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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1907)
THEi?ILYl,?00S BAY TIM ES MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 1907. WHY THE FOREST SERVICE OFFERS ASSISTANCE Of Practical Value To Fanners, Lumber men and Owners of Forest Lands Tho forest lands of tho United Sattes are owned In ttareo separate ways: First, by tho Government of the United Statos, to which belongs tho National Forosts; second, by some of tho States; and third, by private ownors Individuals, com panies, or Institutions. Tho prlvato forest lands exceed In area those of the States and tho Federal Govern ment combined, and their preserva tion In a condition to produce tim ber and to conserve tho wator supply Is of vast Importance to tho nation. Tho treatment which they, usually rpcelvo tends to destroy their value rather than to sustain or Increase It. Tho reason Is evident. Like other private property, these lands aro held for the returns they yield; and tho owners havo only begun to un derstand that It pays better, as a rule, to protect a forest, Irf harvest ing the timber crop, tlinn to destroy It. The Forest Service, therefore, offer3 practical assistance to prlvato owners In devising definite plans for the proper care aifd management of their forest lands, In order that tho lands may be kept permanently and increasingly productive. Tho lands are mainly of two khulB small holdings, for tho most part farmers' woodlots, and large timber tracts. ' XJ0R1) FOU JCOOPEKATIOX. Woodlots. Throughout H very largo poition of the United States nearly every farm has a certain part of its area under wood, either planted, as In regions otlicrwiso treeless, or of natuial growth. The valuo of this wooded portion, besides affording protection from the wind, iq chioily for fuel, fencing, and railroad ties, with Eomo building material and the wood needed fpr special uses about the farm. Without tho woodiot the farm very often would bo an un piofltable investment, because tho farmer could not affoid to buy tho wood which now costs him very lit tle except tho labor of cutting and moving it. But in tho majority of cases this part of the farm is far less useful than It might easily bo made. This is true because the farmer does not study its productive capacity as ho does that of his fields and pastures, and henco does not make it yield as fully as ho might, ' niade. tion of forest land, an estimate of tho merchantable timber, and a study of tho young growth which Is a basis for a socoffd crop; It offers recommondntions for lumborlng and for tho future caro of tho forest, and uauauy mciuuos a forest map. Tho Forest Service does not, howovor, put tho plan Into execution oxcept In special cases. RKGUhATIOXS GOVERNING CO- OPERATION WITH PRIVATE OWNERS. Wootlols. Tho examination of woodlots is made by regions in which tho head quarters of tho forest offlcors mak ing tho examinations aro established at contral points. Tho Forest Ser vlco pays the salary and the travel ing oxpenses of tho agent to tho re gion; tho owner provides only for ins traveling expenses from head quarters or from a point on routo to nnd from tho tract and for his main tonanco while making the examina tion. Timbeilumls. (a) In making preliminary exam inations of largo tracts tho Forest Servlco pas the salary of the agent, while tho owner pays his traveling and living expenses from and to Washington, if a special trip is neces sary, or if there Is an officer in the region, from tho nearest point on his route nnd return. (b) If, as a result of the prelim inary examination, the owner decides to have a working plan made, he pays the total expenses of making tho plan, Including salaries. Where, however, the preparation of tho plan will bo of unusual educational value, or if no working plans havo been made in tho region in quostlon, the Forest Sorvlco moj share a portion of the oxpenses. Tho recommendations of tho ex amining officer or the working plan need not be put Into execution unlets satisfactory; but when a plan has been accepted tho owner will bo ex pected to enter upon Its execution, and to give such reports upon tho work as tho Sorvlco may request of him. If deemed advisable by tho Sorvlco, and If desired by tho1 owner, a personal Inspection of the work carried out undor tho provisions of the report submitted to him will be Famous Coast Athletic