PP mF. ffggaMiiBiralM18 fja$m2 r THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907. -Mll,..lBWIllt IIIIIIMWIBI WMlWTWWMIWTMMfTlWWMWraWWrilMTI !! llWrmmWravM iTlUl-rillMWTBll) "in i ' ' - hi u & Coos Bay Times ANINDRI'KNUENT HM't " '""VaVAPKn runu-iir.D i:vkhy ijy i:ctuTiNa mo.v- DAY AND ALSO WEEKLY IIY The Coos By Times PuiiLisiriMi Co. llsh a number of factories In con-1 their boundaries are drawn. Next, junction with it3 giant mill, the their direct use and value are shown chance for a new hotel which from the point of view of the home will bo equal to the needs of a grow- seeker, the prospector and minor, ing and ambitious c:.y, and a thous-1 the user of timber, the user of the and other things mentioned, prove j range, the user of water, and other that the day of Old Things has passed ' users of forest resources. Third, It FRED PASLEY, Enrron. REX LA HUE, Bmxr.ss Manaoku. The policy of The Coos Bay Times will bo Republican in politics, with the independence of which Vi evident lloose volt is the leading exponent. Entered at Hip I'o'tofflrc ut Mimlifleld, Ore gon, for trauiinlsiinii tliroURh the mails i eccnnd clikvs mail. mutter. SUBSCRIPTION ItATCS: Sinclo copy, daily, Per month, daily, Throw months, daily, Sixjnonths, daily Ono year, daily, Weekly, por year 5 cents 50 cents ?1 23 ?U 50 $5 00 ?1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES filarsMield. Oregon. away for Marshfleld and that the day of its greatness ha3 been ushered in. A GOOD HOTEIi. NO better recommendation can bo given any town as a town than ' to say that It has a good hotel. In j fact, its reputation rs largely based on tho ontertainment it affords it3 visitors and the people who come for business or pleasure. Tor years, in the early part of the last century ,N"ew York City was famous for its Astor House and whenever any body of famous or learned men met at tho As tor Houso they were sure to sing the praises of the city. Chicago re3ts her reputation largely on the Audi torium and tho Plainer House. Mod ern New York has .irobably received more advertising on account of the Waldorf-Astoria and the St. Kegis than In any other way. Boston Is , glorified in large mj-asure by its J is shown how tho forests are intend ed for use, for the production of usable products, and for the estab lishment and maintenance of homes; how on all of them tho timber is pro tected from fire, the water flow is kept steady, tho forago on tho range is increased and guarded from abuse; and how, In addition, they servo a3 great public playgrounds and as breeding places and refuges for game. Finally, the management of the national forests i3 described. Hero it is that the great useful ness of the forests Is brought out most clearly and strikingly for the forests are managed by the people in their own interests, and every means is used to meet the desires and wants of all forest users half way by deal ing with them in tho main directly on the ground and in all cases with the utmost practicable dispatch and freedom from red tape. In a word, tho special interest of Till PASSIXG OK THE OLD. SO THE time is here when tho old things of Marshfleld aro passing away and new and better things are taking their placo3. It is certainly refreshing to note tho improvements which aro going on in this city, of Coos Bay at this writing and it causes the old ,resident to atop and ponder on tho mutability of what ho had al most come to believe wa3 immuta ble. Some people have been hoping so many years that tho time would come when Marshfleld would begin to move up to Its' propor place as a com mercial metropolis, and havo beou so constantly disappointed that they were enthused with difficulty and woro inclined to bo croakers. Cut the Coos Bay croaker is really a patriot at heart, and beneath hiB croaking is a feeling that thing3 aro wrong because the city ought to bo great and isn't. Even the croakers aro beginning to get the spirit now. Tho Chamber of Commerce meeting' last Tuesday came dangerously near making tho moro btolld old foggies in tho county feel like getting up and singing "Glory" to Coos Bay. But tho old disappointed Reeling Is passing as tho old rookeries which have marked tho low stage of Marsh fleld progress disappear. Ono has only to look over tho level district from C street on tho south in tho di rection' of Bunker Hill addition to realize that some building is being dono. Now houses are springing up ovorywlioro and yet in spito of this it Is not pretended that all tho now houses will bo sufllclent to houso tho people. Tho business streets are un dergoing a completo change. Tho old houspa on tho corner of Broadway and C street which have stood thcro for many years, aro being hauled away to give placo to a modern up-to-dato bank building, threo stories high. Broadway seems to suddenly Btnrt Into great business Hfo and to glvo promise of being a rotail and promenade nvonuo of no mean im portance. C Btreot is taking on tho samo conditions, and changes nro go ing on which' mean big things for that thorouglifaro of commerce. Further up Broadway tho old build ings aro about to bo