Tl LKWUBKIIWWWJUWm.iW-'W''"''1 WJ THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1907. m j. -j"-, i M m C. OF C. MEETS THIS EVENING Believed That Attendance Will Break All Past Records Deep Interest. NEW SECRETARY TO ACT Will He First Chance People Will Ilnvc to Meet Walter Lyons. COUNCIL TO DO MUCH BUSINESS Many Important Matters to Come Up For Consideration To-iilglit License Issue. A specially Interesting session of the Chamber of Commerce will bo held at the assembly room on Front street this evening. There has been a marked revival within the past two weoks In the Interest taken in the Chamber of Commerce proceedings, and much new blood has been taken Into the organization. The accept ance of seventeen new members at the meeting held Tuesday evening created a desire among those who have been Indifferent towards the In stitution to identify themselves with the Chamber and lend what aid they can In the good work which is being pushed so forcibly. The general feoling of renewed activity appeals to many as In part due to tho late ef forts of the Chamber, and everybody Is accepting this as fact, and wishes to get In and help keep things hum ming. The proceedings for tonight will be ot great Importance, as several com mittees are to report, and 'an oppor tunity will be given for general dis cussion and suggestions. Mr. Lyons, tho now secretary, Is fast obtaining grasp of the situation and Is finding plenty of work in his position. He has a number of plans on foot which will bo divulged as they develop. It is desired to have a large attendance tonight, and overybody should get out and show an Interest. NOTICK TO BIDDERS. Notico is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received by tho Common Council of the city of Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, up to July 18, 1907, at 7:30 p. m., for tho Improvement of tho following streets, to wit: Broadway, from a point 12 feet south of the center of Washington avenuo to a point 12 feet north of tho center of Pennsyl vania avenuo; Fourth street, from tho south lino of C street to the north lino of Q street; and E street, from n point 12 feot west of tho cen ter of Fourth street to tho west lino of Sixth street, according to tho plans and specifications of said Improvements on fllo in tho ofllce of tho Recorder and open to tho In spection of all persons Interested therein. Dated this Gth day of July, 1907. J. M. UPTON, Recorder of said city of Marshfiold. Bank of Oregon Capital Stock Mly paid up $5o,oooyr Transacts a General Banking B wines North Bend, Oregon Pull the BELL CORD Wet Vour Wlilt!pThen Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, I : JMarahdelil, Oregon i v Wi Don't Fdrset M - the Kodak on your outing trip; a full line with supplies at the Red Cross The city council will hold a meet ing tonight which, for volume of business, Is likely to overshadow any meetings tho body has hold this year. There aro many things to come be fore the municipal ofllccrs, and the public is generally interested in most of the topics which will get before tho council for argument. Tho matter ot improving the streets will have a hearing; the license Issue will bo threshed out; the resignation of Bert McCulloch will be considered and other matters will bo discussed if the tanglemcnt does not delay proceedings too long. SEYMOUR BELL TO RUSH CONSTRUCTION Is Xmv KmleavorhiK to Secure Men to Work on Oas Plant. DAILY REALITY TRANSFERS. Furnished by the Title Guarantee and Abstract Company, llenry Scng stacken, Manager. Or. & Cal. R. It. Co., to B. Her mann, NE of NW, Sec. 13, Twp. 29, R. 12; ?100. Edgar L. Wheeler et ux, to Chas. Bowman, Jr., lots 6 and C, Nik. 7, Azalea Park; $10. J. J. Stanley et ux, to E. L. M. Dlumenrother, lot 24, blk. 14, Port land Add, Bandon; ?10. J. J. Stanley et ux, to Louis Ma gelx, lots 33, 34, 35 and 30, blk. 24, Railroad Add, Bandon; $150. Emma D, Bunch and husband, to Ben McCullen, EM- of NW, NWJi of NWVi and part of SW& of NW&, Sec. 35, Twp. 24, R. 11; ?1. Jas. L. Ferry et ux, to C. A. Gould, undivided of 3 of SE, NWy4 of SE14 and SE of SV, Sec. 31, Twp. 24, R. 11; $10. James L. Ferry ot ux, to C. A. Gould, timber on lots 3 and 4, Sec. G, Twp. 25, R. 11; $10. Win. Bernitt et ux, to Matthew Voney, lot 8, blk. 7, Marshfiold, Dean & Co.'s; $10. J. M. Lawrence, Receiver, to Peter Wieck, V of SEi4 and NE& of SEV. Sec. 10, Twp. 27, R. 10; Re ceiver's Receipt. Nellie Took and husband to Min erva E. Lillle, W of SEVl, NE of SE14, SEVi of NEV1, Sec. 8, Twp. 29, R. 13; $800. Minerva E. Lillie, to E. C. Roberts, timber on V of SE, NE of SEM, Sec. 2, Twp. 29, R. 13; $1. Minerva E. Ullie et al, to E. C. Roberts, timber on lot 3, SE of NWU, SWM of NE, Sec. 2, Twp. 29, R. 13; $1. Isaah Sparks, to John H. Bogue, N of NEW, Sec. 9, Twp. 29, R. 13; $G00. H. Sengstacken et ux, to Kate M. Lando, lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, blk. 1, Subdivision of Block A, Sengstack en's Add, Marshfiold; $S00. State of Oregon, to Charles Corne lius, all of Sections 10 aud 3G, Twp. 27, R. 9; $9,S3G. Seymour Boll said last night that work would immediately begin on tho gas plant which is to bo located at Porter. Ho Is now endeavoring to secure men, and as fast as they aro hired they will bo put to work on tlie excavating for the foundation. It is tho desire to rush tho work through and give the people gas service