f wfrr ? TT THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES,, MARSHFIELDT 0REG0N,WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1907. W m , & l- ty- ;K IX '' p I COOS BAY BRIEFS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms - - - - 1331 Business Office - - - - 1331 fr 4,4.4.4. DRAIN STAGE. Drain stage loaves Marsh field at C a. m.; returning, ar rlve3 at 2 p. m. HOTELS. Ulnnco. E. M. Van Patten, Fort Dodge, la.; A. H. Powers, city; J. E. Mnglnnis, Roseburg; B. M. Watson, Grants Pass; W. H. Kennedy; J. L. Golstel, Portland; A. L. Anderson, Portland; E. Galena, Portland; D. Bogart; Mrs. M. Stemmler, Myrtle Point; Mrs. W. J. Peterson, San Francisco; S. I. Towers, Seattle; S. ft. Mann, Salem; E. J. Larsin, Co 'aullle; S. B. Lelghton, Portland; Charles Slocum; W. Llttlcfleld and 'wife, Bandon; It. B. Symington, San Francisco; L. A. Crlnkshank, Port land; A. Goldberg; J. W. Billings; Paul Mclthke. Central. Foy Cox; J. F. Tanner; I. McDonald, San Francisco; George W. Peoples, Coquille; Leo Montgom ery; O. R. Barrow, Coquille; Charles Aponz; E. Ilutton; Andrew Thomp son; J. E. Maginnis, Redding; J. Johnson, Snohomis, Wash.; Burt Wilson, Minneapolis. Steam Roller Shod. The steam roller, purchased by the city some time ago and used on the streets for a time, was introduced to its now homo on Broadway yesterday. The shed recently erected for this pur pose stands well into the street and Is an unsightly arrangement. Hold Adopt ion Ceremonies. De gree of Pocahontas, Sacajawea Coun cil No. 0, hold adoption ceremonies at its regular meeting on Monday night. After the ceremonies, re freshments were served and a gen eral social time was enjoyed by the members. Hold Special Mectmj?. Koos Trlbo No. 33, Improved Order of Red Men, will hold a special meeting at their hall on Front street tonight. Business of Importance will come be fore the meeting. Fish Is Overhauled. The gasoline boat Fish has been jeceiving a tlior ough overhauling and has been re-I SBSBasSfiiKeissssiSSSSi I are Contemplating the Purchase of a Talking Machine. I IKWIW painted. The work was done on the beach at Charleston bay. Prove Up On Claims. Mrs. D. Cathcart and Mrs. E. A. Anderson were at Coquille yesterday to prove up to thelf timber claims. Mr. Cath cart, Mrs. Nellie Owens and Watt Short were present as witnesses. W. J. Rust's' Claim. W. J. Rust visited Coquille yesterday to prove up on a timber claim. Dr. W. Hay don accompanied htm and witnessed the papers. Curious About Bridge. Residents in the vicinity of the north bridge are wondering when the structure will again be ready for traffic. It has been torn out for several weeks and there Is no indication of Its be ing repaired. To Build Residence. A. H. Stuts man is preparing to build a ten-room residence in Bay Park, south of Marshfleld. in the vicinity of Bunker Hill. Go To Coos River. Mrs. WIckman and family, of Empire, arrived In Marshfleld yesterday noon on their way to Coos River, where they w.Jl camp at Enogren's Grove for a week or ten days. AVII1 Bo Bookkeeper. Mr. Geo. Lulig has accepted a position as book keeper in the employ of Davis & Schtitz, wholesale dealers, of North Bend. In the Hospital. Mrs. Frank Rog ers, of Coos River, is receiving treat ment at tlio Goneral Hospital. Departs for East. Frank Boutan, Jr., departed Sunday afternoon for Bayfield, Wis., where ho will remain for a short time, and then make a tour of the States farther east North Bend Attorneys Here. At-1 tornoys Guerrey, Hollister and Der-! byshire, and H. Beliuko came over from North Bend yesterday on busi ness matters. x I'nintiii" Interior. Painters arc touching up the Interior of tho Rog ers building on Front stieet. Gow Why's AVarehou.se. Gow Why gave orders yesterday for a warehouse on Fourth street, 20x80. It will bo used as a store room for pianos. Hatchery Improvements. Lumber has been ordered for Improvements of the Coos River hatchery. Ready For Excavating. Tho Flanagan-Bennett bank site on tho corner of A and Front streets Is cleared and ready for excavating. Central Oillce Upstairs. The Cen tral Hotel ofilce Is quartered in the second story of the old hotel build- lng for tho present, awaiting tho fin gCT&jffliiwHirararaa EDISON OUTFIT NO. 1. Edison