The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 18, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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    DailJBdition QL00JB
I -air
Member of Associated Press.
No. 9.
VOL II. jf
"-euuiul-jh", til mjif.1 num M.cgmcg:in iif im, i imimh"i""
Beginning of Last Stages In
The Haywood Murder
Court Would Eliminate Some
of Evidence,
Prosecution Decides Not to Call On
Pinkcrtona to Give
Bolso, July 17. Tlio state of
Idaho rests content with the evidenco
it has produced to provo Haywood,
secretary and treasurer of the West
orn Federation of Miners, conspired
to kill nnd therefore murdered ex
Governor Stounonberg. Tomorrow
Haywood, through his counsel, will
rest the case with the Jury, so far as
tho evidence is concerned. Possibly
somo witnesses will be called in sur
rebuttal, but Haywood's counsel an
nounces tho caso may close without
further evidence. Judgo Wood has
invited argument on ills own propo
sition to eliminate certain evidence
from consideration by the jury, and
probably tho day will be taken to
present tho views of both sides as to
tho Instructions to tho jury.
On Friday tho argument is ex
pected, and tho last stage of the
trial will have commenced. After
having dismissed tho jury this after
noon, Judgo Wood stated his opinion
that tho evidenco Introduced by tho
defense to provo a conspiracy on tho
part of tho miue ownors by showing
tho deportation-of union miners from
Cripple Creole in 1903-4 was not
material to tho issue involved, and
should not bo submitted to tho jury.
On tho other hand, ho said the show
ing by tho state that Steve Adams
was concerned in the killing of two
men In tho Coeur d'Aleno district
did not appear to tho court to be
germain and should be eliminated.
Ho announced, however, ho would
hoar arguments on theso ,points to
morrow. Further, tho ocurt asked
for instructions to bo submitted at
onco and arguments on these Instruc
tions may be submitted tomorrow.
Another announcement by tho
court was the determination to .con
clude tho caso within tho next week.
J. II. Hawloy will open the argument
for tho state and B. F. Richardson
for tho dfeonse. Darrow will close
for Haywood. And tho final argu
ment will como for Sennter Borah.
Today opened with tho statement
from Haywood's counsel that thoy
desired tho court to order D. C.
Scott, William Dewey and J. C.
Rutan, witnesses for tho state, to re
main within tho jurisdiction of tho
court. This afterward was explain
ed on tho ground that tho defense
is considering tho advisability of
issuing warrants charging tho state's
witnesses with perjury. Late to
night Darrow said It was doubtful
if any such stops could bo taken.
Tho stato called but two witnesses
today, although Hawley had stated
eight or ten remained.
At tho last momont tho prosecu
tion decided it would strengthen
their caso not to call tho mlno own
ers or Pinkortons. As tho result a
number of the most interesting wit
nesses will not bo heard. Theso In
clude Gen. Bulkey Wolls, commander
of tho Colorado stato militia during
the disorders in 1903-4, and Captain
McParland, superintendent of tho
western division of Pinkertons, who
it was expected would bo one of tho
most picturesque witnesses. Tho
witnesses today were from Colorado
and gave accounts of conditions
around tho mines. O. M. Sacktet,
an employee of the Smuggler Union
men mine of which Bulkley was
manager, had an intimate knowl
edge of conditions in Colorado dur
ing tho troubles and no amount of
cross-examination coujd change
Sadkott's assertion that tho mob of
'Citizens Alliance In Cripple Creek
wero made up of good citizens of the
district who took tho law into their
. .j, .j. .. .. .j,
Philadelphia, July 17. Jack
Johnson stopped Bob Fltzsim
mons in tho second of a six
round bout tonight. Fitzsim
mons did not show a trace of
his former cleverness and It is
probable Johnson could have
put the old man out in the first
if ho had cared to do so.
Tho blow that put Fltz out
was a light one to the Jaw. He
fell to the floor and made no
attempt to rise. Tho hissing,
which usually follows a knock-
! out of this character, was ab-
4 sont. Tho spectators evidently $
taking compassion on tho
former champion.
Took $200 Belonging to Ilusban'I
and Mndo Journey
Chicago, July 17. Soya Saldino, a
Japanese merchant of San Francisco,
tamo to Chicago today in search of
his wife, who ho said had deserted
him in California and came East
with ?200 belonging to him. Tho
Japaneso said ho would spare no
money in his efforts to locate his
wife, and that he did not wish to
leave her to tho police to deal with.
Ho brought with him a letter of in
troduction from the Chief of Police
of San Francisco. Lieutenant Bo
han informed Sakimo that it was
difficult for him to take official action
in the case, as Mrs. Sakimo had
committed no offense.
"A woman is not guilty of any of
fense when she takes her husband's
money," said Lieutenant Rohan.
"I do not want her arrested," said
the Oriental. "I just want to find
her myself, that's all."
