,.VTf ljfrWWlWS!P9 'JUtl'Hf -1 wWStrrU. ! A. ar i r f v . h THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SUMPAYJMLYJ&iSiZ: LAND MONOPOLY (Continued from page 7.) States and of the State of Oregon as woll as the Oregon delegation In Congress, have promised their active support to hreak the monopoly of the railroad company and to make them comply with the terms of their grant. E. L. C. Farrln is now in Portland in the Interest of their clients. They have at considerable expense gath ered together all the data concern ing the grants, and have a complete record of all land held by the Oregon & California IUlaorad Company In ,Coo3 County. They have tendered to the Oregon & California Railroad Company since Juno 1st., Eighty Thousand Dollars in cash for prospective claimants. Tho following is the form of tender holng made by them for applicants: TO THE OREGON & CALIFOR NIA RAILROAD COMPANY; a pri vate corporation oiganized and ex isting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, and having an ofllco and 'doing business in the City of San Francisco, State of Cali fornia: I, John M, Smith, the undersigned, Dm a citizen of the United States and of tho State of Oregon; and a resident of tho County of Coos in the State of Oregon, that I am over the age of twenty-one years, and horeby make application to you to purchase from you tho following described real property, to-wlt: Northwest- Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Township Twenty-flve, South of Range Ten, West of the Willlamette Meridian, In Oregon, the Bald real property being a portion of tho lands granted to and now owned by you under and by vhtue of tho provisions of an Act of Congiess en titled, "An act granting lands to aid in the construction of a Railroad and Telegraph Lino from tho Central Pa cific Railroad In California, to Port land, in Oregon," approved July 25, 18GC, and under and by virtue of an Act of 'Congrcs entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act grant ing lands to aid in tho construction of n Rnilioad and Telegraph Line from the Central Pacific Railorad in Cali fornia, to Poitland, In Oregon,' " ap proved Arpll 10, 1SG0. I horeby and herewith tenner and offer to in paymont therefor tho full sum of Two and 50-100 Dollars for each and eveiy acre thereof, ainount- ing in all to a full sum of Four Hun dred Dollars. I hereby demand of you good and sufficient xonvcyance of said lands conveying the same to me. I claim the right to purchase the said lands and hereby make the said tendor of payment therefor under and by virtue of the provisions of the Acts of Congress hereinbefore re ferred to. That I intend to become an actual sottler upon the lands herelnbcfoio described and to mako tho same my place of residence. Dated this 12th day of July, 1907, at the City of Marshfleld, in the County of Coos and State of Oregon. JOHN M. SMITH. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF Coos, ss: I, John M. Smith, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Identical John M. Smith named in and who subscribed the foregoing application; that I Iipvo carefully read over the same; know the con tents thereof, and the statements in said application are true. JOHN M. SMITH. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 12th flay of July, 1007. JOHN DOE, Notary Public for Oregon. In order that every one may have an opportunity of securing 1G0 acres of tills land, Farrin & Farrin have mado arrangement with aSan Fran cisco bank to tender the money for applicants mado through them, so that the applicant does not have to tie up the purchase price until the Oregon & California Railroad com pany signifies its Intention to con vey to the applicant under the terms of their grant. Ton dollars are collected from each applicant to defray the expenses of the suit, and