THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMER. MARSHHELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1907. personal MVU Z Otherwise M j) :Q jle Timti "ill appreciate very much i f llin rnmtncri Ann frptnirn ; ...J. on Cioi Bay nd in tr, Itemf can be telephoned to the Site or rent by letter or by pcrion 1 !B .. .. Mililn nf fllla olltf la Ijlrs. "" """- " ' " u guest 01 Mrs. Willis, milmui , OI :oquille. vrs Krcltzer and son, William, .'turned yesterday from a short ".jt a the Coqulllo country. jri n, Turpen, of Nortl Bend, E . n.. nlfif t'nofnrilnv tjj m IIIU -'-. .' -"-v-.."j. I'r Kitcaner. or North Bend, left L morning for Bandon, where ho I psend a few weeks' outing. ! Mr. Barcus, of Columbus, Ohio, 3d Mr. Hy Behnko, of North Bend, ift yesterday morning for Coqulllq. ur A. K. seaman is uown irom summer homo "The Orchard." .!)! R. M. WIeder left yesterday nornlng for uoqunie, wnero sno win j'end a short time with relatives. :rUrs. W. F. Piper, of Coos River, tag a city visitor yesterday. n'sin. ack Mlnto and daughter ar- Ired on the Breakwater from Vic toria, B. C, and will remain on the lay for the summer, visiting with friends. h-Mrs. Major Tower, of Empire, was 1 this city yesterday. h'jlr. T. Wrenny, of North Bend, bs In Marshfleld Tuesday. fJMrs. Nlcholls returned Monday rom Coos River, where she was tjendlng a few days with Mrs. A. E Seaman, formerly of this city. : Mr. Geo. W. Kaufman, W"lfe and jaother, and Mr. Wm. Merchant left esterday for the lighthouse, whero hey will camp for rt few days. 'Mr. John Lapallne Is in this city eceivlng medical treatment. I Vr Film, nf nnnilnn. Is In tills oltv n business. t' Miss Jenny Curren left yesterday' for the ligiunouse, wuero site win wend her summer vacation. j'MIss Lena Logan, of Bandon, re turned on the Plant from'! San Fran- Pisco. IpJIrs. Pickett, of Stockton, Is in lls'.city to spo'n'di.jthe.';remainl,nK iammer as the guest of her (laugh er, Mrs. A. B. Prontis. 1 Miss Al.lco McCorniac rettirjieJ homo yesterdaynfter a month spent with friends In Portland. Miss Mc Cormac leaves today for Coos Itivor, accompanied by her friend, Miss Jessie, of Portland. Mr. N. Jensen Is having a two story resldoiico built in Perndale. Mr. J. E. Oron arrived homo Mnn. day from Portland. A. M. Barcus, of North Bund, was In .Marshfleld Ae-stordny. Dr. Taggart, of Beaver I'll), was hero yesterday attending to business affairs. Mrs. Fred Nelson will leave this morning via Mrytle Point for Camas valley, to see her mother who has been 111 for somo time. Bud Holland is at homo under the care of a physician. Hiss Illness Is not considered of a serious nature and he expects to bo able to resume his duties In a day or two. The C B., R. & L ft. R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. In KfiVct January 1, 1007. t All previous schedules ao void. Subjoct to change wlthut notice. W. S. Chandler, imuii∨ F. A. Lalso, freight agent; geflernl offices, Marshfleld, Oregon. T i No. i: Dally Except Sunday Leave 9:00 -a. 1 9:30 a. i 9:45 a. i Arrive 10:20 a.t No. 2. COLORADO MINING PARTIES ON BAY J r Mr. and Mrs. Wetherlll arrived 6n the Plant yesterday. They brought with them on the steamer, four horses and two emigrant wagorts. Thoy started from Colorado to drive through to Coos Bay, but one hogo was irijured shortly before thpj' rnnrhnrt Knit T.nlrn rlfi. nwi tut... shipped from there to San Francisco. iur. wuuiuriu is nere in me interests pf Mr. Otto J, Zaum, a Los Angefes mining man, who has large timber Interests in Coos and Curry counties. The horses Mr. Wetherlll brought are fine arlmals and show good care, being in excellent condition. "J - V THE SUN AND TIDE CALENDAR. High Water. Tues., 30.. Wed., 31.. Thurs., 1 . Fri., 2 Sat., 3 Sun.. 4... Mom, 5. , . 4: 5: 0: 2: 3: 7.7 7.0 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.4' Tues., 30. Wed.. 31. Thurs., .;.' FH.i 2.. . , Sat'., 3 . .'. Sun.. 4. . Mon., 5 . . . tiles'.. 