AVith an ominous gleam In his al
Inond eyes, Sakimo laid half a dozen
photographs of his runaway wife on
tho lieutenant's desk. Detective
Kiploy was assigned to escort Sak
imo about tho Japanese residences,
but Lieutenant Rohan said he would
keep his eyes on tho man when the
woman was found.
To Do Detained at Honolulu Pending
New Certificate.
San Francisco, July IS. The
steamer Nebraska's certificate of in
spection expired on June 9, and tho
vessel is now on the way frotn Sallna
Cruz to Honolulu, whero she will be
hid until sho obtains a new certifi
cate. Supervising Inspector John
Bermlnghnm has wired to Washing
ton for instructions, and it is thought
that Inspectors Bolles and Bulger
will leave for Honolulu, from whence
thoy have just returned by the Ala
meda, which leaves on July 25, for
tho purpose of Inspecting her with a
view to renewing her certificate.
Pittsburg, July 17. Ten fatalities
duo to heat, occurred today, making
over a score of deaths the past thirty
six hours.
hands as a last resort and deported
men on tho grounds that tho men
who refused to work tor permit
others to, should be sent away.
Ho admitted some deportations
wero unjust but stated positively
when theso wero discovered they
wero allowed to return. Sacuett
stated of his own knowledge and
Information that ho knew of a num
ber 'of murders and outrages com
mitted by tho union miners. And
that tho calling out of the militia
was necessary to tho preservation of
life and property. The last witness
I of tho day and last for the stato was
William Stuart, a Scotchman with a
beard and with a burr of his country
on his tongue. Ho was a miner in
tho Crlpplo Creek district during the
troubles and told a terrible story of
maltreatment at tho hands of tho
miners who warned him ho would
have to take tho consequences if he
went to workas'a "scab," and with
native stubbornness Stuart went to
work, however, and today with hi3
native wit' told of tho consequences.
Richardson dismissed tho witness
with tho words "thats all." Stuart
wheeled gut of the witness chair and-
as ho stepped down ho said quickly,
r'Hump, well, theres more if ye wantj,j.
ii," ana who mis mo prosecution
rosted. tr- I
I"! Hi I I III ilD
Heney Makes Another Attempt
To Introduce Incriminat
ing Testimony.
Defense Contests the Examin
ing of Supervisors,
Glass Jury IIis Commodious Quarters
nnd Arc Surfeited With Life's
San Francisco, July 17. Tho trial
of Louis Glass reached a crucial
stago today when the prosecution
made tho first attempt to Introduce
the testimony of ten or more super
visors other than Boxton, that their
votes wero bought by Theodore V.
Halsey, acting Hinder the directions
of Vice-President Glass of the Pacific
States Telephone and Telegraph
Company. Such evidenco is called
"evidence of .similar offenses," and
Is often admitted in criminal trials
for the purpose of showing corrupt
Intention on the part of tho defend
ant in the commission of the act for
which he Is tried.
Tho defense contests this right
mainly on the ground that the State
is not ' privileged to prove other
crimes in the effort to establish the
crime on trial. The argument of
this point is conceded to be even
more than Its original importance
since tiie defection of Vive-President
Zimmer from the ranks of the prose
cution's witnesses occupied tho last
two hours of the day and was still
in progress when court adjourned.
The jury was excused at. tho com
mencement of tho argument and
wore taken to a nearby park and
latter to their quarters at the Fair
mount Hotel.
The Glass jury is faring as well, if
not better, than tho Schmitz jury.
The men who are to decide tho fate
of the indicted telephone magnate
are living in luxurious apartments at
the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill. No
one is allowed to communicate' with
the jurors, nor approach their cham
bers. Deputy Sheriff James Ryan
and Deputy Sheriff Ben Montgomery
keep constant watch In the rooms
where their wards lounge and sleep.
Tho jurors aro well entertained.
While in their rooms, for fhey are not
allowed to stay In the hotel lqbuy.
They occupy .their time reading,
smoking and 'rconversing,
Other Generals Aro Indicted For Al
leged Crimes Against the
St. Petersburg, July 17. It is offi
cially stated that an indictment in
connection with tho surrender of
Port Arthur was today handed down
against General Stoessel and other
Generals who defended tho fortress.
In addition to tho charge of surren
dering to tho enemy General Stoessel
is accused of falsely reporting the
situation to tho Czar, and also of
other offenses with tho object of con
cealing tho truth.
Generals Stoessel, Rettss, Fock and
Smirnoff are all Indicted, Stoessel
nnd Fock with th abominable crimes
of delibrately sending false reports
of battles which never occurred, of
recommending for decorations their
own friends and gonorals who lost
battles and of surrendering fortresses
in spite of ample means of resistance,
All crimes with which Stoossel,
Rouss and Fock are charged aro capi
tal offenses.
