5trv.imm" 'JPW j ii in iiiiilfcJMCMyrr--n'i''1 isSaffi n. . - v ; THE DAILY .COQS.BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGOH. WEDNESDAY! JULY 17, 1$Q7, ii iiimui i. MiijiJ l I. In ' .ii .III. i a II iMii ll1liTii.il' II ' n 'l "'in MANY ORDERS AT CREAMERY Coos Bay Industry Handles But Small Portion of Business. WILL ENLARGE CAPACITY (Iirlck Plant Work Progresses Other News From Up Coos River. Tho prospects of tho Coos Bay Creamery are unusually bright this season. Not only Is the demand for butter unusually good, but so great Is tho demand for cheeso that tho creamery Is ablo to fill only a small part "of the ordors received. There are on hand at present orders for over twenty-nine hundred cases of cheese, and tho company Is continu ally receiving more. It is the Intention of tho manage ment to Install a new cheese vat as soon as possible, that they may bo ablo to supply tho growing demand for tho finished product. Virgil Matson and wife have moved to tho Daniel's Creek logging camp, where Mr. Mntson has accopted a po sition. Theywlll mako their home there In tho future. ' " '. Dr. Vanderburgh, of Marshfleld, has been visiting rolatlves on Squth Coos River for a couplo of days. , Rev. Summorlln and wife, of North Bend, spent several days on South Coos Itlver last week gathering wild blackberries. Work Is progressing favorably on tho preparations for tho new brick machine on J. A. Smith's "place. Tho brick makors are hoping to begin making brick In about throe weeks. LOOKS AFTER EN FORCEMENT OF LAW Counties of Linn and Lniie May Be Quarantined For Evading Sheep Dipping Law. High Water. Wed., 17... 4:51 1.4 5:47 Thurs., 18.. 0:08 2.2 12:02 Fri., 19... 1:17 1.8 12:57 Sat., 20 2:28 1.2 2.02 Sun., 21... 3:40 0.5 3:11 Mon., 22.. 4:43 0.3i 4:i20 Tuos., 23.. 5:39 0.9 5:25 Low Water. Wed., 17... 11:10 1.4 12:00 Thurs., 18.. 0:04 C.4 C:37 Fri., 19 7:20 CO 7:35 Sat., 20 8:41 5.9 8:35 Sun., 21... 9:57 CO 10:28 Mon., 22... 11:02 C.4 11:22 Tuos., 23... 11: 58 C8 11:22 Sun Calendar. Wed., 17 4:32 Thurs., 18 4:37 Fri., 19 4:38 Sat., 20 4:39 Sun., 21 4:40 Mon., 22 4:41 Tuos., 23 4:42 8.0 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.0 8.2 8.4 8.8 9.5 9.8 9.8 7:35 7:34 ST:33 7:32 7:32 7:31 7:30 CITV TKEASUIUCK'S NOTICE. Notlco is horoby given, that all Marshfleld City Warrants Issued and protested, prior to Juno 15th, 1905, will bo paid on presentation at my ofllco, and no intorcst will bo paid thereon after this dato, July ICth, 1907. JOHN F. HALL, City Treasurer. Pull the BELL yfcORD Wet Your Whfstlo Then Blow J. R. HORROJIrop. Pront Street, rrMrhfWd,Oreiiftn A government official connected with tho bureau of animal industry mado a visit to Salem regarding the enforcement of tho law requiring tho dipping of all sheep in the state. lltTreported that tho law is being pretty generally compiled with in all counties of the state except Lane and Linn, where the farmers and sheep raisers seem inclined to exade it. This official has used his utmost en-, deavors to get the raisers in these counties ot see the benefits of dip ping, but It seems without success. He declared that the failure to ob serve tho law will In all Ukollhood result in the federal authorities quarantining the two counties, al lowing no sheep to be taken out or brought in. This will work a hard ship on many of the raisers of sheep and thoso who deal in them. Lane county is one of the best sheep raising sections of Western Oregon, and while a maporlty of the Bheep are perhaps free from disease, all of them should bo dipped