THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1907. irTTOTnTTITg '"H'iTHIIIH '!'H'"!' iy BEAUTIFUL COOS .AS Being Two Idyls In Prose Descriptive of the Magnificent Scenery Around Coos Bay and up its Tributary Streams It Is a beautiful day In July, thoro are no clouds In the smiling heavens, the Biin shines brightly, and nature looki io fair and tempting that it is impossible for one to remain in doors, Out in the gardens llio sum mer air seems to thrill with tlio b'ong of birds. Insects spread thtlr bright wings and fly among fragrant blos soms, and humming birds bury them selves deep In the heart of the honey suckle. Tho balmy sweetness of spring is giving away to the glowing radiance of summer. The tall, graceful grasses wave In the fields. Tho meadows aic covered with flow ers, and fruit is beginning to ripen In tho orchards. Nature wears her brightest smile. Coos Day Is certainly one of the fairest spots In fair and tranquil Oregon. It stands In the deep green heart of tho land In tho midst of the fcrtllo counties. It is surrounded everywhere by rich resources. There are large and park-like lands where deer browso under stately trees; there aro flowery dells and knoll3 that would charm an artist; there arc wido Inlets nlmost broad and deep enough to bo called rivers. Coos Bay is noted for Its trees; tho grand old cedars stand supreme; tho odor ous myrtle; tho graceful alder; tho tall straight pine all seem of the greatest perfection here. Tho towns themselves along tho bay aro picturesque. There arc some old buildings, then there aro those of moro modern structure. These contain cheerful modern apart njenls, replete with modern comfort. Art has not "done much, but na ture everything. Charming pleasure grounds seem to bo laid out with un rivaled skill and at a convenient dis tance from the numerous towns along tho bay. When one gazes at the water meditation begins. It seems as though tho rippling water Is .sing ing a now song, something of yout'j and happiness, somothing of a new and freer life, and with' the faint ripple and fall of the water comes tho desire always to remain whero tho sound is ever present. There is the large winding river of Coos. Hero tho water washes along among tall reecU and splashes with a faint musical murmur on the txrzzzszxrTmvxz&m:sJW2ii lss!Z.Trra7.-:,sL-sa'jv7 j.-tv jrim"!"" --r ,-rargaw..'.ilJjg' eif VSZ M . BHB3 l jazssq f J J $ I "::" xi - ." fl J -:n " - i "tt -,r iOi; O "4- ri ::: : O Bg. . TTiirtf 'v - - --- - Jul.., w T T . ft M Is I BHBwBHHHHEil v3 be4 I..,,,,,,,! ar S vw9 4 M I H t! s0 m& fl T ::: !i h 8 Wp"Mt " l-M hm ::::$ O XXX J '' it T T ,N' 0? ill t a n Tx PHn IHHI mmA WWttKmm o X I w a : 5 1 I t U : I SEEN BY AN ADMIRER stones. The thiol:, leafy branches rustic In tho wind and tho birds sing ovorywhoro. Its banks aro dotted hero and there with pretty little summer cottnges. Here in the eve nings the night 13 still and clear. Tho moon hangs over the dark tiecs, floods of f,ilvcry light batlic the beau tiful river, the sleeping flower3 and the green grass. There is, a' gentlo stir amid the branches, the lcave3 rustle In tho soft breeze, the bluo silent heavens shine bright and calm. The silent beauty of the star-lit sky and tho hushed murmur appeals to one. It la very pleasant; these soft glowing evenings; tho picturesque glades; the warmth and gladness of all around you. To once see this river is to remember it ever after. The sun shining on the bluo water sooms to add a touch of gold. The waters ripple between the soft green banks until it seoni3 as though each wave were singing its own song. The birds sing In the gieon shade of the spreading trees, tho rich odor of rarest perfume prevails and the air is always balmy. To live and breathe ill thl3 marvelous country whero everything is the work of God's cre atlvo genius and not of man, Is a luxury. lears navo passed to many on Coos Bay like a long tranquil dream. Tho sun rose and set; tho tides ebbed and flowed; tho spring flowers bloomed and died; the summer skys smiled; the autumn leaves of golden hue withered on tho ground and the winter rains fell, yet no change came to the quiet towns along the penin sula, until recently. Now great changes have taken place. Ambitious strivers have entered and the future of Coos Bay Is -certain to bo greater than any other section on the Pacific coast. It is morning; the whole burst of golden sunlight, of singing birds, of blossoming flowcr3 morning over the rushing, humming bay of Coos; ovor the distant shining trees; morn ing -to bright, so glorious, that it nnifit bring happiness to everyone. Tho thin lines of blue smoke are c iii ling through the trees. The farm laborers aro out in the fields; --1 ",""a W?5&f SWiSfcSWS ? Bmsna.TB8BEBa gpaao SStfLLKSSmS m$ffl P'P"" 2CT73KI12-SrH321.iS'Kvaui.W - "vrar-qrTreTr.y?rffwsrrl1'Jit' j.