uf ' i i wMim 'iiwii-jii.1 w "f"T ""Vq WF5 " I I " MARSHRELD GOQUILLE AN " MEETS DEFEAT EASY WINNER North Benders Administer Se vere Drubbing to Local League Team. SLAB ARTIST BOMBARDED Plli'licr Wright Is, Found For More Hits Than nt Any Previous Gume. i I 'J J $ J STAXIIIXO OF ClilTlIS. ' Naiup Cotitiillo . . . North Bend Marshfleld . W. L. Pet. .857 .571 $ . 12!i 143 Hantlon 7 v 5 v '? $ $' ' Sundays ball finmo in Marsliflold was a walk-over for the frlonds from the north. The opening Inning promised great things for the Marsh field team, and before it closed five men had crossed the homo plate. Graham, the North Bend regular pitcher, was not on hand and Foote, the left-hand twlrler, was placed in the bo. Apparently, ho had a case of stage fright, but It only lasted for one inning, and Marshfleld pranced through the eight subsequent Innings without getting a man over tho scor ing goal. There was ono opportun ity but it was thrown avfay. "Pop" McKcown lined a long hit to left Hold and tried to stretch a two bagger into a three base hit, which would have scored McKcown. But that run would not have won the game. Pitcher Wright got the worst bom bardment he has met with this sea son, and in the ninth inning, when center fielder Llljeqvlst and Tower tried for a Texas4eaguer and failed, he became discouraged and, quit the box. McKcown took'hls place and after two hits wore mauooff his de livery, the Inning ended with a fly to short. Bert Dimmlck sprained his ankle in the first Inning, in running, nf tor making a hit. Ho was obliged to retire and John Snyder cared for tho first sack during the remainder of the game. There Is a long story con nected with tho contest, but it is bet ter not told. North Bend ab ; 1' zo a e Wickman, r. f...G 2 1 2 0 0 Felter, lb G 3 3 9 0 3 Gale, 2b G 3 2 3 4 0 Keano, 3b G 1 2 2 5 0 Lyons, c G 1 1 7 0 0 Foote, p 5 2 3 0 1 1 Paul, 1. f G 2 2 2 2 0 McLeod, cf G 0 1 0 0 0 Gaffney, ss G 1 2 1 0 1 Totals 51 15 17 2Gi; Marshfleld ah Tower, ss 3 Dimmlck, lb. ...2 Snyder, lb. ..-..3 McKeown, 2b. . .4 Cowan, c 5 Forrey, rf 5 Wolls, If 4 Llljeqvlst, cf. ... 4 McLean, 3b 4 Wright, p A so 4 1 10 Q 6 0 0 2 1 1 Totals 38 5 10 25 10 8 Score by Innings: North Bond ...12220013 4 15 Marshflold ....50000000 0 5 Hits by innings: North Bend 0 2 110 0 2 5 ji rl7 Marshflold 5 2 0 11110 010 Wolls out on infield y. Gaffnoy out for crossing plate; McLeod out, hit' by ball on third strike. Summary: Earnod runs North Bend, 8; Marshflold 3; 2-bno hits McKeown, Cowan, McLeod, (lulo; 3 baso hit Ferroy; homo run Foltor; First base on balls off Wright t, off Foote 2; struck out by Wright 4, by Footo 7; left on basos North Dond 10, Marshflold 10; wild pitch Wright; passed balls Cowan C; lilt by Halm, C. Hit by pitched ball by pitcher McKoown; umpires Blnckerloy, 2; Furman. Deverix, tie Whlsnant and Leo, Eor, L. Cox, Nosier. AAvwvvAAAvvv KNIGHTS of All men who jhatafgned charter are wanted to meet Wm4dY &l in Red- men Hall; also alothers who arc interested. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHRELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY More by Luck Than Anything Else Errors at Critical Times. IS A FEATURELESS GAME ISniitlon Put Up u fane Aiticlc of Ball Against County Sealers. (Times Special Service.) Coquillo, July 22. The ball game Sunday between Coqullle and Bandon was won by the former through their usual good luck rather, than by good plnylng. Collier was not up to his usual good form,' and Bandon played a better game, but last. Their errors wero made at critical time, and runs resulted. It was a slow game all through, and full of both good and bad plays. The crowd groaned when Langworthy dropped an easy fiy, and thun yelled in delighted enthus.iasm when-Prey, running back into the field, got a difficult fly and Collier made a long running catch. Coquille's enor3 were made when they ilftl not affect tljo score Bandon got men on bases, and there they were had all babes full twice; then Collier would wake up, and they would either go out by tho strike-out route or an easy out to the infield. If Coqullle had put up as ragged a