-r-ir- f (S&BZt j Daily Edition' USE TIMES WAi &-5$ fL JLJL f4te' jL r VOL II. ROCKEFELLER Oil King's Appearance In Court Brings Out Record Break ing Crowd. SPECIAL POLICE CALLED. John D, Proves To Be Poor f Witness. FORTY PER CENT DIVIDENDS Standard Oil Company of New Jer sey Made (loud Slum ins Dur ing '01 anil '().'. Chicago, July S. John D. Rocke feller occupied the witness stand in the United States District Court Sat in jay, Vr'hilc Judge Landi3 plied him with questions regarding the llnan cial baching and business and meth ods of the corporation of which ho Is the head. Rockefeller was a very willing and equally unsatisfactory witness. He was ready to tell all he knew, out he said ho knew prac tically nothing. The not results of his testimony was that ho believed during the years 1904 and 1905, the period covered by the indictments on which the Standard Oil Company of Indiana was recently convicted, the - dividends of the Standard Oil Com pany of Now Jersey were approxi; mately forty per cent, of tho out standing capitalization of $100,000, 000. Tho investigation held today by Judge Land Is was instituted by him for the purpose of determining whether or not the Standard Oil Company of Indiana which .was con victed of violation of tho rebate law was really owned by tho Standard Oil Company of Now Jersey, or whether tho Union Tank Line, whoso cars aro used for shipments, made in violation of tho law was similarly owned; and also to obtain an Idea of Uio financial resources of tho con victed corporation in order to inflict a fine proportionate to tho offense and assets of tho convicted company. It was stated by tho officers of tho Standard Oil Company of New Jer sey that it owned a greater part of tho stock of both the Union Tank Lino and Standard Oil Company of Indiana. Specific figures as to the earnings of the parent corporation were given by C. M. Pratt, Its secre tary, and they were close to the esti mate given by Rockefeller. Tho prospect of tho appearance in court of tho man reputed to be tho richest man in tho world brought about a spectacle the like of wli'-H has never been witnessed In the vicinity of tho Chicago court room. Tho hour set for Rockefeller's ap pearance was 10 o'clock, and an hour before that time tho hall outside tho court room door was densely packed by tho crowd, all of whom were anxious to hear tho testimony. A large squad oi deputy United States marshals and a number of pollco were on hand, but ovon they were unablo at times to control tho crowd. Rockefeller, attended by flvo local detectives and several secret service men to protect him from chanco cranks, was conducted to the court room shortly after 10 o'clock. Ho was shown to a seat to the left of tho Judge's bench, and was well up nto tho room before his presence was noticed. There was considerable ex citement, and some confusion result ed from tho efforts of the spectators to obtain a close view. He looked around with some curiosity and then commenced a conversation with his attorneys. Before tho hearing of tho Standard Oil case Judge Landls disposed of several minor matters. When tho case was called, the Stan dard Oil attorneys camo forward to tho judges' desk and made an ear nest plea that Rockefeller bo excused because ho could give no Information that could not better be obtained from some other source. The Judge, however, refused, to vacate tho sub-1 poena, !' COOS BAYITES MEET DEFEAT North Bend Assists Bandon to Victory by Running up Thirteen Errors. MARSHFIELD'S DAY OFF. s,ab Arlkt Wliht wiico. con- I l(i ... .IHWI 1..t C.i.w.. Was Poor. Tho game at Coquille Sunday was exciting and full of interest, and the trip from the Day hugely enjoyed, notwithstanding a tedious wait at Cedar Point for the Bandon boat and tho defeat that fell to tho -lot of the teams from tho Coos Bay towns. Tho train bearing tho clubs of Marshfleld and North Bend with a contingent of rooters left shortly after S o'clock, and speeded to Cedar Point without incident. Here the North Bend delegation, headed for Bandon, embarked on -the steamer Liberty, the Marshfielders continuing by lail to Coquille and missing the pleasurable river trip which the de lightful day afforded. The Coquille game was called about 2:30 p. in., and a fair crdwd assembled, the local brass band turn ins out to add to tho enUvenment of tho occasion. Some delay waaj experienced in procuring an umpire. Earl Goodman, of Coquille, was finally engaged, and