MtVIVMMI . miMrmMtiibja&. . m -. ... miMi imrrniflifrli't''11" i ItMVK 'I i MIWPWJ "JTifc.. xtfftA. "tin wjiiwu -,., ,.Tr,....-?r?-?ym.9T,".?r?..r. THE'DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1907. r. fib if DELEGATE TO I. 0. R. M. ' CONVENTION RETURNS 'l)r. Wvtmurc of Coquille Initiated as pOtitside Guard, ftcws In Gen- r ,crnl from Coos' Capital. (Timo3 Special Service.) s Coquillc, Aug. 2. Dr. Wetmoro ha3 Just returned from Newport. He attended the state convention of the Order of lied Men, which convened there. He was Initiated Into the office of outside guard. He sayc a good time was onjoyed. Two or three dozen Indians danced the Co qullle dance, the Buffalo dance, the feather dance and a few others. J B. C. Knight had his hand Injured at Smith's camp last week. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mussel of Port land are here looking for a business location. Jf Mrs. R. M. Wieder Is here from Marshfleld visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Tuttle. 1 Louis Doanar, who is putting' in a telephone system at Bandon, was in town Tuesday. ' 9 Mr. and Mrs. David McNair of 8outh Fork took the lasi' Breakwater .j. ror Beatue to visit irienas. Jj S. Cole, a newcomer, has rented the' Grady ranch at Norway and lias moyed there. , 1 Will E. Paull and wife visited their ranch on Hall's creek yesterday, to gather apples and Jook for a piece of venison. , Xl C. and W. W. Itussel,' father and'json, of Eugene, were here last week looking for a suitable location for a brick plant. The flro departmect has received it' fewcart and l;oso and Is now reuflyrto fight any fire that' may occur.Ti' ' ' . jw. H. Merrick of Portland has beeh here visiting our beautiful val ley 'and river, and was much pleased wun uoin. J. L. Bean, tho Lampa merchant and family have been out to the mountains camping and report an enjoyable trip. P. W. Laird, one of the river farmers, has purchased nn elght horso power engine, and a cutter that will cut twelve tons per hour. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Messer and daughter, Mrs, M. O. Hawkins, have just returned from a three months' visit in Missouri and New Mexico. Capt. C. J McLean of the Coqullle River Steamboat company lelt Sat urday for Portland to order the now tellers for the Dispatch and Liberty. Ild will return in a week or two. Mrs. E. J. Bushier and daughter of Portland, who have been here for an outing, left for nome this week. They were well pleased with Coos and will return when tho railroad Is built. The Methodist "churches gaves a union picnic at Jacobson's Grove yesterday. The little folks had swings and were provided with sev eral methods of entertainment. Their dinner was spread on the grass and consisted of the usual dain ties. An enjoyable time was had. Postal Curd Cranks Cause Confusion. ' Postal card cranks and fiends can now couse the postofllce clerks still more trouble than formerly by reason of a recent order from the depart ment to tho effect that writers can cover both sides of all government post cards with writing. Already cards J are beginning 'to pour into the Portland office with the side formerly reserved for the ad dress alone covered with closely packed Inscriptions crowding the name and address intoMnsIgqificance iu huuii un uxiunt mar' me postal clerks have a hard time In many In stances to tell the destination of thel missive. I Doi tFortet J ICodak yotirVputiiigyfrJp; a fnlilliie with supplies at the Red Cross fff JJr: Bancroft I EYE and fKVfjS jedalisO I Room ll eflra hotel I ' AFTER' AUG. Ith 1 i B E UV Wet Your J. R. H Front Street, puirrw EWUistle I BRRONI 'NOKv RD hen Blow Prop, j Held, Oregon tCj&MxamiLimmBarz3BBatixemjmwm!UUJZJXmii:.