jwaavtm., 1 rire jsj?S W.fj . .Mt oi-.-a -" "' IJgiW1 JW'W'! Wf fppw Member of Associated Press, 353X1 VOL II. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907. Mn O. mJ m GLASS TRIAL PROCEEDS. FRISCO PEACE CONFERENCE SCHMITZ SENDS LETTER DELMAS OKI'S IN SOME SKILL 1TL WORK. MANY PROMINENT PEOPLE AUK UNITED. DEMANDS FULL SALARY FOR .MONTH OF JUNE. Prosecuting Attorney llcney Will Make lit-iivc Charges Agulnst Telephone Olllclal. Also Issues Warning Against Sign ing Demands Passed by Gnlleghcr. "Will Kndcnvor to Effect Permanent Industrial Peace Throughout California. gfWrj "X" & - Daily Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS i L J-4- Wr 5s J IYER GOES ON THE STAND THOUSANDS AT CONVENTION urxn nminnii NEAR BANDON V? Early Morning Conflagration Lays Waste to Coquille River Shipyard. i WO SHIPS DESTROYED Property Loss Will Total About $140,000, ORIGIN SEEMS UNCERTAIN Shty Men Are Thrown Out of Km , ployment Undecided Whether to Rebuild. J J $ J J -J J J $ ! $ t J . FIRE ItAVAGES. Complete property loss Is $140,000. Steam schooner Daisy, com- pleto loss, $50,000. Steam schooner Fioflcld, com- 4 pleto loss, $(0,000. Insurance, approximated at 4 $90,000. 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 A disastrous and costly llro yester day morning ravaged the newest in dustry which tho Coquille river coun try had secured and laid in waste $140,000 worth of property, two miles east of Bandon. Tho J. II. Price shipyard was the scene of tho conflagration, and when tho flro was discovered it had made such headway that there was no sav ing tho ships which were in building. There were two steam schooners on tho ways, tho Daisy, which was near lng completion, and the Flfleld, which waa about half finished. Tho flames started in tho hold of the Daisy and wero caused from smoking, according to tho best au thority obtainable. Some small at tempt wa3 mado to slay the hungry flames, but they soon spread to tho Flfleld, and that boat was quickly wrapped about by tho leaping cle ment. Reports wero at first current that tho llro had originated on tho deck of tho vessel, but further ex amination proved to tho contrary. There was a night watchman on duty, V, and there 13 some surpriso that the ''Yviames wero not discovered before W they had gained such headway. jF Tho Daisy was the more costly boat o tho two destroyed, .and her con tract prico was $50,000. This loss was practically complete, sinco tho boat wa3 to havo been launched in about ten days and was nearly fin ished. The Flflold was being built for A. F. Estorbrook, of San Fran cisco, and was due for launching some time In August. Her valuo is put at approximately $50,000. Tho fire was discovered at 12:50 in tho morning, and last evening there was still fire In the ruins. A third hull had been laid, and this , escaped destructlonv "VjSTho company hadearly In July jv otallod a new llaner and handsaw a considerable cost and these wont wi.h tho plant. Tho furnace was within fifty feet of the Daisy, and tho Flfleld was fifty feet from the Daisy. Tho flro readily communicated to tho Flfleld. Tho plant was employing sixty men and tho owner Is not yet de cided on whether tho plant will bo re-built. Tho location was across tho river from tho Lyons and John son sawmill. Tho Insurance amount ed to about two-thirds tho actual loss. J. H. Price, tho owner of tho shipyard, camo ot Bandon last De cember. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 WEATHER FORECAST. 4. 4 4 Western Oregon, western 4 Washington, fair, slightly 4 cooler. Eastern Oregon, east- 4 4 ern Washington, Idaho, fair 4 and continued warm. 4 4. 4 San Francisco, July 10. Very lit tle was accomplished today in the trial of Louis Glass. Assistant Dis trict Attorney Honey mado tho open ing statement to tho jury for tho prosecution, in whicii ho outlined the steps by which he expects to prove that tho president of tho Pacific States Telephone und Telegraph Com pany paid Supervisor Boxton, now temporary mayor of San Francisco, a $0,000 brlbo to vote aGalnst tho Homo Telephone Company's applica tion for a rival franchise. , Then Dr. Bovton was called to tho stand. Though ho is to bo tho star witness for the people his examina tion today was so skillfully and fre quently interrupted Uy Attorney Del mas for the defenbo that when, shortly beforo tho noon recess, he gave way temporarily to Clerk Ryan, of tho Board of Supervisors, nothing of vital importance had been elicited. Examination of Ryan, who has served on tho Supervisorial Board since 1SS3, was directed by the prosecution to establish the Identity of the ap plication submitted by tho Homo Telephone Company. It was momentarily interrupted by Attorney Deluias, whose views of what Heney might and what he might not ask under tho law were at vari ance with the assistant district attor ney's. Tho minutes of tho board wero under examination for intro duction in proof of the making of that application and the subsequent awarding of a franchise to the Home Company when the forenoon session was adjourned. It Is expected act ing mayor Boxton wll tomorrow