tMWft&K! pwyrwaaa-.Jimi.... t.BWT zn.. pHf.11 W THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDMESDAY, JULY 10. as u' w imi im,i iim ii i t m 5 ORTH BEND RD WARE STORE CompletXiite -t ware i i punaers Jiarawere TT . AtV nousenoia vjo PlumbmJ iReberg i& Smith North Bend K. SMITH w r jr V X oas fJip6Slty TEN MILE HAS BIG CELEBRATION One Hundred and Fifty Persons Participate. Knees of Jinny Varieties Arc Pulled Oir Dnnclug and Singing. -- m HH P. N. REBERG ft -'-' i" !! II Ill MJ Jhbrn paoompany fptland & 0os Bay S Sw Line gjS. Bf EWATER fcf Portland ahd ArJa JulyJfh, 11:30 A. M. Hri CCoJlumfliCgt. lp 34 . IT"' . m A. St. Dock HHI Anice line of H . I renir JWahjw Marshfield jfpl NORION&JfeWSEN fT'! lF1feL.& Beiufett Baik $ ''IRSHJIJELD MAMlftflJjhOipaON. H? ' Ja Jndlvldod ProlJr i3800 t-tjft T r $ Dook oteticrnl wntliiK ffislie8siid draws r!i. ftfr JrKiowT and " tbo Pn lll"orwa. Knn Vraiiciwo JVplfe r C'ulll., MmtNatlefcl Db Portland r., Jflrsl gp JmPyy Rates treason- Nat-onA Bank. Rofobtr or., naJlver Na- '' -tMrnfa jr Son "ftpo, Ktifflai jl C.HrlOQC VyS"!. Also BOlTtango on iicarlyftjFthe principal jBjp citiB o ri nITpikimi i unnir IK i Accounts koni nblect to cbeck. mle deDoslt B r look boxou lor reit at 5 cants a month or ..-,....,L . aw jj tt y8ari KMKpHMHlSaEfffc, INTEREST PAID ON TINE DEPOSITS JDr. Baibroft rr j VsK. 11 I can furprfsh thjnolimv'ing J LvQ I $2.00 lwSettinaj : uONIC ILLS I RheJfand Reds k I Barred Plymouth Rocks fp. CentajHotd I Jfu , IwUmm JOHN W Jlfc&JAGAN ! r . Sond in your orders Now - M Eggs Shipped anywhere in the m connty. -tv.V I , L I ! Tho people of the Ten Mile country held a successful celebration on the Fourth and pulled it off in the grove on North Lake. The gasolene boats gathered up the 150 participants and conveyed them to tho scene of the celebration. Tho program was in teresting and several odd contests took place. These events took place after tho picnic dinner was served. Following is the list of events and tho winners: Boys' 100-yard race Won by Emil Erickson; James Jordan sec ond. Men's 100-yard race Peter Jor dan first; Herman Carlson, second. Girls' 100-yard race. Rose Mc Donald first; Kate McDonald second. Tandem race Four boys astride a pole or stick; won by Gus Carlson, Sanford Stonelake, James Jordan, Len McGee. Boat race, nuarter mile Fred Pleep, Irst; Peter Jordan, second. Ladies' boat race, one-eighth mile Mrs. Gus Carlson first; B. M. Hol comb second. Swimming race for $8 purse Fred. Pleep, first; A. Pleep, second. When the races and contests were concluded, tho pleased crowd got out the well filled lunch baskets and had another feed, and this was followed later by a dance in the pavilion erected for that purpose. The fes tvities continued without interrup tion until 12 o'clock, when the bas kets were again brought nto service. After supper, a program of readings and vocal selections was rendered, and this consisted of some very ex cellent selections. The program: A Gorman song by Pleep Brothers. This made a hit, and it was followed by a Finnish song by three voices, which was well received. KIckapoo Indian war dance by B. M. Holcomb. Reading Maud Muller, by Lizzie Carlson. Old Settlers' Story, by Mrs. Thomp son. Upon conclusion of the program, dancing was resumed and continued until 2 o'clock the next day, being only Interrupted at meal time for re freshments. Tho event was consid ered a big success and the most en jayable time was experienced in the history of Ten