game when they played North Bend or Marshfleld they would have boon up against It. Ilohn pitched a good steady game for Bandon, but his support was weak at critical times. The largest crowd of the season witnessed the game. The- services at tho Christian Church Sunday night wero very much enjoyed by a large congregation. Mr. Quartermass, the insurance man, delivered a fine address on the sub ject, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life." Some think the speaker should de vote his whole time to preaching in stcaifof other business. His friend, Mr. V. Armstrong, of Humbolt county, Cal., sang three beautiful solos, which wero unusually good. Tho saloons were advertising themselves Saturday night and Sun day. The man that runs could read. There were many who were "enjoy ing" themselves and celebrating for tho wet side of town. Coqullle ab. Lorenz, 2b 4 Howell, 3b 4 Langworthy, cf. .. 2 Prey, ss 4 P. Collier, rf 4 Hartley, lb 4 Nosier, If 3 Peralta, c 4 J. Collier, p 3 h. po. 2 7 a. e. 2 0 Total. 32 9 9 27 10 3 i Bandon-J t ab. h. po. a. o. 0 7 G 0 swift. c.-.T";.. .. 4 Furman, lb 4 Blackerly, ss 3 Ilahn, p 4 Devcrlx, 2b 3 Fclger, lf.-2b 3 McNalr, rf.'. 4 L. Cox, cf 3 M. Cox, lf.-3b. ... 4 1 G 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Totals 32 3 G 24 14 4 Score by Innings: Coqiifllo 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 9 Bandon o 1 0 0 0 0-1 0 1 C Summary: Thrco-baso hits How oil, 2. Two-baso hlts--Loronz, Peralta, Proy. Baso on balls J. Collier, 1; llnhn, 4. Doublo play Nosier to Loienz. Struck out uy v,uiuei, . wsaanavaww' COLUMBUS SUNDAY'S BOAT RACE FROM A RACE HORSE POINT OF VIEW Say, Cull, what do you'se tlnk of do boat race anyhow? Didn't I'so tell youso dat 01 Kel had sumting up l.h sleeve? I nos when I teez ol Kel go out an' give Bonyeta that warm In up dat she had her speed. Kail's ol Kel conies up to do odder bloky an' faQZ are youse redy to start? Kite then I sez to my side kick let's get on Kel's entry, for I nos when a man like Kel sets in his checks som-ting" is doin an' tings looks mighty good to him. Didn't he emplro dat plze lite at de bond, ain't he wise? So me, an' side kick get down good an' plenty (an' if de ol Bonylta hadn't delivered de goods I don't see how youse could pay your fare to Port land, but I've always got me eye on som-ting besides de entrys, de starter, an' de judges;, he's lots to do wid a man's coin when youse bet it on a race of any kind. So I sez to niy side kick, vho's de starter, an' when he sez, why dat bloke dat sells de stuff dat make cm go. O lordy, I sez to my sef, it's all off, it's an odder of dose tings. But after Kel tryed to make dat sneak an git de runnln start, I sez maybe dis ting is on de level, but after I looks an' soez who de judges are I sez it's all over now but de shouting, kaus Kel will get a square deal for ones In his life. So after Kel seez he can't fool de' started da go back a score up to de wire again, dis time Kel kind of nurses de Boneta up kind of feoft like an' I sez to me pard, ouse watch Kel when de flag drops, see where he is. Sure enough Kels there, when de big bloke wid de flag let us drop an sez, "They're off," Kel thrun de hooks into ol Bonyeta an' de race was dn, an' by the time -da got down where da make do butter milk an' de Na tional Beer, it was all over but de shoutin'. Ol Kel -had felt of his man an' 'nos he's got him beat, bar in accident's, an' by the time da gits down to Plat B an' jest opposite de brooder house Kel was a good ten length to de good an' from dat time on ho made every post a winnln' one, makin' de turn in easy fashion an' comin' home on de bit, settln' strate up in de sadle, an' ol Bonyeta never turned a hair. When I seez de Bon- yita comin' in wid de broom in where de whistle 'ot to be I sez, com on, pard, let's blow de fome off a couple of tubs of suds. SHOOTS FINE BUCK BUT ANIMAL BALKS C. P. Dorrian. who Is out at Ten Mile lake with a party of hunters, loaned his rifle tho other day and took a "22" in exchange. He went out to shoot small game with the toy, and to his great surprise ran across a fine buck