The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 19, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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Many Coos Bay People Depart
To Spend Their Summer
Deep Interest In Coming Launch
Race Sunday Repairing the
Coos River.
Tho Breakwater left yesterday
afternoon at four o'clock on her re
turn trip to Portland. Every avail
able berth was taken long before
sailing time nnd over twenty pas
sengers were refused passage, and
many of whom who dpearted were
residents of Marshfleld and Coos
county, bound for visits to friends
on the outside, and other resorts.
Following is the list:
J. L. Bowman, wife and children;
S. B. Cathcart, Capt. Polhemus, E.
Gay, Mrs. A. Durks, Mrs. Nathan
Piatt, J. J. Qulllam, M. Llttlefleld
and wife, W. li. Coltharp, Sam John
son, Mrs. L. Davis, Mr. Davis, Ar
thur Burke, George Ritter, C. W.
Varney and wife, Chas. Varney, Jas.
Sparrow, Mrs. E. J. Keogh, Miss
Keogh, Mrs. H. C. Wade, J. L. Girs
tle, A. Li. Anderson, D. C. Rones, A.
P. Goss, C. R. Langley, C. M. Leon
ard, ,H. C. Wade, Fred Wade, C. F.
Chatterton, Fred Hollister, R. F.
GIttlns, B. W. Skefflngton, W. Dun
calfe, Michael Supples, Andrew
Hamerech, Ralph Jackson, W. Tib
betts, J. Ehrstrom, O. E. Woods,
Chris Nottley, David Worth, J. R.
Malone, R. B. Symington, J. Hamp
ton, E. Yman, H. Schriver, H. C.
Burnett, C. R. Everson, H. A. Nabb
and wife, E. G. Flanagan and wife,
J. C. King and wife, Mrs. Scherier,
Miss Nolllo Potter, Mrs. P. Weick,
Henry Weick, A. Bx Rlntone and
wife, A. Rlntone, Jr., J. A. Foley,
I. R. Elder, H. A. Garske, Dr. Schoo
maker, Geo. Hadshady, L. J. Foils,
M. P. Nestor, E. D. McArthur, wife
nnd children; D. C. Bogart, W. S.
Booth, Hugo Belton, R. C. Baker, W.
II. Kennedy, Mr. Winters, S. I.
Towers, S. B. Leighton, E. K. Jones
and wife.
, ' !.'
No Ordinance Found Providing
Fee For Moving Picture
Two New Ordinances Providing For
Improvements Are Placed on
Deep Interest In Boat Race.
The proposed race for next Sun
day between tho Express and the
Bonlta is causing more speculation
than the Drain railroad at present,
nnd tho sports about town who are
willing to wager money on anything
in tho way of a sporting event are
on the qulvlve. There are stories of
large sums to be wagered, some as
high as five hundred dollars.
Tho original satke was $100 a
side, but it is believed this will bo
Increased before the race is started.
Outsiders take as much interest In
tho matter as tho owners and build
ers of the boats which will contest
and the 'race bids fair to attract at
tention from every section of tho
Coos Bay country. It is well known
there is a friendly rivalry among the
boat builders In Marshfleld, and
since these boats wero constructed
by difforent firms, tho interest in
creases thereby several fold.
A strangor said yestorday: "This
boat race I am hearing about must
moan a great deal to somebody, for
I novor saw more excitement over a
local affair."
Tho city council held an adjourned
meeting last evening in the city hall,
all members being present, with the
exception of Councilman Savage.
The first business at hand was an ap
plication from D. L. Avery for a
license to conduct a moving picture
show in his skating ring on Front
street. Mr. Avery was represented
by J. W. Snover, who, in his address,
said no ordinance could be found
applying to the case at hand.
Several councilmen offered sugges
tions, and after it was thoroughly
threshed out and understood that
there is no ordinance stating the fee
for such ordinance, Mr. Avery was
advised to proceed with his enter
prise under his skating rink ordi
nance, which expires some time in
August, and thus allow the council
time to prepare a provision to cover
matters of this nature.
