The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 18, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 2

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B Coos Bay Times
Thk Uooa Hay Times I'ciiusiiinu Co
REX LARGE, Business Manager,
Tlio policy of The Uoos Bay Times
will be Republican in politics, with the
independence of which President Roose
velt is the leading exponent.
Entered nt the postofllco at Mfirshfleld, Ore
gon, for transmission through the liiails &b
BCCOml class mall'mattcr.
1 -"'-
Binglo copy, daily, - - 5 cento
Per month, daily, 50 cents
Ihtoe months, daily, - - Ifl 25
Bikjnontha, daily - - $2 60
Ono year, daily, - - - $5 00
Weekly, per year - - $ 1 00
'''-""- j
Address all communications to
Marshfield, Oregon
MONOPOLY lias come to express
a world of dread meaning to
Americans. It is the foundation
upon which are built the many fed
oral cases now being prosecuted by
the United States Government. Mo
nopoly made Ilarriman, monopoly
made Satndard Oil, monopoly made
Morgan; monopoly Is today retard
ing tho growth of Oregon. It Is sig
nificant that while, the people in Ore
gon are really suffering from a part
of tho groat machine which Ilarri
man has built up, tho entiro United
States is feeling the effects of that
same machine. In the report pre
pared by tho Interstate Commerce
Commission It is shown how Harri
man could start from New York
city and make the round trip to
China, returning to New York city
without stepping from tho dock or
platform of a carrier which he con
trols without having recourse to the
same route twice.
He was luriher what appears to be
a dominating control in tho Illinois
Central railroad, running directly
north from tho Gulf of Mexico to the
Great Lakes, paralleling tho Missis
sippi river, and 2,000 miles west of
tho Illinois Central ho controls the
only lino of railroad paralleling the
Pacific coast and running from the
Columbia river to the Mexican bor
der. Within a year his sphere of in
fluence has extended eastward; the
Union Pacific and Oregon Short Lino
havo acquired 1S.G2 per cent of the
stock of tho Baltimore and Ohio at a
cost of $45,4GG,9uO, and have in
vested $10,G34,324 in New York
Central and Hudson River stock.
That it is only tho law which pre
vents tho concjru.aUjn Into Mr.
Harriman's hr.nd.3 of every railroad
lino lying between Canada and Mex
ico is tho f rank admission of Mr.
Ilarriman himself made at tho hear
ing. To gather under on head all ex
isting transcontinental lines of as
many aa possible and to oxclude the
incoming of all competitors becamo
manifestly tho Ilarriman policy,
which was Inaugurated In 1901 by
tho Issuanco of $100,000,000 of con
vertible bonds by tho Union Pacific.
AVith tho proceeds of those bonds,
the Union Pacific purchased control
of tho Southern Pacific company and
a majority of the outstanding stock
of tho Northern Pacific railroad com
pany, which later Incidentally car
rlod with it control of one-half of
tho stock of tho Chicago, Burling
ton and Quincy railroad company,
tho stock of which had boon purchas
ed jointly by tho Northern Pacific
and Great Northern companies and
their collateral trust bonds issuod
thorofor. Possession of theso lines
would havo given to tho Union Pa
cific nbsoluto mastery over every
avonuo leading to tho Pacific coast
tho northern border of the country
and that offered by tho banta Fe on
the southern. This plan, If exe
cuted, would have subjected to a
common will and policy nearly one
half of the territory of tho United
States a comparatively undevelop
ed, rapidly growing and extremely
rich territory Into which must nec
essarily extend the population and
business of tho eastern states.
It has been, however, no part of
tho Harriman policy to permit tho
properties which were brought un
der tho Union Pacific control to de
generate and decline; as railroads
they are better property today with
lower grades, stralghter tracks and
more ample equipment than they
were when they came under that
control. Largo sums have been gen
erously expended in the carrying on
of engineering works and better
ments, which make for tho improve
ment of the service-, and permanent
value of the property. Tho control of
tho Northern Pacific and the Bur
lington by tho Union Pacific was
prevented eventually by the decision
of the supreme court of the United
States in the case of Harriman ver
sus the Northern Securities Com
pany, in which that court held that
it would bo In violation of tho Sher
man Act for the Union Pacific to con
trol those railways, as they were
competing lines. The Southern Pa
cific remains within tho control of
the Union Pacific.
