THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. IMBMIIMI IIM. - iijiiiHMMM1 M 1 l 1 ! ill III l I f .EVrA I'M P fl I COOS;; BAY; BRIERS TIMES' TELEPHONES feditorial Rooms - - - - 1 33 1 Business Office. - - - - 1331 fr ! &' t-4 DRAIN STAGE SCHEDULE. A 4 Drain stage leaves Marsh- Held at 6:30 a. m., returning, arrives at Marshfleld at 2:30 $ -?, p. m. 4. HOTELS. j,IHnnco. E. T. and E. H. Perry, Honent, Calif.; E. E. Slocum; J. O. jJaskcy; W. S. Qreenough and wife, Bandon; Chas. Rednall, San Fran cisco; George J. Altken; Dr. Tatora and wife, Coquillo; F. G. Kelly and son, Eureka; Loyd Kelly, Kelly; G. B. Howard, N. Y.; M. C. Winters, Portland; Jas. P. Hamilton, Sarita Rosa, Calif.; Watt Short; Mollle Belleu, Myrtle Pont; Lillian Peter son, Boaver Hill; D. A. Utter: R. B. IMsland and family; Chas. A. Boyer; jL S. Wagner; E. Galena; Mrs. Rout. Bedilllon, Bandon; Mrs. F. Crosby and children, Gardiner; Jesse Hite, Coqullle. Central. Thomas Guffey; W. W. Gage; A. B. Stoodard, Iola, Kan.; J. D, Wilson, Drain; -Wess Brown; E. Ullttnn! Hnrrv fVittoll ;l ;";:::. v civ Jiuiiio ocwing .uucmncs ai Doctor Receives Requests. Dr. Ingram had numerous requests yes terday before the Breakwater's saj lng for antidotes calculated to cure seasickness. He explained that he knew of nothing that would correct such a difficulty, but the Importuni ties were so strenuous he was obliged to hand out some old maid remedies. Fishing Tackle at Mllnera. V Gets Pension Increase. R. S. Star key, of Bay City, received an Increase In pension by an act of Congress passed on the Cth of last February. Mr. Starkoy was a soldier in the Mexican war. The increase came through a now provision, designated as "Honorable service." Jjcuvcs On Business Trip. W. H. Kennedy left yesterday on the Break water. Ho will spend a few days In Portland and then go to Idaho, Tvhore ho has business Intorests. Ho expects to remain thore for about threo weeks. 1. Stiletto Pocket Knhes at Mil- nor's. On yvill be you have A big line of camp s JuW folding chairs, 'hammocks, camp stoves, tin dishe knives. A special effort will Marshfleld Meet 1 ' - ' ' i gr jp i H .4 B.v? i BnjsIu llnllcchid. AdclitWCi-tiertt Lockhart has purchased thirty-nine lofs )nRallrpadA'rd(tIon froiu the Merchant estate. The deal was madD through I. S. Kaufman & Co.' and Claude Nasburg. The property libs In the vicinity of the Odd Fellows' cemetery. lilcjch'H at Milnors. u Lent es For Pom Won . Dell Cath cart left yesterday for Vaqulna Bay, where the big pow wow of tho Red Men will take place 1not week. He will spend several das In Portland attending to business matters. Window Sttieens at Milncrs. Brings Fine Strawberries. Mr. Bowron, of Isthmus Inlet, was In this city yesterday, bringing with him some excellent strawberries from his placo. Automatic Rifles at Mllners. r Building New Home. R. B. Wool ey is building a new home in South Marshfleld. The specifications call for a flve-room structure. f7fitflfi Ifncn fit Tllnnic l All kinds of ninniunltiou at Mll ners. Dean Building Repainting. The old Dean store building on Front street, now occupied by tho Ekblad Hardware Company, Is being re painted. FIRE BREAKS OUT IN DIMMICK HOUSE Thomas Dimmick's house at the stave mill was found afire in three places Wednesday. Brush burning on Sherman avenue is supposed to be accountable for the Ignition. The family was absent and returned just In time to quench the flames and save the house from destruction. Tho fire originated from sparks falling on the roof. EMPEROR CONFERS ON KOREA. Asks Marquis Ito to Evtrivnte Little - Country. Toklo, July 18. The conference held at Seoul today between Marquis Ito and the Emperor, at which It Is said the Emperor besought Ito to help save Korea from the present complication In a manner satisfac tory to Japan, and at tho same time without compelling anything deroga tory to tho Korean court. Ito, it is said, avoided making a definite re ply and retired without committing himself. the Alliance next week