Trainer Succumbs To Cancer Dies In Corvallis. KNOWN OVER ALL OREGON Was Speedy Man In Distances and Sprints Ph steal Director Corvallis. with little or no additional labor, if ho went about It In tho right way. Tlinbci'luml. Largo bodies of forest land, In al most every wooded portion of this tracts of any size, from 5 acres up, will bo considered, and applica tions will bo taken up at tho earliest convonlonco of tho Service. No ap plication will bo considered which country, have come into tho hands I contomplates tho caro of trees plant of prlvato ownors and aro hold for , eu- f0r decorative purposes, or any their value as sources of timber. phaseyof the work which properly Under the usual methods of lumber- belongs to landscape gardening, Ing, tho harvesting of the present , Bnco suci, worc js entirely out of crop of timber on these private lands ; tno province of tho Forest Service. Is commonly accompanied by tho de struction of tho trees now too small to be profitably cut. Tho small trees, If left unharmed, would form the basis of a future crop, often of more valuo than tho first. It also frequently happens that the first cut ting removes from tho forest the more valuable species only, so that the future growth Is not nearly so valuable as It would be If tho species of less value were taken and If se lected trees of tho best varieties were left to provide seed for a future stand. Tho trained foresters of tho Forest Service give advlco as to what trees should bo cut and what left, and also tell how tho cutting can best bo carried on to protect tho trees which It would not now bo ad visable to cut. They are frequently able to suggest markets for tho less desirable kinds apd to make sugges tions for preventing waste In largo tops, high stumps, and partly de fective trees. Protection Against Fire. Fire so frequently follows tho lumberman, in spite of his precau tions, that In many places it is thought to be Inovltablo. Only too often, also, flro burns over tho for ests beforo they aro cut, killing trees and reducing tho valuo of the timber when cut. In every region of tho United States adequate pro tection against fires is urgontly needed. Often a woll-planned and woll-oxecuted system of flro protec tion is all that Is required to enablo a cut-ovor area to renew Itself or to onablo a forest already growing to increase greatly In valuo In a few years, Tho Forest" Sorvlco Is pre pared to dovlso definite, practical plans that will aid In protecting prl vato holdings from flro. Nature of Assistance Given. Tho assistance rendered Is nd vlson, by means of correspondence or publications, or Is ombodlod In a report based on n personal examina tion of tho tract. If desired, tho ro port Is a practical working plan, In which details aro given for proper caro and management. Such a working plan Includes a classlflca- In all States whoro a trained for ester is employed tho Service will co-operate with him whenever possible COQUILLE NOTES Rev. Ford, pastor of the Christian church at Coquillo, and at Myrtle Point, held tho usual services In their church Sunday. A largo audi ence was present In the evening. A marriage license was granted on Saturday, 13th Inst, to Warren R. Littleflold and Miss Estelle Mauslet, both of Bandon. George Leach Is finishing a build ing for a store room on Second street which for location will bo ono of tho best In town. Our townsman and merchant, P. E. Drain and family have gone to tho mountains for an outing. His clerk and bookkeeper, assisted by his wife, aro attending tho business. Rouben Mast Is building a flno two story residence on Spurgon Hill. Just now tho Moulton street bridge is Condemned, and the Henry I street bridgo torn up to bo repaired. T: J. Thrift has just moved Into his now eight-room, house, one block oast of the court houso. Located pleasantly in East Co quillo, Dr. Klrshnor's now houso will soon bo ready to occupy. Mr. Pierce and Mr. Johnson, river mill.mon, returned from San Fran cisco today, Tho sawmill horo was not running Monday on account of scarcity of logs, Waltor Drain, together with others, wont to Eden Valley for an outing and to enjoy a hunt. Tho city dads aro having consider able trouble ovor tho long bridgo on Moulton street. It needs ropalrlng badly, and as It Is used as a county road and by tho mall carriers, the1 city has tried to havo tho county help to repair it. So far the county