though he made 5orne mistakes that in most part were expensive to tho visitors, ho umpired a very fair game. Jay Mahoney, of Marahfleld, acted as official scorer. In, tho first time at bat Marshfleld failed to bcore, but Coquille was more fortunate in its initlul try-out. Coquilli pitcher ana receiver, Col lier and Peralta, were both at their best, and their suppoit was also gilt edged. It was Marshfleld's day off, thi3 fact being apparent from the start. The boys, with the exception of Hi Wright (always right), and possibly one or two others, lacked their usual vim and expertness, and tho result was a score of 8 to 2 In favor of Coquille. However, good feeling prevailed, and our boys have pnly praise for tho manner In which they were treated during the day. George Ferry got his base onco by getting a delivery from tho box in tho solar plexus. The pain didn't annoy him half as much as did tho taunts of tho Coquille youngsters, who had pins and marbles, and even peanuts, staked on tho triumphant homo team. Bert DImmlck's long nursed "pet" behind tho ears pre vented his "rubbering" at the grand stand, but didn't interfere with some good sprinting and bat work. Tho Coquillo boys appeared for tho first time in their nobby now uni forms, a light grey. Tho Marshfleld players are unani mous In praising tho' work of Pitcher Wright, and acknowledge his support was anything but encouraging to a slab artist. Marshfleld. ab. r. h. po. a. e. 2 2 Tower, s. s 3 0 0 3 Cowan, c 3 1 0 G Ferrey, r. f -3 0 0 0 Dimmlck, lb 4 1 1 10 Snyder, 1. f 4 0 1 1 McLean, 2b 4 0 0 2 Wells, c. f 3 0 0 0 Llljeqvlst, 3b 3 0 0 1 Wright, p 3 0 0 1 Totals J.,.30 2 2 24 13 11 Coquille. ab. r. Lorong, 2b 5 0 Howell, s. s 4 1 Longworthy, 3b... 4 0 Prey. c. f 4 0 P. Collier, r. f 4 1 Hartley, lb 4 2 Noster, 1. f 4 2 Peralta, o 4 2 J. Collier, p 4 0 h, po. 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 11 1 1 Totals 37 8 5 27 9 5 c Score by Innings. Coquillo .., 13000103 8 MarahnoM 00020000 02 Member of 1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, &mSJMMm "Riches aro like sea water, the more you Brink tho more you thii-st."-Bchopenhauor. Maybell in Brooklyn Eagle. Two-baso hit Peralta. Struck out Collier, 11; Wright, 0. Stolen base McLean. Sacrifice hits Nos ier, Prey, Dimmlck, Wells. Tho unexpected happened Sunday at Bandon In the League game qf ball, and North Bend came home with the short end. A narrator ex-J plained the defeat by saying that tho game was very much punk all the way through, on both ends, in the middle and on the under side. More thnn this, the North Bend peo ple say tho Baiidoultes are the limit for batting and scooped the pitching fiom the ground. Jumped into the air when tho ball was not near enough to hit and lined everything out that J the announcement of the new brick they went after. plant to be established up Daniel's The number of hits shows there Creek, was a busy time for the North Bend Mr. J. E. Glazier who has been pitchers, and the only wonder Is that saying little and doing much since tho score was not more unwieldy, his arrival In North Bend last spring North Bend gathered thirteen errois came into the Harbor office yestcr without liaif trying and this contrib- day and said: uted largely to their defeat. The "i am ready to have that brick players excuse themselves by saying manufacturing story published now, the sand blew in' their eye3 and i have not wanted anything said be spolled their accuracy of vision.- The foie this because there has been too score is appended: Bandon. ab. Swift, c 5 Doverix, 2b 4 Brackerby, s. s. . . . C Fieger, lb C Gavin, 1. f G Rosa, r. f G Cox, 3b 4 Hahn, c. f G r. h. po. n. e. 0 1 ,1 1 0 0 1 0 1 5 1 11 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 0 1 Walker, p 5 Totals 48 12 1G 27 14 North Bend. ab. r. h. po. a. e. Wlckman, c. f 4 1 1 1 1 3 0 Gale, 2b 5 1 1 4 Felter, lb 5 0 2 7 Keane, 3b 5 0 2 2 Graham, p 2 1 1 2 Lyons, c 4 1 1 5 Paul, 1. f 3 0 0 1 Gaffney, s. s 3 1 1 4 Sumner, r. f 4 1 1 1 Foote, p 1 0 0 0 Totals 3G G 10 27 12 13 Summary. Earned runs None. Three-base hit Felter. Two-base ! hit Hahn. Bases on balls Off Walker, 3; off Foot, 3; off Graham, 1. Struck out By Graham, 2; by Foot, 2; by Walker, 2. Stolen bases Cox, Gaffney (2), Keane. Passed balls Swift, 2; Lyons, 2. Double plays Paul to Galo; Doverix to Fie ger. Scorer Mrs. Lyons. DR. STAFFORD FINDS IMPORTANT CLUE. Dr. Stafford, of tho Palm Ice Cream parlor, has discovered what