l(, T- - "SSJKBI Cf-ySi i-W- THE DAILY COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907. " a "" '"Ti ! 10Hif0Mfl!n. -W0 Ili'PPMlt,. i . - l V R I I COOS BAY BRIEFS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms - - - - 1 33 1 Business Office - - - - 1331 DRAIN STAGE SCHEDULE. Drain stage leaves Marsh- Aeld at 3:00 a. m., returning arrives at Marshfleld, 10:4b. , f. HOTELS. Blanco. W. E. Nelson, Sheridan; F. D. Hawks, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Goo. Sawyer, Oakland; C. T. Glczen tanner, Pasco; E. J. Wheeler, Syra cuse; W. A. Mlllls, Portland; S. M. Cobb, Black Rock, Ore.; Fred. C. Johnson, San Francisco; E. M. Pet erson, C. A. Peterson, RIverton; L. V. Chesley, Myrtle Point; N. P. Wal ker, Bandon; A. Bingham, Portland; David Roberts, Empire; A. Jacdbs, Bandon; Georgo E. Cook and wife, Empire; Fred. Brltton, Grand Rap Ids; G. Brltton, Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy. Central. U. S. Booth, Portland; John Hlles, Frank March, Ohio; G. Gllbortson, E. J Foss, George Stough, Mrs. E. W. Gregfa', Wyatt Coffelt, Chas. Long, Port Orford; Chester Langlols, Port Orford; T. H. Kenkle, Frank Snyder, Green River; J. Mil ler, Jack Lougheed, John Kombos, S. D. Bidwell, E. B. Williamson. Good Fishing Luck. Frank Gran ger, manager of the store on Ten Mile lako, was In Marshflold yester day to look after some business mat tors. He reports that the Long Beach, California, party in camp there Is making some record catches of trout, and that Itfrs. Harrlman carries the palm with a fish which weighed four pounds. People post ed on the history of fishing on these lakes claim tho largest llsh over caught weight but three ounces more than Mrs. Harrlman's captive. There have been stories of five and six pound trout, but none have over been shown or produced for evidence. Assuulti'd Man Known Locally. Georgo Magulre, tho San Francisco Bradstreot reporter, who was mur dered recently In San Francisco by a crowd of strlko sympathizers, was a friend of Tom Bennett and Claude Nasburg. Ho was an acquaintance as well of Miss Annlo Flanagan. Tho assault committed on Magulre was of a cowardly and unreasonable nature. Ho was accosted and charged with riding on tho street cars. Ho owned ho had dojie so, whereupon tho crowd set upon him and beat him and knocked him down. In falling, his skull was fractured by tho pave ment nnd he died at tho hospital to which ho was taken at C o'clock tho next morning. Make Record Hnul. Messrs. James Ellerby and Robert Domoiit, who camp each summer at Charleston and fish outside tho bar for deep sea fish, mado a record haul on Mon day. Thoy took twenty-two halibut, which Is said to bo the largest catch ovor taken by one Coos Bay boat In a day. They brought tho fish in to markot, but had old tho groator part of them beforo reaching Marsh flold, as tho North Bend pcoplo wero eager purchasers. New Coos UuiUlhiK. Contractor Condon Is removing the buildings on tho plot of ground to be occupied by tho new Coos Building, and will have tho surfaco ready for grading by noxt Monday. Messrs. Prentiss and Wasson, who have bustnoss establish ments in the buildings which are to bo removed, will occupy tho present Contral Hotel office and a room on A stroet, respectively. Fulls From Bicycle. Mr. Dean, of Pratt & Dean, photographors. mot with an accident Monday which" do faced his physiognomy badly. Ho was riding a blcyclo whon tho front fork broko and dasned him to tho ground. Ho found ho had sustained two black eyes, besides other busi ness of less consequenco, after ho had slept over tho matter nnd allowed tho Injuries to dovolop. Receive Football Emblems. Will Chandler nnd Olon Arnsplgor hnvo received from the Unlvorsity of Ore gon football emblems which thoy will prlzo vory highly. Tho momentoes como in tho shnpo of a gold-platod football, mado Into a watch charm. On tho ombloms are Inscriptions giving tho roclplonts' names, tho re sults of tho Multnomah and Washing ton nines and "Champions of tho Pacific Northwest, 1D0G." Complete 31111 Foundation. Tho concroto foundntlou for tho C. A. Smith Lumber ana Manufacturing Company's olllco at Bunker Hill Is comploted and the suporstructuro will bo commenced this morning. Tho oxcollonco of tho foundation, which Is demonstrated beyond dispute, proves that tho Coos Bay rock and sand nro ndequato to any domands for concroto work. Idaho Man Gets Quilt, Mrs. J. T. Archamboau's quilt rafflo this week Tesulted In a victory ror Mr. Towner, who recently camo to Marshflold from Twin Falls, Idaho. Mrs. Arch ambeau will leave today on the Breakwater for a two week's visit to her