The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 12, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 2

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Coos Bay Times
i r rr.-yj-rrw; anf-
Ta '
T.irr f'.rar.atfrr.sw. Co.
17SK;j F.'. -LEV
-.inaa I- ai-wt a fefx -"1 -.aas s&
' art- yiwrjaar cte rwpn-.a-.lSnQ. s '
.iJT fjiciautrr fttt r-,ir "i t.Ot-
i-d &r rv atria sfm - "-.rv?
Jtm T'r & AMfc if CO TTili: ' 111
a.-.- t& afm .(A tfflBzvtfatk ap
eiatly if K k C V Meoacpaiteil ay
.-j yf araut. Bv& ft fa Mt t an
Mrs. WTat Lnir if Plat 3
Ji.iS Oiwrr7, nf M-wrtk Bku tu
? Cdmn ltft rte ?&2i SccfetS Of Cc SBKf
".&& ttee Jiji r tifc,sa Bnttnur tor FtonlHMs, wter
Thi py . T : Bsy ilaww
ar SfJta Is 3SCTB "aw" rftt ' t wtH
ir w os tMs ai.a. firiab SttnM wu( rKft.
Scm & r fern f a wm tmi,t r
m ft Kfn.r,iMti -a p., W w iMt k0 ttwt ne Xta Xy SaisX. of Wtt Stonfe
sHS?ejirfu . &. rww fc- v HMffii y K09r 4y3ii' fcrt. b cycatfss s tew ? wtsft kr
Ti u to (mriuM: p.o. , ,( 6y irt, jBg rt. Tte mr puat!s at ta fea Bma.
'-- aokt v&amier tort ami aetrfa. Ubtl -5-
jMtMMt t -n nift- jtonwbiiif. 'm- im tifecr wrf to fc fwt to. I Mr. Joe Sei.TEajs, of Sscttltw is Ja
t, w vnnu-uiu Otnxvfll, Out tmttU ' . --, -- ir mm Kh b f SUnftacCif.
In OODUILLE deicr season
OPkNS 11 Y 1
Carry Ojr!?s Kce?$
Begijlar Sessier..
Dr. Cttnt arTSa Ytsbm Wflk
v't liLfx mt.'iutr.-.'r.
maarmm tmsr
"ijrlt fMfSe eiMl, (.-6M tte Cwfsmfcfet
2j! V7- ily,
ft 25
n M
rtrr ta 9mm YmmSm
M$itMA. Tii&t to mat x lost fat a.
rtfePAac f six &idri arfkx a4
r.i &v?viuKttt fe re toraet,
fj iff fasuttsc arf pwrpcw, tfcA; ft
rr vf Jfarit ao4K vufsiAx ika.Z
raaaf ft !&r a fu coftfmE r
Jr i peawrJUm 3.S&ZX ft lit ka
i Cofuaibfe. rfrer asul lift: Goi. Gilt,
!, awl all the- txiftVTfifs? t7fcf7
drfr. ware. Tfc fcarbor erf Ctsa Bat
w&xUi. ike zzztiSAtos. of Cfm&zm. It
S &tAirr &.tz ttt Vev, ttfam. to ,u &Z& m. tt vsA aatfeoritr itex
tte !txrMixevt. at t me&i U.te xtnatvtAt. aj 7oiio to tz.z &ftr
rrft for itlht. It vlH fc t&jjawi wttijtr ryf Cw? Bar aa e. &arV-r
fi-rst i3t at wfcfcfc owr stt je-js- Pwt KaW7 afeiaa tft Gmbrz-
rzUrr, Vf'SLUtr Lyo, win &at at- ,- at WaiilsgME.
Um4l, WMle toe tlnat ra-. aloft .
tft if.t6facr wrl fc ?i, tfcfe WH.AT H.A.S KKCMIE OF IT?
are tfcf t&vm vhtofc mzte thto -rmwj: a: tWesja tfeat itTt a
mfl(iX Mk pwttkrt ljwprr:-t 1 dos s f&rf Jsatl
at It buw prwlVftbEr fcefr4 b jb jftsiftwiBjr. aarf irjifefa ft fa
7e rsculsr arrtiiMr ; fa Xif-
cat Sfifecr otf Coos aai Cnrry ii-
t 25w? left rtes4xT atorx- tfes was iK We4aiT ftu-iL
fs catlrafrefaK tor AlteST, wne fee will aaeet Jalr 1. at ti Or war-r r-
A--l.r a.n "mat.iTn.iiitmatt M
CiV fctt IWi
W-mbGrid. (xzcui.
tiik nt.M.r.v. of cohmfmcf
tfa wrKe MKf fMt Tffti r4sfrt!S.