appears to bo an important clue to tho thief who entered the establish ment and extracted tho Remington .44 revolver a few nights ago. As tho vandal failed to take any of tho ammunition belonging with the gun Dr. Stafford became convneed that inquiry at tho hardware stores would not bo amiss. Ho found that a man had pur chased .44 cartridges at the Mllner hardware storo tho morning after tho robbery. The man Is described as being short and heary set, with smooth shaven features. From de velopments which have arisen it is bollcved bis apprehension -will fol- Jow riiortljr. Associated Press. TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1907. NEW era PLANT Will Have Daily Capacity of Thirty-five Thousand. Oillces to Be Located at North Bend Will Manufacture Red Brick. From tho Coos Ba' Harbor come much talk and too little action by i others and we did not want our company to get that reputation. We I were hero for business and now we are ready for all that will come t along our line. "Our plant arrived this morning on the Alliance and will bo installed 'as lapidiy as possible. We will have 1 a capacity of 30 to 35 M. per day, and have clay enough to last fifty J years. i "Our offices will bo located in North Bend, where I have decided to i make my home, and Mr. Dexter, our superintendent, will for tho present live at tne plant wnicn is auovo Daniels creek at Jesso Smith's place. "The clay deposits we have had tested at Oakland, Boise and In Ohio, and every test made says the clay Is not surpassed by any In the country for a good building brick. At present we will make only the or dinary red brick, but will manufac ture a surfaced brick next season. Mr. Dexter came hero from Dayton, Washington, and was attracted to this section by tho North Bend Chamber of Commerce ad. in tho Pacific Monthly. Ho Is an all round good brick man and will have charge of the plant entirely. Mr. Win. Dawson is also Interested with mo in tho business and until his family re turns to Idaho from a visit east he will remain hero to help tho thing along. Ho may decide to locate here permanently after a while. Mr. Dexter brought two brick burners with him; work will bo commenced at onco and it will bo only a few weeks before wo will bo able to sup ply brick to tho local market. PILING FOR SALE. Sealed bids will bo received up to noon on July 25, 1907, at tho law office of C. A. Sehlbredo, In Doug las Building, in Marshfleld, Oregon, for the cedar piling and saw timber standing and lying on the NW of tho NE JA of Section 28, Township 25, S. R. 13 W., the said land being situate adjoining on tho west sido of tho Marshfleld Water Works Com pany's pumping station. Tho purchaser to have six months from the date of purchase in which to remove such piling and timber from said premises. Terms cash. MATTHEW VONEY, Owner. m YEARS FOR SOHMITZ I Sentencing of San Francisco's Mayor Marked by Scath ing Arraignment. SENSATIONAL COURT SCENE Prisoner Interiupts Judge Dunne mid His Attorney Narrow ly Escapes Imprisonment for Contempt. San Francisco, July S. The sen tencing of Mayor Eugene Schmltz to five years in the San Quentln peni tentiary for extortion and the par tial completion of the work of select ing a jury to try Vice-President Louis Glass, of the Pacific States Telephone Company of the first of the ten charges of bribery of the supervisors were the features today n the graft proceedings. The sentencing of Schmltz was one of the most dramatic scenes ever witnessed in a western court. Judge Dunne delivered a fearful denuncia- ! tion of the prisoner, Schmltz inter- I ruptlng many times to demand that the "humiliating remarks" be desist ed from and that tho' court do its duty by pronouncing tho sentence at once. Onco while sentencing the court threatened to send Attorney Metson, of tho Mayor's counsel, to jail for contempt because he decried the court's comments as "Cruei and un usual punishment." -The defense filed a bill of exeep-. tions fater the motion for a new trial and for an arrest of judgment which had been denied, and Judge Dunno granted a certificate of prob able cause upon which Schmltz will go to the distiict court of appeals for a new trial. In Judge Lawlor's court six jurors were selected to try Glass. 