deer. After 'the first few stutters of fever passed away, he pulled the trigger and downed the buck. Upon going up to the animal to bleed It, the bucfc jumped up and ran off, much to the disgust of Mr. Dorrian. NOTICE. Ow.ng to the fact that steamers are apt to land at our docks at ai time and require all the space, ow ers of gasolene boats and scows a warned to keep away unless so one is in attendance. We will not T.rt fOonnnctMo fnr ?1T1V flnTTlIl(? (lonB gasolene boats, scows or towboats by any steamer using the dock. nil FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Neat and modern. YSftuatedm Noth Bend-Heights. Best view on the pasinsuly also vacant hsts in the same tract Prices rVasonble and terms msy. WAMJ SUCCESSORS TO Ward & Ward m WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE It is ehojee imlderesidencjr'property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well stfcltercdvTth a good bay view and prices of lots are reafeonaJpIK For particulars see TITLE GUAglTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Haorjr SafUckea, Matager. WANT ad: FOR SALE Good second-hand fur niture. Enquire at the Iloyal - Bakery. GEM RESTAURANT, NORTH BEND, j Open day and night Serves everything the market affordn. WANTED. To buy, clean rags.- 'Ap ply Times Office. . OFFICE ROO"MS to rent. McNeil & Ferguson. " ' r FOR, SALE The, best small busi ness on the bay. Previous experi ence not necessary. Amount re quired about $S00.' Can double your money in next six months. Address Business, "care ' Time's Office. FOR SALE A farm of SO acres on Daniels' Creek. Address E. R. Jones, Box 110, Marshfleld. 5-2(5-1 FOR SALE A small Improved farm. This is a bargain. Apply at Hall & Hall's office. G-l-1 WANTED Men to work in swmillJ wages ?2 .V pward. Simpson Liu Iber Co S-241tf WANTED To Imy a verfflcal boiler, 3 or 5 horsJ-power lust bo In good condition. Ba & Mer- cer, Unique 'antator FOR SALE irst-cass houseboat, stove, cooking utqfsils. Inquire M. H. Wlndl , Jenjfin's Tailor Shop ! WAITRESS AV tlXlKD Good wages; steady works liva Coffee House. NOTICE TEAUftERS WANTED. Application will be received by the clerk of school district No. G, Empire City, Oregon, for the posi tions of principal and assistant; references must accompany appli cation. WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for general housework. Good wages." Apply to Mrs. Seng stacken. WANTED A good man to work In hay field. Wages 2.00 per day and board. Phone, Farmers 208. E. L. Bessey. LOST July 12, on Front street or near Alert Landing, small plain, gold watch, no Initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable reward offered. Leave at Times office, or address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, Marshfleld, Oregon. ' FOR REXT Three partly furnished rooms. Call O. W. Briggs, care Times office. FOR SALE 1,300-pound horse, buy ers' own price. R. 'K. Booth. FOR RENT Newly furnished room. Second house north of B on east yslde of Fourth. Mrs. Bodine. WANTED To rent a tent 16 x 20. Address 358, or phone 1G93. L. C. Drake. WANTED Chamber maid at Cen- tral Hotel. I Sb HURD Corner Meade and Vermont Sts. r day and m es wim 23, 1907. who was wanting a large chamois skin for a post-card pillow? We received a shipment of these sdns on the last boat but have only a few left. You had better" come in before they are gone. All colors. Just the thint for a en. Prices rosise fron I '9 m n $1.25 w $3.00. Opposite Central Hotel OLD- ALL OF BLOCKS 60-61 and the half 1-2 of 100 lots AND PART OF BLOCKS - -64 ?3-?4-43-450-55-32 and 68 M Roiirdbd We have a few lots 43-44-50-5 Present Prices k Oily People have discovered what beautiful home sites these lots offer-and how cheap we are selling them. The above results show this, DON'T THEY? We have also the largest and best general real estate list offered on COOS BAY L S. KAUFMAN & CO. Marshfleld, - - - Oregon. OVER TELEPHONE OFFICE. I 1 1 -A TWO WRfOT8VpHU(PJi 9 65 (Comprising 1 dition eft in 73-?4 6j -3and u lrnis t i ft1 f l HI ;a !i :i i , !l ', 'J 11 '.' 1' I :, :t hi H i :l SS IS "I (11 i 1 "i MNfeAP MlrtMfltoMP a