THE DAILY CQQS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1907. os Bay Times BPKNDENT BKPOT3L"" Y ?:!T"3PArKn 0 KVKHV DAY KXCKITIMI ua- jltSO WKBKLY BY os Bay Timks PUDMrilUN'O Co. PASLEY, Editok. ,AUGB, Business Maxaciek. policy of Tho Uoob Bay Times ReDublicon in polltlca, with tho Idence of which President Kooso- he leading exponont. ( .t the postoffloo at Marihflcld, Oco- transmission through the malU as imaUlmattcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: copy. "ftyi 7 uwiiu. nth, daily, - ou ccnu nths, daily, - 1 20 i, dally - - ?2 50 daily, - - - l& 00 . uor year - ?i uu greater or less degree. Not one of tho Inlets of Coos Day Is a "slough" and tho name of any Coosan or Cooslan or Coos Bayite who slanders tho bay by giving Its arms so dis graceful an epithet Is MUD. When a man says "slough" let every self respecting citizen answer "Mud." laths, lr, iresa an cuiiiuiuiuchmuiib vu COOS BAY TIMES MarsbflcH. Oftjon, HAYWOOD'S PUIJLIO IMPOKTANOK. fcre would no more completo I of tho excitable nature of those lattach themselves to tho so- Boclallst party than the pro- suddenly made by a member lem to mako Mr. William Hay- tbe Socialist candidate for dent In 1908. Certainly no ob- bn can bo offerod to that party what It chooses as it Is not to be In practical politics any- but It would bo interesting as Sidy In human nature to lnvostl- the motives of those who should Inate him, It being evident' that as no particular recommondatlon their favor except that ho has been acquitted upon a charge of der. Mr. Haywood has become lely known on account of tho now ou8 Boise trial, but it does not ear that tho trial developed any t genius on his part or showed he had any grasp of political stlons. Like all radical parties, iallstn thrives on sensationalism. 1111am Haywood is not to be re ded as a public character any e than H. H. Rogers. Ho is at head of a large labor organlza- ana tnat j organization has a t to exist and to protect its mem- from the exactions of capital, as capital has a right to organize Insist on protection for Its prop But Hi H. Kogers should er be regarded as a suitable can- ate for high office. Neither should labor lender. Both are theo- cally engaged in providing for the ds of the great world and should the world's servants and subject the world'wlshes and will. Both e encroached upon tho world's fort and good order. Both have ken tho law and, In so far as they e broken Oio law, they are sub- to criticism. The trial at Bofse not result in Haywood's conVlc and It dldrnot prove him a hero. Imply saldAhat tho man was not Uy of the'erime charued. and the erlcan people were glad to hear They arSnot anxious that any pcent manV. should be convicted. Public Isnot interested in the stlon whether a criminal is a on man or a mine owner. . They simply Interested In the nunish- t of the criminal. HTItKKT I URS AGAIN. Tho people of Marshfleld arc be ginning to realize that the city must bo treated as one likely to grow and become large. Tho action of Tho Times in calling attention to tho failure of tho council In tho past to provide for uniform and sufficient street grades has resulted in a very useful discussion and many citizens very properly feel that tho grades must bo established on a basis of progress. It would manifestly be very absurd If the various buildings which are being erected should each bo provided with a grade of Its own, possibly different from others. It wpuld bo equally absurd if such grades should be made haphazard without being subject to any superior authority. The engineering depart ment Is expected to look out for tho public Interests In this respect and the public Is Interested In having Its streets as unlform-nnd level as pos sible and not like tho corrugated back of a doubled-humped camel. Tho engineering department can not act, of course, without authoriza tion. It can not be said that present conditions are anybody's fault, but thore will