1 COQUILLE PEOPLE SET '"-ran. Distinguished Citizens Make Addresses at Celebration. Picnics Are AVell Attended Other News From Coos County Scat. Coquille, July 8. Coquillo feels proud that three of her distinguished citizens were called upon to deliver Fourth of July orations in different parts of Coos county. Some of the people celebrated at Gravel Ford, where Hon. W. C. Chase, of Coquille, was tho orator. Others went to Rlverton, where Attorney C. R. Barron delivered an Interesting address to about four hundred people. Here a picnic, din ner, games and other amusements contributed to the day's enjoyment. Eight or nlno hundred people cele brated at Arago, and Judgo E. G. D. Holden, spoke to them in his usual happy manner. Thoy had races of all kinds, a basket dinner embel lished with plenty of beer. Bandon-by-the-sea also claimed her share of people who believed in celebrating tho glorious Fourth. Bishop Scaddlng, of tho Episcopal Church, delivered tho oration. They had an interesting ball game be tween tho League team and a pick up nine, tho former carrying off the honors by a score of 8 to 3. Paull, of tho Coquillo team, was umpire. The County Commissioners Court today made its decision regarding tho lato olectlon, by voting 2 to 1 in favor of accepting the vote as expressed at the polls, regardless of tho opinion of tho Attorney General. Last week ten wagons came in from Klamath Falls Thoy con tained travelers looking for homes and work. They say that the Kla math country gets better the farther you get from it. No. 1. OUT A Li Depositions From San Fran cisco Show Many Incon gruities In Testimony. TRIAL INTEREST ABATES. Marked Thinning Out In the Attendance, EVIDENCE ALMOST ALL IN, Believed That End of Famous Stcu " ncnbci'g Murder Case Is Not Far Dlbtnut. Boise, July S. Part of the San Francisco depositions dealing with the Biadley explosion were read to day to the jury which is trying Hay wood for life on the charge he mur dered former Governor Frank Steu nonberg, and tho balance will be presented tomorrow. Tho reading began directly after court sat, with Clarence Darrow and Senator Borah alternatng for their respective sides and although they pressed ahead as fast as possible, the summing up made at the adjournment showed that much of tomorrow will be con sumed by the unread affidavits. Tho depositions have an important bear ing on the case, but they contained no interest for the crowd, the at tendance belli;; tho lightest since the triarbegan. Both slde3 seemed satisfied with the showing made by the depositions and thtj contents will probably fur nish much material for the directly opposed contention. Tht State counted it a victory that Fred. Bradley had receded from his first and positive statement that it was a gas explosion aud is orepved to believe that the bomb might have been used. Bradley's flvst state ment was made before he know of Orchard's confession or any of tho other evidence locating Orchard in tho vicinity of his house. The prosecution Is also plp.ised to have it shown that while Bradley was still Inside tho door, when rho ex plosion occurred, tho particles of glass from tho door, hairs from tho rug that was outside tho door, and pieces of stone and cement from tho mosaic floor of tho estibule were blown into his body. It may be con tended that this shows conclusively that tho explosion was from the out side, and could not havo been caused by gas from tho Inside ot tho house. Tho defense, on tho other har.d, is satisfied that tho depositions show that It was impossible for Orchprd to havo reached the vestibule and placed the bomb in tho manner and time described by him. Tho evi dence, particularly tho explosion, shows a gas leak was tho cause. That there wore not two explosions; that Orchard's testimony as to his movements In tho rear of tho build ing when ho claims ho poisoned tho milk is shown by physical conditions to bo false. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO MEET TONIGHT. Matter of vital importance to Coos Bay will bo taken up by tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce to night. The meeting will be opened at 8 o'clock and an important feat ure will bo a talk by C. A. Smith re garding tho deepening and widening of tho channel and the prospects for building a modern hostlery. It is tho earnest desire of the members of the Marshfleld Chamber of Com merco that everybody Interested in the advancement of Coos Bay attend the meetng. Tho heavy financial in terests which Mr. Smith has on tho Bay and the deep personal Interest which ho takes in all matters affect ins ltq welfare give added woight to any plans which he may forward. 1 I