisting of heads of certain di
visions, men of high position and
skill, has been detailed for the pur
poe of making such selectoc, and
CT i
jnLiu'WF T ' " " WHHHHWn MM
will appear In San Francisco shortly
and proceed to Its work. Their ac
tion, however, can not be final, but
when they have reached a conclu
sion, they will report back their plans
to congress and ask for the necessary
appropriation which will be made as
a mater of course.
It is reported that San Diego Is
among the ports which will receive
the attention of the Investigating
commission. No objection can bo
perhaps made to San Diego as a fu
ture location of such yard or fortifi
cations. It has the harbor, the deep
water, the capacity and tho anchor
age. But Its coal, steel, timber, food
stuffs, and, in short, everything which
a navy yard might need or a fort re
quire, will have to be shipped to it
over long distances. Tho country 1b
unproductive and dry, unless expen
sive systems of irrigation should be
The attention of the commission
may well be directed to Coos Bay.
Something has been said already in
these columns about the peculiar
qualification of Coos Bay for the pur
poses which the naval commission
mentioned, has In mind. But tho
subject is one of such importance at
this time that the opportunities to
present the situation should not be
allowed to pass unnoticed. It is
hardly conceivable that a more ideal
location for a navy yard, if the sub
ject 13 to he treated from a business
standpoint, could be found in the
world. In the first place the bar at
the harbor's mouth is almost no ob
stacle at all and a small expenditure
comparatively, will scour tne bar
out completely and deepen the en
trance to forty feet. In the next
place ample anchorage in the Inner
bay can be obtained by deepening
the tidal area, and as there is no ob
stacle to dredging, this can be
done cheaply. Indeed, an outlay of
les3 than one million would make
Coos Bay a perfect harbor of refuge.
That, compared with the Japanese
outlay of $23,000,000 to Improve the
harbor at Toklo, is a bagatelle Right
here it may well be pointed out that
no moer ideal place for a navy yard
could be suggested than South Inlet,
v hich has the advantage of protec
tion from tho sea and yet proximity
to it, and is closely connected with
tho deepest water in the bay. The
other advantages may be epitomized.
Coos Bay has the following un
limited resources:
unlimited variety. This will supply
tho most suitable beams, timbers and
lumber which may bo needed with
out shipment. It would be just out
side the navy yard gate. The largest
saw mills on tho coast nre beginning
operations here.
hignlte coal of a superior quality
exists on tho very shores of the bay
and ships load at tho mine's mouth.
The coasting steamers have used this
coal for steam purposes sirce Its dls
covery forty years and more ago and
are still using it. The experiments
which have recently been mndo
successfully show that by brl
quettlng and adding the element
of carbon, this coal will reach the
standard required for naval pur
poses. It Is the only coal on tho
coast south of Puget Sound, and ex
perts say tho Puget Sound measures
arc about exhausted. The commis
sion ought to understand that this
coal is an invitation to a hostile pow
er to establish a naval station here.
Coal which has been used by coasting
ships to make steam, can be used by
naval ships, if better coal Is not avail
able. Cattle, milch cows, food stuffs, are
close to this bay and the entire region
Is capable of growing anything which
will bo needed. Besides this, the
Drain railroad will be finished in sea
son to meet all the needs of the naval
department, when they are ready.
In that event the whole of the Wil
lamette Valley will be at the mercy
of a hostile force which might estab
lish a temporary base at Coos Bay,
by means of the Drain road supply
itself with all a large fleet would re
quire for a long voyage, besides get
ting all the coal ncened for such a
voyage on the shores of the bay.
Mr. AV. II. Merrick of Portland, re
presenting a syndicate, has been in
vestigating the black sand proposi
tions In this country. He left Port
Orford for Portlap " Saturday,
but will return in twn or i' -"o weeks
to thoroughly prospect a "' ''f the
properties that are offer ' "he
beach lying north of Rogue ri..- for
12 miles is beyond question the rich
est platinum to be found on Hils coast
In an almost continuous body. Other
Timber stands of ' beaches have rich spots, but here it
giant and abundant growth and of ,s continuous for a greater reach than
elsewhere. Port Orford Tribune.
Contractors and Builders
Office fixtures a HP'
Shelving. Let us
fore building.
iiolty. btoucrb roots, C
YUtlt JiljftfJlll
plajfsSeo us bc-
Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North front Street
I, ries and Cakes.
IncIiuUngCliicki'ii and A'cal Pies,
l'otatoo will Shrimp Snlnil, Mac
caroni anil Cheese, Etc.
avis & Davis
Fourth Door from Front on A Street
The Steamer
Sails from
i North Bpnd WedpsdayatMioon.
F.S mOAgent Q
Have You Seen the New Homes
Instead of a Wilderness, as the land was a short time ago, today you will see improvements that will
astonish you. Go where you will over the Park you will find evidences that
The Purchasers of Lots are Home Builders
In each block you will find the people clearing their lots preparatory to building if they arUot already building.
We are not painting rosy pictures of what we intend to do; we d not claim that wegoing to spend more to improve the
property than we nope to sen tne property ror we say mue, saw woa ana aig to agamiplish something.
BAY PARK is the locattn sgkcled by many
where they plan to erect ofare erecting their
Q. i-H K
oa 4 ? i 11 . o
I ft
The Real Estate Man, on A Street Near Front at Once. Lots Sold on Easy Terms of $ 1 0 Cash
and $5 per Month. Title Perfect and Abstract Given Each Purchaser
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