very shortly bo conditions In Marshfleld streets which will be very unsatisfactory, unless a system of uniform grades is fixed. WHAT OTHERS SAY Mil. HAIIIUMAN AND PORTLAND. (Portland Telegram.) It Is said that Mr. Harrlman Is to bring coal to Portland. This might be good news If we could eliminate tho activity of the fuel trust. A DETROIT VIEW OF EDWARD. (Portland Journal.) Tho Detroit News states the case bluntly thus: "E. H. Harrlman voted an issue of bonds, pocketed the millions, and left tho rifled railroad to stagger under lts load, of debt. Had he stolon Ave cents ,from a gro cery counter.'uhe would have been Jailed." EVENING VS. MORNING PAPERS. (Pendleton Tribune.) The evening paperB had a meagre report that a shipwreck had occurred, but the morning papers told what It was and who were lost. Tho even ing papers usually tell that some thing has happened and tho morning papers tell, what it was. And yet there is room for the evening papers. 'i COOS BAY HAS A FEW -. (Eugene Registerr) Cut the weeds and grass along the streets abutjftjg yourj property of the chief -of" police. w'Hl slve'' a per sonally conducted excursion down to the city magistrate's place of busi ness. You ought to do it without being threatened who wants to live In a town with a crop of hay grow ing In the streets? HIS NAME IS MUD. 'Vebster says a slough Is "a place aeep mud or mire." In other ds a mud hole. Singularly 8h tho people of tho region ad- ent to Coos Bay have chosen to those beautiful inlets or estu- which form one of tho unusual tltdM. la . .. - ... .CB ui ino nnv "b nnphn" nr es- It is a case of unconscious raggllng of gems In tho mire. would It do to use the meanlntr the word slouch instead of that r(l. as applied to these inlets. For mPlc: "Major Kinney's famous "Inals are locntnrt nn Pnnv Mud. IB. FariTlflr Tnnoii iro I.. ! ni-a J . uwv.o nu.a ill b.iu wfcv Uay from South Miirihnln Moinra. "fman and nrmnn tnnlr Hortifi iends up Isthmus Mudholo yester- ' Messrs. KJolland and Wheeler 6 Spending a few dnva nn Kpnrtirk "dhole with their families. Mr. "pson haB gono to Ten Mile by way 'Win Mudholo? nml fnaara T?,iEr 1 6 ' Lawhorno wont up Catching uahol0 this morning. Who could ave fcadosuch a blunder as to fix uch a word onto Coos Bay. It Is ' a misnomer merely, it is a crime. fn0 Inlets Of Coos Hnv r niinnr I 'ar removed from tho conception a mudhole or mlro as a man can aeme. a ship of largo size can '" UP some of them and all are as 6 waterways as commerce could "and. Isthmus Inlet Is a broad, "Ehtful stream which at low tide 18 from ton to fourteen feet of wa- '" us deep channel. The man 10 called it a slough In the first in 'Dce must have had a head full of ut "wo forbear' The same can Bald of all the' other inlets in GOOD THING FOR COOS BAY. (Albany Herald.) Commendation is due the city council In their effort to have the weeds cut from the streets. Let this good -work beprosecuted, It is a step In tho right direction. The iHerald would suggest that the city fathers take notice of the noxious growth on. Water street. .CHAMBERLAIN THE SPRINTER. (The Dallas Optimist.) The Oregonlan thinks there Is no- danger of Chamberlain being elected, butln tho next breath It says a Re- publican will not bo elected (To tho senate.) But Mr. Scott must re member that he was not here during tho last campaign and probably does .not know that as a sprinter, beforo the Oregon people. Chamberlain Is a ten-second man. WE'VE GOT A CLIMATE TOO. (Oregon Statesman.) The dispatches of yesterday tell about the great heat in various parts-' of the country east of the Rocky Mountains, and at Kansas City, Mis sourl, 125 horses dropped dead from he 'terrible effects- of the sun's rays. We 'of tho Willamette valloy should congratulate ourselves at being able o enjoy the grandest climate in the world. IIARRIMAN'S WILL-O-THE-WISP. (Albany. Democrat.) For a good, many years Albany peo ple have buUt up false hopes on the Extension