-twsmniij'mmw !- x-i.c-..izh ZMrt;M.'rt;.u-;i nTii-tTf.T.-r--i uum ujlifiaia'T' r iItr;r".-warnaaB the cows arc waiting to bo milked; thq; Vie beautiful little town of Hast Marshfleld Is in tho full activity of Its country life. How fair and goodly aro tho few homes here, surrounded by exten slvo woods; the wealth of rich pas ture and nicndow land. The excel lent land resembling a stately park spreading out for miles with mag nificent tree3 In abundance. Can you picture a beautiful bay with Its green banks, a blue sky over head, a grand green hill rising In pictur esque beauty, the spreading trees, and there closo to the bay unbosomed In rich green foliage, surrounded by tastefully laid out grounds the town of I3ast Marshflcld. It is one of tho liveliest spots on Coos Bay. Behind it the tall hills raise their heights and 3holter iho beautiful land from the winds, leav ing it open to tho warmth of the golden sun. From tho various homes one can watch the sleepy white tide come rolling in. It is convenient to the cltio3 across the bay as launches and small craft ply continually. East Marsh- Held, all In all, Is one of the most In teresting places on Coos Bay, and is Commencing Sunday f $5.00 FREE! iWirTOUTuCEiY? 1 ' NEAPOLITAN BRICK ICE CREAM . WELL COH.TAIN $3.00 EN SILVER. If Come in early and get one of these bricks of Ice Creim and incidently make a dollar. B This unique sale will -last until every brick is sold. &8!&&&ai i-ftis iwwsfwteg&as wwbs i3,rT,''i,.rJBTanrTCffTwE' becoming moro and more beautiful and attractive each year. A visitor can enjoy scenes of Italy by taking a abort jaunt Into the interior of the land. The present number of Inhabi tants Is conceded as 200. It is situ ated just across tho bay from Marsh flcld near the C. A. Smith lnnd. NORTH BEND PEOPLE GO TO TEN MILE Will Spend Some Dajs Hunting anil Fishing Around Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Backensto, Mrs. Bol ster, Mrs. Strickla.ul, M. 51. Buhl, from North JJcnd, are going to visit Mrs. Thomson, the popular school teacher on North lake. They will also enloy about 10 days hunting and fishing. OPENS BANK IN .WHEELER BUILDING New Miu-sliili'Itl Institute Will Occupy Same Till Building Is Heady. The First Trust and Savings Bank of Coos Bay will open its doors to the public In Marshfleld 011 Monday In My 14, at 10 a. m. the Wheeler building, opposite tho Times office on First street. This Is the institution that is having a build ing constructed on tho corner of C and Broadway, and tho opening of Its doors at thh time shows an enter prise that Is worthy of the west. Their building will not bo com pleted for some timo, and the con cern thought it best to get into busi ness right away and tints piepare for tho present and future business which Marshflcld offers for such an enterprise. TO HAVE EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON BAY Unptlst Church Picnic On Will Give Annual of AVeiliieu "' Tills AVook. The annual picnic of the Baptist Sunday school will take place at popular Charleston Bay,, on Wednes day of. this week. Tho boats will leave Marshfleld promptly at 7:30 In the morning. Everybody is in vited to join the Sunday school and take lunches and bathing suits. Fare, 50 cents for adults; children, 25 cents. Further notice will be given. Five Out of Every 100 Bricks of Our Famous and HBEND Sit BOATS PASTE ON Half Hni Between Mnrshfleld und Xorlli Bend Made in Jli Minnies. I'rhiite IiHii'li'irjs. Fare: One hut, loc; rotux! trip, &, J. A. O'KkLIA", Proprietor. Bank of Oregon Capital SMck fully paid up $50,ooor y Transact aJjJrfncral Denying Buslnesf North Bend, Oregon Pull the BELL CORD Wet YouwbJtfffiien Blow J. R.HlERRON, Prop. Front Street, : : Marshfleld, Oregon rmtttts-cfwmfrVima ZHfcBAY EftpjMfttiCHe3uta