30i Wed., 31 . Thurs., 1 Fri..-2. ,. . sac &..: Sun., 4 . . Mon., 4 . . 31 32 51 02 10 . . o:33 Low AVntcr.' ...1.0:58 0.7 .11:43 ..(6:42 i:j.v8:00 . . 9:18 ..10:24 ,Suii..'CuIpiuliji ..,'.( ,l.;.i,c'449. 4:50 4:51 4:54 4:55 5:16 6:07 12:43 1:43 2:48 3:53 4:50 t 814 8.2 2.2 2;B 3.3 3.P 3.5 1.5 0.4 6.0 5.9 6.1 11:47 1'.8 7:01 7:5S 8:32 9:47 10:34 810 8'.0 8;5 8.'1 8;3 7:23 7:22 7:21 7:18 7:17 Dally Excopt Sunday Leave 10:45 a. : i 10:30' a. 12:00 m. Arrive 12: 3.0, p. Trains. I i Stations. .Mashflold. .JB.jfll. Junction. .Cuille. Mf rtlo Point. tyrtlo Point. lulllc. H. Junction. Marshfleld. Eoqi: Extra trains, special orders. Beaver Hlil dal 11)1 run on dally ains to and from WILSON & THOMAS' Contrariors-andBuifders Oflico fixtures a SholvinK. Let fore building. iecialjty. Store J tin wont on? vourvr) fronts, Counters, lans. beo us he- Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street rntTj3j,ii JviuwassniiiKiA'simTM.nriMhmzjyng H JJWIWl II JlLBll WANT ADS FOR SALtt-Vl'ho best small buslr ncssqn, the bay, Previous experi ence notnecessary. Amount re quired about 800. Can double your money In next six months. Addfoss" Business', care Times Office," vVAN.TED-ro rent two; or, three '' furnished rooms. Address 06 if : care Times.- ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD TVT .1 i J C ift.i r we use tne nacessary racmties rpr sending money tfcfrpartsdf the world, and withoi danger i'ii i loss. THE FIRST NATIONALANrOF C00S BAY r Marshfkld, Oregon. Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUUOEON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, I.oso and Throat a specialty. Office in Lockhart'B Building. ' Murshiield, ' Oregon DR. HAYDON Oflico opposite Onion Purnfture Store. Hours 10 to ll'nnd 2 to A Srx-cinl atlfltitfon pfd to illseaees of h'e ieii urinary ana aiKCiuvc organs U. K'l'entltfn oxninlnct Try The .'. Dl 'ESSEN WANTED Six nidn work. ?2 per Oakloy & Arnold to do rosid day and board'. WANTED Servant girl. Mrs. H. H. McPnerson. Inquire LOST-Talf. of gdld-bowe'd rimmed glasses in black case marked with letters, "Seeleyiand Oaks," Du buque, la. Return to Palace Res taurant and recplve reward. 7-2 41-4 1 lit&iiit A Souvenir Pds NORT 5?loo o 1 1 mT '"i Sklsf Mafshfield m & HMbm g L X 8 tmrmtttmmmmmmtt WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKENj' ADDITION BE( It is choice inside resspence properly, lots 50xip0 with alleys, is well shelfe&ed wh a gooi bay view and prices of lots are reasohaole.1 iror particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO. Henry SenAtacken, Manager. Are Yon Looking for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS? We hnvfe nod t0Dgttles for sale at reasonable prices lancywouku be pleased to talk with you aboBthem. F. M. Kummell Jr. &. Go. Street. j ! i I) , i " f . California and Oregon Goast Steamship Company. SteameTAlManGe r ' I B. W. OLSON, Mastoj mvuim VWU . p, v ,r . .' , I ' . tf , il and Return T. W. HHAW. AaQnt. Jii i una i uu., oouwiu omwi -- "" " .., gOOSBY to fiKO.U. GRAY a OO., Geaexalage FOR SALE A farm of SO acres on Daniels' CreekJ Address E. R. Jones, Box 110 Marjshfield. 5-2G-1 r FOR RENT Hquse ivith convonl- ,"encbs. . 'Apply Irs. JO, AV. Tower, This is a bargain. ;ipply at Hall & Hall's office.! B C-l-1 ' FOR SALE A wagon, harness son, corner Seiond WANTED Good rent my mill team of horses, otcS Albert Mat- nd D streets. manflor woman to boarding house. Twenty-five borirdenB guaranteed. The house is lLrgegpnd well fur nished. L. D. KlniAy. wanted Two hftavy piling for Plat tract or'slx dollars i Kinney. teams to haul wharf, on con- r day. L. D. WANTED Ten met t Plat li, by the rtfcnt ney. WANTED Day lnbrrsf apply nt oflico oi to forenmnlof RnB works at Porter. The Cto(s Kay Gas & Electric Co. Il It clear land on L. D. KInr WANTED Men to w wnrroa 9 nor. rln Simpson Lumber Cc NOTICE TEACHERS! Application will bcj the clone ot school Kmpire City, Oregon;! tions of principal ai references must acc( cailon. k in sawmill, and upward. 