-!3xiB j Tirr " "-"'""rTT'n"T:'- Skating R ink I). Ii. Avery, Manager. ii Week Commencing Moiidy, July 29 "I Pit AMtKllAN Under the direc Will present a Ion i MOV Inch: "THE K A. Ilager, test and Timely i vv R,np-fl mubiwr lion of aTlTHil. i 1 sehes of itho subjuctin l Ming tho finnans iilin EIHWCKY FEUD" Illustrated Scrags .Music by tho Eminent Piano Soloiit. Prof. C. A. CumlilT. SI B I Surbur ban Residence. Plfini-AiSubstantlal "" Frame House, Roomy, and Well ' 4 '-v. Arranged Cost $2,500. , , it Copyright. 1007. by P. T. MtcLitfan.'OM Broad Street. tfeWtrk?w!Aj,,",triS ' FRONT ELEVATOR!. pvlTCMENl rmNiN6TOolg BEDROO"lsksn f ; "Hu vJ L-J k 'PARLOR!. .e BEDROomiA- H6'6", . I8EDR0QW POR,CH t. . ,, , Roof i rt 1B I ' "l"it Sj , ' A'refjnod entertainment for 'La(lie, Children and Gentle- men. One performance every. evening. Change of pio 'gram Monday and Thursdny.i Box ollioo opens at 8 p. m. Performance at 8:30. Admission Cliildien 15c, Adults 25u. B usme&s -CiOiy i,. B. E. STKA pJiYsfcrN DiHOAses tf u and Thront t - Olfico in Lot ( Jfurshfield, 1)R. UAYt0 Oilier ontxjiflte Un io tfl -cr una i to. Sx-Uul alhiitfoji r. , urlnArVfciiitdlffpi ll U HM'eiinkni oxaro m , Marshficldj . I1JT)1CIW . r Otflrj." over Seng' ti. Phonos Office L ' 1)8 I I M lt" 'ifUMiij! Lhn n'J E. L. C. Farru Atloiiiij- nif.v n-tr; .-Jr- , J " "-y. "m ' n itotjj and boforfti tlm ( j, () 0f,r juu".,"ui "iiuiii '- i ,njii, oi Phrtiu , .,, ,, C. 1 McKMcifIT, , Altoiuu o Upbtaits, Bpiuh-iI i MiiiHhlluld, I - " .. i an lmmfmmmmtmmmmtmummmmmmtammmii If M jfnini i , ' A 1 ' i i ' Bank ofOfegon yPwpgaggszgos Jiffi!:,, Capital jptpfltonvi up - ' g omtc 0W1 Tlraill , " 1 Are Yotg Looking for -v''l.3?frfc,?nji. Business l g -' M , &jp M .. . . . v '.'? ' , m a w &trs?T a &tr'a w,n ' m iL d 3 m f ' r ay t a km s. jj mxl. m va ai i J , n i - BARGAINS? . Steany DydfWorfis I ; 4X lStjpl ;'.;. F ' Ve have good mfoperties for sale at ,1 Hilton ui.lOTtfgiue t'lift.Mt-iin jk ,, r AoVfdyivf. reasonable price Vmd would be pleased to pmnnrM..,.n. - ta k w th vou abbu tfienV. , LauiKfepress 1 F..-M. RuiWlS Jr. & Co. -Nvill maker regular flflps Uetween A , .SOuth Coc riVcr qd Majrshfleld $ k .A ?4.M,A Xeaving tlc'Mizit 7'.0 d, m. " f. ' J OlFQQl. .atad AlarbflelB Jat 4 ;3J p. m. ,TBhe will fc oiron fdrcbiuter . ' "between 9 W m. 'andli" n. to'. . , ' 'i arWsTBR Vi 8iffiajri)tijAt)tyrfiifflrf . WYATT CftWlnT. c nil ; rr : : r fi. A. MlIK(4'sll TR, uniicu s(rc ,,i ,.,. U, l-iiings, luntiKi I'Ju. r jnte , ,.,l B melt ,,riUI4T FLOOR PLAN,' it, . hSKCOND FLOOR PLAN. T1i1b plalu, aubstantlal frame house tuokes a very doslrablo auburbnu or MARSHFIELD .GENER&l) I fi MISSIJK. UICK $ nospitaii ir aw Medioal oaSc. Ra able. I 'I I ? PhoWQPl. HOSPITAL , Alatron rgical and tee reason- n flu sk nf I'&tlfnrTflnL. Hib opcaaMliuJT l'orthi kl RoseBHtr, Or., SI jlOW XOTK, 2lf all? Elanagan & Bennett Bank I MARSIIFIELO, OBEQON. . 