Milo celebrations. The affair was managed and arranged by Simon Erickson and Mrs. Thompson and the participants feel highly grateful to these people for their work in connection with the ideal time. Woodcraft. Mrs. Nora Daly, G. N., Mfs. M. Cowan, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. HEI MEN. Koos Tribe, No. 33, Improved Order of Redmen. Hugh McLain, Sa chem; Georgo Farrin, Chelf of Records. Meets Thursdays, Red Men's Hall. Denieo of Pocahontas, aaoajawea Council, No. 9 . Meets first and third Thursdays. Nora Daly, Po cahontas; Ora McCarty, Keeper of Records. FKATEKNAL UNION OF AMERICA T. Nicols, . M.; Mrs. Nellio Owen, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Old Masonic Hall. GUAM) AKMY OF THE REPUBLIC Baker Post, No. 8, Department of Oregon. W. E. Thorpe, Com mander; I. S. Kaufman, Adjutant; C. W. Tower, Q. M. Meets second Tuesday each month, Longshore men's Hall. SUOMI SOCIETY. W. M. Hagqulst, President; John Backman, Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays, hall over Times Office. EAGLES. Mnr&hfield Aerie, No. 53 8, Fraternal Order of Eagles. T. J. Lewis, W. P.; H. McLain, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday evening of each month In Eagle's Hall on Front street, at 8 p. m. Court Coos Bay, No. 15, Foresters of America. William Longstaff, Chief Rangor; F. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary. Meets second and fourth Saturdays In I. O. O. F. Hall. North Bend Camp, No. 8261, M. W. A. P. Maloney, V. C; L. A. Loo mis, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 8 p. m., Tay lor's Hall. Visiting neighbors cor dially Invited to attend. A. O. W. A. J. Savage, Master Workman; T. M. Dimmick, Re corder. Meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings in the Odd Fel lows Hall. Degree of Honor A. O. U. V. Mascot Lodge No. 5. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month in I. O. O. F. hall. WANT ADS Business Directory FOR RENT Two Furnished House keeping rooms, close In, cheap. Coos Bay Auction Co., Second street, bet. B and C. FOR SALE Union Mailuo Kiigir.e. 5 h. p. Price, ?71. Address Box 47. GEM RESTAURANT, NORTH BEND. Open day and night. Serves everything tho market affords. Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DisenRos of the Eye, Ear, licwo and Throat a spocialty. Oflice in Lockhnrt'B Building. Marshfield, Oregon FOR SALE A fam, of 80 acres on Daniels' Creek. Address E. R. Jonea Box 110, Marshfield. E-26-1 FOR SALE! A small improved farm. TW8 la a bargain. Apply at Hall & Hall's office. 6-1-1 BREAKWATER ON HER NEW RUN List of Those Taking Passage From the Rose City to Coos Bay. WANTED Men to work in sawmill, wages ?2 per day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-241tf. NOTICE Pure Jersey milk dellverod at your door. East Port Dairy. TiHnTi TVTntlln floltvorvirtnn V W. C. Muslc.$ DR. HAYDON Olllco opposite Union Furniture Btorc. Houu lUtOlilUKl 2 to 6 Special attention paid to dlpcaaos of toe kli urinary and dlgOBtUo organs U. B"-Tension examluci ' Marshfield, Oregon DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician not? Surgeon. Oinc over Sengstackon's Drug Store, Phocfis Offlco 1621; rosidonpo 783. WANTED TO BORROW, $500 fffr 1 year on 2 lots In block 25, rallfoad addition, on Broadway. Address N68, care Coos Bay Times., WANTED. To buy, clean rafs. Ap ply Times tofflce FOR SALE-S ment, dirij mall routd Times. FOR RENT- across tho new ouildlnK.) 3& Arnold $- i- I! A e?