The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 16, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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    Daily Edition , fflfiflB
Member of Associated Press.
NO. 7.
VOL.11. SI Ff
iiatui Bins wps
r u
Seven KMTSixleen Injured
By Explosion On Battle
ship Georgia.
Goes Off Full " In Gunner's
Two Men, Maddened AVith Pain,
Jump Overborn d Officers'
Kycs Destroyed.
: v v v v
v ; ! :
! i. ft ! t i
WIlHitni J. Thatcher, chief
turret cupUiin, Wilmington;
Fulknor Goltlnvalte, midship
man, Kentucky ; W. J. Burke,
ordinary seamanr Qulncy; C. G.
Hamilton, ordinary seaman,
Newport; George E. Miller, or
dinary 'seaman, Brooklyn; Lieu
tenant Gasper Goodrich, New
The Injured.
Midshipman John T. Cruse,
Nebraska; Frank Schlapp,
boatswain's mate, Ntirth Adams,
Mass.; Charles Hassel, gun
ner's mate, New York; Orley
Tagland, Rlchford, Minn.; Chief
Yeoman and' Ordinary Seamau
W. C. Pair, New York; S. L.
nosenberger, Philadelphia; Ed
mund J. Walsh, Lynn, Mass.;
John O. Malick, Cleveland; John
O. Bush, New York; L. O. Meez,
Berea; O. H. L. Gilbert, South
wick, Mass.; John A., Fone,
Trenton; Charles L. R. Fitch,
Frankfort, Ind.
" 5 5t J ,
Boston, July 15. By the explosion
of a case of powder in the hands of
the gunner in the after superimposed
turret o; the battleship Georgia in
Massachusetts Bay today seven men
wore killed and sixteen Injured.
Dead: William J. Thatcher, chief tur
ret captain", Wilmington; Falkuer
Golthwaite, midshipman, Kentucky;
W. J. Burke, ordinary seaman,
Qulncy; C. G. 'Hamilton, ordinary
seaman, South Farmington; W. M.
Thomas, ordinary seaman, Newport;
Georgo E. Miller, ordinary seamau,
Brooklyn; Lieutenant Gasper Good
rich, New York; Midshipman John T.
Cruso, Nebraska; Frank Schlapp,
Boatsmain's Mate, North Adams,
Mass.; Charles Hassel, gunner's
mate, New York; Orley Tagland,
Rlchford, Minn.; Chlof Yeoman and
Ordinary Seamen W. C. Pair, New
York; S. L. Bosenborger, Philadel
phia; Edmund J. Walsh, Lynn,
Mass.; John O. Malick, Cleveland;
John O. Bush, Now York; L. O. Meez,
Berea; O. H. L. Gilbert, Southwlck,
Mass.; John A. Fone, Trenton;
Charles L. R. Fitch, Frankfort, Ind.
Two of the injured and Seaman Pair
and Walsh were In a critical condi
tion when brought to the hospital
and it was announced their Injuries
would probably prove fatal.
Both Lieutenant Goodrich's eyes
were destroyed and ho was terribly
burned. Ho died at 11:45 tonight at
Chelsea hospital. Lieutenant Good
rich and Seaman Malick jumped over
board Immediately after the explo
sion, with the apparent effort or mo
tive of ending their terrible sufferings
from burns. Both the desperate
men were rescued by uninjured com
rades. The accident happened while
the battleship was several miles off
Provlncetown and the men were en
gaged In target practice together
with other vessels of the battleships
squadron of the Atlantic fleet.
The powder had just been taken
frpm the ammunition hoist to load an
8-inch gun.' It was seen to bo burn
ing and In an instant it exploded in
the very face of the loador of the
gun. No damage was done the ves
sel, as the- powder was not confined.
Early this ovenlng, under orders from
Washington, the Georgia sailed back
for the target grounds off Province
town. How ever the powder became
Wore Allowed To Land On Declara
tion 1 hat They Were Seaman
, Disappear.