standard goods, selected been looking for. This room and, in order to clean up from SATURDAY. then consult your wallet anpee if you furnishings just arrived be made on above date oin Coos Us Face WT1 PZ$iS mm ALL RECORDS AI BROKEN Oregon Immigration this Sum mer Is the Heaviest Ever Known. IS ESTIMATED AT 50,000 Men Came As Result of Free Offered By Hill Rnll roads. Fare Portland, July 18. What is be lieved to have been the greatest Im migration of Its kind into tho Pa cific Northwest has been accomplish ed by James J. Hill In bringing in workmen on tho Portland & Seattle railway construction from St. Paul and the eastern centers. Employ ment agents estimate on a conser vative basis that 40,000 workmen have been Imported to this territory since work on the North Bank road was commenced. This great movement has been ac complished by offering free faro to the Pacific coast. The object of course was to fill the construction camps along tho Columbia, and tho only reason that the Hill lines have kept the invitation standing and so many have been brought west is that the men desert after working a time, changing to some other line of in dustry. However, many drift back to tho railroad work from timfc to time, and it is estimated that be tween 4,000 and 6,000 are now at work throwing dirt on the North Bank railroad. Before the close of the season the management of tho Portland & Seat- Ulo expects to be doing much better and to double practically tho con struction forces, for President El liott of tho Northern Pacific Is quot ed as saying that he expects to hae 12,000 men employed on tho woik before longf'when as much earth will tl'jmmn7 we will receive a great to suit all tastes and purses, and the selection stock will crowd a space for thei( reception, we will close out the regularly marked price. Consult Q-ffr stock JULY c andioing Ifa ice in the cuns. nails. to transfer! these goods 4444444 to Face LvU BaVs-edift beT moved on the wqrkjis isl)elng dug by the forces engaged on tho Panamrt canal. ' ' Pacific" coast 'industries miVn felt tho effect of this great army 'tit men moved westward by the Hill forces for construction purposes. Probabl there Is not one of tho great manu facturing Intel esta in the Pacific Northwest that has not Leon helped by finding tho labor market easier as tho direct result of this great Immi gration. These men arc largely Greeks, Austrians and Bulgarians from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Paul and other eastern centers. They are all available for the heavier work of Pacific coast Industries. Sawmills aro better supplied than last j ear at this time, the railroad camps of all the companies have a large quota of men, and the harvest fields, which are now sending forth the annual Macedonian cry, are not likely to face tho serious shortage (Times Special Service.) of labor that has been the case in Coqum Ju,y 18Tho Co(luI1Io former seasons. In addition the wider use of combined harvesters,!- -amors are to be handled with which three or fourmen only aro ' under different management. C. J. required to do tho work that for- McLean and H. G. Stratton, of Port merly required a hundred, promises Innd- and F- A- Sm,th' -f st- Johns' to save the crops of the Interior with- are 8omQ f thoso interested In tho out using so many harvesting hands n management. There Is to be a as heretofore. ' J corporation, with a capital stock of However, there is work in all lines for all who want to work, and wages were never so good. Railroad con struction pays from ?2.50 up for common labor; railroad maintenance work pays from $1.75 up; harvest hands get from $2 to $4 a day be tween Portland and Pendleton, while loKKlnc Jobs are to be had right now at $2.75 to $3.50. t i EMPEROR ABDICATES TODAY Farewell Ceremonies Will He Held This Morning at 10 O'clock. Toklo, July 19. A dispatch from Seoul says the emperor convened tho elder statesmen at 1 o'clock this morning and after two hours of con ference Anally made up his mind