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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1907)
I '. - I I THE DAILY COOS BAY TIM ESMARSH FIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 9. 1907. wo A Come Early Lp nfAMklecLlons of I1 wall p JW x I Our stsck isKoinc fa. A tin Pamtnyvapri . j will convince thaMhefrgtfie best on al of our shes the market Coos Bay Paint & Wallpaper Co. 2nd near C. Street I!'"!!"" I'- I I--I--1X-II tI-II,II"l,tIl't'I'"Ilt"l"I-t MENS' FURNISHINGS HATS,TDE Styles, Quajity of our goods SHIRTS an Fit-all Jy . .a contain mese K dements C. STREET ijj 3C COO ON EAST $Ht F BAY Level bench land, ill cleared, forro&iiness blocks Qentel sloping, Aldercovered land,Jqr residence lots. & Reasonable Prices- Efsy Terms Also 550 acres Dairy Farm onfKentuck Inlet. Free Launch fromjvf arsl and Call at our office Marshfield, Ore. ypotffte Central Hotel, isjufrbn phone. Coos Bay Townsite Company O. C. SETHER, Pres, and Gen. Manager N. F. THRONE, Secretary ::mmmj;:mmm:mmmmH::mt:mm::m::mmm:im::nwm:::ujmm::::iJ Try The .' For Ice Cream. Cabbage Second i -0-,m,-u EMCATSSiE VwsAny Araopts anPotato Salad for Tiftsday. ma i, Furnished streets. :mtmjmmn:mmnKm:mmt:n:mm::m7 TRY A TIMES WANT AD. 6i'tF iheol rSf lak or your outing trip; afull line with suppliesat4he Red Cro GEZ8PESjL mmSnery $le i w VV.R HELD ONlCOiS BAY FvHfBRiHAM DrmTPrr Nn cibpiYintcutiewt IVVIllllyWl mil ilWldlllllUIUUU Plans and fipociacationa 'i mado for all .buildings. North lasses of tend, Oregon PHONE 541 E Will banjnieDCdnesday, June 26th. Dozens r elegantly trimmed hats will be sold at a sac rifice at Mrs. A. G. Aiken's Nelson Iron Works F. B. NELSON, Prop u rjpir au Kinaa or jwcraiiory, Stcnmnd Qas Engines, Guuv mitt BI. cycles Best ofhwuk our RaccfaltsJ Wo manmncture Castlngsju'jron and Bronze lofimufiiata Logging Cam ps. We maWfHfbest Bhcavcs ft nd Hood Spools for Loggers. : : : TELEPHONE W EARSHFIELP, - - OREGON LODGE DIRECTORY Meeting Nights and Officers Of Coos Bay Orders MASONIC. Illutico Lorttfo, No. 4S, A F. & A. M. Illchnrd Walter, W. M.: Noris Jensen, Secretary. Meets third Thursdny of each month. Miusonlc Tomplo. Ariipi Clmptor, No. 22, II. A. M. H. Lockhart, High Priest; Albort Scc llB, Secretary. Meeta fourth Wed nesday of each month, Masonic Temple. Pacific- Coniinnntlery. C. W. Tower, Eminent Commander; Albort See llg, Secretary. Meets fourth Mon day of each month, MaBonic Temple. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. B. S. Mrs. Marsh, W. M.; Mrs. O. Macarty, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Tuesday, Masonic Temple. ODD KHIjLOWS. Sunset IrfitlKf, No. 51, J. G. O. F. h. P!auz, N. G.; I. S. Lando, Secre tary. Meets every Friday in Odd Fellows Hall. Sunset KaruiiiHH'iit, I. O. O. F. A. Hagcnmiester, C. P.; I. Lando, Scribe. Meets first and hecond Thursdays, Odd Fallows Hall. Western Star Lodo, Ilchelcalis. Mrs. Anna Farrin, N. G.; Mrs. Lizzie Butler, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdey, Odd Fel lows Hall. KNIGHTS OF PVTIHAS. Myrtle LkicIkc, No. 3, K. P. Chas. Nordstrom, C. C; Tom Hall, Keep er of Records. Meets first and third Mondays, K. P. Hall. I'vflll.'lll NUliim. T.-nifoI 'I'l.imili. Mn 38. Mrs. Bessie Nicholson, M. E. C; Mrs. Nellie Whereat, M. of II. and C. Meets first; and third Wed nesdays. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD. Camp No. JOB, W. O. W.. W. P. Murphy, G. C.; W. U. Douglas, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos Day Circle, No. 1C4, Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Nora Daly. G. N.; Mrs. M. Cowan, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. ItED MEN. Koos Tribe, No. 33, Improved Order of Redmen. Hugh McLain, Sa chem; Georgq Farrin, Chelf of Records. Meets Thursdays, Red Men's Hall. Degree of Pocahontas, Sacajawea Council, No. 9 . Meets first and third Thursdays. Nora Daly, Po cahontas; Ora McCarty, Keeper of Records. FRATERNAL. UNION OF AMERICA T. Nlools, H. M.; Mrs. Nellie Owen, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays. Old Masnnlp. TTnll CtAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC tuiRer t'obt, No. 8, Department of Oregon. W. E. Thorpe, Com mander; I. S. Kaufman, Adjutant; C. W. ToweF, Q. M. MeeTS second Tuesday each month, Longshore men's Hall. SL'OMI SOCIETV. W. M. Hagqulst, President; John Backman, Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays, hall over Times omce. EAGLES. Marsh field Aerie, No. 53S, Fraternal Order of Eagles. T. J. Lewis, W. P.; II. McLain, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday evening of each month In Eagle's Hall on Front street, at 8 p. m. Coutt Coos Bay, No. 15, Foresters of America. William Longstaff, Chief Ranger; F. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary. Meets second and fourth Saturdays in I. O. O. F. Hall. North Bend Camp, No. 82C1, M. W. A. P. Maloney, V. C; L. A. Loo mls, Secretary. Meets second and fourth-Wednesdajs, 8 p. m., Tay lor's Hall. Visiting neighbors cor dially invited to attend. A. O. W. A. J. Savage, Master Workman; T. M. Dimmlck, Re corder. Meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings in tho Odd Fel lows Hall. Device of Honor A. O. U. AV. Mascot Lodge No. 5. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month In I. O. O. F. hall. NOTICE. My son, Joseph and Richardson, is not capable of transacting any business, and such thislncss transac tion that may occur will not bo legal without my consent. JOSEPH RICHARDSON. Sun., 7 Mon., 8. . . Tues., 9.. . Wed., 10., Thurs., 11, Fri., 12. .. Sat., 13. .. Sun., 14.. Mon., 15.. Tues., 1C. High Wntcr. July. . . 5:28 0.2 .. 0:11 .. G:47 .. 0:15 .. 0:48 .. 1:22 5:18 5:58 G:38 1:37 2:09 2:42 3:14 3:45 4:22 5:02 Sun., 7... Mon., 8.., Tues., 9. . . Wed., 10.. Thurs., 11. rri., 12... Sat., 13... Sun., 14.. Mon., 15.. Tues., 1C. -0.2 -0.4 8.7 8.7 8 6 .. 1:56 8.4 . . 2:33 8.1 .. 3:15 7.7 .. 4:02 7.3 Low Water. July. ..11:38 G.5 11:02 . .12:24 G.G 11:40 ..13:03 G.7 0:00 .. 7:21 -0.5 7:14 .. 7:51 0.3 7:47 .. 8:19 0.4 8:21 .. 8:48 0.2 8:58 .. 9:18 0.1 9:38 .. 9:52 0.4 10:18 ..10:29 0.8 11:08 Sun Calendar. 3.2 3.4 3.G G.8 6 0 7 0 7 2 7.5 7.7 7.9 S.G 8.G 0.0 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.5 I WrCi,Cik. t A "s I m. tr. Jru aans ror san rraugrr?o NT ' Monday July 15 F.S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : OREGON WE SELL Coo$Bay Real Bskate Residenand Farming Property A snap 4Qracres cjfl CatchingjWetTmiles from uty 15 acres wrttom Iad urjdf9yTte. ' 40 acres fan Courfooad 4 mijes from city $J8 per acre. For llarlher particulars call on F. M. Rummell Jr. & Co. Nasburg bldg. , Rises. Sots. Sun., 7 4:29 7:39 Mon., 8 4:29 7:39 Tues., 9 4:30 7:38 ui nii'iiim, nmm i, jluil. MARSDEN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECtMBRkJS BOTTLED BEER tem-iii in mi in ii iiHiMrrnrjmapvniitTiTmgTAtMy4'iwrni'lii'iinsaaBMMBMi v. BoLUedji Quarts, Pm Phone Orders promptly attsnded to. One Half Pints. Phono 1 481. SBBS!3ECEilB83BailKsnDMrflrifievRntiRe3eniRmKnDBBUBiBa Your health depends upon . the purity of your food and the cleanliness with which it is prepared !S' I it v SB ar if a F ptjrcnasef n corrw kjBful ,ad tnft mscres t mostbene- our watchword in SI . t B A VI pecscnptiona. we the purest irugs a: pound them m a s cleanly mann yotkreceiving fit frin them. onilSLiiryour Prescriptions. ABSOLUTE SAFETY is tKe best thkfgWe have to offer. Otheif inducements are if secondar ymportlnce. Upon lis basis cffilv do we solicit vour k or jw i W tt Jr pat First National Bank of Coos Bay .TOHN S. COKH. PrMMpnf: W.S. McPAKLAND, Cashier. O. B. HINSDAI.F?. Vim Pna R. T. KAUFMAN, Asst. Cas. 1 r California andOregon Coas Steamship Company. irr b Sfeamer Alliance B. D. OLSON, Mj 3AILIN(iPROM COOS B rtrtland and Return GEO. D. GRAY a CO., General agents, 421 Market St.. San Francisco. L. W. SHAW, Agbnt, Marshfield. Phone 441 WILSON. JL THOMAS Contractors anduildej y & PARSONS I Office fixtures speciilty. Stortrl'ronts, Counters, bholving. Lei us worBkout your plms. See us be fore building. . Shop opposite Bear's C??gry Stable, North front Street WHY DO PEOPLEBUY IN y SENGSTAEKEN BEClSE It is choice in&de ncjfdinri rAmmorHr r4-a 50x00 with aieSii&Jweirsheltered with A GOOD BAY VIEW and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Henry Sengstacken, Manager JJ Xi