In all of its acquisition of stock
contiul in other railroads, tho Union
Pacific has either purchased the
stocks directly Itself or through the
Oregon Short Line railroad company,
which it owns and controls, and
which is really Union Pacific.
In the year 1001, the Union
Pacific acquired 750,000 shares out
of a total of 1,978,492 shares of
Southern Pacific stock and subse
quently acquiring 150,000 shares,
making a total of 900,000 shares or
45.49 per cent of the total stock
issue of the Southern Pacific com
pany. Thereafter, when the prefer
red stock of the Southern Pacific
was Issued, the Union Pacific sub
scribed for Its proportion, to wit:
130,000 shares out of a total of
395, GSS shares; so that at the pres
ent time, tho Union Pacific owns
1,080,000 shares out of a total of
The Southern Pacific Company is a
holding corporation It .was organ
ized under a special charter of tho
state of Kentucky in 1884, and was
authorized to acquire by purchase or
otherwise tho stocks, bonds and se
curities of railway and steamship
companies. Shortly after its organ
ization it acquired the stocks of and
controlled, and still does own the
stocks of and control a system of rail
road extending from Ogden, Utah
wliero It connected with tho Union
Pacific to San Francisco from San
Francisco to Portland, and from San
Francisco through California, Ari
zona, New Mexico, Toxas, and Louis
iana to New Orleans and has slnco
acquired a lino of railroad Into Mex
ico. It also owns and controls a
lino of steamships from Galveston
and from Now Orleans to New York
and Havana. It is unnecessary to
dotall each separate railway corpora
tion owning tho sections of tho vari
ous lines in theso states; it 1b suffi
cient to say that through stock it
controls tho entire Southern Pacific
system commonly known as tho Sun
set Route. Of those lines tho Union
Pacific has a loase and owns tho
stocks of other linos, notably Texas
lines, It is simply a stockholding
company, and controls them In that
Among these linos so ownod nnd
controlled is tho Contral Pacific
Railroad Company, organized under
tho laws of Utah on July 29, 1899.
This company was originally the
Contral Pnclflc Railway Company, or
ganized under tho laws of California,
which, with tho Westorn Pacific
Company (which was also organized
under the laws of California and
subsequently consolidated with it),
constructed tho lino from San Frau
clsco to Ogdon, whore It connected
with tho Union Pacific. This is tho
Pacific which was to be operated with
tho Union Pacific. It subsequently
acquired the line from Rosovlllo
(near Sacramento), Calif., to the Ore
gon stato Hue, which was constructed
by tho California and Oregon Rail
road Company, organized under the
laws of California. Tho California
and Oregon Railroad Company, of
Oregon, constructed tho lino from
Portland to tho California state line,
which company still owns that line.
Tho Central Pacific Company, there
fore, owns tho line extending from
Ogden to San Francisco and the line
from Rosovlllo to tho Oregon stato
Hue. It has a capital stock of
$G7,275,500 par value of common
stock, and $12,800,000 of preferred
stock, all of which Is owned by tho
Southern Pacific Company; and the
Southern Pacific Company also has a
lease of Its line. It was only tho
lino from Ogdon to San Francisco,
however, which was required by act
of Congress, to be operated in con
nection with the Union Pacific.
Immediately, however, upon the
purchase of tho Southern Pacific
Company's stock, the Union Pacific
began the unification of the two or
ganizations and tho exercise of a con
trol over the Southern Pacific, which
has effected a substantial elimination
of competition between those two
Tho Union Pacific and Oregon
Short Line havo at each annual meet
ing of the stockholdeis of the South
ern Pacific since 1902 voted a ma
jority of the stock represented at
such meetings nnd have elected the
directors and other officers. For sev
eral yoars past the Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific have had a majority
of common directors, the same presi
dent, vice-president, director of traf
fic, director of maintenance and oper
ation, secretary, treasurer, comptrol
ler, auditor, legal department and
other chief officials. Whereas, for
merly the two companies had separ
ate commercial agents in the prin
cipal cities throughout the United
States, soliciting traffic over their
respective lines, they now have com
mon agents and solicitors who repre
sent the Union Pacific and Southern
Pacific system. Whilo the Union
Pacific, through the short line, does
not own a majority of the stock of
the Union Pacific, yet it appears by
the testimony that its control over It
Is, for all practical purposes, as ab
solute as though It owned every
shnro; nnd it was admitted by Mr.