Gem, complete with latest improved wood fibre horn and one dozen records, (your own selection) Eastern catalogue house prices , ' """" Saved by buying of W. R. Haines Music Company ZZZL?" " """ " " Edison Standard Machine, complete with latest improved woodtibre hfin and one dozen records (your own We deliver (Easy Payments.) EDISON OUTFIT NO. S. Edison Home Machine, 24-inch metal horn, including horn stand, one dozen records (your own selection) $37 nn Eastern catalogue house price (wait six weeks for your records) ?q7Rn Saved by buying of W. R. Haines Music Company i ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 50 (Easy Payments.) We carry in stock all styles of Victor and Edison Talking Machines; deliver the goods to your door, at the same prices and less than you can get the same goods for by sending away. Call and we will be pleased to show you ourstock of Pianos and Players, Baby Grand Pianos and Upright Pianos of all the latest styles and finish, including Chapel and Parlor Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Sheet Music and Musical Mer- ' chandise and complete stock of FRANK H0LT0N BAND INSTRUMENTS. Comer C. Street Lforee ishlng touches on the downstairs ofilce on A street. Plant Leaves. The Plant left North Bend yesterday at 3 o'clock. Begin Work On Mill. Structural work on the C. A. Smith mill will commence today, since the last pilo was driven yesterday. Tho beams are mostly ready for tho work Will Build Home. Mr. Chas. Ol son received lumber at East Marsh field today and will begin Imme diately to build a home In that town. New Traveling Man. W. H. Wood, a San Franclscd man who lately re ceived tho Coos Bay and Coquille as signment for his firm, is here, hav ing arrived on tho Plant. CLAIMS COOS BAY AS HEADQUARTERS If. E. Murray Gets In Mivup 'In Aberdeen While Visiting Carnival. Aberdeen, Wash., Bullteln: H. E. Murray is tho traveling representa tive for a magazine publication at Marshfleld, Oregon, exploiting the advantages of tho Coos Bay country, visited tho Midway on the carnival grounds last Saturday evening. While engaged in perambulating up and down the enchanted space he was hit in the eye with a rubber ball In tho hands of ono M. T. Thorpe. Murray says ho hold his peace for tho time being, but later attempted to remonstrate with Thorpe when, he says, a whole army of fellows pitched on to him and proceeded to " uu" "" BO,llu- luo rcalm ,s that Thorpe ,s charged by Murray with assault and battery, and tho case will probably be heard tomor row in police court. Thorpe and his friends assert that ho was merely doing his best to pre serve order and was In fact acting as peacemaker when the trouble oc curred. TO SURVEY TEN MILE RANCH LAND T. J. Lewis will go to his ranch on Ten Mile today, accompanied by Olin Arnspiger, who will survey the forty acres owned by Mr. Lewis, and which lies on both sides of Black Creek. Mr. Lewis will arrange for lumber from the Muetzol mill for a summer bungalow while there. The building will be erected immediately. Thoy will bo absent about three days. (Easy Payments.) HS0N QflTFIT NO. 2. this machine and lavoyou a BREAKWATER BEATS RECORD Arrives On Coos Bay From Portland In One Hour Less Time. BRINGS MANY PASSENGERS Cites Tramp Vessel Near Cascade Head In Trouble Good Trip. What few people who were left in town after the Coos River hegira of yesterday were at the Breakw.itcr dock last night to see tho boat lie up on her second trip to Coos Bay, rtitur having beaten her previous good record of 22 hours steaming by an hour. It seemed tho whole city was out to welcome tho boat and meet friends they wero expecting. The crowd which stood about was brimming over with good nature, and several wags got busy as the passengers came off tho ship. Among the quips wero: "The only seven story brick hotel in the city," "Free bus to the Blanco," "Trains every half hour to Plat B." "Boware of microbes." Tho Breakwater left Portland Monday night at 8:10, and tied at her Marshfleld dock last night at 9:30, 25 hours and 20 minutes out. The time from Portland to Astoria was considered something of a rec ord, it being made in G hours and 10 minutes. There was a smooth sea and clear weather on tho trip, and tho only delays