'j. fiinvBTar, itatt, iikatiiS
,, . $
a T.nnHnn rnt.. .Tniv 17. Elcht
jves is the total of yesterday's
COjaPse of Chrystal Hall.
Canadians Do Not Want Little Brown
Men as Laborers Among
Ottawa, Ont., July 17. Reports of
tho strained relations between the
United States and Japan Interest
Canadians Intensely, not only because
of tho prospect of war and of the
possibility that Canada may bo drawn
into the struggle by tho operation of
tho Anglo-Japanese treaty, but also
because Canada has a Japanese prob
lom of her own that probably will
lead to a controversy, if not a direct
struggle, between tho Dominion and
the province of British Columbia.
That province has been engaging
for some years In vain attempts to
subject Japanese (and even East In
dian subjects of the British crown)
to the operation of exclusion laws.
Time after time such statutes have
boen enacted by tho Provincial Par
liament, only to be vetoed by the
Federal Government.
The Legislature of tho Coast prov
ince also passed bills baased on what
Is known as the Natal act, whereby
all Immigrants are compelled to un
dergo examinations in the elements
of English, and are subject to depor
tation should they fail to pass. These
have been disallowed twico by the
Dominion Government, but have been
repassed and are now in force in the
fairbanks satisfied
Grilling Which He Has Lately Re
ceived Responsible For Change
of Attitude.
Washington, July 17. Charles
Warren Fairbanks may change his
program with respect to the republi
can national ticket that is to be
nominated a year hence, according
to reports from sources calculated to
furnish an Insight Into the machina
tions of the tall Hoosler. The grill
ing the vice-president has received
recently at the hands of investigators
who have delved Into his history Is
believed to have put him far to the
rear in the race for first place on the
ticket. Ho himself, It Is assorted,
understands this, and is trimming
his sails ot capturo tho nomination
for tho rofflce ho liolds.
Tho prevalence of sentiment in
many parts of the country for tho
nomination of President Roosovelt
for another term seems likely to be
utilized by tho present heir presump
tive to further the scheme that Is
said to bo ihcubatlng. Politicians
are looklng'to see the vice-president
become an ardont Roosevelt boomer
in tho near future If not in person,
vicariously through agents who un
derstand his motives and desires
with himself for sticond place onco
more. -
?.-'. ' ' "
j !$ $$ i $ Z $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ f
17. San
Portland, July
Francisco 5, Portland 4..
Tacoraa, July 17. Tacoma
1, Seattlo 0.
Aberdeen, July 17. Aber
deen 5, Butte 3.
j j $ j j $ - $ g $ j ij j j
Matter AVill Come Before Ministers
This Evening Occasions
No Surprise.
Tokio, July 18. Tho Emperor of
Korea has sont for Marquis Ito, and
it Is likely ho received the Marquis
in audience this afternoon. It is be
lieved that final decision on tho re
quest for tho Emperor for tho abdi
cation of COrea will bo received this
evening, when the ministers appear
in a body before his majesty.
London, July 17. Tho abdication
of tho Emperor of Korea would
cause no surprise hero. Matters
have been drifting that way over
since tho Japanese occupation of that
country, and tho Japanese govern
ment evidently regards tho despatch
of tho Korean delegation to tho
Hague as affording the long-sought
pretext for putting an end to the
anomalous condition of affairs in
Captain McCrea Tells Story
of Battleship Georgia's
Terrible Catastrophe Averted
By Bravery,
Extinguished Burning Bag of Pow
der When Explosion Seemed
Boston, July 17. Captain Henry
McCrea gave the Associated Press a
graphic story of the disaster to the
battleship Georgia Monday which
cost the Uvea of nine men and In
jured thirteen others, somo perhaps
He said: "I was on the bridge
making the run for the practice and
taking observations of each shot. I
saw we were beating the records of
the other ships In the fleet. On the
bridge I could hear the command
from the after turret, so I knew
when the next shot was coming. I
heard a shout 'fire,' but there was no
shot, and then I saw the men running
aft, and getting the fire hose, which
is always In readiness when the firing
is going on.
I "I rushed to the after bridge to see
what was tho matter. Water was
already being poured into the turret.
Boatswain and Midshipmen Gravens
croft led the way for their men with
the hoce. I tell you there was cour
age No man knew what had hap
pened no man knew what danger he
might be running. But those men
never thought of self or danger.
That bravo act will look well on their
"Then they began to bring out the
men. One of tho first was the ono
In whoso hands the powder flashed.
I wont to him, but could not recog
nize him. His hands wero burned
to the bones. The flesh was gone.
With those hands raised above his
head and tho tips of his fingers bent
toward each other, I could hear him
whisper, 'Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!'
Ho could not move his lips enough
to utter other words. I went closer
to him and said, 'My dear fellow, God
has heard your prayer.'