Washington, July 15. While im
mlgiation officials declare that there
is no diminution in the Ilood of Jap
anese coming into the country by the
channels already reported, now de
vices are being invented whereby the
Japaucso evade the immigration laws
and gain admission to the United
One of these was discovered at
Philadelphia, where a sugar ship
from Honolulu arrived a few 'days
ago with a Japanese ci'ew. The- cap
tain on nrrival paid off the Japanese,
who were examined by immigration
officials, and on their declaration that
they were hoaman and intended to re
main seamen, they were allowed to
go. They have not reshipped and
have disappeared.
The immigration officials have no
expectation that thoy wll turn up
again. It is reported that the num
ber of Japanese in all the Eastern
cities, especially Philadelphia, lu in
creasing rapidly and this Is notice
able in Washington. It can not be
learned at the Immigration office that
any Japanese who entered the United
States from Mexico on the pretext
that they were en route to Canada
has been reported as arriving on the
Ca'nadian border.
Aim Is To Avoid Industrial Warfare
and the Attendant Misery.
San Francisco, July 15. Under
the tltlo of the Universal Social In
dependence "Co-operative Brother
hood and Unity of Commonwealth,
articles for the incorporation of
which wero filed yesterday with the
county clerk, an organization has
been formed which announces its
pin pose to be "to peacefully as
semble some honest people into a
fraternal order together to avoid the
approaching bloody revolution and
to do away with troublesome strikes
by forming a unity for the brother
hood of man and woman in a spirit
of righteousness."
With this purpose in view, the
brotherhood proposes "to establish
a divine educational center, to found
a building and construction depart
ment where all of the brotherhood
will bo regularly employed; to es
tablish a creative social center for
a better family and homo life; to
establish one religious center for all
the brotherhood."
Just as a starter, the brotherhood
will at once begin its activities In the
United States, Canada, Panama and
Secretary AVIIfeon Will Visit Cali
fornia. San Francisco, July 15. Secre
tary James Wilson of the Department
of Agriculture will reach California
between August 10 and 15, accord
lug to F. E. Olmsted, Chief Inspector
of Forest Service. The Secretary
will spend ten days In one of the
national forests of the Sierra.
One of the principal matters which
will occupy the attention of Secretary
Wilson Is a close personal inspection
of the work of the Forest Service In
Its rolatlon to the sale of timber, the
grazing of live stock, the protection
of watersheds and the use of water
for power purposes. During his visit
ho will bo accompanied by his son,
Jasper Wilson, who is his private
fr Western Oregon, Western
Washington, fair, warmer; ox-
cept near the 'coast. Eastern $
Oregon, Eastern Washington, $
$ Idaho, fair and warmer.
J J J j $ $ J $ J $ J !
Ignited is not yet known, but the
theory hold at the navy yard Is that
it was set off by a spark from the
smokestack of the warship. Imme
diately aftor the accident the Georgia
was headed for the Charlestown navy
yard. The dead and Injured wero
taken ashore, the wounded men being
convoyed to the naval hospital at
Zimmer, The Chief Witness
Against Grafters Refuses
To Give Testimony.
Prosecution Refuses To State
Next Move,
Relieved That Indectcd Officials Have
Good Chance Under Exist
ing Conditions.
S.m Francisco, July 15. The first
serious blow to the bribery graft
prosecution was struck by the Louis
Glass dofenso In the opening of court
today, through Emlle J. Zimmer, sec
ond vice-president and director of. the
Pacific States Telephone and Tele
graph Company, who first refused to
bo sworn and afterward accepted the
oath and took the stand, answered
two or three unimportant questions
put by Heney, then refused to tes
tify further. Judge Lawlor com
mitted him for contempt to the
county jail, "For a term of five days
or until tho question is answered."
Under tho law as interpreted by the
court, this means Zimmer must stayl
in jail throughout the progress of
the Glass trial or until ho signifies
his willingness to testify.