Ordinance 27G was read and put
op for 5aal pasage. It provides for
the improvement of Second street
from Pine to Alder, as follows: a
forty-foot macadam roadway; 6-foot
sidewalk; cross walks and grading,
gesides a strip between the sidewalk
and roadway for parking. Discus
sion brought out the fact that the
council preferred to let tho contracts
for the work in separate contracts,
if necessary, to secure lower prices
on the work. The ordinance was
passed with such a provision.
Ordinance 277 was read and put
on passage. Thl3 provides for the
improvement of First street from
the north line of A to the north line
of Third, with similar work as on tho
other. This was passed with the
same provision with regard to letting
tho contract, as the Second street
Bids which have been advertised
for some time wero let as follows:
Plank extension on Broadway, to E.
G. Perham, at $2.05 per running
foot; Fourth street, planking, $l.9G
per running foot, Masters & Mc
Lain, credit of ten dollars per thous
and to be given city on all old lum
ber ordered used by city engineer;
E street, E. G. Perham, $2.07 per
running foot.
Commission Holds Session To
Consider S. P. Company's
ton and Sherwood, in Washington
county, which has become the onion
center of tho northwest. Not only
havo the freight rates been raised
on onions, but also on fertilizers,
which are very important to tho suc
cessful growing of onions.
Onion Growers File Complaint That
Charges Hiue Been Raised
I lice MVely.
Salem, July IS. Tho Southern
Pacific railway company yesterday,
through its attorneys, A. C. Spencer,
W. W. Cotton, and W. D. Fenton,
filed an exception and demurrer to
the "statement" of the state railway
commission relative to the hearing
set for tqday on tho inadequatcy of
depot accommodations which the
commission Is Investigating on its
own motion. This action is taken
by the commission against all the
railways operaitng In this state. The
attorneys for the Southern Pacific
allege that the statement "does not
state facts sufficient to constitute a
cause or ground for ordering any
hearing or making any order against
the corporation with respect to the
matters herein mentioned," and fur
ther that several causes of action
not related rto the questions at issue
and with which tho defendant has
no interest have been improperly
united in one statement.
The Confederated Onion Giowers
yesterday filed a complaint with the
state railroad commission asking for
an investigation of the rates main
tained by tho Southern Pacific on
onion and potato shipments and ask
ing that the- old rates for fifteen
years in effect previous to January
1, 1907, be substituted for those now
In force. The complaint alleges that
the present rate3 are unreasonable,
unjust and discriminatory and oper
ate Irreparable injury to the mem
bers of the association. The rates to
which the association of onion grow
ers has reference are those In effect
between Hillsboro, Tualatin, Beaver-
Furnished by the Title Guarantee and
Abstract Cominny, Henry Seng
slacken, Malinger.
K. T. Perky, trustee, to O. J. Bren
nan, lots 23, 24, 20, 2G nnd 27, block
1, Boise Add, Marshfleld; $300.
J. J. Raucr et ux, to Frances C.
Williams, NEVi of SEJi. Sec. 23,
SV6 of SV and NWtf of SW of
Sec. 24, Twp. 23, R. 13; $10.
John Peart et x, to Arthur Peart
ot al, 91 interest in W& of NEU of
NWVi, Sec.'SC, Twp. 27, R. 13; $10.
George Croy, to John Peart et al,
parcel of land near Coquille, 5 acres;
BInger, Herman et ux, to Chas. R.
Smith, land in Twp. 30, R. 12; Twp.
31, R. 12; Twp.29, R. 12; Twp. 2S,
R. 14; $15,000.
Merchant Land Co., to Alva Doll,
trustee, lot 35, block G5, Railroad
Add, Marshfleld; $10.
E. L. Hemingway et ux, to R. A.
BoCk lots 7, S, 9, 10 and 11, block 2,
Vigars Add, North Bend; $1,S00.