has refused to havo anything to do with It. A special to tho Oregonlan says: "W. O. (Dad) Trine, physical direct or at tho State Agricultural College and ono of the best known athletes and athletic trainers In tho west, died here at 8 o'clock tonight, after suf fering for moro than two years with cancer on the face. His chin was affected, and moro than a year ago his lower jaw was removed. For two months the sufferer had been confined to his room, whero ho lin gered between life and death. A committee of tho faculty of the Agricultural College will accompany the body to Eugene tomorrow, whoro Interment will bo made. Trine ran all the distance races and the sprints. For tho 100-yard dash he hold a record of 9 4-5, aiid 4:27 in the mile. He was about 3S years old. Tilno was made physical director of tho O. A. C. four years ago. WcII-knonn Coast Athlete. W. O. Tilne, b6tter known in ath letic circles as "Dad," was ono of tho best-known trainers of amateur athletes on tho Pacific Coast. Ho first gained fame as a professional foot racer in the early clays of the sport on tho coast, and has per formed on tho track In almost every city of any promlnonco in sporting circles on the coast. In tho days whon Jack 'King, of Portland, and Dad Moulton, the vet eran coach of the University of Cali fornia, wore tho spiked shoes and running trunks W. O. Trine who at his best, and frequently demonstrated his speed when they wore either par ticipants or officials of the meet. Trino's greatest performance on the track is said to havo been his defeat of Pendergast, who at that time wa3 rated as tho champion of the country. When footracing commenced to declino in tho early '90s, Trine took up coaching of amateurs, and was associated with Moulton in Califor nia for several years. About eight years ago he came north and was soon engaged as trainer for tho ath letes at the University of Oregon. Ho developed a team that became fa mous, and ever since his taking up tho work of training, this Institution has been represented In all branches of outdoor athletics by champion ship or winning teams. Four years ago Trine was made physical direc tor at tho Oregon Agricultural Col lego at Corvallis, which position ho held when ho died. Ho Is tho man who developed Forrest Sralthson, Earl Greenhaw, Swann, Moores and other famous athletes who have won honor and glory for Oregon colleges. During the games held under tho auspices of the American Athletic Union at tho Lewis and Clark Fair In August, 1905, Dnd Tiino was present with tho finest collective bunch of athletes that he could muster at that time of year, but owing to Injuries suffered by Smlthson and two others, and tho failure of Greenhaw to en tor, tho Chicago Athletic Club cap tured tho meet. Shortly after these games Trlno was attacked by a cancerous growth on his lower jaw and was sont to St. Vincent's HospltaJ In Portland to un dergo an operation. His chin was entirely removed and at that tlmo It was thought that all of tho affect ed portion of the jaw hnd beon re moved. Two months ago he again became a sufferer from tho malady, and at that tlmo his Hfo was despair ed of for tho reason that another operation was. practically impossible. Tho funeral of the dead trainer will bo attended by a largo delega tion of Portland athletes, who aro endeavoring to arrango their busi ness to permit of their journeying to Eugene to pay final trlbilto to tho man who has ably assisted tho ad vancement of athletics In Oregon, ns well as In tho entire Northwest. music an opportunity to hear what is known In other localities as tho best musical talent In the west. Notice as to the tune and progrnm of the opening of the former skating rink Into a vaudeville houso will bo announced later. WANT ADS references must accompany application. WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for general housework. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Song-stnekon. FOR RENT Two Furnished House keeping rooms, closo In, cheap. Coos Bay Auction Co., Second street, bet. B nnd C. QBH RHSTAURANT, NORTH BBND. Opon day and night Serves everything the market affords. FOR BAU3 A tatiu of M noree on .Daniels' Crook. Address B. R. Joaea. Box 110, Marehfleld. 5-26-1 FOR SALE A small improved farm. This la a bargain. Apply at Hall & Hall'i office. 