THEDAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1907. i i MWWWWM PHASES OF OREGON'S PROGRESS H TOWN Boise Real Estate Men Buy 141 -Acre Ranch On Snake River. CONSIDERATION IS $10,000 Will Comci'l Into Town Lots L'Iul'C on Mn rite t Imme diately. and Messrs. Roberts and Hill, ot Rolbo, mombers o a prominent real estate Arm of that city, wero in the city Tuosday and closed a deal for the Myors ranch at tho soutn end of the Snake river bridge, on the Oregon. side, for E. L. Wallace, of Boise, says the Wciser American. In conversation with tho American reporter theso gcnolemen stated that It is tho intention of Mr. Wnllaco to build n town on that .sido of the river, that Messrs. Maxwell & Kim mors of this city, would in a few days bogin surveying and platting tho land into town-lots, and they would bo placed on the market In a short time. They also stated that Mr. Wallace, who is In business in Boise, would begin shortly th0"onstruction of a building which ho would occupy with a large stock of general mer chandise. The now town will be named Anno. The gontloman stated that if It were not for tho fact that the laud is in anothor state, it would bo called South Weiser. Tho land to be plat ted consists of 141 acres, and Is a very desirable piece of ground. It belongs to Mr. John Myors and tho hoirs of tho Strobel estate. It Is stated that the price paid for tho land was $10,000. - GREAT NORTHERN ' ' ' YIELDS RICH VEIN Gold In Heavy Deposits Is Struck In Mine Near the CKy of Eugene, Oregon. Tho Great Northern mine onco yielded good returns to the owners, says tho Eugene Register. They worked for a long time on a rich fissure vein, and the yield of gold was highly satisfactory to tho man agement. The vein, however, ran out, and much money was spent by them in equipping tho mine and run ning an eighty-foot tunnel in search of tho mother lode. When tho pres ' ent management took hold of It they changed the course of tho tunnel beenat work for some time in that- direction. almost at right angles, and have Yesterday H. C. Mahon received word from W. T. Shurtleff, who is tho manager of tho work, that he had struck the main ledge for which they were hunting at eighty feet be low the surface. The ledge Is of great width, probably about thirty feet, and tho ore Is of a free milling grade and shows excellent values, There Is probably no limit to tho amount of ore that can bo taken out now. Tho mine Is equipped with an automatic tramway from tho mouth of tho tunnel to the mill, which is about as complete as anything of Its kind in Oregon. The mill, too, was put in at great expense, and there is fi plenty of water to operate It. I iuu uutxiuis ui iuu uuiujuuiy ill presont are all Eugene parties, and are: G. G. Gross, George Hunter, II. C. Mahon, W. T. Shurtleff, S. E. WIghtman, The officers are: 'H. C. Mahon, president; G. G. Gross, vice presidont; S. E. WIghtman, secre tary, and C. L. LIttleflold, treasurer. The boys are all happy over tho lucky strike. SALEM CHERRY TREE BEARS HALF TON Adjacent Farm Yields Thirteen Tons niul Owner Realizes 1350 Good Profit. Since tho descriptive article in The Statesman a few days ago con corning the Board of Trade, tho Tooms on State street, Just off Com mercial, have been visited by an in creased number of easterners and other home seekers, say htat paper. Via examples ot what can bo done on tho lana In the vicinity of Salem, two cases were cited to tho reporter, WjUch illustrate the productiveness and money-making capacities of the small fruit farm. Tho first case is that of n family living in Salem. Tho family have a cherry tree In their door yard which this year boro half a ton of tho fruit. Members of tho family picked the chenles and sold them at five cont3 a pound, making a clean profit of $50. Multiply tho ono tree by sev- eial hundred, or tho number that would bo accommodated on a few acres and tho result will bo surpris ing, or course, tho more expansive grower would iiavo to npy a cent a pound for picking, but tho pioflt in either case would bo wonderful. Tho (second case is that of Mr. Fer guson, a farmer living In Poll; coun ty, a few miles fiom tho otcol bridge, llo had 143 trees in Ills orchard, which,, as will bo soon, extended a llttio more than an acre, sinco 108 trees- is the usual number to tho acre. The trees jleldcd between thirteen and fourteen tons of cher ries. It cost one cont a pound for their picking, and they were sold for five cents a pound. Figure It out. Supposing tho man had thirteen and one-half tons to toll, ho would re ceive about $1350, minus tho cost of picking, which would be $270. Leaving out the iriginal cost of the trees and tho expense of cultivation, which might bo covered by raising vegetables and small fruit between tho rows, tho profit would bo $1080, a neat sum for the fruitgrower. MYRTLE POINT HAS ' EXCELLENT ROCK Southern Pacific Said To llo Figuring For It In Consttiiction Work. An expert in rock who has been in town this week consulting with Z. T. Johnson, declares that Myrtle Point has tho finest quality of rock for concrete and other construction work of any place on tho coast, says tho Myrtle Point Enterprise. Tho deposit lies about a mllo and a half cast -of town and is not difficult to get at. The rock is hard and has a qual ity that will wear. Whether the ex port mentioned has been examining rock deposits tor tho Southern Pa cific is not known, but it is under stood that that company has ar ranged to come hero for tho rock needed in the construction work to be done on tho bay. I. W. Billings haB secured a contract to furnish some of tho Myrtle Point rock for con struction work on tho bay. It Is likewise understood that builders on the bay will look to Myrtle Pojnt to furnish gravel for their work on tho bay and they have been looking for teamsters to do tho hauling. CARNEGIE'S OFFER OF MONEY ACCEPTED The Dalles Will Build Public Library With Philanthropist's Aid Gift of $10,000. Progress and education had their innings at the city council meeting held last night. By the decisive vote of six to two tho city dads accepted the offer of Andrew Carnegie to do nate $10,000 for the erection of a library building in Tho Dalles. It was a notable mooting In many Y,fays, The ladles wero present. Nearly a dozen of theso leading friends of culture and enlightenment occupied the front spectator's bench in tho council chambers. Two of thorn mado stirring short talks in favor of a city library. When they loft a few moments latoj1 the vote had been taken and a Carnegie li brary Insured to tho "Cherry City." Dalles Chronicle. BUYS LUMBER IN MYRTLE POINT Easterner Purchases 200,000 Feet of Valuable Myrtle Wood Wants More. F. B. Allen, of Newark, N. J., who some time ago was hero and pur chased tho 200,000 feet of myrtle lumber that has been In tho yards at tho old Buckman mill, is hero to make arrangement for caring for tho valuable wood. Ho has entered Into a contract with Jas. Guerln and Dick Buell to haul tho lumber to tho Mast mill whero it will bo planed and dressed down and placed under cover. It has not yet been decided what will then be done witlutho material, whether it will be shipped east and worked up Into fine furniture or manufactured into a finished pro duct in this part of the country. Mr. Allen is looking for more timber of tho same kind. Myrtle Point En terprise. - OREGON FRUIT READY SELLER Douglas County Cherries Are In Demand In Far North Alaska. RECORD SALES THIS YEAR Many Calls For Apples and Peaches Products lii'iiiK Good Pi Ices. Prices received by tho Douglas County Fruit Growers' Association for fruit shipped from Douglas county is far In advance of tho rev enue derived in any former year and the members of this association are finding a ready sale for their prod ucts, says tho Umpqua Valley News. Manager E. P. Drew informs tho Nows the association has sold so far this season 3,000 boxes of cherries. Of this amount 2,300 boxos were dis posed of at ton cents a pound. A consignment of 700 boxes to Denver, ho says, reached that point in bad condition owing to the refusal of Wells Fargo Express Co. to ship the fruit via the northern route, although earnestly requested to do so by the local manager. Mr. Drew says that when Douglas county has sufficient cherry acreage to ship In carload lots the farmers will command tho highest prices paid. Cherries shipped east in car l&ts, packed In good shape, will bring 20 cents per pound and upwards, aji against 10 cents now bolng received for tho fruit shipped by express. The highest price so far paid this season for cherries was $2.75 for eight pound boxes. A shipment of four varieties sold as follows: Royal Ann, 75 cents a box; Black Repub lican, $1.00; Bing, $1.50, and Lam bert, $1.75 per box of eight pounds not. Tho association has sold no fruit to canneries, the prices quoted being five .cents per pound for Royal Ann cherries delivered,, with no demand for BIngs or Lamberts. Much of the fruit shipped has gone as far north as Nome, Alaska, and found ready sale at good prices. , The- first shipment of peaches was made July 4 and brought $1.50 for a 20-pound box net. Many inquiries are being received right along for fruit from this county and apples es pecially are in demand. h' COOS' BAY. MAN SIN TROUBLE Charles Dudley Assaults Walla Wnlla Citizens and Police Arrest Him." Chester Dudley, a Coos Bay man, is in trouble at Walla Walla, having been arrested on a charge of assault upon the person of Hugh Edison, a citizen of that place. He claims that his father was treasurer of Cops county, Oregon, and