accord ing to law so that it will not be necessary to establish a quarantine. Frank Arraltage, of Salem, was somo timo ago appointed deputy state sheep Inspector for that county, and he has done nil he could to have the law complied with, but has met with poor success. While some of tho sheep have been dipped a groat'many more have not been, and in many cases the animals are badly Infected with scab. NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT EUGENE Building Will Bo Constructed Stone and Will Cost About $18,000. , of SALMON SEASON OPENED JULY 15 Heavy Run Will Not Occur Till August On Coos Bay. The salmon season opened tin Monday, the 15th, but on C003 Bay thero has been no flurry. The real and heavy run of chlnook takes placo along in August in this region and on the CoquIUe. Nono of the canneries are expecting anything of a run now and in fact, neither of the Bandon canneries are prepared to take care of any fish. ' Mr. Tlmmons, of Astoria, is at Bandon overseeing Improvements and looking after orders which must bo filled before the salmon are handled. Editor Bennett, of the Coos Bay News, informed tho Times reporter that salmon have been In Coos river for two or "three months, but no large number have been seen. Tho Palace restaurant was tho first houso to exhibit a chlnook since the season opened. Architect John Huhkicker Is com pleting the plans for the new house ot worship to lie erected by the Cen tral Presbyterian church id Eugfeno at the corner bf EaBt Tenth and Pearl streets, and if adopted by tho congregation they" will bd ready for the contractors to figure on tn about two weeks, Tho building will bo completed some timo this fall. The church will bo far the cost liost and tho most commodious in tho city. It will bo built ot stone and will cost $18,000 or over. It will-scat approximately 1,100 people, which is a hundred Or more greater than tho seating capacity of the larg ost church building in tho city at present. Tho new edifice will be Gothic in design, a general description of it being as follows: Tho dimensions over all wilt have a Beating capacity of 380, seven Sunday school rooms adjoining the auditorium and which are connected 'with it. by folding doors, will seat 350 and the gallery on three sides of tho auditorium will Beat 340. Eugene Guard. se foot north of tho center ef Pennsyl vania avenue; Fourth street, from tho south line of C street to the north line of Q street; nod E street, from a point 12 feet west of the cen ter of Fourth streej $g Iftfc west line ot Sixth street, according to the plana and specifications ot said improvements on file in tne office of tho Recorder and open it tho in spection of oil persona Interested therein. Dated this Attn day of July, 17, . X. UPTON, Rooordfir of Bald oily ot Maraoleld. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notlco is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Common Council ot Um city of Marshfleld, Coos Conntr, Oregon, up to July 18, 1007, at 7:00 p. m., for tho improvement ot tho following streets, to wit: Broadway, from a point 13 feet south of too center ot Washington avenue to a point 13 EYE and NEKwTspedalfct. Room 1 1, Central Hotel AFTER. AUG. 10th Steam 0f Works lHeo'ind Philip fi (JfenWikrtfcttiitfil&ui Maori KrtM r, Proprir J . BONITA NORTiCfcEND FASmr BOATS KOffTHE BAY Half Hour Scfactfnle Itkiii DotWvea MArahfl&d tad XorOt Dcttd Mado la 12rMinntok Private Landing. ' Tarof One war. 15e.; rid trip, mOe. ". A. O'KELLY, Proprfeto. TheCB.,R.