go on the stand and tell tho story of his disgrace. LOS ANGELES CONVENTION TEACHERS ELECT IN CONVENTION PRESIDENT. Adopt Charter Provided by Congress Opposition Is Expressed by Woman Teacher. Los Angolos, July 10. The Na tional Educational Association con cluded today tlio in-portant executHe work of Its sessions by electing Ed win G. Cooley, superintendent of tho Chicago city schools, president of tho association, togothsr with other offi cers, and adopted by a unanimous vote the new charter and by-laws provided by the act of Congress Miss Elizabeth Shirley, of tlyj Los Angeles schools, mado a spirited speech beforo tho convention in op position to tho proposed charter. Miss Shirloy's languago was bitter In reforenco to somo leaders of the asso ciation, whom she did not name, and whom sho charged incidentally with collusion with tho -:chool book trust. Several spoeches were delivered to day. RESPECT FOR U. S. UNIFORM Secretary Taft Evpected to Agitato the Matter. Washington, July 10. Secretary Taft is expected to deal In his annual report with a matter which has been a subject of great importance to tho military authorities and which has been brought about by a condition for which there appears to bo no legal remedy. This Is tho discrimi nation by proprietors of amusement places against enlisted men wearing tho uniform. Tho administration's effort for legislation which will pre vent such discrimination will bo sec onded by tho Navy, as Its men also havo suffered from the samo cause. DEWEY SAYS NO AVAR DANGER. The Pacific Has Had Inadequate Pro tection. Utica, N. Y July 10. Admiral Dewey said this morning that tho transfer of war ships to tho Pacific was wholly a peace movement. Ho says that no war Is In sight and that tho United States must maintain the balance of sea power In tho Pacific and that tho dofonso of that coast has not been up to the standard of that of the Atlantic coast. He says it Is easy for a fleet to take the trip around tho Horn. Dewey predicted that a now At lantic fleet will be built. Man Implicated In Steuenberg Murder Case Give His Testimony. DENIES ORCHARD'S STORY Innocent of Crimes Charged Against Him, MAKES GOOD APPEARANCE Will Resume Stand at 0:30 Today For State's Cross-Ex- aminatiun. Boise, July 10. Charles M. Moyer went 011 the stand today for hl3 fel low defendant, W. D. Haywood, and besides making a positive denial of all tho crimed attributed to him and tho other Federation leaders by Or chard, he offered an explanation of the unsolicited appearance of the Western Federation of Miners as de- ! fender of Orchard after Ills arrest at Caldwell for the Steunenberg mur der. lie swore it wa3 Jack Simpklns who engaged Attorney Fred. Miller, of Spokane, at Caldwell, to represent Orchard, then known as Hogan; and that It was at the request of Simp kins that Moyer and Haywood sub sequently subscribed $1,500 from the funds of the Federation to meet the oxpeuses of defending Orchard. Moyer mado a belf-possc3sed address and at tho end of tho long day tho defonso expressed its satisfaction over both his testimony and the prob able Impression ho made on the jury. Ho is a man of good appearance and address and his low-pitched voice is pleasing to hear. Ho displayed somo nervousness when he flrst faced the courtroom and worked it off on a lead pencil ho carried, but tho ex amination had not proceeded far when ho seemed quite at ease. Ho will resume tho stand at 9:1)0 to morrow morning, when the State will onter upon its cross-examination. His direct testimony took a wide latitudo and tho way is open for an eaually wido cross-examination. Yesterday the members of the Haywood jury had an outing that cveryono of them thoroughly en joyed. A large, easy-springed carry all was hired and the whole number, Including four bailiffs, took an ex cursion to the Barber dam. There quito a long stop was mado while the jurors breathed In the puro country air and inspected the products of the mill. It is planned to charter., a car on the Boise Valley lino for a trip to Ustick and the cemetery today. Yesterday 20 witnesses called to Boise by tho defense left theVity for their respective homes. Some start ed In tho forenoon and tho rest went last evening. Among them wero a number who wero not called to the stand. Ono of the witnesses beforo leaving said: "I was not called to tho witness stand by tho attorneys for tho de fense for tho reason that I refused to mako an affidavit beforo I was called. They wanted mo to mako a signed statement of tho principal things I would testify to and I. wouldn't do it. I understand that overy witness they called to the stand had to that before they would put thorn on and several of us wero turned down when wo refused and found our per diem pay cut off." It is explained that the defneso at torneys havo suspected that somo of their witnesses would suddenly "turn turtle" if placed on tho stand and used tho above described precaution ary measures beforo putting a wit ness on to testify. It has been ru mored that ono witness tho defonso had been expecting to give some val uable testimony