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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1907)
THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHF1ELD. OREGON. SUMDAY, JULY 28, 1907. bill rams 1ET TOW Marshfield Plays at North Bend and Coquille Battles In Banclon. MARSHFIELD NEEDS TO WIN If Contest Is Lost This Afternoon Local Leaguers Will Kail Several Notches. 4. 4 4 J $ $ 4 4 4 $ 4 $ STANDING OP CLUIJS. Name. P. W. L. Pet. 4. Coquille 7 C 1 .857 North Bend . . 7 4 3 .571 Marshfield ... 7 3 4 .429 Bandon 7 1 C .143 $ 4 $ 4'4 4,4J,,J4444444 Marshfield and North Bend will hattlo today on the North Bond grounds. It Is up to Marshfield to win this game or take a seat away hack In the rear of the championship race. She 13 now one game behind North Bend, which team Is in sec ond place. Coquille and Bandon will come together at Bandon, and If past records are of any worth, Co quille should win another game, and thus keep her safe lead. Bandon must commence to win or she will not cut much figure In the final sum mary. The team has been strength ened, but seems unable to play the game well enough to win out. She gave Marshfield a close contest here two weeks ago, and last Sunday was beaten by Coquille In a fair game. Marshfield and North Bend will lino up about as usual. Bert Dim mlck is scheduled today for second base, whilo Captain McKcown will jump to third and attempt what sev eral others have fallen down on. Marshfield Id net vell equipped to go agalnbt any team, but she Is show ing better work this week in prac tice, and may surprise tho North Bend boys, who have come to believe it is a game to her credit when she meets Marshfield. FORMER BAY RESIDENT IN COLUMBIA WRECK Mrs. June Mt, Cousin of Dr. May Vaiuleilmig, Passed Tliiough Disaster Hafcly. Dr. May Vandorburg, who is a cousin of Mrs. Best, who wna sup posed to hao been lost In the Co lumbia disaster, received a telegram yesterday morning from Eureka stating that Mr and Mrs. Be3t were saved, nnd weie at Eureka, but that Mrs. Jane Dost, mother of Dr. Best was lo3t. Mrs. Best, who was saved wr.s a former lcsldcnt of Marshfield and was then Stella Spragne. Her many friends hero were rejoiced nt yesterday's news of her safety. DAILY TUAXSPKHS. Furnished by Title (iiiarantee and Abstract Company, Hetnry Sen Kerstacken, Manager. George Vernon ct ux, to Lizzie Lobroe, N of SE nnd SE& of SE4 of Sec. 2, Twp. 2G, It. 13; $10. J. J. Stanley et ux, to C. H. New- man, lots 29 and 30, block 12, Port land Add. to Bandoni ?75. J. J. Stanley et ux, to C. H. New man, lots 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and '36, block 12, Portland Add. to Bandon; ?500. J. J. Stanley et ux, to Hiram Coats, lots 31 and 32, block 24, Portland Add. to Bandon; $100. E. D. McArthur et ux, to It. C. Randolph, lots 17, 18 and 19, block 11, Portland Add. to North Bend; $30. It. H. Rosa et ux, to Walter J. Snbin, lot 7, block 42, Woodland Add. to Bandon; $100. R. n. MEN ESCAPE THE LAW. North Carolina Rnte Bill Declared To Be Unconstitutional. Asheville, N. C. July 2C. Fed eral Judge Prltchard today dis charged Ticket Agents Wood and Wilson of the Southern Railway on habeas corpus proceedings, and de clared the penalty of the new rate bill unconstitutional Wood and Wil son were recently sentenced to thirty days upon the chain gang for viola tion of tho law. In his decision Judge Prltchard said the penalties Inflicted by the statute would close the doors to a judicial hearing and would amount to $2,500,000 a day If tho penalty was enforced upon the sale of each ticket, which 13 eight times more than tho amount In volved In the original suit. THE SIMPLE LIFE. ' '""ll ' " ' M U ... ,, ,MM mi 1 R A I 1 k -' ' Maoauley In, New Yprk(tyorId, shnke-up in the police and fire de I pnrtnurhts. Not only will all of the ' heads of the departments be remov ed, but captains and subordinates will lose their positions. Tho two factions of the democratic party have been having a hot time since the last election, and tho appointments to night were anMously nwnlted by both sides. At one time a republican had a chance of being made the third member, but after a hard fight tho matter wurf dropped. The politicians say that the new board will mako Frank Briaro chief of police, John Craig captain and M. McCann 'chief of tho Are department. stmasrraannwaaraimaaraaiaxxirm Mr. W. H. Dlndlngei and wife aro expected to return to this city on tho Alliance. .inpirmrammBoiwPianMW AX FOR STOCKTON CHIEFS f Newly Named Commission Will Make General Shake-up In Offi cial Family of the City. Stockton, July 26. After several woekti of guessing and manipulating tho democratic members of the city council tonight appointed A. I. Wag ner, a hotel proprietor, and Charles J. Jacobs, a barber, members of tho police and ( Are commission. The other member of the body, A. L. Musto, will resign at once, as he re fused to act unless W. E.' Johnson, president of tho board, was reap pointed. With these changes It Is under stood that there will be a general ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the necessary facilities for sending mone JtfFalL partsfof the world, and titout danger or loss THE FIRST NtiALANK OF COOS BAY Marshfield, Oregon. " fc - ' - . i'.iV ' 'i' iV f. .. j-. . . .1 :.: ; . - " .. .. . ,.i.i i"Fi-nl'Tt'l'l'fllll'm' ' IIB.HUJ8B "Tf. ?! gOUT ii PS m 1 r 911 ftw w R 11 1 Come right jin for Lunch and B g 'IB Dinner today Cuisine perfect; , I I v ' ' IE service unequaled The nicest j I f 11 I appointed restaurant on Gtos I 1 1 I have just repaid an gantortment of Jap- 1 1 Bay Tabli andJunch counter I 1 anese Brass fidods irecrom JapaA Tlw dainty lit- 1 I trlde solicited Ifugoing I 1 tie novelties vldeliit eye of thosi who love the a 1 I topayfara(Wwhjcome 1 J irtlstio. IV II where you lajf get M BEST. li B I H Q Dinning roomord $500 m You arelcordially invited to inspect this stock. m 1 J iAS . M$ H 11 per week, lin&apcounter board I V ' 4V .'" li $4-00 per jk. Best of at- 1 I - . y B H tention given I 1 I ill k& B0N li H l " Uui IH I II M1TMMBM S ? HI ' ML' m v ! H Pn Hi H El I HI North Front Street ; I F . n. i l Opposite City Hall H rront oireei. Hi ,' K HJ t Hg iri " qa o o AMM Our stoc we ca MARBLE SIGHTS, G UNITION ammunition is line of S, KNIVES, E BELTS, etc k of t rjsjron y rry a comaieDr MATCHES rDTr'Tfhrfe UrsCB5, Up Yn junner I Centra! Hotel Bualiling, Front street. -M Our line of clothing is char acterized by snappy, individual styles with the fit and hang that usually only comes with custom made clothing. Either business or outing styles, fancy worsteds, strong cassimeres or cheviots, serges and thibets. Excellently made according to the latest customs. ,When buying clothing the main reason you go to a cus tom tailor is to get the fit. Wow we will give you a perfect fit at a price that nowhere in comparison with the price of the custom tailor. Now Mr. Reader you are a man of good common sense, so come around to our store on Second street today and let us convince you of the above statements. Be Wise. lrhjJrPidL m ROLANDSON I 2nd Street in Sacchi New Building tim0t0wmwiwimwint ElKi i "je van