daughter, Miss Ethel Jennsen, In Portland. To Begin Jetty Work. Mr. Wake field, of tho firm of Jacobson & Wakefield, has arrived at Bandon, and operations have been started for the jetty work this firm has under contract. Twenty-five men have been employed and set at work. See Palm ad on page 6 for easy money. Repair Telephone Line. Superin tendent Robertson informs tho Times that the Coos River telephone cable Is out of commission and will likely not bo repaired before tho expiration of two days. He has linemen out searching for the trouble, and hopes the difficulty will bo remedied shortly. - On Hunting Trip. HUlis Short departed yesterday for Curry county in company with two Portland men for a hunting expedition. The sea son for buck In Coos and Curry counties opens on the 15th Inst., fifteen days earlier than in any other county In Oregon. NEW Second-Hand Range .for sale cheap. McNeil & Ferguson. Deceit c AVortliiiigton Pump. The duplex 12xlSA and 12x10 Worthington pump which tho Marsh fleld Water Company will use in its improved system, arrived on the Plant, and is now on the dock, await ing removal. Repair Launch. Tho gasoline launch North Star was lately over hauled and received a new coat of paint, besides having its engine re placed by a 4-cyllnder gasolene en gine. The cabin was rearranged and tho boat Is doing better work on tho North Inlet run than ever beforo. I. S. Smith Returns. Mr. I. S. Smith" returned from his hurried trip to Latah, Washington, yesterday over tho Drain stage route. The sister who was spoken of in last week's Times as being seriously 111 suc cumbed to tho aliment which afflict ed her, and Mr. Smith left for home shortly after tho burial. Lodge Lecturer Here S. M. Yo ran, of Eugene, Grand Masonic Lec turer for the State, will be in Marsh flold today to visit Blanco Lodge. In the afternoon Mr. Yoran will In struct tho lodge, and In tho evening there will be a social meeting of Masons. Sncchi's N'ent Sign. F. A. Sacchl has one of tho neatest signs in tho city on his new store on B and Sec ond streets. Tho letters in carmine against a whito background show off well and they are of sufficient height to bo read at a considerable distance. Building Contractor Locates. J. T. Post, a building contractor from Blackl'oot, Idaho, is located i,a one of the cottages recently erected by D. L. Rood on Washington avenue. Mrs. Faulkner Improves. Mr3. Faulkner, who was recently operated on at tho Mercy Hospital, was re moved to her homo in North Bend, and is rapidly improving. Dislocates Arm. Miss Flora Payno foil and dislocntod her arm Tuesday Dr. llorsfall attended her. Dies In Hospital. Mr. Saunders. died at tho Mercy Hospital yester day. Ho was affllctod with typhoid fever. N .- -T i H HK H iX THE BASE BALLFANS . .J Sunday's defeat at Coquillo infused now ginger Into tho Marshfleld base ball toam, and ovcry night sees countless numbors out practicing on tho local diamond. Now players hnvo been Invited to got out nnd prance with tho other colts, and Cap tain McKeown hopes to gather n combination for Sunday that will bo cortaln to drub tho Beachltes from tho rock coast. Tho Marshflold bunch realizo thoy must hunt out some batting ma terial If they aro to realize thoir foud dream of swiping tho pennant from tho seeming grasp of tho Coquillo team, which Is coining so fast. A good supply of rosin lias been ordorod for Sunday's game and every player with a tendency towards slippery plays will bo provided with a geuer ous amount from the comiulbsary de partment beforo tho gnmo begins. Marshflold In third plneo Is not cheering to tho fans, nud thoy havo decided thero must bo something doing othor than losing games. A rootors' club has beeu organized with Frank Haguo us Rootor-lu-Chlef, and should Bandon show a disposi tion towards winning, tho club will turn loose its choicest lnvostlves. If this falls to stay tho tldo, the small boys will bo turned looso on them. WALTER LIONS Secretary of Chamber of Com merce Acquaints Himself With Local Conditions. WELL POSTED ON OREGON Will Endeavor to Adjust Boat Rates During Period of Colonist Travel. Mr. Walter Lyon, who arrived here Tuesday night to assume his dutks with the Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce, is posting himself as rapidly a3 possible on the Coos Bay country and its resources and will soon be equipped o enter into the work with prospects of obtaining good results. He 13 not unacquaint ed with the Oregon country, for he has studied it in various ways, from the editorial chair, and from the leg islative halls. To say that he un derstands Coos Bay would probably require