was discovered to be a Plnkerton detective when the time camo that Attorney Darrow and Richardson requested that he give them a signed statement. That wlt- ness, It 1b Bald, will now go on for tho state In rebuttal. , San Francisco, July 10. Invita tions for the industrial peace con ference, to be hold at Christian Science Hall on July 23d, 21th and 25th, are being sent out-by the Civic League of San Francisco to people of prominence all over the United States. President Theodore Roose velt and Mrs. Baker Eddy are among those Invited to attend the confer ence, which It is hoped will lead to permanent industrial peace through out the state. A meeting of the special com mittee on arrangements for the con ference was held yesterday in the office of B. L. Cadwalader, a mem ber of the committee. The president of the University of California was present, and signified his desire to co-operate in the formation of a Pa cific Coast branch of the National Civic Federation. He Informed the committee that when In the East ho had talked over tho matter of form ing a Pacific Coast branch with President Roosevelt, and that tho latter expressed a sentiment In favor of it. It is expected that fully 500 peo ple of prominence will attend tho conference. They will represent commercial organizations, labor unions, and the states and terri tories. The meetings held In Christ Ian Science Hall will be open to the public, especially to those Interested in the Industrial situation. The seat ing capacity of the hall is about 1500. WANT PACIFIC NAVAL BASE REPORTED THAT ROOT IS NEGO TIATING. Magdalenn Ray and Possibly All of Lower California Included In the Deal. Washington, July 10. There is a rumor that Secretaiy Root Is negoti ating with Mexico for the purchase of Magdalena Bay, or, if necessary, all of Lower California, In order to securo another naval base. The Sec reatry's contemplated visit to Mexico seems to lend color to the story Inquiry at the Mexican legation elicited the reply that Ambassador Creel was away for tho summer and that no negotiations civere under way at present. Tho only question known to be 'under consideration is regard ing tho building of a dam on Mexican soil to prevent tho overflow of tho Imperial valley lands. The dam was built, but the negotiations regarding It havo never been completed. Tho heads of tho naval bureaus as sert Ignorance of the plans of the administration to send the battleship fleet to tho Pacific, notwithstanding official confirmation of 'the reports. Those bureau chiefs say that they aro engaged Only in routine work and that they aro making no unusual preparations. They also assert that they have bad no orders to do other wise. And on tho surface there aro few signs of abnormal activity In the Navy Department. Many of tho chlofs aro awny and tho usual pro portion of subordinates aro on vaca tions. ELECTRIC LINE EXTENDED. Boise Iiiteriirbnii Clets Thirty More Miles. Boise, Idaho, July 10. Material has been ordered for a 30-mile exten sion of the Boise & Intorurban Elec tric Railway, 'and It Is Intimated that a lino will bo constructed up the Pay otto River. It la Inferred from this latest move by tho Intorurban Com pany that eventually It will havo a lino to tho famous Payetto lakes. Tho company received four moro now cars for tho Boise-Caldwoll lino yes terday, making 11 In all recolved for this road. AN OCTOGENARIAN MARRIES. New York, July 10. William Shin ton, of Los Angeles and Mrs. Eleanor G. Ronk, of Passaic, wore married at the parsonage of tho Methodist Epis copal Church In Rldgowood, N. J., yesterday. Mr. Shlnton, who is 80 years of ago, was formerly a resident of Paterson and camo hero to be mar ried early this week. Mrs. Ronk was tho widow of tho late Harry Ronk. She la in her 77th year. Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of Christian Endeavor Is Auspicious Occasion. CHORUS OF 1000 VOICES Frances Clark Calls Assem blage to Order, ALL NATIONS REPRESENTED Re-election of President Is Unani mous New Position Is Created Trains Delayed. Seattle, July 10. In the presence of ten thousand people within hear ing of his voice Dr. Francis E. Clark, president of tho United Society of the Christian Endeavor, tonight called the twenty-third annual con vention to order. A chorus of 1,000 voices swelled tho welcoming one. Tho convention was called to order In the presence of the Governor of the State, United States Senators and State officials and a distinguished gathering of the clergy and laity from the four corners of the earth. Seated in the tent In which the meeting was held were delegates from Alaska, two full-blood Indians, a largo delegation from Japan and ablegates- from the Dark continent, and from every European country. Proceeding the meeting the corpora tion officers and trustees met for the transaction of business. Belated trains delayed tho meeting and it was after four o'clock wnen it was called to order. Dr. Clark was unanimously re elected president of the United So ciety of the Christian Endeavor; Hiram N. Lathrop, Boston, treas urer; Geoi-se B. Graff, Boston, clerk