to abdicate. It was decided to hold the. abdication, ceremony, at. 10 o'clock this morning. Much Interest prevails about the palace and at an other place a ciowd of 2,000 Is as sembled. Portion of this crowd as saulted the office of the Daily Ko kumln, but the mob was dispersed before much damage had been inflicted. leKEIfi85fiI3W:TI m.i4'iriXamwTAi-i- r: line of rockers of ail sizes, grades and prices. These us---crowd us beyond he capacity of our large show A rpj9 TO donppfeiate the "value received." A sunT ThWe are just a e.U om our hands to yours if Thje ?fl Dot let this opportunity get by anfl be sdrry in a few minutes rve plete House Furnishers eo 444 We'll Save You Money ID) BOATS Outside Parties Interested In $50,000 Coquille Corpora tion Lately Organized. WILL IMPROVE SERVICE News Items In General From Busy County Seat Fire Scare. Coos' ?&u,uuu. xne Liberty ana uispatcn aro to havt new boilors, and the An- talope will be overhauled. Tho Co- quille River steamers, five in num ber, will bo much speedier and safer when the Improvements are com pleted. Abo Wilson, who has been working at Yoakim's camp near town waB (badly hurt on July 11. Tho stroke of a maul sent a stool snlintor Into his arm three or four inches, making a painful and serious wound. Some time since It was announced that two saloons had opened at Co qullle. The Information was some what misleading, as Mr. Tupper opened his doors yesterday. He had been dolnyed In securing fixtures. Tho Ladles Aid, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will give a Rain bow picnic at the farm house of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lozier on Wednesday afternoon, July 24. The traditional pot of gold will be in evidence, and a milking, batting and rope-skipping contest will bo hold for prizes. The steamer Echo will carry the people up, and they will be returned by a moonlight strawrlde. A little blaze In the back room of Dean & Hollenbcck's butcher shop 3EZE5G222K SH TE will contain just the chair those now in stock at genttfne on MOR.ROW few of these articles left - by the inducement of r paused, excitement -yesterday but by tho time tho flro bell sum'. inoncd the flro 'ddpaftinent boys tno flames lmd' b'oon extinguished. II. A. King and family hao gono to Bandon to reside. Mrs. D. F. Dean, Frnnkle, wjfe nn(1 daughter of the editor of the Herald have gone to Idaho. Tho former la search of health. Mrs. Leona Teiitsch, of' Pendleton Oregon, arrived hero last week, nnd' Is visiting a cousin, R. H. Mast, and family. Mrs. Dr. Culin and daughters Irnirt nnd Alice returned from San Fran cisco Sunday, where they visited tho former's paronts, A marrlago license was Issued yes tordty to Mr. Eugene Thomas and Miss Maud Hanson. Marlon Clinton is In town today proving up on his timber claim. Wal lace Hammach and Frank Miller aro his witnesses. ' The members of the firm of the Pacific Real Estate Company have gone to Bridge on a hunting snd fish ing trip. A. S. Taylor and family, of Port land, aro here looking for a home. D. C. Rogers, a real estate man, and wife, of St. Johns, came In on the labt Breakwater to look after the formers tlm(bor ilntorests in Coos county. Wm. ,Goodwin, Mike Supple, and J. S. Cob aro hero from Troutdalo, Ore. They like Coquillo, and will probably locate. V. C. Armstrong, of California, is here visiting his friend, Mr. Quar tormass. G. W. Harry purchased a homo near tho Presbyterian church last week. Mr. Price, whose shipyard was burned on the lower river, Is going to rebuild. Tho city council has ordered a now hose cart and 400 feet of hose for tho fire department. VIRGINIA FLOODS RECEDING. PlttsDurg, July 18. Conservative reports to the Associated Press to night from interior points of West Virginia indicate that the floors caused by tho storms and cloudbursts during tho past forjy-elght hours are receding and the damage will leach half a million dollais. Four deaths aio thus far reported. a tents foldine cots Oregon MMMM4444 ll I IT II w