qualification, yet, with his knowledge of other parts of the state his work should soon outline itself to him here. In stating that Mr. Lyons has made observations from the state house the fact of his being secretary to a former governor was in mind. The matter of looking up the col onist travel and soliciting a change in tho rates to Coos Bay has been brought before him and he will learn what can be done about the ques tion, or at le.ist do something toward directing tourists from Portland toward Coos Bay, the mecca of opportunity seekers. Under tho present arrangement, tourists or settlers who return must pay twenty dollars extra for reach ing Coos Bay. They can come to Portland or Ashland for cerraln prices, but when they wish to reach this clime, there 13 more expense. While this matter will bo investi gated and adjusted, if possible, it is tho opinion of most people that Mr. Lyons will havo an all summer's job if he chases such a rainbow. But It Is unanimously agreed that thero is nothing like trying, and the extra ordinary discrimination which now exists against Coos Bay may, per advonture, be corrected. Thero i3 one thing which Mr. Lyoua advise3, and this Is. understood by those who havo given tho matter attontlon. The impression Is out that Marshfleld is antagonizing tho Southern Pacific railway. In at empting to correct this imprecision, n Mr. Lyons belloves In doing, no one need feel thero Is any apology to offer, but simply a statement of reel facts, in contravention of word tlia: has beeu disseminated by several uowspapers in Oregon. Mr. Lyons is well impressed with tho situation In Marshfleld and .the Coos Bay country and believes with tho residents that thero 13 a great future In store for this territory. (. COQUfiLE NEWS Ralph Edmunds, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, nrrlvod on the last Alliance from Portland with his family and tho body of his father, who died In a Portland hospital. Ills brother John, of North Bend, came over with him, and they had tho remains of their mother romoved from tho Bandon cemetery and brought up to Flshtrap Landing, where they wero reintorred. Tho father and mother and a son, Arthur, who died in early manhood, now res: sido by sido in tho Flshtrap cemetery. Covered wagons, or "prairie schooners," aro much in evidence theso days on tho main roads. In many a sheltered nook they aro found In camp, with tent pitched, tho stout wagon standing by, and tho patient horses, tied near, munching their hay. Tho small steamer Antolopo has been condemned, not oven being al lowed to tow scows aud barges. Sho is 22 years old. Haying is occupying tho nttontlon of tho river tanners. The crop Is good, and with good weather like tho present It will bo harvested In prime condition. Thero aro a great many wild black berries this year, ana children and others are making nu honest penny solllug nt 50 cents per gallon. TO INVESTIGATE THE STRIKE. San Francisco, July 10. President Small of tho Commercial Telegraph ers' Union, has determined to remain in this city and go over tho San Francisco situation with Labor Com missioner Nolll, who is expected here Friday. OREGON HAS SUMMER HAIL STORM Pleasant Valley Experiences Sudden Change From Mild Summer Weather. What Is claimed by tho older citi zens to bo tho worst storm In the history of Pleasant valley, visited that section day beforo yesterday at about tho noon hour, say the Salem Journal. People were partaking of the noonday meal, and many prob ably were contemplating the cele bration of tho Fourth for tho fol lowing day, when suddenly the heavens grew gray and the wind be gan to blow. Tho day had been rather warm and sultry but that at mosphere was lifted as if by magic and in its place came a cold air a3 if blowing tiom an Iceberg. Showers of rain fell at short intervals for some time, then camo tho uailstorm In all Its fury. The rattle of tho ' the opening feature wncn two can frozen missiles was deafening, stock didates were initiated Into tho order. ran for shelter and man yhead suf fered from the stone3 which beat mercilessly upon them. Window glass crashed and shattered In every house and for a time even the peo ple with steady nerves did not know what to think of tho general appear- anco of things. John Troy, who is farming several hundred acres of land In Pleasant Valley this year, was In town yester day, and in speaking of the storm, ho said: "I havo lived in that section ' of the country for a quarter of a cen tury, and I never have seen a storm equal It. I measured some of the hailstones as soon as I dared leave shelter and they measured two Inches through, many