pnnm 'feiSflM WPM THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31907. "P"" Ml f imuiiiiiiunMimu' "i umiMiMi tm !t , Personal AND Otherwise j & c The Timet will sppreciste very much newt itcmi of the comings and going! of pccplc on Coot Bay and eientt in general. Items can be telephoned to the office or tent by letter cr by person tt - Mrs. Neir nnd family returned from Ten ftiile yesterday. Sirs, Seaman of Coos Itlvei Is In this city for a short time. Miss Lingo of Empire Is visiting with her brother of Ferndale. Miss Alyco McCormac was down from the river yesterday. J Dr. Tower was in this city fnm Coos Itlver yesterday. Mrs. Geo. Adams Is visiting with lira. Prank Rogers of Coos River Mrs. May McGann.of the creame'y was a city visitor yesterday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Allen of this clT paid a business visit to Empire y( -terday. Mr. Museck of LIbby was here yes terday. Mrs. II. E. Bessey of Coos River was in this city Friday. E. W. Getty and family of Rocky Point have moved to their home In Empire. The campers of Coos itlver and In vited guests from thb city will enjoy a picnic at the Pools today. Mrs. Cox and daughter of Daniels Creek were shopping in this city yes terday. Mr, Phil Relchert has returned borne after a week's outing at Coos River. Mr. John Haydon of Mllllngton was a business visitor to this city Friday. Mr. Lingo of Ferndale Intends leaving soon for the valley to visit relatives nnd friends. Mrs. Percy Levar and daughter, Mary, returned to this city yesterday alter having enjoyed an outing at Sumner. i Mr. Bert Gould of Coqullle Is In this city on his way to the Elk Horn ranch, where he will spend his vaca tion bunting in that vicinity. - BIrsr. Wyatt Coffelt of Coos River was In this city ahi-oplng on Friday. Mr. Rice and family moved yester day Into the Mar3den residence on SSna street. FOUR JURORS IN IIALSEV CASE San Francisco, Aug. 2. In he presence of a large crowd spectators in Judge Dunn's court four of the twelve Jurors who are to try T. V. Ilalsoy for bribery wero chosen to day and sworn and an adjournment was taken until Monday. WIIjLIAMS APPKAKS WINNER Memphis, Tonn., Aug. 2. At 10 p. so. tonight reports received Indicate Williams will maintain a lead of 3 to 1 over Vandmon In tho Mississippi ontest for tho senatorial nomina tion, i THE DAY AFTER e m i . II in . Cory In Nw York World, RICHEST GOLD MINE STILL UNDISCOVERED Mirny White Men Hn Tried to Find It Hut AM Hnvo Met Death j Indian Tale. , I Seattle, Aug. 2. The management I of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expos!- tion, which will be 'held at Seattle in 1909, proposes to teproduce at the expo3ltldn several of' the famous I mines of the North, that made dozens of millionaires during 189S nnd 1900. But tho richest mine that tho north has will not be reproduced for the simple reason that no white man has ever seen It, and lived to tell the tale. In the early days of the camp a certain tribe of Indians from the north arrived In Dawson for the first time. To the astonishment of the few that first saw the tribe every member had several ornaments carved from great nuggets of virgin gold. This tribe had never met the white men before and to breathless inquiries the tribesmen told how near where they lived was a stream In which the yellow metal could be picked up in chunks as big as one's fist'. Near by, .they said, there was a cliff In which the metal stood out like mos3 on a mountain side. The Indians soon learned the value of their ornaments and shrewdly re fused to tell where they got It. Nevertheless several prospectors tried to follow the tribe on the re turn to the northern village, but the wily tedmen easily succeeded in los ing the less agile paleface. Since then there have been several more or less secret and always unsuccessful expeditions to find the lost gold of the Indians. WILLIAMS' MAJORITY REDUCED Memphis, Aug. 2. Returns to the Commercial-Appeal show a consider able reduction In the majority of Williams over Vardaman in the con test for the senatorial nomination. Vardaman polled an unusually large vote In tho rural districts and ac cording to these reports "the contest is becoming closer. ,- THE DRAMA TURNS COOS BAYWARD Opera House Manager Hns Several Attractions In View for Com ing Fall Months. W. J. Butler, manager of the opera house, has several theatrical attractions In view for the early fall. One company has been dated for the week commencing August 26th. ThlB company Is the Lowe Company, a stock aggregation which 19 playing tho valley towns and heading this way. Other companies which are de sirous of showing the Coos Bay pub lic what real acting is like, are, the Margaret lies Company, which has Just closed a twelve weeks' engage ment at 'Klamath Talis and1 given the best of satisfaction; Tho Howard Dorset Company, now in Tacoma, and tho Leo