K. Ket. -vfco acrfverf :
ituwK ioar owtwiic ago aarf ae9t(
a pa$tioa on the TImms, lt rsc-rfaj-
tor Poc;fasL
JtcUm Krw-, of lac&asata: fat&t, -vas
a Tftsusc fa. XarafcfeM 7sM?d&r-6-yff
WHmw, ; I.fMr, was fa.
KarsfeSeld ysaCKdar.
Kr. A. 3fatJic., St., aad joe Kaipa,
ret;e4 Bjomk 'roes
to Portlasd.
Mri. Jfes Drrasi, o yjWf2?iOE,
?ra fa: tenrs Wftdaewfar.
to iiM f tit ettizAs MMikfcUt
tfet IB MrrtK 'f'rrBM Of th fNMt
ttufm, wa fmtr ttr M:htt:Ul, tntt
tor Cofrn Jly tor lb entittt pwln
aw J a prwUu efntl tram zwr !
fit. Tfe mtfa toaisbt mar "
mm t trifr tfc t o $Hbtx8ttei
pttriir vhUM Com lay
fXMi i!Jtr ia fat fcr -sltJwi com
fowwt. Stlfl 6Tft a lvenrspaper 6
. enriow not to say Impudent
I at iimit, and 4krwe ts tan &
hit lw tbtJm., bat all t awsre !fa
!nft. Xw ft 1st not iateeiied to
nta ar crftfefjm of tbo ivaTJc
1 thtt ettxxrie liae IxHires Xortn Bsd
Eaarf MArnliM fn char?, but ft ajay
I b tirf that "bop rffef&fred raaX'fetit
Why, th tntr.Urtt umy b taOMito: heart sieX," There are many
I that? fpopIe fs tb Ualted ute who
first In the last tew week tb !wol(f M? glad to tak np the Itoe be
fiottiUern Vwltit. bas made t!rSnIt twcin Xonb B&sd and W&rahSfelr!
tiTin'intH&mint, ot tut poltey couturn- i ad to:espteUi it. If a re&ftosable
insc CVrf I!y, Wt- ife all aware tnacMt cats be obufn'jd front tbe
what tbat mfts tbe opening ' tVo cities, and it can K asked for, the
rasf cl fields; tbe Installing ' an rrnui caa be bnflt a&d there Is bo
tttelnslre steamship line betw-eeB sod reason wby It should not fee.
Coos Uay and I'ortland, and Ik all Tbe local company rnay be waltin?
jitoirtiMMiy the establisbfni$ ot a for tbe completion of the new plank
rn&mrr.oth terminals in close prat- estenslon of front street, or for aome
Imiiy V) Coj liny. dennfie action of tbe Kosebor elet-
VA-wrttA C. A. Xmftn, tbe lnmber trie. Uoy why?
magnate, ! ok assuranee that In The lanncnes which ply between
fire years Oos Uay will be tbe ter- North liend and MarsiiScId are
rilnal for two transKjintinoRtal lines, crowded always. The tralSc is large,
beside tbe Honthern I'ar.fAc. He re- If the strf-t railway were aabstittited
iterates our oft expressed belief In '.t in not likely that tbe launches
the Inestirnable value of our forests; won Id be put out of bns'neas, bnt the
Irofn hi broad range of practical electric will have a largs boKlnea at
knowlwJge he tell us that on the the very ontset. There are fully t.x
Mrs. E. L. C. Farrfa lef:
Breakwater for Partlasrf.
Kr. CDfifsaane aai f&arily syat a
tctj- pleasaat day sp Coos Kfrer yec
terefay, 5-
evil HcpiflsJ k Ctanlfe. ?ij?ti
wsre rai aswi aeatters tibsersmni iz.
wittok an ta memb-m owtuc '.ooi
pa.?. A Tesy profxable aid ea;er
taiafsv? afte?aeo 7as spest. aft?
w&fcta: tie siejHbr3 wre rfTee. a
wr7 isser by Br. Calla. Dr.
Ta rrert, &f i.Tr KfH. wa ac
cepted aa a sseasber of ta aseo-zia-tfee
Tiifs aetfsr -yas tbe i-esJi r?
slar eMLT&stfoa of t&& society wcicfe
fa a braae-i of tfc State Mftcai .
efcty, froa. wltfe!: ft rfTea ftj
a awafess trfjs- charter. Ts.fs ioifety fa tbe se-recta
eoa- jeefety w 6 orsaafaed Is the
Kate. AH ptiysttfess of ?eod pro-
fesafoaa! aa.tsdfs? are eligible to
T& afs of tbe orjaafzatfos fa to
os the fceep its xaeabers faforsaed of the
rapid adraaca fa Enedleiag asd to
dfseass enrres.t topfca for the ??a-
eral "welfare of tbe eosaty aad to
perfect laws for the adTaaeeaeot of
xeaecal health. Tb society fs ow
ok a 5rat baafs aad all soerfibers are
We have a complete stock of
Winchester and Savage rifles.