unless a favorable ver dict is rendered, no further expense Is entailed. The trrowing open of this vast body of tho best timber land In Coos County will go far towaids develop ing its resources. It means that land that has lemained dormant and unproductive for jears will fall Into the hands of small holders, who will be free to dispose of it as they see fit. Tho timber on the Oiegon & Cali fornia Railroad Company's land has been estimated by cruiser& to be from four to forty millions to a quarter section, which at the price which timber is Gelling for at tho present timo means fiom bK to twenty thous and dollaia per quarter section NOTICE TO DIDDERS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Common Council of tho city of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, up to July 18, 1907, at 7:30 p. m., for tho Improvement of the following streets, to wit: Broadway, from a point 12 feet south of tne center of Washington avenuo to u point 12 feet north of the center of Pennsyl vania avenuo; Fourth street, fioni tho south lino of C street to the north lino of G street; and E street, from a point 12 feet west of tho cen ter of Fourth street to the we3t lino of Sixth street, according to the plans and specifications of said Improvements on filo in the office of tho Recorder and open ti the In spection ot all persons Interested therein. Dated this 0th day of July, 1907. J. M. UPTON, "Recorder of said city of Marshfleld. Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line 1WATE1 Sails for Portland and Moria everY Thursday C. F. McColIum, Agt. Phono Main 34 A. St. Dock nmiwKMijtitmmtttwmtmKiattWj::Kjtttnjja bsms&$&te2m&&3 eae&Ptifc&asts&i&sisBPttZk jj fy I fie A i H u vk jf TST T W T ft A "P T W Tff SJ ef v jf 4" Y T vL nj m 1 && trrrm m-f TTf Tl tin uA'-' : iTi3g'C ,W LiiiiiMirwuiJwiiiiiu iiiHiwiMiJiii'wwiiMiiWMwww11-11 iftC n KTTNaizka V! " ' ' " r "Lr"'s5S VL u HTtT I I FT mmb r DELICMESSEN ymtm n.LJJM lilllilllMTI III li For Ice Cream. W Any Amounls i'onnshed Boston Bailed Beans Saturday and Sunday. A 5 I7A ! i ib i ! wim row ifMH. jwiii fk IK33!! & I I T&SS Special die work of oos Bay g in v,oos County and Marsh- field scenes and b fan ! tfeyin iMrwwnwu'wwf'jjr JEW. iiP I Secona ana sirueis. n:a::t5a:mja:K::tJtJt:t:r.!g Bti'rvi'g SRUZZnXEEHSSallSXECiGPSSZ! afaSecmiixxsssatasiBrjasfvnyrtiaisswKaaiuMii TOMISMING Arrow Brand Collars Cluett Coat Shifts Monarch Shhs and Ties Shoes - Underwear Trunks and Suit Cases s iaw3!TS?fe?l53?5K33JKa Klt!xtii?Bsfa fii5(ai2ss,iWSaJfcCiee6Bft U"" --w--- -v-- r -r-n&r" r- r-v -i-wTy.c -. - -j- V1' SS& V 6SKHWganaaaKaiagtaM3aiagjga lHhi EttUJ&XS iJ2lEalCK3'JamacfracKaia j-Jitsaira recmawa woaMaaaaBaaaaMgnatgsRSBKJrtsagiizgaT: . y u&jeees Ei:il BW&ai goaxgjeynaijjnmiMraagwaKMiauaiBCTntaitJi'i 'J'TrricrrijflTwg-r'?7T"vtl't'M!'t'-'1'J'M7iy!M''rj'J'''' "frlT1f;yw?l''-'"'"; !2E3ggggffla .TA I' ii . ft i r th 4 't .' if " & te i I w Highest Worth in Carpets The new patterns shown in our carpet depart ment cannot be surpassed in beauty; therefore, people who desire to buy now may choose from the season's best production The largest carpet and rug stock ever in Coos County Mission Rockers The dull finish and severity of outline of these chairs make them an ideal piece of furniture jywam.TfmaxcsiinpiBJMPiMgrag "" "I . 1 s if i S, iLmKSEiS Years of Comfort in a Morris Chair You ought to have a beautiful Morris chair in your sitting room Whether the back is adjusted ,to the uprtight position for reading, or to the reclin ing position for smokjng it represents the acme of solid comfort The workmanship of these chairs is fully up to the standard With hard usage these chairs should last at least 1 5 years How else could you get so much comfort? Come in and look at them Corn er Broadway mwr"'ii "- - ii'h Street 9 9 '--rrzs&gesxs- I . s