of corporation; and Fred M. Kidder, Boston, auditor; a position newly created, by tho board. Denomina tional trustees wero also elected. Edgar Barth, representing the Washington State Christian Endeavor Union on the board or trustees, was unanimously re-elected. Barth Is chairman of the 1907 International convention committee. SAN FRANCISCO JAP BRINGS SUIT Wants Recompense For Damages. Alleged San Francisco, July 10. Suit was brought yesterday in the Su perior Court against tho city and county of San Francisco to recover damages sustained by tho bathhouso of Y. Elmoto, at 1214 Folsom street, and the rostaurant of M. Nakashlma, at 1213 Folsom street, on tho .night of May 20, when a mob, in pursuit of non-union patrons of tho two Japan ese resorts, broke Into thorn and created more or less havoc. TERRORIZED IJY DYNAMITE. Outrages In Vicinity of Mines Causes X'Uili . Johannesburg, July 10. A series of dynamite outrages occurred last night In tho vicinity of tho mines In which white workmen aro on a strike. Tho Crown Hotel at Boks burg and tho water main supplying tho Slmmor and Jack mine wero de stroyed' by the explosion. About tho samo time attempts wero mado, without success, to de stroy tho shaft and engine house of tho Gasson mlno and shaft of tho Medderfontoln mine. A feeling of anxiety provalls throughout the dis trict. MANDAMUS JUDGE DUNNE. San Francisco, July 10. Tho Dis trict Court of Appeals this afternoon granted a writ of mandamus against Judge Dunne commanding him im mediately to fix a date for a settle ment and to sottlo tho bills of ex ceptions In Mayor Schmitz' case or to show cause why ho haa not done so. The writ ia returnable July 12. San Francisco, July 10. Auditor Horton received yesterday tho "formal demand" of E. E. Schmitz for tho mayor's full salary for Juno and tho $300 contingent fund al lowed the office for July. The letter conveyed a warning also against paying these or any other sums upon tho order of James L. Gallagher, or of anybody else pre suming to act as mayor, while tho said Schmitz was In the state of Cal ifornia. Horton now holds that his only safe course is to refuse to pass mayorial demands unless they bear the signatures of both Schmitz and Gallagher. The latest state paper from tho county jail is as follows: Honorable S! W. Horton, Auditor City and County of San Francisco. Dear Sir I hereby notify you that I make formal demand upon you to audit my salary warrant, and also my demand for contingent expenses, amounting to the sum of $300, duo mo for the coming mont1' of July, and I hereby notify you that you must not audit for payment to Mr. Jamest L. Gallagher or any other person the amount due me for salary or that due me for contingent ex penses, and If you do I win held you personally and also your bondsmen responsible for the amount so audited. Yours truly, E. E. Schmitz, Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco. SPOKANE SUES RAILROAD ALLEGES THAT ROADS CHARGED EXCESSIVE RATES. Suit Involves Many Thousands of Dollars Before Interstate Com merce Commission. Washington, July 10. Among tho twenty petitions filed with tho Inter state Commerce Commission today were three from tho city of Spokane, Wash., against the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, the North ern Pacific Railroad, and tho Great Northern Railway, setting out sab stantially tho same statemont of facts. In the construction of Its system of water worljs, the city of Spokane used an immense amount of steel, which had to bo shipped from Pitts burg to Spokane. It Is alleged In tho complaint that tho different roads charged moro for the shipment of tho material from Pittsburg to Spo kane than they would havo charged on shipments of tho same material to Portland, Ore., although Spokane Is 300 miles nearer Tlttsburg than Portland. Tho city demands repara tion from tho Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company for $4319, with $750 attorney's fees; from tho Northern Pacific Railroad Company, $3701 reparation and $500 attor ney's feos, and from tho Great North ern Railway, $12,8 IS reparation and $1200 attorney's fees. NEWSPAPER .MAN IN CONTEMPT Must Answer For Alleged Court Censure. Baltimore, July 10. Judge Morris, In tho United States District Court today issued an order to show cause why attachment for contempt should not issue against Herbert C. Cuplt, president and general manager of tho World of this city. Tho order is tho result of a World editorial characterizing as a "mass of techni calities" tho caso against John Gel gor, formerly cashior of the Canton National Bank, who is on trfal beforo Judge Morris charged with fraudu lent transactions. A copy of thlB editorial was mailed to each juror, which fact was reported to tho court. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 RASEIIALL RESULTS. - 4 Seattle, July 10. Seattle 20, 4 Vancouver 1. 4 4 Tacoma, July 10. Tacoma 4 4, Butto 1. 4 4 Aberdeen, July 10. Aber- 4- deen 8, Spokane 1. 4 4 San Francisco, July 10. 4 4 Portland 0, San Francisco 1. 4 4 Los Angeles, July 10. Oak- 4 4 land 5, Los Angeles 7. 4 4, 4. t