Wlllard Company. All are stock repertoire companies and most of them will Btay for ono week If arrangements can be made whoro dates will not conflict. Tho lies company wishes to stay for four weoks. Three companies have ap plied for 'the same date, about Sep tember 23rd, and i may be some of them will not come here owing to tho conflict In dates. UMDAF 10 will Isav at ?:30 a. m. Fore on round trip 50 cents Children half fare Sign . Writingt Of all description House painting, pa per hanging ing, ingetc Strict! sold on J. B. Rohr Opposite Bear's Livery Stable Nal6on iron Works P. B. NELSON, fcp TKLKPnWTE KM MARSHFIELD. - - OREGON :Dr. Bancroft WW ba at Hotel Oregon, North Bend, Aug. 1, 2, 3 nnd 4. At Hotel Central, Marshfield, . Room 11, After Aug. 4. Special prices on all porecription work until August btn. TEST YOUR OWN EYES TEST AST TMRiE FEET NOR.TH BEND MARSHFIELD afkC u. Ib. for PIPE&r S WO VE Rit urnmg will Spare, piper Vgrdve a$A p. in. Sgrun- catriagetftint- puffi stock dl jobs, j W Wftdtpi kflWf UMhtMry, Btmun no4rOu BngtnKnn ttoA Bt rote, ifcrf of work ojpWectritr. : We maaiUfepuire otungp Iron nd Bronse fol ILv Will aril Losrtef Camp. Vh tnJteMe best HpMkYe rtd Road Bpoolfo?Jsr. 1 : I WW Each Era Sfepatately are tho line inheso circles all the same blackm&wiffiot you hnvo Astigmatism. oorne in and I will explain what your trouble is. F. J. HAYES TT FOK SAT.E Clicap, ono complete kitchen outfit. Apply Union Sa loon, North Bend. FOIl RENT Newly furnished room with bath, ?S.00; also two un furnished. Address XZ, care Times. WANTED Purchasers for 10.000 rolls of wall paper. Papers suit able for the finest houses. Largest stock on Coos Bay. Also large stock of paints, varnish, staln3, mouldings and brushes. Closing out sain at wholesalo prices. J. S. Edmunds, corner Union and Com. aves., North Bend, Ore. FOR SALE Portable bake oven and baking utensils. Address "Busi ness" care Times. Denver Ticket. l'arty w.llies to buy ticket to Denver, Colorado, via either San Francisco orPortland. Address X. A., Coos Bay Times. Office. WANTED Inside wsrk f by young man. Bookkeeping for steno graphic work preferred. Refer ences. Care Times, FOR SALE Horn stenfl relinquish- ment. Address Times. i. If .C, care The FOR RENT Two close In, good fufnlshed rooms, uailture; cheap. Coos Bay Auctld nJCo., 2nd St., between B & C, lephone S74. WANTED Good nfn or woman to rent my mill h dpi. Twenty-five boarders guaran Jed. The house Is large and wel finished. L. D. Kinney. WANTED Two heavy teams to haul piling for Plat B wharf, on con tract or six dollars! per day. L. D. Kinney. WANTED Ten men to clear land on Plat B, by the acrV. L. D. Kin ney. WANTED -Servant girl. Inquire Mrs. H.'H. McPherson. WANTED Men to work In sawmill, wages $2 per day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-241tf NOTICE! TEACHERS WANTED. Application will bo received by the clerk of school district No. 6, Empire City, Oregon. lor the posi tions of principal and Resistant; reiorooces must accompany appli cation. L08T July 12, on Front street or near Alort Landing, small, plain, gold watch, no initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable reward offered. Leave at Times office, or address, Mrs. S. A. Yoaknm, MarshQeld, Oregon. WANTED By Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, a few summer boarders or parties wishing a day on South Coos river can get dinner. Launch Tioga leaves Marshfleld at 8 a. m. dally. J. A. Goodwill. WANT! her mj Oakley & Arnold CIVIL ICAL North Bend, Ore. Phonel210 Office in Myen BIJe. BONIX id NOR' FASTESTMOi ON TWE fV Half Hoiir Schedi Rui Between .Mnrvilleld mol North Dend Made in ii Minutes Private Lantl Faro: Onewav, 15c.; rouod trip, 3e. WAN y i i I . m B - I i&jsfftstesaaws S AND Bread, Pi Inclmllng Chicken tnmMmnnMmNtMNi GOODSy Potntoo nnd Shrlinp Salad, IMac caroni nnd Cheese, Ktc. Davis & Davis Fourth Door from YOUR SUCCESS in life depends upon your preparation The business world demands well trained men Let us ..... lvimer - Business College North Bend, Oregon We offer for a few days a splendid buy in a two-acre tract between Aiarsnueja ma ft or . Oret mpuaamtttnttmmnnttmtttnunnamttttmtmt Iry The . Fnr Ira Crannt h Cake and pies to or baked beans and bro 1 V SMUgT dftusPiciTic wii Dceatt fnf Second and C streets. nmmjmtm::::::mt:ttt:::m:.:m,mjm:mmw:::jmtnmnm,: WILSON ,& Officofixtures a BPeciity.ore Fronts, Counters, ouwvwig. i,ei ub workout lore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery BAKERY DEL iTm-"Tenl Pies, Front on A Street and w mm ou ueatfer ) i !' m ace. Any Amounts Furnished : lunches a ssiecioltv. Saturday and Sunday. Phone Main 561 iTHOMAS your jilans. See us be- Stable, North Front Street ICATESSEN j es am A lmmwmnl J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. "iSii11 iMk-JjK1 -w&4m&& .-R-.-'JfcJl - -----r-n . 'IT. zrrjr,:a...ii - ajwMiggjjIBsa