L. A. Frey et ux, to Anna W. Rich
ards, parcel of land in North Bend;
Chas. A. Pendleton et ux, et al, to
Wm. Hutchison et al, E of NE,
Sec. 1G, Twp. 2S, R. 13; $1,000.
Edgar L. Wheeler et ux, to Fred.
T. Tuttlo, lots 3 and 4, block 12, Aza
lea Park Add, Bandon; $10.
R. Li. Edmonston, to Bertha R.
Shepard, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, block 9,
Edmonston's First Add, Marshfleld;
East Marshfleld Land Co., to Coos
County, Oregon, lots 12, 13, 14, 15
and 16, block 7, East Marshfleld.
J. S. Lawrence et ux to Isa'Iah
Hacker, lots and blocks in Portland
Add. ot Bandon; $5.00.
Josephine M. Rennie and husband
to J. W. Berry, lots 7 and 8, block
8, Coos Bay Plat A, division one;
William Hood et al to E. E. John
son, lots 3 and 4, E1 of SW, Sec.
31, Twp. 30, R. 11; S of Si6, Sec.
3C, Twp. 30, R. 12; NWVi of Sec.
G, Twp. 31, R. 11; lots 2, 3, 1, S
of Ni and S of Sep. 1; SKb,
SEM, of SW1, Sec. 2; NEM, of
NE and lots G, 7, 8, 9, Sec. 11, N
of NJ. and lot 9, Sec. 12, Twp. 31,
R. 12; $10.00.
Robert, J. Dean to O. C. Rico, lots
3 and 4, Sec. 4, Twp. 28, R. 12; $10.
James M. Bright et al, to Jesso D.
Bright. NWVt of SWVi and lots 4,
5, G, 7, Sec. 36, Twp. 2S, R. 12; $10.
Caroline Bcdlllion nnd husband to
F. If. Mnson, parcel of land in lot 3,
Sec. 30, Twp. 2S, R. 14; $200.
R. L. Edmonston to W. W. Graves,
all block 1, lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 1G,
17, IS, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, block 2,
Edmonston's First Add, Marshfleld;
W. W. Graves to E. J. Cowllshaw, '2S, R. 13; $10.
all block 1, lots 10, 11, 12, Ijjfng
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, bc'l'!B
Edmonston's First Add, MnishfleU j
$to. . ,
Emma Dillon ot al, to Frank Dil
lon, lots 2 1 nnd 25, block 24, Kali- ,
road Add, Marshfleld; $10.
RIvorton Lumber Co., to Willis E.
Pottor, lots 5 and G, block 5, lot's 2, ;
3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9 and 10, ("block 0, lot ,
2, block 1, lot S, block 3, Rlvcrfon;
$10. vltofc
also parcel of land In Sec. 8, Twp.
The Steamer
M. F
ydLL 4
I Sails forSanih
1 R? DOW
ANTy . 1
cisao Mopday July 15 v I
Neat and modern, iRtuated ini North Bend Heights.
Best view on the
same tract. Pric
minsula, al(y-vacant lots in the
rcasonaDiafflna terms easy.
s.r m
Ward & Ward!
Corner Meade and -Vermont Sts.
!V!TTWrTiaTajicgaaB5igg&jgijijimi ingpitogaaarajguBiaujmgraSMinBSta
A few choice 5 and 10-acre.)
Two daily boats to Marshfleld,
Daily mall. Telephone connect
tho land. Wagon road to Ea:
to that part of Marshfleld
property, will bo taken off
in. Good transportation,
faro 25 cents round trip.
rarmoiS.' Lino No. 2 passes through
larshfleld.rhe county railroad through
frlng it to the front. This
fr, 1907.
Nirth Bcn 1
lv-uounu to i
wio market AjngusLJ
es DoslSe or W
VJdsxuizlJ n C .J- f w A re e
H-JK OLSOJfiter.