were large as hens eggs yhen they fell. The damage cannot be estimated that has been dono to crops and fruit by this storm. The rye and alfalfx were very flue but for a space of two miles, the distance the storm traveled, it is all laid flat to tho ground. Fruit In that same district is torn from the . ...i tl. i i. trees and even the sago brush was stripped of its leaves. A lime kiln down the gulch was set on fire by the storm. Every window glass in my house was broken. It is hard to estimato the loss I will suffer, but I could say it will be at least $1,500." Mrs. A. B. Fleming, who Hve3 near Pleasant Valley, Is In town today, and in speaking of the storm there day before yesterday said that it was very bad. She described it as a waterspout, and stated that one ranch which is operated by a man named Johnson is almost a total wreck. At the Whitehead ranch a lady and her baby wero rescued just in time to savo them from the terrible flood. WILL GIVE AWAY SILVER DCLLAHS Management Wishes to De,:icrsr.ite Its Faith ii Present Tva of Prosperity. To givo away silver dr''ar to, patrons seems tho height of biisln n folly, yet that Is the unique inno a- tion wnicn tne 1'alm lee Cream Frr- lor, of Marshfleld, will promulgate on Coos Bay people Sunday next. Dr. Stafford says tho management of the Palm wishes to demonstrate con clusively its faith in the era of pros perity which Coos Bay has 'entered. Ono hundred bricks of vari-col-ored ico croam are to bo made and In five of the bricks thero will be enclosed a silver dollar. The bricks will bo placed on sale about 10 o'clock Sunday morning. smmimaatmtmmsmmm&stt r GO ARE OO Commencing Sunday, July 14, at 10 a. m., five out of NEAPOLITAN BRICK ICE will contain " t Como in early and got ono of these bricks of Ico Cream-and incidently make a dollar. Put the Ice .Cream is worth more than tho money. This unique sale o o will last until every brick 00 0 I Phone 861 ra r Q LADIES LODGE GIVES RECEPTION Given In Honor of Mrs. Unrgelt Recently Elected AVorthy Grand Matron. Doric Chapter No. 53, O. E. S., gave a reception Tuesday night In honor of Mrs. Florence Bargelt at the Masonic temple. Mention of the item was omitted, by error, in tho Times. Tho ladles of the Star proved excellent hostesses and all had an en joyable evening. Mrs. Bargelt was elected worthy grand matron for tho state of Ore gon nt the June convention held In Portland and tho event was given as a testimonial to her and to celebrate the honor conferred on her and the chapter to which sho belongs. Principal among the features of tho occasion was a program, followed by a banquet; and tho evening closed with a general social time. The Satr work was exemplified for seine j j Artistic and Comfortable I I i of 51,8GO. Copyright. 1807. by E. A. Payne, Cirthatfc, III. rTj ' ' ' ' m ' !! rsv!stri gs zsswz&rrz.,.-? , , ... ,. :;,7T-ITTr"rtf''S.fta M$fciJ$ttf$$ m&i?lfsAj;! 'M 'Jrt i$JB?: jtr.v3?. - . ' " s . .srJ'iXSZxsxt. i wmwW'iMr .T3 'a u, w r raj , ,ift m.-Mt?.- i .; rt I l UU1 C MV .JK.T . W!V. .-? -. j? iM E m bfflI-B?j : vr ??wnjw !illf lip i 11 mmmmmm IBS PERSPECTIVE VIEW. n t Porch - 551 n .l II .DininaRi-n 8- ,iCa I 1 m . i.i u FIRST FLOOR PLAN. Tills handsome frame house was 111., nt a cost of $1,800. Tha foundation i-Fi J D si H 23 Rjjj By. TUMg; r ct Cg Ef k . ,n the whole house. The outside walls arc finished with siding. Tho interior la trimmed with yellow pine, filled and varnished. E. A. PAYNE. -. - YOU LUCKY? $1.00 IN SILVER. is sold Wholesale and Retail Ice Cream f tr E. L C. FARRIN GOES T0 PORTLAND Will Institute Suit Against Oregon nnd California Railroad Com- pnny "00 Applicants. Attorney E. L. C. Farrln has loft for Portland to Institute suit in tho Federal Circuit Court against tho Oregon nnd California Railroad Com pany on behalf of two hundred Coos county cllonts who desire to purchase lands owned by this company, and which was given to It by tho govern ment under a provision that It would bo sold to actual settlers at $2.50 per aero. Theso clients havo mado tenders to Mr. Eberlin, of San Francisco, chief of the Southern Pacific land depart ment, nnd wero refused, consequently tho suit. Messrs. Woodcock & Pot ter, of Eugene, will bo associated with Mr. Farrln in prosecution of tho suit. All tho land In question Is lo cated In Coos county. w ? Built In Illinois at a Cost SECOND FLOOR PLAN. 3 r 5g-' KoarJi i Be;! Rocn & T J y, 3sjf 3 jj lhi13 ' B&ffcmS jrf 3. I built for Miss Ollie Burner at Carth . is of stone, and there is a cellar umfoi .. ..-,,-,.,---, 100 bricks of our famous CREAM Mfes. I vttumummMmnmttnmntwttmtmnmtttttmttnmtiuw jf&Pt