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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1907)
THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1907. ara SELL TALKS ELECTRIC LINE 'Chamber of Commerce Meet ing Has Unusual Gather ing of the Faithful. HOTEL IS NOW ASSURED .Committee Appointed u ace mm - Xortli Heiid Coiiw.lltoo Look jiis; TmvnnN Thin. End. The appellation, "Slough" recoived . . . i. .. n 4 4l.rt nhnlll. Its quietus nisi nigm u- mu Clum ber of Commerco meeting and if it ., CVcry resurrected again it will bo dug fro"1 beneath a strata of Invcc 4i, a nml ouurobrious epithets. The matter was discussed at length and tho Bcnso of the meeting was that it should be everlastingly relegated to oblivion The talk made a great hit, until President McCormac, after tho resolution had been passed, stated that all the newspapers on tho bay had been using tho term "Inlet" tor several years, and that the idea was in no way original with tho meeting of last night. The matter then re solved Itself into a resolution with the hope of discouraging local map artists and others using advertising from talking about sloughs here after The attendance 'was up to tho usual btandard which has prevailed of lato and tho meeting was en thusiastic The first matters to bo disposed of were tho committeo re ports. Mr Grimes said tho hotel com mittee had signed an agreement with Mr. Gibson before he left for Van couver, wherein the plans were made to build the hotel upon the return of Gibson. There, are but three or four thousand dollars left to raise and Air. Grimes said this would bo ready before Mr. Gibson and his as sociates are hero to commence building. I. S. Smith, in tho absence of the chairman, reported that the com mittee appointed to confer with the shipbuilders committeo had written to Mr. Price with regard to moving his shipbuilding industry to Coos Bay, and aro waiting for his reply. Mr. Beloate, who was chairman of the committee ot look Into tho pro posal of building an apartment house, said he had a man ready to put up any sized building ho could rent, and the only delay was to se cure a renter. This, it was thought could be remedied today, as thoro are several parties looking for such a business. Capt. W. C Harris was down from Sumner to ask aid from the Chamber towards securing a new survey for tho upper end of Catching Inlet, and providing some way qt obtaining ji channel for the short distance be tween the head of navigation and Sumner. Ho received encourage ment and it was stated by several that tho county could be prevailed upon to declare the stretch a hlgh- way and thus get It opened. The Chamber passed a resolution declar ing It to be the sense of the body that such action bo taken by the county court. In this .connection, Dr. McCormac told some interesting accounts of the Boaver Hill Inlet having been open ed in this manner a number of years ago. Ho said tho heavers were so thick at that time that passages would bo damned up during the Journey of boatmen from that lo cality down the Inlet and back In one day. For that reason, tho Inlet was opened by tho county. Secretary Lyon gave a short talk and said, tho country needed moro advertising and outlined several new Ideas. Ho read a list of strangers who had called at headquarters since tho last meeting. It was brought to tho attention of tho members that tho pamphlet Is now In tho hands of tho secretary and Is being sent away by real estate men and others who care to Interest themselves in tho work. Carl Albrecht, representing tho North Bond Chamber of Commerce, was present to talk over tho pro posal to obtain a Port of Coos Hay commission, if possible. Ho told of tho many benefits to be derived by such a body. He said the encroach ment on the tidal area will endanger the "bar. Ho stated also that the North Sand Spit Is being blown into tho bay south and west of Empire, and tills is also filling the bay. To remedy this, It is necessary to plant some