Harriman that the Union Pnclflc con
trols tho Southern Pacific.
Before the acquisition of Its stock
by the Union Pacific, tho Southern
Pacific Company, with its linos of
rail and steamships, was engaged in
competition with the Union Pacific
x m l t.l....... 11. n tln.tft. .H
lur Liiwuc uiu uuiwuuu liiu jiiiuunv ky
seauoaru ana tno racinc seauoara, wgj
and between the Atlantic seaboard i
and oriental ports. Through their
several connections by rail, theso '
llnoa wprn nlun nnprtp-prl 111 rnlntlfiM- I
tlon for traffic from practically all
points east of the Missouri river, be
tween the Great Lakes and the Gulf
of Mexico. From Atlantic seaboard
territory east of Buffalo and Pitts
burg rates have generally been tho I
same upon business destined to tho j if
Pacific coast, whether moving by tho fjt
nil-rail route, Including tho Union j
and Central Pacific, or moving by rail ' $
to an Atlantic port, thence by water 2
in Nnw OrlAnna nnil rjnlvpsrnn find ' i&t
thence by Southern Pacific rails to
Los Angeles, San Francisco or Port- j
land. Rates from this same Atlantic ,
seaboard territory on traffic moving
by tho Southern Pacific steamships
and its rail connections -to Colorado
common points have likewise been
the samo as on traffic carried by rail
over the Union Pacific to such points,
and on such traffic there Is a great
and Increasing volume. It is doubt
less true the competition which pre
viously existed was not as complete
as if the Union Pacific had a lino of
Its own Into San Francisco, Instead
I of turning traffic over to tho Central
Pacific at Ogden. For all this traf
fic there oxists at present no actual
competition between the Union Pa
ciflc and the Southern Pacific lines.
Will Entertain In Elnbornle Fashion
Coos Bay Orchestra
Sumner will entertain the peoplo
of Coos Bay and surrounding coun
try on July 27 with a dance. Tho
affair will be elaborate, and from in
dications there will be a largo at
tendance. Tho Coos Bay Orchestra lias been
secured to render music for the occa
sion. The boats Tioga and Sumner
will bo at the service of those wish
ing to attend the function.
Come right in for Lunch and
Dinner today Cuisine perfect;
service unequalecL The nicest
appointed restaurant on Coos
Bay Table anfd lunch counter
trlde solicited If you are going
to pay for a dinnerwhy not come
where you carrget the BEST.
Dinning room board $500
per week lunch counter board
$400 per week Best of at
tention given
fywrrmamg uafc-WJairsHHW
fc 0$OA,,AakoO
North Front Street
Opposite City Hall
A nice line of
Souvenir Postals
i. ... "W
immnmmmmmis mmmmmmnmns
within tho United States, save that
afforded by tho Great Northern on lino originally known as tho Central
Are You Looking for
Looking for a New
we nave gooj
reasonable prices arid yould
J 1 a
taiK witn you about them.
ties for sale at
be pleased to
F. M. Rummell Jr. & Co.
A Street.
Do you realize khe
ness e
race ofyB busi-
Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line
storia every Thursday
We are furnishing
power at very low
Sails for Portland a
C. F. JMcCollum, Agt.
Phone Main 34 - - -
A. St. Dock
Business College
North Bend, Oregon
iry I he .
I jr
for Ice Lream. If Any Amounts Furnished
Cake and pies tb order. Picnic lunches a specialty.
Sprnnrl anA C fvnnt.
"" ...........
I rates. I
There is splendid i
openings JHiere in I
many lines. I .
I Write Us for Mails J i
If 9
j I f
iihe Coos Bay Gas & j 1
.'wl,a, . sfe m
' fmnr-nm,Mu jxhu.1 S
V 1
-WWHmMtyNKwm --MMggS! ' IW Mi