- and m ENGINEERS HANICAL RS Bend, Ore. Office in Mjers Bldg. FS SKATING JNK An nbuncements: LODGE DIRECTORY Meeting Nights and Officers Of Coos Bay Orders S1ELU factors" dnd Bull y' i drawn, estimates Jur- Callfqr Duflcee, Wick A's grocery siosit OrBtfx&S. jc rM.irFc?c MUWlVUU r ?" 4a. Qpon ovorysfevoning from to 10, jrul Saturday tornoonsif Irpm J, to o, pnlj rice m A' ftRo .tes. Rink using WheS !. 10K cents aiunission to GcntlcinorFnvonings. Special 'attention given to childron Saturday after noon. Best of order always maintained. Pw D L Avery, I Manager 1 WkS-'- MASONIC. Blanco Lodae, No. 4S, A. F. & A. M. Richard Walter, W. M.: Noris Jenson, Secretary. Meets third Thursday of each month. Masonic Temple. AntK" Chapter, No. 22, R. A. M. H Lockhart, High Priest; Alhort See lig, Secretary. Meets fourth Wed nesday of each montti, Masonic Temple. Pacific Coiiinuuulery. C. W. Tower, Eminent Commander; Albert See llg, Secretary. Meets fourth Mon day of each month, MaBonlc Temple. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. Mrs. Marsh, W. M.; Mrs. O. Macarty, Secretary. Meets second and fourth TuesOay, Masonic Templo. ODD FELLOWS. Sunset LotlKe, No. 51, 1. O. O. F. L. Plauz, N. G.; I. S. Lando, Secre tary. Moots every Friday in Odd Follows Hall. Sunset Encampment, I. O. O. F. A. Hagenmlestor, C, P.; I. Lando, Scrlbo. Meets first and second Thursdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Western Star IhmIuc, Rebekalis. Mrs, Anua Farrin, N. G.; Mrs. Lizzie Butler, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdey, Odd Fel lows Hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Mjrtle IiOtlKe, No. 3, K, P. Chas. Nordstrom, C. C; Tom Hall, Keep er of Records. Meets first and third .Mondays, K. P. Hall. Pjtlilan Sisters, Laurel Temple, No. 38. Mrs. Bessio Nicholson. M. E. C; Mrs. Nnllio Wheieat. M. of It. and C. Moots first aud third Wed nesdays, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Camp No. 10, W. O. W.. W. P. Murphy, C. C; W. U. Douglas, Clork. Moots second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos Bay Circle, No. 164, Women of Portland, July 9. The following passengers sailed from Portland on the steamship Breakwater: C. J. Millis, C. B. Atchison, Wm. Goodall, Mr. Kolterch, W. II. Corbett, Mrs. Moore and child, E. J. Chandler, W. Chandler, D. C. Rogers and wife, C. M. Leonard, F. B. Lelghton, Chas. Cheeser, J. N. Russell, W. H. Soper, E. B. Nolan and wife, Misses Nolan, Mrs. Colb, J. Post, wife and daugh ter, Miss N. McNamara, Mr. J. Ca you and wife, U. C. Davis, A. An derson, A. H. Powers, T. D. Flynn and wife, J. A. Davis and wife, Mrs. and Miss Buhsee, Mrs. Peters, C. No lan, G. Nolan, Wm. Brewster, J. S. Polhemus, Mr. Kelley and wife, U. S. Booth, tB. Hunsaker, O. R. Lang ley, H. Schreiber, Mr. Tolls, R. B. Perige, L. S. Larsen, Wm. Winters, Wm. Stoddard, J. E. Schilling, Mrs. and Miss Brown, Mrs. Sheppard, A. Plowden, A. Dawson, W. Kistlor, Mr. Nelson, T. Thorsen, W. D. Still well, J. S. Colo, E. Cole, Wm. Good win, W. E. Evan3, R. Matson, F. Montgomery, Joseph Friebl, Rolla Moon, Ed. Prill, I. D. Beeson, J. Wilhelm, AV. E. Frestadter, Walter Lyons, Mr. Bunker. IUUUA owjr -Homes :t from Addrea ellnqulsh- , on daily Y. Z. care -Two rjbms to rent; eet apm O'Connell's Mrsm. Ogren. LOST. RebecMa IMdge Pin Sunday night somewBcw on Front street, near the Blanco Hotel. Return to Blanco Hotel and receive reward. DRESSMAKING by Mrs. G. W. Boh len at back of tho Times