trass which will take root and thrive In sand. A committeo of four, .T. H. Flai'.igan, K. n. White, Win. Grimes and Henry Sengatackon, were appointed to act with tho North Bond committee with a view of ob taining such a commission. Father Donnelly made a short talk and told of tho needs of Coos Bay. He said wo have reason to bo proud of the country and that Marshflold has doubled in papulation within tho past few years, and that North Bend has grown up within five years. A relative In the east told him during his recent visit that this was a great country, as ho had talked to a man recently who gave it a great name. Coos Bay was talked about In many sections" where he traveled and he met several headed for the Bay. The following resolution was pre sented and adopted: Whereas, death has suddenly claimed M. B. Zimmcr, a member of tho Marshfield Chamber of Coni; merce, and Whorea3, deceased was a promi nent' and active member of this or ganization, as well as an upright, enterprising, public spirited citizen, and an estimable gentleman, and Whereas, his demise is a loss felt by tho Chamber of Commerco and tho country at largo, bo it Resolved, that tho Chamber" of Commerce hereby expresses Its ap preciation or his worth as a useful and honorablo citizen, and be it Resolved, that the condolence of the Chamber of Commerce be ex tended to deceased's bereaved family and these resolutions be incorporated into the records of this organization and a copy bo sent to tho family. Seymour H. Bell made a short but pointed talk and said ho would have a gas plant reauy ny me nrsc 01 November and an electric lino ready by the first of January. William Grimes said Mr. White had a proposal to submit. Mr. Walte explained the proposition as follows: Major Kinney had offered to publish 100,000 copies of advertising bear ing the many cuts which Kinney has In stock representing many diversi fied Interests; to himself make, a tour of tho east, stopping at Important c(tles, where ho would lecture and distribute this matter, commencing at Omaha, and ending on the coast where Blue-Noso i's a common term. Also that he would distribute other advertising matter put In his hands. For this and his expenses, ?1,000 would bo required. A committee, consisting of Sweetman, Haines and Walto was appointed to learn more about the idea. It was stated that such a move wou,ldhe supported by all the public spirited people and or ganizations on tho Bay. A letter to I. S. Kaufman, from Mr. Ragsdale, who represented a' wireless telegraph company, told of a station now under construction at Astoria, and Mr. Itagsdalo said ho believed he could prevail upon the company to establish a similar sta tion on C003 Bay within three months, if tho people hero were in terested in such a matter. btDUnb (Continued from page C.) ainlned, after which they will be In terred. Should thoro be found any marks of violence on tho body a mo3t rigid investigation will be or dered. It is quite probable that the jury will be summoned from the dis trict whore the body was found. It Is not expected that Mr. Ilammitte will return to tho city until Wednes day at least. It is Eaid that tho news of tho finding of the body has been a great shock to Miss Bushnell, the young lady whom Standley was to marry, and that alio is now at her homo at Olalla in a grief strlckon condition. It is stated that the couple were much attached to each other, and that this affair has been a severe burden upon tho young lady. Miss Bushnell states the relations between her and tho deceased have always been pleasant, and that all state ments to the contrary are false. John Standley, an uncle of Phillip Standley, will take charge of the re mains as t,oon as the coroner has finished with his investigation. As his parents reside in Kansas it is very probable that they will be interred in the local cemetery at Camas Valley. Riley Pierce, father of the boy who discovered Standley, arrived on the scene shortly after it was first re