On Zimmer tho prosecution relied
as its most important witness against
Glass. Before the grand jury Zim
mer testified Glass drew checks for
bribery money claimed to have been
paid to supervisors, and caused Zim
mer to casli them and instructed him
to give tho money to Agent Halsey
and require from Halsey no voucher,
merely carrying these thousands of
dollars on tho current expense ac
count. Mayor Boxton has told the Glass
jury that ho as supervisor accepted
$5,000 from Halsey to vote against
the ordinance granting a rival fran
chise to the Home Company, and on
this and other "strong foundation
stones tho prosecution purposed to
day to rear a fabric of Glass's guilt.
If Honey has other mate. 'al a
hand to substitute, tho building of
the case may go on But he lefuseg
to talk. Neither would Dolmas
leador of the defense's forces, say a
word. It is admitted the action of
Zimmer places a powerfully persua
sive argument in tho hands of the
prosecution against the lino of argu
ment to the jury; but, on tho other
hand, the question is heard: "If
Honey cannot replace Zimmer, will
not the dofenso have strong grounds
for asking Instruction to acquit?"
Zimmer's refusal to testify was
based.on this statement by him: "The
grand jury has seen fit to Indict sev
eral men on evidence that seems in
sufficient, therefore I have decided
to take this stand in order to protect
Ho meant howould avail himself
of tho "constitutional right not to be
mado a witness against himself."
Though In reply to questions by
tho court ho averred ho did not fear
his arrest might tend to subject him
to felony prosecution, it would "de
grade his character two grounds on
which tho law allows a witness tho
right to refuse to testify.
Berlin, July 15. From six to
eight Inches of rain have fallen
throughout tho greater part of Ger
many during the last threo days,
and as a result a number of rivers
havo overflowed their banks, carry
ing death and destruction to tho sur
rounding country. No less than a
dozen minor railroad accidents havo
been reported and dispatches coming
In fron$ tho country relato great de
struction of crops and dwelling
houses and buildings, Tho floods
were especially severe In western
Germany and casualties to tho num
ber of fifty havo been reported.
Section Foreman Has Honor of Dis
tinguished Politicians' Presence
at Itrcnkfnst.
Portland, July 15. A special to
the Oregonian from Astoria says
Vice-President Fairbanks was ten
dered an enthusiastic reception by
the people of Astoria whom he visited
today. Fairbanks was met at the
depot by a large committee of citi
zens and escorted to a large auto
mobile In which ho headed the pro
cession through the streets of the
city. Fairbanks wa3 entertained at
lunch by Fulton, u.'.d In the after
noon spoke to a .arge assemblage.
After thi3 he visited the cruiser
Charleston. In tho evening ho was
taken to the seaside on a special
train, where a banquet was hold.
Through a misunderstanding Fair
banks left the train In the morning
at the Goblo Junction of the North
ern Pacific and Astoria 'and Columbia
River Railroad Instead of continuing
to Portland, whlthor the Astoria re
ception committee had gone.
Between 5:30 and 9 a. m., tho
Vice-President' was compelled to
while away the time as be3t he could
at this out-of-the-way siding. While
waiting he recognized I. H. Bross, a
section foreman, as an old acquaint
ance. Bross invited Fairbanks to
breakfast at his cottage, alter which
the Vice-President, seated on a bag
gage truck, entertained the workmen
about the yards until his train ar
Claim Girls Are Imported For Ini-
moial Purposes and Held
In lioudage.
Washington, July 15. A vigorous
protest has been received by the gov
ernment from the Japanese and Cor
ean Exclusion League, the headquar
ters of which are at Seattle, Wash.,
against what Is asserted to be an
organized traffic in Japanese women,
who, it is asserted, are being
brought to this country in largo
numbers for immoral purposes.