Our stock of ammuni
tion is fresh
rand rgitz
a JS
rge assori-
rated line of
knives and
whole United Htates coast there is
no harbor that compa.-fc w!:.. Cos
. iu'.j t u b jiiij juo m-f'
mti 1- 4.l , . .l,l.. C. A-
Brnltfi tells u all these thlngH and
we know be upeak conw:ic-ntloiisly,
because he hax demonxtrated It by
building on ItdhrniiM Hlough one of
the largest saw mills on tbe Pacific
coaitt. Wo know be has faith In the
future enlargement of our harbor
because he 1h building a hlj that
draws, when loaded, more water
than our harbor's depth. That boat
is to be a Coos I2ay vessel nnd tbe
lumberman says tbe time Is not far
distant when It can carry Its heav
iest cargo In and out of Coos Hay.
Third Men are here who have
never before seen HiIh country; but
tbey are willing to build a hotel that
will be a credit to a city trebly as
large as all Coon I!ay. Capital Is
awaiting the solicitation of Coos Day
people for the building of a modern
dredge to work permanently on the
Improving of this harbor.
All of these evidences of Jlrm faith
In Coon Hay will be personified at
the meeting of Hie Murahlield Cham
ber of Commerce tonight. Let ov
er) body attend.
The other night, seventeen new
members were taken in the Jlarsh
lleld Chamber of Commerce. That
watt a good showing. Hut we want
to keep doubling and trebling It un
til the Marshfield Chamber or Corn
met ce will carry the Palm for the
largetit, most compact, and strong
est organization In the state of Ore
gon. Come tonight and get acquainted
Mr. and Tin. A. St&nS. are asp- tafcte? a dep Iaerst as tbey ia-w
well its berfitx. Tbe oSScr of the
soefety are: Dr. WalJls Cutis, Co
qwilte. prs?det: Dr. Boyd M. Rich
ardson,, Jarsbfild. sereiary aid
treasurer: Drs. E. JTlaens. E. E.
Srraw asd 2. 7. JfftConnai?, Marsh-fi-i
r,nzi-lif.TS. Ti ;p mMEg
wfll fc held Is KarahSeld.
thousand people on the peninsula
which contains North Bend, Jlarah
fleld. Porter and Hay City, and the
distance between the two town?
Mamhfleld and North Bend Is only
three and a half mile?. In eastern
communities one thousand to the
mile Is regarded as being a safe basis
for an electric road to rely on for
profltM. We will not comment on
the local company but simply ak
"What ha become of It."
ln-4 at tbe Ssarf Hflfe.
Mrs. C. F. XcCalkna, of Xonb
Bend, was Is Xsrshfteld yesterday.
Mrs. WJlHams, of Erapfre, made
a short rfsft to MarsbSeld yester
day. 5
Tom Barry aad farairy raove today
to their snsnsser borne on Coos River.
Mr. Kerc, of North Bead, wa3 Ic
MarshSeld a few boars yesterday.
Charles Watson made a easiness
trip to Empire yesterday.
Hies Irene l.attis, of the Java Cof
fee House, was a paasesger on tbe
Breakwater to Portland.
lira. Robertson, of Catching
Slongh, was In MarahSeld shopping
Miss Hay Peterson ha3 accepted
the positfon as bookkeeper in the
Pioneer Hardware Store.
Mr. J. K. Jones left for San Fran-;
claco, after a abort visit with his son,
Mr. E. K. Jones.
Mr. felter, of North Bend, was In
Marshfi&ld Wednesday. t
Perry Mauzey, of North Bend, was
a Marshfleid visitor yesterday. '
We also carry
ment .of the c
Marble huntin
hatchets. In fact every thing
needed on your hunting trip
can be furnished at the
Front street Central Hotel
fcXW.H ."L..-.XVlt.XM'AAZ!lWJJ?WWW&,V
that we are offering this week
must convince every man who
examines them, that they are
without exception, the greatest
values ever sold at these popu
lar prices.
If you want a smart, up-to-date
Suit for business or dress
O e o
Dprmg aac& amis
For Men and Young Men
At $15, $18 and $20
JAPAN may be Inclined to war with
the United Htates and penlslout
prophesies of Kiiiopenu military au
thorltluH are bulng widely circulated
to the effect that war between the
two countries U only n mutter of a
few yearn at the inimt. Hut there In
no good reason why these two na
tion should over ussuruo such nn at
titude toward onch other. Ho fur aa
the United Htates is concerned, uliu,
at least, will not bu the uggrosflur.