ported and remained there continu- WANT AD! GEM RESTAURANT, NORTH BEND. Open day and night Serves everything the morkot affords. ously until thls morning, keeping watch over tho body. A search was mado as to what he had upon his person at the tlmo of his death, but all that could be found was a couple of letters rnd a small sum of money. One of tho letters was from a girl In Oregon City which was written to him last fall, and was signed "Your Grace." Another letter was from tho .Douglas county bank, which was a business misslo. The two blank envelopes which ho had purchased at the store of Mr. Fry before he start ed for the Bushnell homo wore also found undisturbed. Ho had about $5 on Ills person which arouse3 more suspicion, as his uncle, John Stand ley, states that when he left the house he had something over $20 Phillip Standley is said to have boon one of the model young men of his vicinity, never drinking and always attending strictly to business, lie had always worked on the farm and was Industrious, saving his mon.ey and investing it where It would bear frul The Standleys aro well known peo ple In this vicinity and have many friends, who extend their sympathy in their time of trouble. Umpqua Valley News. Thurs., FrI., 2. 1., Sat, 27... Sun., 28.. Mon., 20.. Tues., 30. Wed., 31., Thurs., 1. FrI., 2 . 0.51 .'2:02 Low Water. . 8:47 . 9:30 .10:13 .10:58 .11:43 . G:42 . 8:00 1.7 12:43 1.5 1:43 2.2 2.8 -1.3 0.7 0.0 0.7 1.5 G.4 CO 9:00 9:55 10:48 11:47 7:01 7:58 Sun Calendar. Sat., 27 .'... 4:10 Sun., 28 4:47 Mon., 29 ,. 4:48 Tues., 30 4:49 Weds., 31 4:50 Thurs., 1 4:51 FrI., 2 4:52 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.8 8.0 8.0 7:2C 7:25 7:24 7:23 7:22 7:21 7:20 TEST YOUR OWN EYES TIIK SUX AXI) TIDE CALENDAR. High Water. Sat., 27 Sun., 2S Mon., 29. . , Tues., 30.. , Wed., 31... 1:54 2:43 3:3G 4:31 5:32 9.G- 9.0 8.4 7.7 7.0 3:03 V3:4S 4:31 5:1G G:07 mmmm EFEET ,fcdy Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M..D. THYBICIAN AND SURGEON Di.BcaB08 of the E'yo, Ear, I oso and Throat a specialty. OlTioo in LocTchart's Building. Marshfield, Oregon, DR. HAYDON Ofllcc opposite Union Furniture Store. Hnun 10 to 12 find 2 to ft Spoclnl nttcntfon pnfd to rllscatcn of the lcli urinary and digestive organs V. 8: Pension cinmlnci Marshfield, Oregon TEST AT Each 8.2 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.2. arc the the Bard come in vour troub d I clcs all hot you JW 3tigmat 'explain what ! OPTOMETRIST I Try The . :t::::mmtwu.nitmmntt:umm:mK For Ice Cream. Cake and pies to or Baked beans and bro Second and ELffiSS Flr Anv lA oer. racire u wn Dreau ror om.u sfteetsXT mounts Furnished ches a specialty. rday and Sunday. hone Main 561 m:::K:tmttj:m:mnmtm:mKtK::jmn:t:utmmm:: FOR SALE The best small busi ness on tho bay. Previous experi ence not necessary. Amount re quired about ?800. Can double your money lri next six months. MARSHFIELD GENERALHOSPJTAL MISS M. Hospital Medical cas' able. .ACK. .Matron Surgical and reason' v fay is. itatos Phone 991. Address Office. Business, care Times WANTED Servi Mrs. H. H. Mi nt girl. herson. quire FOR SALE A farm of 80 acres ,on Daniels' Creek. Address E. R. Jones, Box lib, tyarshfleld 52 G-l Portland & CoosBay S. S. Line BREAIpyATjpT Sails for Portland and Altorjavery Thursday C. F. McWmefAgt. Phone Main 34 DR. J. W. INfffUM. Physician tint" Surgeon. Offlcs over Sengstackon'a Drug Store. Phones Office 1621; residence 783.. Lawyers E. L. C. Farrln FARRIX Attorney City Attorney, De Will practice nnd before the Lockhart Building, Mars Phono) Main torney Office. Held, Ore. L. A. L1LJEQV United Sta U. S. I. Filings, Entrle J. W. UEXNE Office over Marshfield, I Geo. N. Farn KIFARRIX nt Tjiiw a. jjisinct if. In U. S. Ctfurts J. "S. Laril 4 BT, LAJ ls Con find Ml s Proofs, -UL K BaanRgan & EBffnk. X "IVYER, imlssloner, Uters. Contests, etc. Bennett Oregon o. p. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstairs,. Bennett & Walter Block Marshfield, - - - - Oregon A. St. Dock FOR RENT I ouse with, conveni ences. Applj Mrs. C. W.Tower, This is a bar ;aln. Applyiat Hall av Hull's ofllcc !. f 6-1-1 Flanagan, & Bennett Bank MAHSnrya. orego. t!p.ui BabsftUxxl WO.MO pjMi1 PulflMTB MQ.0W Undivided ffrOBts 35,0OO Do, a genera tanW bushww arid draws cm the Uank i0Wwrrt(a. Han Fm"8' Gait?., Wret P'ayo Bank fcirtiarKUFtrel National BankJftafebtnil. Or.AHjflfcvtw ; rtonfllBant, iM". N-WtboMld & Also wUe!wglonnejy all tie principal cities of BuropV Vjr lofcb for rSffat 6 yj& a montta or 13. a year. n" INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS WANTED Dn; ofllcc or to at Porter. Electric Co. laborers, if apply at ireninn ofgns works flie CoosMlny Gas & 5 il i mfik mmm DlJflH WfifguntcebagMFw IsiiiiHflKflknmBH dfonubieaMu work until BSsSk VSteWS y " I -lH Jl ..HUMP -BiafliV "Liiiiilil "'' TPIL " " J I COOS BAY ENT!LI0MS orlc at lower prices, lere. Do not order you havo US Mitchell Corner 3d &DSts. , Phone, - - -. - - Main 1731 COKE & COKE, Attorney at Law. Marshfield, - Oregon PIXLEY & MAYBEE, Attorney at Law. Office over Myers' Store. Phono 701 - - North Bend, Ore. imiGHAM & BELL, Architects. North Bend, - - - Oregon Real Estate Agents. 1 .d. SteamiVDrks 1 4ulliw,rtnW?ea',n1',,wvn Hordyoi Philip Mrker, Prftprielw. i ' - - i Simpson Lumber WANTED MeSi to wo In sawmill, wages $2 jer day and upward. 8-241tf NOTICE TEM3HERB WANTED. Application hvlll o received by tho clerk of !schojp district No. 6, Empire City Orofon, for tho posi tions of nr nclpil and assistant; roforences riustJaccompany appll canon. WANTED A girl for genf wages. Ap stacken. Broughly competent il housework. Good to Mrs. Seng- STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergraw, Master Leaves ft' nnd0:30 ana BLEN :30, 9:oo, 1:00, 2:30 d at 8:15, 9:45 anTUrT:15 a. r and i:4i, 3:15 Makes dally trips except Sun days:. Fare: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents, XIAMUU farshfleur? fi. m..jfni i:uui). rap 1 LeafceslNp-Ui uea inlun:15 a. y and iHULnXin Oakley & Arnold ' CIVIL- fflD MECHANICAL ENGINEERS I LOST July 12, on Front street or near Alert Landing, small, plain, gold watch, no initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable reward offered. Leave at Times office, or address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, Marshflold, Oregon. Skating Rink IK I.. Avory Manager. - Week Commencing Monday, July 22 "THE AMERICAN BIOSCOPE" Under the di Will present a Mr. G. A. Hager, LatesfciFancl Timely WANTED Chamber maid at Cen tral Hotel. WANTED By Mrs. J. A. uoouwiu, a few summer boarders or parties wishing a day on South Coos river can got dinner. Launch Tioga leaves Marshfield at 8 a. m. dally. J. A. Goodwill. "SAN pcli6ir-Qi loirir 'flcfries of t1i fcubjectg in jr MOVING PJgtMES I Incluinanio famous mm rtfANL SLU U 3 IlluStei DIER LAND COMPANY, Real Estate Brokers. North Bend, Oregon, MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phono 1884. McPherson Ginser Go. WholclTftrJodtaleiii Cigar ancLrfnlBon buj Califonfo WkKB Frlnt St., 2f& Specially rshflold ASTER." teeKSongs ii Music by the Eminent Piano Soloist Prof. C. A. Ouiuliff. AJreflned ontertainment for Ladies, Children nnd Gentle men. One performance every evening. Change of pro gram Monday and Thursday, Box office op ns nt 8 p. in. Performance at 8:30. AdmiBtdon Children 15c, Adults 25c. North Bend, Ore. WfaT UjnlU ni2M "--Z!Z!ZuwTTI '-- ' -U"L-- "" MffimFYIW -- m-W-M'mtm'm'm'M- -m WKJ A iij "rmji w i jhu jsm I"3g3lflflfct Do not rlrfc hvW nn tr ease of K!dnv t Bladdw Dfeessc not feWs Ptft Uyxmd fee reaoh of medicine. No medicine can do mors. 9T, Pttt 1 1 Coos Bay I I Steam Laundry I I MARStlflEU) and NORTH BEND I 1 All wrk noVjfclie at I I thelwtKjpilRB PlRnt I 1 igggnauzey I I Agent, Marshfleld I II North Bend Phone 1031 1 1 Marshfield Pfrane 180. 1 i, . -, - i W. AARI&Q I ItealerJn "Pure Qrm Milk I and milUmaW'tnf Uo- HverjtailLi(r!S ot 0 oity, I ' Northland, - 0go T JL. Ml o -as!-Mffiae5La-5-54iMrErs3E:-..