se6ured an at torney to defend himself. Ho says there Is absolutely no basis for the a'ccusatlon mado against him by Ed ison. The trial was postponed until Dudley could commbunicato with his father. Edison claims that Dudley hold -him while a companion struck him over tho head with a blunt In strument. WILLAMETTE ELECTRIC CHANGES HANDS Link .Between Eugene and Spring field Is Purchased By Eastern Capital. Tho Willamotto Valley Company has sold Its franchises for tho Eu gene electric street railway and the railway connecting Eugene with Springfield, together with all rights-of-way, easements and property con nected with tho lines to A. Welch, vice presidont of the company. The papers making tho conveyance were filed for record in tho county clerk's office this morning and wero signed in Portland yesterday by A. Welch as vice president of tho Willamotto Valley Company, and E. W, Hall, nntincr snorfitnrv. Tho nrleo naliVitfL Mr. Welch, as given in tho paperri $19,610.95. At the same time there was filed a release of mortgage given by the Willamette Valley Company to tho German town Trust Company, of Philadelphia, on tho franchises fnr tlipqn rnllwnvs. L JTho transfer of tho-'"-'" ' Mr. Welch probably means thnt tho Willamotto Vnlloy Company will have no Interest in tho railway, as It was organized for tho purpose ot conducting water and light plants exclusively. Mr. Welch, no doubt, has other Eastern backing, and will, it Is likely, build tho lines himself No information as in his plans could be obtained at the local office of tho Willamette Valley Company today, as tho company's representatives knew nothing concerning the deal further than that tho papers were sent them to bo recorded. Eugene Register. WILL HAVE RACE FOR $250 SIDE Rivalry Aroused at Fourth of July Races to Be Fought Out July (). On the 4th of July, at Arago, there was 'i Hatched race between horses owned by Jack "Lam and John Asson. Lamb's races won this race, and there has been so much pro and con ssgsEBCT'i w tuaaaaauigaKiaaBE! :t 'J'rSCJ H .i W 'trj t, j 8 ynu: Cucumbers ' -- i i i ' i I i ,. && P. I i I $ lfc' Sf ' 111 jj "We came with a straight course into Coos." Acts 21-1. w f " Phono 1531. Front Street. ' v 1 J! 3 ' ' I 1 & -"' I L ' ' -l a ' ,1, SBSESre I III 3 Le Bon Vivant - j M " M m 1 1 i ir Fillet of Beef Pique ala MacaoinoSmothered Spring Candied Sweet PotaVaeT Green Peas Maraschino Prime Ribs of Beef u rv Lettuce with Egg Apple, Blackberry and Lemon Pies i Gigars -.sW" talk and It's and and's rehashed over tho raco that nnothor tiial has been arranged for $250 n side. Owners are to ride their horses. The raco will take place at Arago on tho 20th of July, and there is great Interest in tho coming speed contest. CELEBRATE FIRST ' YEAR MARRIED LIFE Mr. mid Mrs. A. M. Bobell Enlcitnin Ft lends In Delightful Manner. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bobell" enter tained a number of their friends in tho parlors of tho Garfield hotel, Thursday ovening, in honor of their first wedding anniversary. The rooms wero beautifully decorated with ferns and wild flowers. The ovening was enjoyably spent with music and cards. At cloven o'clock, dainty refreshments' wero served. Mr. and Mrs. Bobell were the" re eipents of a number of handsome presents. isaarfaipw i U Sunday Dinner v ; 7T 'jm f. . , urecents au uaviar 'if ft , ? Consomme jengTasse Crecy au Tapioca Olives v Salted Almond -r v V ' r Boiled Salmon Hollandaise Sauce t i" Pommes ala Parisienne Radishes Young Onions Boiled Star Ham. Isins Ilaut Sauturno Mushroon Parties Punch Mountain Green Wafers au Jus Log of Veal with Port Mashed and Steamed Potatoes New Turnips in Cream Steamed Cabinet Pudding Wino Steamed Ra Tutti Frutti Ice Cream Macaroons Eclairs Etc Fruits in Season Mixed Nuts and Raisins Assorted t Edam, Roquofort and American Ghoeke Bents Water Crackers ' Cafe Noir Cigarettes ll S. P. WILL EMPLOY v FJ nuNurttuo ur iii g Work Between Coos Bay nnd Drab To Be Rushed to Com pletion. Word comes from Portland that tho employment agencies there have orders to furnish hundreds of men. for work on tho Drain branch of tho Southern Pacific. Mr. John Aitchi son Is authority for tho statement. and his word should suffice to dis pel any further doubts of the work proceeding this year, Instead of next as tho croakers have been p'rophesy Ing of late. A man employed with, tho Smith Lumber Company walked part of tho distance along tho rail road right of way betwtn$n"f5ralrnrhd lkton last week and found that tun nel work was in progress. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Mando lin lessons' for lessons In English. Address Lo Bon Vivant restaurant, between 2 and 4 o'clock. Kfi s w Chicken Dressing T5 Crab Salad W Sauco Candies . ,1E aggJ ?! .1 i t , K V J 5 - . ' T it n . i r