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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1907)
"f'TH1" ' THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHF1ELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907. MtXiMlMMF R hMiMWUkJMWU ; EXTEND LIFE IMorlh Bend Council Grants Seymour Bell Gas Priv ileges for 50 Years. WORK TO BEGIN AT ONCE Construction of 1'Iant Will Hushed to Completion Lo cated at Porter. He years, and during that timo lias never tnlesed a shift. When asked it the rumored action woa to tako place, Mr. McCulloch verified it and said ho had other prospects which prom ised wall, and therefore intends to resign. Ills numerous friends will bo pleased to learn that ho Is likely to improve his circumstances. CHAMBER COMMERCE MEETS FRIDAY EVE Will llo rii-st Mooting Which Walter Lyons Will Have Attended. The city council of North Bend held a mooting Tuesday night and jortended tho franchise lately granted Uoymow Dell lor gas privileges pin thirty years to fifty years. Work on the gas plant has heen waiting somo time on this action and now that tho extension has been made, Mr. Boll has ordered work to commence tho fore part of next week and continuo uninterruptedly until the plant is ready for operation both la Marshfleld and North Bond. As stated in this paper some weeks f since, tho plant will bo located on Uand adjoining the central station of tfle elcctiic system, at Porter. Tho gas system will bo high pressure, and will bo manufactured by tho Cincinnati Gas Machine Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. Crude oil from tho California oil fields, will bo em ployed In making gas, and Mr. Bell states tho plant will bo completed and in operation within flvo months. Tho piping for the main conduits leading from tho plant to each city Avlll bo three-Inch steel, and It will follow tho water level for most of the distance both ways. FURNITURE COMPANY BEGINS OPERATIONS Tho regular meeting of tho Marsh field Chamber of Commerce will ho hold on Friday of this week in tho room on Front street. Tho presi dent and members arc anxious there should bo a largo attendance, nnd beliovo that since tho meeting of Tuesday night was so propitious, thero will ho meetings hereafter which will bo of great moment. This meeting will bo the first the now secretary, Walter Lyons, will havo heen present at, and it will offer an opportunity for the members and citlcns to moot him and aid him in becoming familiar with the condi tions in tho Coos Bay country. Tho Chamber of Commerce execu tive committee hold a meeting at the assembly room yesterday morning. Klnstry's relatives in Oregon City. Her mother, Mrs. Surfus, is anxious for tho woman to return to Oregon City and resldo there. Her sister, Mrs. .1. C. Ware, wife of the United Brethren minister of Oregon City, writes that McKinstry has always abused his wife and they have often tried to prevail upon her to loavo him, but without avail. Sho also wrote that tho friends havo nl wajs boon expecting such an un fortunate and disgraceful termina tion of tho marriage. Mrs. McKin stry departed for the city by tho falls on Tuesday. VAUDEVILLE FOR COOS BAY PEOPLE Skating Into Kink Will He Converted Amusement House for Summer Mouths. SALOON MEN PROTEST LICENSE !o Not Fancy the liaising of the Yearly License Fee to i;;soo. Since tho Times published tho pro ceedings of Saturday night's meet ing of tho city council, some dismay has prevailed among tho liquor in terests of Via city, and steps are be ing taken towards presenting an ap peal for no clange in the license fee. The proposed license would raise the present saloon feo to $S00 a-year. What will no doubt bo good news to the amusement loving people of Coos Bay is the announcement that Gus A. Ilager of Hager's Amuse ment Enterprises, left Portland liu untaygpaprTHawyrjjwcHjgxagaiaTmgwrafa on tho Alliance, July 10, for Marshfleld, where ho and Mr. Avery, manager of tho skating rink, will comblno interests and turn tho skat ing rink Into a vaudeville house for tho summer months. Mr. Haget comes very highly rec ommended and there is no doubt but what tho undertaking will be highly successful. HOTEL COMMITTEE HOLDS MEETING The Hotel Committee appointed by tho Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night