8-241tf WANTED. received by strict No. 6, for the poel- d assistant; pany appli- WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for general housework. Good wages, Apply to Mrs. Song-stacken. LOST July 12, on Front street or near Alert Landing, small. fola!n, gold watch, no Initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable reward offered.. Leave- at Times' pfflce, p'r address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakain) Marshfleld, Oregon. WANTED Chamber maid at Cen tral Hotel. v-v For Ice Cream. A& Ami Amounts Furnished Cake and pies to order. Picnic lurches a specialty. Baked beans and brawn bread for Saturday and Sunday. Second and C streets.Xrhone Main 561 1 ttUilt ttm Portland & CocgjW S S Line JF M : BR.E Sails for Portland mdWistotia, every Thursday C. FA McCollumvLgt. Phone Main 34 - V - - A. St. Dock MarBlificld, Oregon dr. ; j. v. KYcmAM. ' fTs'c'n'' tnt burgeon. OfQeo over Seugstaxikon'B Drug Stor. Phone Offloo 1681;, realdcuico 78S. Lawyers. E. L. C. Farrlri Geo. N: Farrla PARKIN & FARRIN Attorneys nt Law City Attorney, Don. District Attonor Will practice In U. S. Court and before the tL S Land Ohco.i Lockhart. Building, Marshflold, Oro. Phono Main 41. 3R. L. A. LlLJEQATtbT. LA United States' Commi'sSlbner, U. S'. Iiand Mattefs. ' ''" ' " Filings, Entrlei, Proofs, CMtests',' etc. r J, W. HENNETT, Office overl .Flanagan & Bennett t. Bank. Marshfleld, 9 - - g- -, Oregon C. F. McICNIGlIl . Attorjvey at Law. Upstairs, Bonnett & Walter Block Marshfleld, - - - '- Oregon COKE & COICE, Attorney at Law. Marshfleld, '- ' - l- ' - -I . v'l il Oregon u i In ll 1 m COOS BAY j I f MONCMTAL WORKS I H iSiSB TCp iarjvntj!BHttor work at lower prices, ffl 9 llnMlBI yffTiEHgv Ulanicaa brhaa80Wnore. Do not order m HB Z?&! HIiAM noaumedfal worttuutil you ha"e M 1 lmmMm I XI N us S I Smi tcwartf& Mitchell I SIZl" Corncf 3d & D Sts. I -,,'TfflBjffwsssi Phone, -J? - - - Main 1731 I Skating: Rink D. L. Avcry ManajreiV c 9 Week Commencing Monday , July 22 "THE AMERSCAHBJ0SC0PE7' WANTED By Mrs. J. A. GoodwH), a fqw summroarders or parties wishing a day, on South Coos rltef can; get dinner; Launch Tlogji leaves Marshfleld at 8 a. in. dally. J. A. Goodwill. Under the Will present a long s. ager, Latest nnd Timely direction of MnrG. A. w JVi AT rios ofjiho SnHiArfyS in I MOVING 'PICTURES JAcluding tho famous fim '10ST IN THE ALPS" IllustfateSongs ) Mlisio byTRoEminent Piano Soloist '.;. Prof. C. A. Cuiuliir. Arefined entertainment for Ladies, Children nnd Gentle men, One performance every ovenUg. Change of pro gram Monday and Thursday. Box office opens at 8 p. m. Performance at 8:30. Admission Children 15c, Adulte25c. B ae 5! 1 HI r Y;m R 1 1 iF W WJklk 9 9.MM-m HL wkJy KLA M. 1 JKflf mf ljVJ 01.4A.xt, dfyMlttfttA9StU9mK wit Axluov 'OT rilQtKrW wudwm6immmM I T tfif'T ufit'lftKR i Do not rtefc fccntae IMseara wot &&' ttfwfe'llM A wMmrmmMmmsm ': iLi ,u..- ;?AM w m-v PIXIiljr & 3LAYBEE, .f,.:! , , Attorney att Law, (1ii-,i Office oyer Myers', .Store. . ,; ,, Phono 701 - - . Bpnd,. Ore. BRIG1IAM & BELL, Architects. North iBend, - - : 1.. -.!i,i-: 1 1 Oregon Real Estate Accents. ' ' ' ' DIER LAND COMPANY, ! ' ' Real Estate Brokers. North Bend, ----- Oregon MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phono 1884. I McPherson Ginser Ct). I Wholesale liquor dealer I Cigare and BnuWi. Bnp- plies. jr I California tQ&A SofcckJty W Front fejffarsjflld I..IM1 Xiii..n.i.iMi i Coos Bay Steam Laundry MARS11FIELD All won the Nori adNORra a biov done at IhHSend Plarft BEND Edgar Mauzey Asent, Marsjifltld ,N1h Bnt Phone 1031 , MarshftelrJ Phone 180 IW. A, HRJO I Pealer in BOr Milk and Buttefniilk. Jfroq dp- i livery toAll Aartar fho city. I North Betfdr- Occpon -w""1' 'A. -- ' . ,. . I.IJ;.,T' 'A- lim MM .11. !' ''.' HOTEL. ORJ&ON mffism: I ,Ivwnl''tt'f''tfyVW M 4. 1 ,'! 1 'Itl i 1 -1 i ti i si 4 i 1 1 J- y . wrwz-. -imsM