&tMt and Navigation Co. i XftADT BdHKDKLE KO. 8. km Meet ivummi t, fVU All vnnotf bnedolva arc Told. Subject to limp without sotle. W. Br Obandler. manager; T.'A. Latao, fretctit onU c&erat oOese. Marihaeld. Oregon. Ha 1. I Train. Dattr I Except BaeSar. jj Leave $:00 a. 6:80 a, Arrive 10:0 No, 1 IBT, W Jg I Mfuff 8tatfaa& iQen. arai H.Jninct&ah. Ooqtfllta. jffitto Point. DaMyV Bxespt 8uny. j tm.ro 10:46 a. m.JMyrtie Point. 1 ' 1O:0 axjOowUlti. 11:0 m. JB. tt. Junction.;! arrive U:tO p.m.Marhfleia. , Bkctitt train "will run on dally special orfar. Staalaa to and frbaa Bearer H1U atj. The Steamer M. C A n LANT BS4aBwmw"ePmeiMPiNMvn' . Sails for San Francisco Monday Juiy io R S DOW Agrent 3 MARSHFIELD, : : : OHOON TTT NEW HOUSES twt FOR SALE Neat and modern Beat view on the ptj aame tract- Prices- EASY TERMS ated in North-Bend. Hcfeht. iula alaovacant -lots in- the and terms easy. , m SUCCESSORS TO War. & Ward WARD HURD Coratr Meade uJ VeraUat 5b. m Gome Early t6 Mak Selection of WALL PAPER Our stock k goiag p&t. AjrtHofour Paints to V4rai$hes will convince that thrfethe beat on the market Coos Bay Paint & Wallpaper Co. - 2ad Hear C Street 4.U Bank ofOregpn Capital StoA fuUintoTup $50,000 -"" TraruacU s Cenerkl Banking ButineM North Bend, Oregon FOR SALE. A fow choice 5 and 10-acro tracts eloso In. Ood transportation. Two daily boat to Morshflold, Noth Bend, tuafes eonts round trip. Daily mall; Tolophono connections, Farmerjtno No? S 'pastes through tho land. Wagon road to EaatyMarflhflo'Thd county railroad through . to that part of Marsh nold isrioundo bring It to tho front. This property will be takon off ifo mft August IB, 1907. See Charles Doane or W. J. Rust. MtrakfieW Orefoa. Now Ready HOTEL OREGON NojftjjjkMoaern SftmpWIWSiris in Connection NORTH BEND. ORE. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendersraes, Matter TABEB. Loaves MiTrahBeld T:U(rTl:00i and 10:80iu m anr0G, lllO and 4:00Ap. m.. Leaves INoh Bond at 1:16, 9:46 and 11:15 a. m, tm& lt5, 8:15 and 6:00 p. m. Makes dally tripe except Han. days. Fare: doe way, It oents; round trip. SS CfHe, Nelson Iron Works P. D. NGLSON, Prop Wo repair ll klnfi of Uachtnsry, Steam and Gai Englni, Gum and Dt cyolei. l)e ol n our BpMlaltr, : : Wo mauufaeturo Caitlnr; ta Iron and llronto (or Baw UI1U and Lonfng Campi. We nako tne Ut Bboarai aad noad Spools for lagztn. : t i '" "tfil Winchester Rifles The Best of Ammunition Every needed requirement for safod Snort ah the ABSOLUTE SAFETY is the best thing we have to offer Other inducements iit ! of secondary importance. Upon this basis onlydo We solicit your patronage. First NatiotyjBatfik of Cobs Buy 5tH .TOHN 8. COKH. PreaMet W.S. MoPARLAND, Caahleo. a K HtNSDALEi Vie Pre, ft. T. KAUFMAN, Ami. Ca. -jji California and Oregon Coast. Steamship Company. SteamefyAlliatice aa fBOlft GOOS- BAY to Portland and Return GEO. D. ORAT a OO GeneraHqpata, L. If. SBAW k&mX 431 Market 8k. 8an Frandm. ' 'J- KarakSeletniawidl M WILSON tMUiaiMr THOMAS MiMUm Offlco fixture a BpocTaUy. 8tor FroatB, 'Countert, Shelving. IM oe work out ytmr plana. See mm bjfcr fore building. Shop mosM Sat Uwf SbM, North fort Sfttt up v,, ljunner I Old Central Hotel Building 1 WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION pPprswaeat It is choice inside residence property, 'lota 50xJ00 with alleys, is well sheltered with A GOOD BAY VIEW and prices ol lot are reasonable For particulars see Title finar antee & Abstract Co the Kodak or your outing trip; a full line with supplies at the Red Cross TBLBlnOKB K!4 tmBm MARSHFIELD, OREGON TRY A TIMES VANTI, JKHfl