C0QUILLE TO HAVE THREE SALOONS Council Grants Extra License After Changing Ordinance Limiting Xmnber To Two. E. A. Beckett arrived home from Coquille yesterday well plaesed with his trip. Ho went over Monday to make application for a saloon li cense, but found tho number was limited to two. There had already been two licenses granted, and Beckett seemeu to have arrived too late. Still, he is resourceful, and he lingered In tho county seat until tho council held a special meeting and changed the scheme of granting licenses, so that it now stands in such shape that three saloons can be operated. The new system allows one saloon for every 500 inhabitants. Mr. Becktet is having a building open about tho first of September, The building is situated on the main street of Coquille and in the heart of tho business district. It will con sist of two stories, and besides the saloon, will accommodate a barber shop, lunch counter and n club In tho second story. Mr. Beckett paid tho license fee, and received a re ceipt for his money. EXPLAINS ABOUT SILVER DOLLARS N Two Little MImc.h Anticipate Palm's Offer mid Want Money ICarly. The Palm was the scene of an amusing Incident yesterday afternoon when two little girls camo In and insisted on buying two bricks of tho Ico cream with tho silver dollars In thorn. Mr. Stafford was required to go Into a lengthy explanation of how tho silver dollars were to bo given away. The little girls finally depart ed with rueful countenances, howlng, however, that they would bo on hand bright and early Sunday to get some of the ice cream bricks with tho dol lars In them. TheCB.,R.&E.R.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. In Effect January 1, 1007. All previous schedules are void. Subject to change without notice. W. S. Chandler, manuer; IT. A. Laise, freight agent; general offices, Marshfield, Or mM.m. j:.i rara.wjcij jnawj,ii The Steamer M F. PLANT Sails for San FranpLrco Monday July 15 RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : OREGON j. and fastestboats on the bay Half Hoar Schedule Run Between Mimliflcld und North llend Made in 12 Minutes. Private Landings. Fare: One way, l."c; round trip, 2,"r J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. No. 1. Daily Except Sunda egon. 1 I 1 Trains. Stations. Leave 9:D0 a. nT.Marshflold. 9:30 a. m.B. H. Junction. 9:45 a. m.CoauIlle. Arrive 10:30 a.m.Myrtle Point. No. Daily Except Sunday. WE SELL Coos Bay Real Estate Residence and Farming' Property A snap 40 acres c n Catchingvlnlct 4 miles from city 15 acres bottom U ad unerdyke, 40 acres on Coun y Roaa miles from city $18 per acre. For further particulars call on F. M. Rummell Jr. & Co. Nasburg bldg. Come Early to Make Selections of Our stnek is go; LL PAPER aigfaaC A trial of our Leave 10:45 a. m. Myrtle Point. 10:80 m.Coaullle. 12:00 m. B. K. Junction. Arrive 12:30 p.m.JMarshfleld. Extra trains "will run on daily special orders. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. Steam .Dve Works CSreet. I iidioa'iiiKUieilts'gnriM'iileelenn ed or dyed. Philip Becker, Proprietor. Now Ready 'HOTEL OREGON Now mid jSlodern Sample Roomin Connection NORTH BEND, ORE. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pcndergrass, Master TIME TABLE. Leaves MiVshflofd 7:30. 9:00. and 10:30 a.m.nnd 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. Leaves NortJh Bend at 8:15. 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 aud 5:00 p. m. MnUes dally trips except Sun days. Faro: Ono way, 15 cents; lound trip, 26 confB. H - i 4 - 1 i 1 Paints anv Varnishes will convince that they are the best on the market Coos Bay Paint & Wallpaper Co. 2nd near C. Street BaggsmMtmmwmmktmimmmmmMimaBm Nelson Iron Works V. n. NULSON, Prop Wo repair nil kinds of Machinery, Bteiim and (fun Kngliui, Guns and III. c)clc, BtiJ of woclrour Specialty. : s Wo mmmfar-turo Cnttlugs lu Iron and Hronzo for Saw Mills and LogRftiK Camus. Woimtkotlii) Lost Sheaves iiHd Hoad SpooU for Loggers. : : : TKLKI'HOKK Ml MARSHFIELD, - - OREGON The Coos Bay Times Job Department is now prepared, to print Butter Wrappers in accordance with the require ments of the Oregon law gov erning the salgof that product. We use nothing but Extra Quality pure vegetable parch ment and sanitary ink especial ly made for this class of print- noriaftyBw3iMbeMMt)3pamgim layaimn ABSOLUTE SAFETY is the best thing we have to offer Other inducements are ofsecondarygrportance Upon this basis only do we solicit your patronage First National Bank of Coos Bay W.S. McFAKLAND, Cashier. R. T. KAUFMAN, Asst. Cas. 1 "" , i ..,-, California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. D. OLSON, agister. SAtiLINGTFItOAI COOS BAY to Portland and Return GEO. D. GRAY a CO., General-agents, 421 MaTket St.. San Francisco. L. W. SHAW, Agont, Marshfiold. Phone 441 WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders mg. IS 1 1 1 BAY i Offlce fixtures a specialtjtfreFronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us b& fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street M MOM M WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN ENGSTACKEN ITION JU BECAUSE In IcnhnOIC?SIf1eUice property, lots YJSnX1? aJleVs' is weI1 sheltered with A GOOD BAY VIEW and prices effl are reasonable. For particulars see . Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Henry Sengstacken, Managgr -" Yiiwr -.. i KMW.-3-!