met last evening In the Cham ber of Commerce building and dis cussed tho hotel outlook. Arrange ments were made to solicit subscrip tions for a suitable hotel site, and it is believed before night this com mittee will havo corralled enough funds for presenting a valuable and convenient place for tho erection of a modern hotel. iTriUixnKuiUFvnuuuULTK.'sJu uzvum new XT aftttjrtsflfogWqa North liend Concern J Fas Orders Enough to Keep Humiing Several Mouths. Tho Coos Bay Furnituro Company, of North Bend, will open its factory tho first of next week and commenco operations with a forco of seven or eight experienced workmen. Mr. Duncan, manager of tho concern, has work ahead for a period of six months, all first class and high grade. Among tho first articles ho will turn out is tho set of fir upholstered furniture which was ordered for the Governor's room in tho stato houso by tho North Bond Commercial Club. Thero are other orders for specially finished work, and all native and several foreign woods will be worked. A specialty will be slash-grain fir, another myrtle. bert Mcculloch to resign position Popular Night Watchman Hns Bet ter Prospects In View Excellent Record. Tho resignation of Bert McCulloch , -l bo considered at the next meet- , of tho city council. Mr. Mcuui- c. has heen night watchman for Viclty for a period or nearly four TJ-? MRS. McKINSTRY LEAVES MARSHFIELD Goes to Parents' Homo In Oregon City Husband Has Alu-nys Mistreated Her. Rev. D. W. Thurston, who, wTth Mrs. Thurston, interested himself in tho case of Mrs. McKinstry, has re ceived several letters from Mrs. Mc- Per month, 1 per week RESSED BAYLISS & MERCER New Pantatorium Building Suits called for and . delivered .. iL Jf B.Vs KW'A Sii&l&ri SO A few choice 5 and 10-acro tracts close In. Good transportation. Two daily boats to Marshfiold, North Bend, faro 25 cents round trip. Dally mail. Telephone connections, Farmers' Lino No. 2 passes through tho land. Wagon road to East Marshfiold. The county railroad through to that part of Marshfleld is bound to bring it to tho front. This property will bo takon off tho market August ID, 1007. See diaries Doane or W. J. fast. Marshfield Oregon. EBl ' ness CONSIDER I I CAR MOler-Cleaver Business Colleg North Bend, Oregon FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Neat and modern. Situated in North Bend Heights. I Best view on the peninsula, also vacant lots in the I same tract, rriccs rcasonaoie ana terms easy. anai eii u MuiauRnitaixxvWM.Mttnai wauar -m wx i I. ae&vr mmmsm SUCCESSORS TO Ward & Ward WARD , HURD Corner Meade and Vermont Sis mi ajUDcnuacsM ukiJ rr.TTJTTBr.rra.-yjMrrT.-ri-!it-J.-jrtT-.-.--i-rTTi mTffwnawtfTtwrnwMa B jrnr.-antJT.'TTT.ris. Ttg.Tt'-naiitmr.a. Try The DELICATESSEN ifnniirf,"",'"1;"M',-T'"1'"''"ml"",MW For Ice Cream. Any Amounts Furnished Roast Pork Today. Second and C streets. tu::mK;tKsjaun:mtmnt You will agree" with us when we say: Get quality hy all means its vital; but don't overlook style. You can just as well have the newest design, the proper length coat, the lat est shape lapels, tho right pro portioned shoulders, and you should see that you get these essentials. No matter where you live, or what your calling may be, 3rou are certain in buying Adler garments that you are properly dressed. There's quality and st'le in an Adler garment a liberal supply of both, they are always distinguished for their refined apperance. We are sole agents for David Adler & Sons fine tailored clothing. c5 I giiiTOanmiJ.snicrcTC.ttaga ftflg Mmrnmmmmmmmamwm, Right Come right in for Lunch and Dinner today Cuisine perfect; service unequaled The nicest appointed restaurant on Coos Bay Table and lunch counter trlde solicited If you are going to pay for a dinner why not come where you can get the BEST. Dinriing room board $500 per week lunch counter board $400 per week Best of at tention given VIVAWT North Front Street Opposite Gty Hall m l 1 1 i 2nd Street in Sacchi H &S53SgS3S$$j$&5l8j Electr ic lights in the store WINDOWS Are the best kind of adver tising you caw do. It is seen m vato i&wr p - V TWJT I yon nee hry iighti windpw time it. 1 mini urn inn H i H H HI Wr ivV A l X Mm tUw AV tk. o ID O BAY GAS CO. I 1 I'. J? h Itt ffli; jr. l 3 Many it was