removed and a ilno brick block will bo erected, which will bo a credit to Mnrahileld, and vio with nnything In Oregon out side of Portland, it looks as if Broadwny and First streets would soon become a rival of Front street for business. But Front street will not bo left behind in tho raco for prominence. Tho Flaiuiagan and Donnett Bank building will soon be gin to rlso on tho cornor of A and Front, and tho old building on tho corner has been torn down to make room for it. Two other buildings on A streot west of tho cornor will havo to pass also to let ilio Now Bank building tliero havo their room. Tho old Central hotel does not Intond to puss yet, but in order to bo pormltted to stay alio has been obliged to paint up and put on smiling modem win dows and a fashionable dross. Be sides all this the Now Is bolug pushed into extended fluids. Now business blocks on Broadway nvo desired in many places. Tho bet tiling Marshftold over did was to extend Front streot toward North Bond. Tho plunk rou.l which is being built over toward plat B will bring North Bend wl'liln easy walking distance of its siBtor MaiBhllold and will do moro to pro duce a consolidation of tho two cities than anything Hint was over dono. In fact, Marshfleld, with Its present building boom, Is Betting dangerously noar the point w.iere everybody, croakers and all, will go wild at tho prospect. Tho resumption of work n tho Drain lino, tho probabilities that tho olectrlc botweon tho two places will bp built by local capital, tho cor talnty thut people will help them eolvos to dredgo the bny, tho promlso of tho C, A. Smith company to estau- Ynmirr's lintel. ThrOUKllOUt the least Minneapolis has been spoken of this manual lies In Its showing that with much satisfaction as the "West " wrest l-y guo..m.u.u, Hotel City " San Francisco drew "oth in principle and In practice, is oooplo to it from all over the world for the benefit of the ordinary man, because It had the great and famous ' for the benefit of every citizen Palace Hotel. Tho first thing a equally. There is still a tendency Rtrnneer asks about a city is, "Where " " ol " imuuiiui luiubib u mn i atnii when I set there?" What "preserves arc tho hotel accommodations? I Evon ho who can't afford to 3top at tho best will slug tho praises of the city which supports a first class ho-, tel If only ho i3 permitted to pick j his teoth thero without molestation. Tho Chamber of Commerce has , now taken up tho question of a good ( hotel for Marshfleld. How much in need the city is of 3tich a hotel every ( person who conies and goes can tes- tlfy. It Is no reflection on any hotel now hero to say that no ono of thorn bo considered as oven second . closed to use, and to leave the public land3 exposed to un regulated individual exploitation. Where those misapprehensions still prevail "The Use of the National Forests" will go far to correct them. The book is written by Mr. Fred crick E. Olmsted, whoso intimate knowledge of conditions in the west and tho policy under which tho na tional forests aro managed especially fits him to deal with tho subject. can c'.ass, for there is no hotel building AT T m, DUFDGING THE MAY. THE Chamber of Commerce mooting Tuesday evening Mr. in tho city at this timo In which a C. A. Smith stated that ho had or good hotel can be run. If tho build- dered and was having built a ship do ing is third class you will not be signed for his business on Coos Bay, able to furnish a fust class meal and j which would draw eighteen feet of "charge a first class price for it. water and would bo two hundred and That'3 tho situation in Marshfleld. ninety feet in longth. He also stated The best advertising scheme which that sea captains here had told him Marshfleld can inaugurate is a good hotel which sends Its guests away that lie could not use such a craft In tho waters adjacent to Marshfleld tho experiment believing that tho people of Marshfleld would aid in having the necessary work done. Ho stated further that tho new ship would arrive in Coos Bay by January l3t. 1S0S ready for busines. The channel of the bay opposite Marshfleld and along the so-called inner bay can be very easily and cheaply dredged because thcro is nothing to be encountered but a mud bottom, and what the dredge dis turbs and does not bring up will be carried out to sea uy tho tide. To say nothing of the greater work which contemplates the deepening of the channel along the entire length, tho removal of tho mud flats in tho entire tidal area, the construc tion of a south jetty at tho bar and an extension of tho north jetty, tlti3 small work proposed by Mr. Smith will make this harbor the best prac tical one along the coast anywhere between San Francisco and Pugot Sound. It is refreshing to note the readiness with whicn tho Chamber of Commerce responded to tho proposal of Mr. Smith and appointed a com mittee to solicit aid and to prepare plans. Mr. Smith does not speak with his mouth altogether on theso Important matters as somo men do, but talks through his acts, and "makes good." IIo not only made the proposal to have the dredging done, but ho has arranged for an ex port dredger to come July 15, and he declared that he would do hi3 part of the work and stand his part of the expense. It seems certain that Coos Bay will thus have a dredger of its own and that dredging can bo done at a reasonable rate anywhoro in tho bay. This is a decided move ment forward, and all the committee will have to do is to got busy. 11 Thtirs., Fri., 12 . Sat., 13 . Sun., M Mon., 15 Tue3., 1G Thurs., 11 Fri., 12 .. High Water. , . 