of the' Corvallls and East ern into Crook county. Several; times It' has looked' as if it wa8 bound to go over the hills, but It didn't. Different things arose to stop It. Now our hopes aro built up on a more solid basis than over, and it again looks as if something Fas bound to occur. But it Is all founded on straws, and where they will land Is the speculation. From any stand point It 1b the business of the Harrl man syndicate to go Into eastern Ore gon from this direction with Ha roadH The people are entitled to It, but more than that, It Is a business prop osition, for there Is every reason to believe It would Increase the business of the road to a remarkable degree, perhaps more than double It by sim ply getting down to a connection with a wagon road, so that eastern Ore gon people could come out this way to a market with the world. have THAT ELECTRIC ROAD (Roseburg Revlow.) An Impression seems to gained circulation that the move ment for an , electric railway be tween Roseburg and Coos Bay has been dropped, at least for the pres ent. Such la not tho case. The Coos Bay people aro moving along steadily toward completing their stock subscriptions and upwards of $90,000 is reported as being onw subscribed In that county. A re newed effort to complete the first $125,000 Is to be made there right away and that total may be reached within a week. As soon as this is done, a formal call will be Issued to the stockholders for permanent or ganization. Our local people should not bo found napping, but be ready to go ahead at once and put tho movement on a working basis. Both counties need that road and no Deter tlmo than now will bo found for put ting It under way. Heavy capitalists In the EaBt are looking this way for Investments and there Is no beter way to get them into this part of tho stnto than to start work on this railroad. ARTISTIC AND MECHANICAL DRAWING MMNMMMli Cards Designed -rid Letter Heads. General wort for reproduction. VOY E. LAWHORNE. Phone 1511 That's Right Come right in for Lunch and Dinner today Cuisine perfect; service unequaled The nicest appointed restaurant onCoos Tal icit Bay triae so, topavEOraainn where e and luiw counter VL why-. you per weel Uiare-going not come theBEST. g room bqara :puu .counter;: board fch ,Vo, r i '$4t00 per week.' Best of 'at- , tendon' giv'eriV "y "' j t'w JH'V". 1 U1 X-r- LE BON VIVANT H "4 .4- i-Jidj.;' . -; I, Get It For Her An Electric Flat Iron Save her time Save her health & Save her weary steps Save. yo nionojr Save you clothes Save her temper Save her complexion The vcr Gene: nbest lean Electric Heater rll-Klectrlc Co.. . un ijtmu nowxia largofii nlrtfidy in use inURi yojf want to kn4wtw n liiccessoiMiot nk owns one. f are made by The Anicr- itho .Wo luve them uinoer nre rshfleld nnd if hcther they nre any woman who Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. Ma&hfield and North Bend. m ,j"i 7NortK Front'Street Opposite Ctty Hall "?&' rn ., J. -?-,:.. s,V ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the f sending mom world; and w rScfefisarv adO OV IIU OJT fthouT ties for parts of the danger or loss. , THE FIRST NATI0NALBANK Of COOS BAY Marihficld, Orcgo. xWr A f,irv-(,f wlafii m i-n- -. ' The Steamer M I.DI A XTJL JrrjjSyJL JLjL NoAh BeiiLJrn suyw NT Sails from a MARSHFIELD, dnesday at noon. Ag:ent oreqon r ; m GUNS -i ' : and ' 'I' l -: mm rnmemi Mk W KA W "W" 4 dM aT .!! '. fl 'Jfe ii '; Vif3i.3 ic. 'jf j ' ij M rrununitioh is i 'i . . c ' ' 'J FEEKSpCtu' ji,-,'''r Tim TK k. . ,. jr t .t.,i(nr r 2 msa'.comweie wne or , 5 S f f S .1 KWtTCHEK, KNIVES;' f mkTfmQS BELT?SfJ:: wm rrASESsek. i Our stock - wejca: MARBLE SIGHTS, G Stjf:, i ; '.sal nner ral Hotel Biiil ding, 4 Front street f.' sM Como Eariy to Make Selections of WALL PAPER Our stock iyWdgfasLi-A trial, of our . PamttffWarnishes will convince thx they are the best on the market Coos Bay PaiK & Wallpaper Co. . Zni wr C. Strt j TRY A TIMES WANT AD, m ! PU ill