"Ho was brought ashore but soon
died. Tho men wero brought out as
fast as they could bo taken from tho
turret. Most of them felt relief as
soon as they gtot In tho open air, and
away from tho gases from tho ter
rible smokeless powder. That, is
what kills. The external burns wero
hideous, but to broath that stuff is
fatal. Ono man in that turret was
not hurt, Midshipman KImbal, and
I do not understand how ho could
have escaped. Ho, too, showed grit
after tho shock ho had. Lieutenant
Goodrich sot an example to his men
that nono but a courageous officer
could have sot, when ho plunged
Into tho flamo and gases and led tho
way to safety. After ho got to tho
deck he threw himself over board.
If our launch had not been nearby
ho would havo drowned,
"Probably ono little act or rather
one great act of ono of tho men pre
vented a far greater disaster. I
don't know his name; ho is dead.
Ho and ono other stood by tho sec
ond gun that had 'just been loaded.
Tho last bag of powdor that had
been put In was protruding a little
from tho gun, when ho saw the
flash. Instead of dashing for tho
ladder to savo himself, ho crowded
homo the charge and with tho help
of tho other men got tho gun closed
before tho fldmo reached tho bag.
"If tho flamo had touched that
bag there would havo been an awful
explosion, for tho powder was con
fined and would not havo flashed as
tho other did, but would have ex
ploded, and not a man in that turret
would havo been loft alive. That
man gave his Hfo for tho others.
"Slnco we went back to tho target
ground tho men have been shooting
bteter than before the accident. Wo
Norfolk, July 17. During
the past few weeks 100 deser- -4
tlons have been listed and ad-
4 vertised from the battleship
Minnesota, one of the warships
at Hampton Roads. The local
police wero notified of fifteen
desertions yesterday.
Washington, July 17. It was
stated tonight ttero Is no offi
cial notice regarding tho whole
sale desertions from the bat
tleship Minnesota.
!! !!. !! 4gg ! !
Tho Interior Department AVnnts to
Start Out With a Clean
Washlngtop, July 17. The invea
tigation decided upon by the Depart
ments of the Interior and Justice in
relation to the status of criminal pro
ceedings in tho "courts throughout
the public land states involving In
terior Department matters was be
gun today in Salt Lake City. The
Investigation will be made by three
experts, including an examiner froln
the Attorney General's office, the Dis
trict Attorney in the district in which
tho suits aro filed, and a special agent
of the General Land Office.
The inquiry at Salt Lake City Is
intended to be a test, and the result
arrived at there will determine what
further Investigations shall be mado
in the field or in the department
offices here In Washington. The in
vestigators are directed to make ono
of three recommendations in each
case. First, as to whether tho caso
shall be dismissed as of no import
ance; second, whether It shall bo
prosecuted, and third, as to whether
investigation shall bo made as to
what final disposition shall be mado
of It.
There are many old cases Involv
ing irregularities of ono kind or an
other pending in tho courts through
out the public land states, and tho
present Investigation Is intended to
clear the docket.
P. F. Simon ds Suffers Severe Stroke
of Apoplexy.
San Francisco, July 17. P. F.
SImonds, a prominent mining man of
Nevada City, who has been in tho
city for several days on business
matters, suffered a severe stroke of
apoplexy yesterday afternoon. Ho
was. walking with his wife near Gold
en Gate avenue and Franklin street
when the attack came and he was
takdn to tho Central Emergency Hos
pital, whero he wjas treated by Dr.
Roche. Later he rallied and was
removed to the Jefferson Hotel,
whero ho is stopping. Ho is still
In a serious condition.
haven't finished practice and we aro
going back to tho targets and break
the record."
Boston, July 17. Tho Naval
Board of Inquiry, appointed to in
vestigate tho cause of tho explosion
on the battleship Georgia, today ex
amined three of tho men now In tho
Chelsea naval hospital; theso being
tho only ones the surgeons would
permit to be geen, The board also
examined tho turret and took tho
evidence of such officers and men as
are familiar with tho conditions or
the witnesses to tho affair.
Among the naval officers tho
theory of tho explosion was caused
by a spark floating from tho smoke
stack, being discarded. It is known
tho crew of tho after-turret had an
Intense zeal to become tho crack
crow of tho fleet and it is thought
tnat over zealousness and disregard
or precaution in tho rapid handling
of Uio guns mgiht havo caused tho
tragedy, the explosion being possibly
duo to unburned grains of powder
from the breech, igniting a bag of
powdor. It Is feared that four of
tho mon at tho hospital will not sur
vivo tho night.
j j j j j j j j $ ! ! ! j
Western Orogon, fair; West-
orn Washington, fair, except
showers In cxtromo northwest
portion. Eastern Oregon, East-
era Washington, Idaho, prob-
ably fair.
iv ) ! t gt j ii (