were at Astoria for loading freight and at sea about ten miles west southwest of Cascade Head, where tho Henrlk Ibsen, of Bergen, a tramp ship, was sighted and found to be in trouble. She was spoken and it was learned the difficulty was only a hot bearing, and she had that cooled In about an hour and proceed ed on her way. Tho officers and crow were as highly pleased over this trip as they were over the maiden effort, and tho six-weeks' delav. chief engineer said the machinery worked oven bettor than bofore. Tho pcoplo of Coos Bay aro com ing to appreciate tho fact that this section Is now receiving good trans portation service, tho host tn tho history of tho country. When, with out rnilroads, passengers can roach horo from Portland In 24 hours, peo plo will not mls3 tho coming of tho railroad as they would Without tho Breakwater on tho run. Following aro the passengers: Mrs. Larsen, Miss Larson, H. Or niandy, W. J. Tillly, S. Marsden, J. Wilbor, Mrs. T. Crewe, Mrs. E John, J A Bank, C. A. Kraft, Mrs. Mont gomery, George Montgomery, I. R. Malono, J. H. Bolton, G. Fitter, O. E. Baxter, Boyno (2 children), 13. R. Loyne, Mrs. Boyne, Wm. Duncalfe, S. W. Shilling, Thos. Hipp, J. W. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Miss B. WlUon, Mrs. Wilson, H. D. Grokon, Mrs. Gro ken, Miss Martin, O. E. Woods, A. Lalng, Thos. Noble, A. Smith, Miss Hashberger, Mrs. Dole, A. A. Pen- land, Mrs. Penlnnd, Mrs. Ingram, Mr. Ingram, Miss Miller, Mrs. Mau zoy, S. Gabrlello, A. II. Allen, Mrs. Osteger, John Hill, W. C. Walling, R. Gibson, W. Tenpew, R. Wild, W. F. Gronnon, E. L. Pelles, Gus Wader son, G. Doll, L. H. Gadsby, C. A. Caudiff, H. D. Larske, D. Alslog, J. Nols, Mrs. Nels, II. Nols and Otto Ncls, II. C. Burnett, C. R. Everson, and 20 steerago. HOTEL BONDS ARE AWAITING PURCHASERS Mui-shfleld Hotel Proposition AVill Be - Held Up Until They Arc Taken. There aro yet $12,000 worth of seven per cent first mortgage bonds awaiting purchasers at tho Chamber of Commeice headquartos, and until these are disposed of the hotel propo sition in Marshfleld will bo held up. It wrs thought the bonJs would bo purchased Immediately after tho an nouncement was made that Mr. Gib son 'ntended to go ahead with the building of tho hotel. As tlie differ ent parties interested in the venture have put up a liberal share thoy do not feel Inclined to go any farther until Marshfleld pcoplo show their faith by taking tho lomaining por tion of tho bonds. Dan Keating returned from tho Coquille country yesterday. selection) ' Some Pertinent Facts About Coos Bay- As Set Forth On the Marsh field Chamber of Commerce Letter Head Tho Chamber of Commerce has now letterheads which nro calculated to provo advantageous to this com munity. A low salient items of in terest nro rolated on tho shoot and tho officers of tho Institution are named, the matter reading as fol lows; Coos Bay Is tho only harbor In tho United States that has its own coal mines. Tributary to Coos Bay aro lm monso bodies of the finest tlfnber left standing in tho United States. Coos Bay has the most equable cli mate known to the temperato zone. Coos Bay is an Ideal dairy country a veritable cow heaven. Grass grows green the year round, and stock keeps in good order with out feed. Largo sawmills and factories in oporation, and others going up. One railioad building; two others prospective. Factories havo tho advantage of coal and wood cheap and closo at hand. Gamo in tho mountains, fish in the streams for sportsmen; surf bathing and yachting for pleasuro-soekers. Fruit of finest varieties thrives, strawberries ripen until December; oxcollent opportunity for truck gar dening. Good schools, churches and frater nal societies. No cyclones or thunder storms. Olllccrs. Dr. J. T. McCormac, president; I. S. Smith, vice-president; Walter Lyon, secretary; J. II. Flana- gan, treasurei. E.vccuthc Committee. Dr. C. W. Tower, J. D. McNeil, I. S. Kaufman, F. S. Dow, II. Sengstacken, Claudo Nasburg, Dr. J. T. McCormac, I. S. Smith, J. II. Flanagan. Dr. W. Haydon mado a business trip to Coquille yesterday. '3SSmSSISSS!SS!S-!!idi $15 70 $1750 """ $ -'qq fi?finn aP'Ifl H I ! i 1 t I Doors West of Front Street. I - - - Marshfleld, Oregon Phone Main 1 44 1 F- I "" ' L 9Hh