6-1-1 FURNISHED houso of six rooms for rent; couple without children. In quire at Times pfllce JiOST A pun North Bond Box C7, N Mtl Roiiil betweenyLIbby and Finder address P. O. Reward. WANTED TOjEfirANGE Mando lin lessons TOr lessons in English. Address Lo Bon Vivant restaurant, between 2 and 4 o'clock. WANTED Men ot work on roads at Ton Milo. Apply to Oakley Ar nold, North Bend. WANTED A good man to woVk In hay field. Wages 2.00 por day and board. Phono, Farmors 208. E. L. Bessey. x. ''' FOR SALE Storo doing good busi ness Owner Blck. Small capital. Apply Coos Bay Auction Co., 2nd St., bet. B and C. Telephone 874. PARTNER WANTED Lady with somo capital to take charge of a first class rooming houso. Big money and east work. Snap. C009 Bay Auction Co., 2nd street, be tween B nnd C. Telephone 874. PARTNER WANTED In auction house, in another town. Big money for right party. Snap Coos Bay Auction Co., 2nd street, but. B & C. Telephone 874. FOR SALE The bBBt location, tho best trade and the best stocked millinery BtonB In .Coos county. It you mean baslness, Kptao money nnd wnntA snajapply to Coon Bay Auct(meofr 2nd St., between B. & C. Telephone 874. LOST July 12, on Front street or near Alert Landing, small, plain, gold watch, no initials or engrav ings; open faced. Suitable reward , offered. Leave at Tlmos office, or address, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, Marshfleld, Oregon. H Jm&VfiMm guarantee joenor wotk op 9 tsmammU ammw -v thnn can boifad elBOWhcj)dr m i a hi iiiim monumental wotk unui B nftlMiirr1 SEXN HI IHJEr'XVlXKfS'i m. I 1 3ir iiF 'V'i TWL-, v, sy.''-,-. jr r i IJji. COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS loTfcr nricea. Do not order you linvo US SMt & Mitchell Corner 3d & D Sis. Phone, Main 1731 KaaSilfcfrlK&iJIfaMi WANTED Men to work In sawmill, wages $2 per day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. S-241tf. WANTED. To buy, clean rags, ply Times Office. Ap- NOTICE TEACHERS WANTED. Application will bo received by the clerk of school district No. G, Empire City, Oregon, for the post 0nC32OUETCV3XEXC7KX3ra ""' " ...-.. i -.sCTiigacMfliaBULauBC3W3rnufmmji u ... maiammmtsmsm u j4 iin -Mi A nice Souvenir Fo NORTON & HANSEN tions of principal and assistant; S&im$SSt8!$8S$!$$$$$ t$$$t$$$$$$8$SS$Stl$S$t !$33SKffl2!S3!SSEESIBS3 VAUDEVILLE ARTIST ARRIVES ON BAY Manager Hagar's well known piano player and illustrated song singer, Prof. Charles A. Condlff, arrived last ovonlng on tho Breakwater. Ho will give to tho Coos Bay lovors of good e Extra 5pecia aagHaaaaa&iiimi' that we are offering this week must convince every man who examines them, that they are without exception, the greatest values ever sold at these popu lar prices. If you want a smart, up-to-date Suit for business or dress t. Spring Sack Suits For Mea mi Young Men At $15, $18 amd $20 l that will look and fit as if made-to-measure, then you shouldn't fail to come here and see these three After Easter specials in the noted MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING You will find the style and quality, the finish and the fit of the suits of your size at every price, preciselyas as you want them. Details: At if 1 w sinqle and double-breasted Sack 1 JJ Su'ts 'n a" tne aPProved Spring styles and fabric-effects gray and brown-toned worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots and tweeds custom-tailored and finished equal to $30 to order-made suits, d 1 C for your selection at only yT,P all the advanced sMes in smart sin gle and double-braasted cut; strict ly hand-tailored Vthroughoutand made of excellent worsteds,toiets7 cas?i- mers and tweeds in beautiful patterns of new est color effects precisely like the $35 to-measure-made suits, here in all 1 R styles at only r P the finest specimens of high-class tailoring in all the smart styles and exclusive suitings of finest quality- imported and domestic worsteds, cheviots serges and cassimers the counterpart in every detail of S4U ,to-measurc-macie suns, special for this week only - .v&oJJ S, ' i ESJ'fflJ I corrmaiiT iot MICHAELS-STERN rime v,i.u -t!!JG MICHICIS, 6TIHN CO MtMtt, I Spring or Boys Every Suit at every price of carefully selected materials; tailored by specialists to resist wear, keep their shape and fit perfectly in every size Norfolk, double breasted and single-breasted Sack, and dainty creations in plain and fancy fabrics for little men of 3 to 8 years. R7 M A. r M, North Bend Ml , hi Is! ,'t.iF -j'SSt. v Ji&i. .-- v