The protest declares that whole
sale misrepresentation, perjury and
fraud are perpetrated on tho part of
Immigrants and perjury and collu
sion on the part of the Japanese resi
dents in this country. It is said -that
the "traffic Is regularly organized and
that women are brought s into the
country and sold Into a system of
In connection with the trafflc there
is said to exist a gang -of black
mailers composed of Japanese who
live on tho "hush money" collected
from tho importers of the Japanese
slave girls. It Is asserted by tho
officers of the league that hundreds
of these women are scattered among
the cities of the Northwest and In
tho logging and mining camps and
that they are drifting gradually to
cities throughout the country.
The protest is signed by C. P.
Gill, president, and A. F. Fowler,
secretary of tho league. It will be
brought to tho attention of the im
migration authorities.
Refuses to Sanction Law Drawn Up
by-S. P.
Alameda, July 15. Mayor Taylor
has vetoed the new train ordinance,
which tho city council passed at its
last meeting at tho Instance of tho
Southern Pacific. Tho ordinance
prohibits any one from tampering
with tho running apparatus of trains.
It was brought beforo the council by
Attorney Allen, who stated that tho
ordinance was similar in tenor to
that adopted by other cities at tho
request of the railroad.
Mayor Taylor vetoed the ordinance
on tho ground that it was too broad
In construction and applied to electric
cars, as well as steam trains, and that
It might cause trouble to passengers
who pulled tho boll cord on trains or
care when tho conductor was not near
by, and yet who wished to leavo tho
train or cars at some particular
London, July 15. Tho Daily Olo
graph prints a dispatch from St.
Petersburg otday that there is an
uninformed rumor that Count Leo
Tolstoi Is dead.
C. W. Aller Is Placed Under
$5,000 Bond For False
Harry Orchard Again Takes
Wordy Engagement Hctwccu Wit
ness and Defence's Attorney
Causes Amusement.
Boise, July 15. Another warrant
charging perjury against a witness
who has testified for tho defense
against Haywood was issued this
evening. C. W. Aller, formerly a
telegraph operator and tickot agent
at tho depot of the Florence and
Cripple Creek railway at Cripple
Cneek, is charged with the offense,
by the prosecuting attorney of Ada
county. Ho has been arrested and
held in $5,000 bonds. Both Aller
and McGee, who were arrested on
a similar charge will be given a pre
liminary hearing In a few days.
Eleven witnesses in rebuttal were
examined today. Orchard reappear
ed on the stand and wa3 asked a
few questions as to his acquaintance
with some of the witnesses for the
defense who have testified as to his
movements. On being turned over
for cross-examination, he admitted
his uncle, Peter McKluney, com
mitted suicide by hanging 13 or 14
years ago. Counsel for the defense
asked Orchard If his uncle was not
insane before ho killed himself, and
also tried to show by witness that
his maternal grandfather was In
sane, his monomania being imagi
nary crimes committed a long time
ago in Ireland.
Orchard denied all knowledge of
his grandfather, but admitted his
uncle 'was demented. The entlro af
ternoon session was taken up with
the examination of witnesses who
contradicted evidence given by Aller,
who testified for the defense In sup
port of the charge of conspiracy
against tho Western Federation.
Aller sworo ho saw Orchard and D.
C. Scott together at the depot of
the Florence and Cripple Creok
railway on Sunday about threo
weeks prior to tho explosion at tho
Independence depot on June C, 1904.
Scott, this afternoon, sworo ho was
not In Cripple Creek at that time
and a number of witnesses corrob
orated this. As a result of this re
buttal testimony, information was
sworn out after court adjourned,
charging Aller with perjury.