'i Capital uapiuii t. unaivn Doei n eeneunuunklng on the Hank 0(1,111., First .V National nan tlclnal Dank, 8011, Iondon, Esgland Xiao Bell ctmikc on nearly cities of Europe, itaoounts kept auByfitJafioak, eafo deposit lqok boxes for root itla cents a niontn or INTEREST PAID.ON TIME',DRPOSITS I M0.0OJ $35,000 1083 and draw; n Kranclseo nd Or., KtrBl anovor Na- ItaUioMId & the prlnolpal The GJB,, B. & J. R. R? .. and Navigation Co. x y j 1 TKA1N StllE duij NO. 2. In KlVect Juiumijl, 1007. All iirovious Bchediues. are void, Subjoct to changenvlthout nortec, W. S. Ohandler, -Iianagor ; ' F. A, Lalse, freight uaontf general offices, Marshttold.v breach. f "f 1 No. 1. Trains. Dally' Except Sunday. I Stations. Leave 9:00 a. m. Marshfleld. 9:30 a. ni.B. H, '-Junction. D:-15 K. m.CoquIllo. " " Anivo.lOiSO n.m.Myrtlo Pojnt. - . ; L 1 1 f . I . No. 2. Dally I Excout Sunday, Leave -10:45 a. .111, (Myrtle Point 10:30 a. 111. Coqulllo . Vi2:00!msB H,"'. rrlvo 12:30 p. in.Marshfleld. Junction. com: & roui:, Attorn i Marshfiold, r r r Bloc 'mm I Oregon California- and Oregon oast steamship Company. "Steamdr'Mliance B. vfnjlSrJHkJ'tastcr. Sails from P Sails from Coos F. P. Baumgartner, Ajit, Couch St. J)ockToi tland, Oiu, f ' t astci w v drtland Sad BaV V iii irdays, 8 p. m. Tuesdays, at service of tide. L. W, Slinw;, Agt. Murshliolil, 610.. Plione HJ.. IM.rJV&iMAll5LI,, AttOl'IH S .11 I j.X Otllco ovoi :!(, ore Phone 701 - - ji n imiGiLu: & mil,, Arrhl'ft i a ' t North Bond, - - - dngoi, Real Estate . li. , l)llU LA.VI) (OMlMv, , Keul Jhtato 1 c ii ib , Noi th Bend. -, - - - Oregm; Mil. AliBKItT yi'l.L, Contfiictor.for 'ii ti Phon. l 4 tttttttntt tt t 4 ,, r ,j.. f tXtXttt of H Souvenir P N0RT0 tt tt tt M ife lie ij7 v IfeSHi srs 4.A tttimtitutitmmu Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line- BRA Sails for Portland a: C. F. Phone Main 34 UWXk rid Wsftori AlcCoIIud, TER 'aevery Thursday Agt. A. St. Dock i Extra trains .wlll run on djilly special orders, 'rru'lns to' and from Beaver Hill-alyf if WHY DO people: buy in BECA u,Cnoxce msiae;rc&dcc opsrty, lots 50xJ00 ;with alleys, is well shelterwith a good bay view and' prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEjABSTKACT CO. Henry SengstacljenT Manager. f mm" "" " nwiiHmnmn rlllflffo residence. Tho room aro largo uud well arrnuged and rell lighted. An additional bedroom may easily be fitted up In the attic. Tho coat Is eatl- . IMia ai foou. i P. t; MAOLAGAM. MEMTItflM yvu.cure any case ot Kianev&r r npfc rit hnvlnr . . I 4r" . i m ! -. beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine , Xdo more -- EJladder A klndis, JScPlierson Q.i.iCc. WboU1- Cif.MTH pliij. r'rti:! VUlUUUiiil V Front St aKiE" , vtea ,j6il k.7s up V v ru.'i i ;J73u.jk 'aB-nrx'jr.armj jcbcl. jx..- y?igPff-figraEa,a . m' XS3S Cacs E' Slea L:, All Voivrnovv the n n I MAR$i All I the ij 3 'SEND at 1 i'! -t Agent, Mat I ' North Bend Pliojn 1 i Marshfield' Phon3tu i -w. a! lie lit i u and liutvr livoi . t ai tr - ti fa. ' a ii... Bl-X' P1!! 1mi1 p North BndAy ' -n I fnwiiwnjilj.,.i. i ""i lZtt r fiJ s &J s , H wT)i;ih