.In pan hits the record of modern
times us it wnr-llku nation for hIio
)iuh proKucutod Huccosufully two warn
of world Importance within u Bcoro ot
yours. Thus she slguulizou liur ad-
Now they are turning off the soda
fountains on Sundays In Portland.
The district attorney needs exercise
caution or the city will be without
fire protection on the seventh day.
Some of the big concerns around
Coos Hay complain of lack of labor.
It Is hard on the concerns, but
nevertheless a conclusive indication
of the era of prosperity which Coos
Hay is entering.
It is suggested that an excellent
plan to follow for the Improving of
Coos Hay harbor and bar would be
to Interest the different congress
men and senators In Coos Hay.
Somebody ought to take It up.
Mrs. Enoch Holland, of Libby, waB '
In MnrHhflMr! V.VHn-f1nv
r i
Miss Jamie Hibbard left for Port
land on the Breakwater, where she
will spend the summer as the guest i
of her aunt, Mr. Amsteln, formerly
of this city. '
Mrs. Major Lower, of Empire, was '
In Marshfleid yesterday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Tom Barry, of Em- Bj
plre, were In Marshfleid Wednesday. K
Mrs. Al Nlcholls, of Libby, was in ;
Marshfleid yesterday. '
Mrs. S. Edmonds left esterduy
for Portland, wheio she 111 spend
the summer, visiting with her son,
Jesse Karrln, formerly of Marshfleid.
Miss Nellie Ilornltt Is spending a
few days In Empire as the guest or
Miss Mlllan Klahti, of that city.
Mrs. Lnrseu, or Haines Inlot, was in
town shopping yesterday.
Mr. George Herron Is in town from
ogu, alter about six months' stay
that country.
N'lol Watson, or Coos City, wns In
toin on Wednesday.
Jr. and Mrs. J. 8. Orccn, ot Mil-
Serve Kef roh incuts and Hati Gen
eral flood Time List of Olll
cers Installed.
Western Star Lodge Tlebekahs
held Installation ceremonies at their
hall on front street Wednesday
night. There was a large attendance
and after the installation refresh-!
ments were served. The ceremonies .
were conducted by District Deputy
Mrs. Deuber and Grand Marshal '
Mrs. Lando, assisted by Mesdames
Dennett and Klchardu and Miss Ben-'
nott. I
following is the list or officers in-!
stnllod: I
P. N. G., Mrs. Thomas Coko; N. j
i., Anno I'airin; v. u., uiara jonn
son; Secretary, Mrs. Butlor; Troas
uror, Mrs. Curtis; Chaplain, Nolllo
Bornltt; Wardon, Mildred Coko;
Conductor, Mrs. Eva Ponnock; In
sldo Guard, Mrs. W. Lawhorn; Out-
sldo Guard, Mrs. Max Timmorman;
It. 8. N. G Mrs. Jonnlo Bcrnltt; L.
8. N. Q Kato Lando.
that will look and fit as if made-to-measure, then you
shouldn't fail to come here and see these three After
Easter specials in the noted
You will find the style and quality, the finish and the
fit of the suits of your size at every price, precisely as
as you want them. Details:
At ft 1 9 sinale and double-hreastfiri Sank
Suits in all the approved Sprirfg
styles and fabricjeffects grayand
brown-toned worsteds, cyssimere&rcheviots
and tweeds custom-tai
equal to $30 to order-m
for your selection at on
all the advanced styles in smart sin
gle and double-breasted cut; strict-
lv hanrl-tuilnrorl fhrnnnhnul nnel
,j ..uni. mnuivu uiiuuyiiuui dllt.1
made of excellent worsteds, cheviots, cassi
mers and tweeds in beautiful patterns of new
est color effects precisely like the $35 to-measure-made
suits, here in all o
styles at onJy tp flO
the finest specimens of high-class
tailoring in all the smart styles and
exclusive suitinqs of finest nualitv-
imported and domestic worsteds, cheviots
aeiysu dim uabsiiiiers ine counterpart in
every detail of $40 ,to-measure-made suits,
special lor mis weeK
Ifcred jyffi
afie siiifs. C i
Ji -tw
Dutua ifek r M k
1t.HT IStr. .. .
Mssiat at
MIaii '
Spring Suits for Boys at $2.50 to $1
Every Suit at every price of carefully selected materials; tailored by specialists
to resist wear, keep their shape and fit perfectly in every size Norfolk double
breasted and .single-breasted Sack, and dainty creations in plain and fancv fabriU
for little men of 3 to 8 years. y ,aun
North Bend
- .. - .
- ...