building. B. M. RICnARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of oyo, ear, noso and throa a specialty. Oflice In Eldorado Block. Lawyers. E. L. O. FARRIN. Attorney- -ut-La w. City Attorney. Deputy Diet. Att'y. Lockhart Building. Marshfield, Ora Phone 44. L. A. LUEQVIST, IjAWYER, United States Commissioner, U. S. Land Matters. Filings, Entries, Proofs, Contests, etc. WANTED Girl to do general houso work. Call at Mrs. S. E. Painter's, on So. Broadway. NOTICE TEACHERS WANTED. Application will be received by the clerk of school district No. 6, Empire City, Oregon, for tho posi tions of principal and assistant; references must accompany appli cation. FOR SALE A small house with two lots cheap. M. 45, care Times. J. W. BENNETT, Offlco over Flanagan Bank. Marshfield, c f. Mcknight, Attorney- Upstairs, Bennel Marshflold, i nt-dji Bonnott Oregon. iw. 'Walter block. Oregon. J. XV. SNOVER t , Attorney-at-Law ALBERT MERCHANT BRINGS BACK BRIDE $750 WILL BUY you a lurtrTe in Bay Park with living jygjBr, See D. M. Wilkinsr Wheeler. P-JA"","'W" T1AF nd Buttermilk. j($: livery to all partsJSI f NoBeuJgrfr- fro fn Milk rree de- flxe city. Ooegon Offlco: Marshfield, Roger building Oregon COKE & COKE, Attorncy-ab-Law. Marshfield, ... Oregoa PIXLEY & MAYI1EE, Aiorncys-at-Law. Oflice over Myers" Store. Phone 701 .. . North Bond, Ora. Real Estate Agents. Popular Marslidolil Business Man Weds Miss Grace McDonald, of Portland. Albert Merchant will return to Marshfield within a few days, accom panied by his bride of three weeks. Mr. Merchant was united in mar riage to Miss Crace McDonald, of Portland, in Seattle, on Juno 7. Miss McDonald visited Coos Bay last summer and spent several weeks in Marshfield. Tho brido is a pro fessional nurse and has been nursing in St. Vincent's hospital, Portland. While the wedding Is news to some, there will nevertheless bo as enthu siastic congratulations when tho happy pair reach home. ,-J TEST YOUR OWEYES S$s mm EET tely are tho Unelfciyartheso circles all the sai s A hm WHI EM TEST AT THRfflLF M nnlV.I7lTA QlhvtnjL. juaiixjuvc ucuaitti V ' M I sibihr these tie blackness, if I mavo AstiginatiRi ntand I will (OTjIi able is. jr come v your tro" F.niAYES OPTOMETRIST rfi.i,- DIER LANB; OOMPA2TY Real Estate Brokers North Bond, Oregon. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Timing of nil BJnda. Phono 1884. WANT TO IN VJESTl 00,000.00 ,.-r and jUnlninforcd fcity and Town Properties. I H1 deal only rfith owners, PARTICULARS mlto location, lift In Coos Couuty RanchesFarms, Coal andTteibcr Lands, Homestead nnd Timber Claims, Inirliovcd and JUi etc., or NO ATTENTION will b. property at YOUR Pit! I'lltS. elgiv GIVE IN DETAIL FULL tents, LOWEST CASIT Piniin loiiKTansMers. cure any case of Ki Address "Investor" Care Daily Times MARSHFIELD, OREGON Cures IfocL-acnft Corrects Irregular! tiea Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes McPlierf121 X 1 J jm', I A l Y0U WlfolesAle liquor Mlfe I D A i i Cilars kd saIA B vqvr iqilain what plws. Jlr 1 I V 1 CaliforaiaWines a Soefelty I Front St!?M5rt$fineld 1 ilM.IMKBHHHM aM 0 . MM.IHHWIM 111 I ff I I Coos Bay I C J Steal nd I ! MARStiFIFil) andJRTnjEND I ( -I j H PRICE, If I desire J our 1M...ll..-...T...M. ..,. - r.,iIUJL...M1v1TWW J. IIMIHII Jm.WWIIIMII or Bladder Disease not ii A workflow done at thelorth Bend Plant Edgai 1auzey Agent, Marshfield Ncilh Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 180 ""J"? ch of jmedicirie.i Nojr'Wicine can do more. 'fj r rJa4"Srt.Ii,