0:48 8.7 122' . . 1:5G .. 2:33 , . 3:15 , . 4:02 Low Water. . 7:51 "o.r . S:19 0.1 8.G S.4 8.1 7.7 7.3 2:00 G.9 2:12 7.0 3:14 7.2 3:45 7.5 4:22 7.7 5:02 7.0 v:17 8:21 3.G 3.4 Sat., 13 . Sun., 14 Mon., 15 Tucs., 1G 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.S ThltrS., 11 Fri., 12 . Sat.. 13 . .. S:4S .. 9:18 .. 9:52 ..10:29 Sun Calendar. Itises. 4:32 4:33 1:33 S:5S 9:38 10:18 11:08 3.Z 3.1 2.9 2.5 Sets. 7:38 7:37 7:37 iMHmjiim tiaoraitwrTrmwTErmMitVsumjumiJziiMiiiiatuau.'iMimimmti i.fc . m- an. OFFENSIVE DUMPING GKOUXD. pEVEItAL complaints havo reached ' this office respecting the dump ing of garbage in tho cut-off road between Shorman nvonuo and the county road in Plat B. A Marshfleld physician who travels that road fre quently says tho matter Is a nui sance and should be abated. Since the location of tho stench which arises from tho flsh, eggs, and other garbage blows from the precincts of the city of North Bend, perhaps this notice will engage tho attention of some councilman of that city who will hustle the disturbing offense farther away where the public will not be discomfltted further. !F :m OFEMS JULY ! 5 We have a complete stock of Winchester and Savage rifles. Oiw stock of ammuni tion is fresh m& reliable. We also carry a large assort ment of the celebrated line of Marble hunting knives and hatchets. In fact every thing needed on your hunting trip can be furnished at the Front street Central Hotel with a longing to conic back, and jand Bay City unless tho channel was makes them feel that tho p-.oplo arc j dredged and widened. In spite of warm-hearted and frlond'.y. But this ho, Mr. Smith, concluded to try many of the visitors on Coos Bay do not. fool very kindly toward the cities because they do not get that enter- jSO'OO . $''' I P'WkiHFl7y.Ti:B'"1 "F1'lSlr'.KIHlWJfUirT3Kfili tainment here. That ha3 counter acted and negated much of tho ad vertising which ha3 been dono. Now it Is to bo hoped that the Committee of tho Chamber of Commtrce will tako hold of this matter with earnest ness. A hotel is needed. The peo ple do not caro to be merely prom ised one. They want tho real ar tlclo. Thero are several ways to procoed to get one. Tho first way is to form a joint stock company and ask every owner of real estate to subscribe for a number of shares and then lot tho gentleman who pro poses to put a hotel in hero get other subscribers elsewhere. Tho control can remain In the nands of tho hotel man, and thus give him every incen tive to make a big success of it. Wo do not think that Mr. Smith would introduco any but a good hotel man as such to the Chamber. Tho next way is for the owners of real estato to give a bonus outright to enablo tho hotel promoter to got a site. Ileal estato in Marshlleld would bo worth many time-, moro than tho amount of such a bonus with a hotel than without one. Tho third way Is for a Joint stock company of homo capitalists to build t themselves and lease It to a first class hotel man for a nominal prlco say ono hundred dollars for llvo years on condition that ho would optrato a first class hotel during that timo. At tho end' of llvo j oars tho stock would bring par and tho chances aro that tho in creased valuo of real ostato at tho end of that timo would mako a hand some profit for tho stockholder. It is to bo hoped that no jealousios and narrow conflicts as to location will defeat this plan of tho committee If wo mistake not tho men on tho committee nro big enough to push this enterprise without allowing any thing potty to obstruct it. (iTl HOW THE X ATI UNA 1, FOHKSTS SEKVK THE I'UIMC. HE Uso of tho National For ests," a publication just printed by the Department of Agri culture Is n brief, clear manual for public information as to the forest policy of tho national govornmont. It Is too truo, ns tho short preface to the public says, that "many peo ple do not know what national for osts are. Others may havo heard much about them, but have no Idea of their truo purposo and uso." It Is tho object of this publication to explain just what tho national for ests mean, what they are for, nnd how to uso them. In tho first placo, it is explained how tho forests aro created nnd how l. JO ' ' l o o o o o o When you have a job of printing you naturally want the best quality, work that shows taste Especially so if it is a job of com mercial stationery, such as letter heads, bill heads, etc We have an old experienced job printer in charge of this department This ex perience together with modern facilities enables us to turn out the best job work ever done on Coos Bay. Call up phone 33 and a man will call and givt you a good figure on that job . r 4 H