The explosion at the Bradley resi
dence was again under considera
tion today. Thcv state undertaking
to show tho effect of an illuminating
gas explosion could not havo been
that described In the depositions
taken. for tho defense In San Fran
cisco. Tho manager of tho Bolso
Gas Company, C. D. Lampson, quali
fied as an expert. He discredited
tho proposition that gas could bo
Ignited by a glow at "tho end of a
cigar. He was examined at consid
erable length by Richardson and
showed to closo technical knowledge
of gas and Its possibilities as an ox
ploslvo, The general effect of his
ovldenco was tho explosion at tho
Bradley houso could not have been
caused by gas. Much amusement
was caused by a wordy engagement
betwen Richardson and E. M. Sa
bine, an attorney of Idaho Springs,
Sabino was engaged In tho prose
cution on a number of cases charg
ing fourteen members of tho West
ern Federation with crlmo and con
spiracy during tho lubor troubles In
1003, Richardson was defending
tho counsel In those cases. Thoro
was a sharp exchange, between theso
two but enough good humored ban-
Waht City To Widen Thoroughfare
Cllina of Quiet Fight.
Oakland, July 15. The officials
of the Southern Pacific and of tho
Western Pacific roads have a3ked for
a continuauce of the action on tho
proposed rights .of way on First
street, this city, until next Septem
ber from the city council and tho
board of super vIsoi"s.
The purpose of this delay is to en
deavor to secure the widening of
First street from the point of be
ginning on Lake Merrltt to West
Oakland. If thin can bo accomplish
ed, the street will be occupied by tho
tracks of both loads, Instead of tho
Western Pacific occupying a central
strip along that thoroughfare, as
was origina'lly asked for. The pi,
pose of the Western Pacific line on
First street was to give that road
access'from Its mole to the different
industrial plants along tho water
To accomplish that end the West
ern Pacific, asked for what was
jailed an industrial Hue,' Which wa3
luietly opposed by the Southern Pa
cific ' officials. Now it seems that
hey have patched up a truce, and
both roads will join hi asking for
the widening of First street and its
joint occupancy by the two roads.
Son Statue Prohibits the Placing of
Pickets Carry Case to Su
premo Court.
Chicago, July 15. Union labor has
declared war on the new Illinois vag
rancy law, through fear that It may
gather in the pickets. The Wood
Workers' District Council, at a meet
ing last night, decided to make a test
caso of the new vagrancy act.
Business Agent Alton Johansen
and soven mombers of the union wero
arrested two weeks ago and the vag
rancy law will be applied to the cases,
It Is said. The men were originally
arrested on disorderly conduct
charges, but it is expected that new
warrants will bo sworn out.
Money was appropriated to carry
tho case to tho Supremo' Court If
necessary. Johansen. mado a speech
at a meeting and declared his willing
ness to go to jail for six months "just
to show up the law." The men wero
arrested when acting as pickets In a
President Roosevelt Gives rium To
Frank Leach.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 15.
President Roosevelt has appointed
Frank A. Leach, of Oakland, Cal.,
dlrectoi of tho Mint, to succeed
Georgo E. Roberts, who resigned to
accept the presidency of the Com
mercial National Bank of Chicago,
mado vacant by tho death of James
H. Eckols.
Mr. Laech Is, at present superin
tendent of tho San Francisco Mint.
Ho will assume his now duties at
Washington late In the present
100 Mark Reached In Washington
Many Prostrations Reported.
Washington, July 15. Washing
ton' sweltered today, and upward of
half a dozen heat prostrations woro
reported. Tho mercury In tho down
town thermometers, starting at 83
degrees at 3 o'clock in tho morning,
ascended steadily until 4 o'clock this
afternoon, when it reached tho 100
mark In the shade. Tho official mark
at tho weather bureau at 4 o'cloolc
this afternoon, tho hottest period of
tho day, was 92. It was cooler to
night, a rofreshlng breeze following
a brlof thunderstorm.
(linage to keep tho court In -a rlpplo
of laughter for half an hour. Sa
bine Intimated his willingness to tell
many things Richardson appeared
anxious to keep out of tho .record
and it kopt Haxwood's counsel busy
heading tho witness away from dan
gerous ground. Sabino admitted
Richardson had beaten him and
cleared his clients, but ho managed
to get before tho jury his opinion
that tho defondants wero guilty not
withstanding tho verdict of tho jury
to tho, contrary.