IT" - - M jP t
Sr- im SAILGjf ROM-
COOS BAYtfcfetfl
GEO. D. GRAY CO., General'agents,
421 Market St.. San Francisco.
w molester tunes ls&o5asi 1
I LoniractorsnrjBuilders 1
TlkfP lfi&tS M I Office fixturea a SBjfSty. StoJronts, Countora, I
&&& P"&Pl Vl 1 Shelving. Let Ufovk ovUffJ- plans. Seo-uabe- 1
ilk a fe I fore building, jf r I
a aflaaywfiUMVU shop opposite BcVs-HtfeTy Stable, North front Street I
Every needed reifuirement rTrTT -i
. foLoort NGCTAT BUY m
j u liner I nrr W
KMlWrt&11 sheltered wlA
r-. A GOOD BAYyiEW and prices of lots
Old Central Hotel Building are sonableFor particulars see
: - Title Guarantee & Abstract Co.,
s I Henry Sengstacken, Managor
. J. Rust.
Dr. and Mrs. Tatom came over
from Coquille yesterday. Mrs. Ta
tom and son leave this morning for
tho Sluslaw. country to visit her
mother. Mr. Tatom returns this
morning to Coquille anu will visit
Gold Beach on professional business.
From there ho will tramp up tho
Hoguo river to Grants Pass, and
start on his way to Canada to visit
is the best thi
or seco
First Nat
JOHN S. COKli, President
W.S. McFAKLAND, Cashier.
have to
cements are
.tance Upon-
we solicit your
Bank of Coos Bay
O. B. HINSDALE. Vice Pres.
R. T. KAUFMAN, Asst. Cas.
. Wt'
jjLMrher mms
California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company.
land and Return
L.W.SHAW, Agent,
Marshfleld. Phono 441
Repairing Steamer Coos llivcr.
The steamboat Coos River, which
met with an accident on Tuesday,
which disabled her rudder, is on tho
Rogers ways undergoing repairs.
She will bo ready for business about
Saturday. Tho boat's business has
boon handled by tho Rota and Cat
liff's gasolene launch sinco her disablement.
Edgar L. Wheeler et ux, to John
Morris, lots 10 and 11, block 10, Aza
lea Park Add, Bandon; $175.
Oregon & California Railroad Co.,
to E. A. Dodgo, NW'4 of SWii of
Sec. 15, Twp. 29, R. 12; ?1C0.
Tho Bchooner Salvator which has
boen at tho Southern Pncific docks
for about two months, loading lum
bor and piles for tho southern mar
ket, is completing her cargo, and
should sail within a day. Tho boat
was delayed for soveral weeks
through falluro of shipments from
tho Riverton Lumber Company.
Tho schooners J. M. Weathorwax
nnd Bertlo Minor aro at tho South
ern Pacific docks, waiting tr load
lumber from tho Coquillo .mills.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. R. Rynn, Dr.
Hicks and. Rev. Saullsbury, of Silvor
ton, and his brother from Iowa, havo
tnado up a party that is going to
pend a month in tho Coos Bay coun
try. Mr. Ryan has promised Tho
Capital Journal bo mo interesting
notes by tho wayside. Salom Journal.
The C. B., R. & E. R. R.
and Navigation Co.
In IMoct January 1, 1007.
All previous schedules are void.
Subject to change without notice
W. S. Chandler, managor; F. A.
Lai bo, freight agent; general oClcos,
Marahfiolft, Or
No. 1.
Except B
i i'
ynQay, b
Learo 9:d0 a. n)Marshfield.
9: to ayfe.B. II. Junction.
9:CwC m.Ooqnllle.
Arrive 10:80 a.m.Myrtlo Point.
No. 2.
Bzoept Sunday.
Loavo 10:45 a. m.Myrtlo Point.
10:00 m.Coqullte.
12:00 in. B. H. Junction.
Arrive 12:80 p.m.JMarnhfleld.
Etatra trains "will run on dally
spool! orders. Trains to and from
Beavr U1U dally.
- jffi