(HtUSB isam Exmm Sunday Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS Member of Associated Press. VOL 1. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1907. No. 313 LLnuULIIO SO jhuli IILLLHuL Marshfield Feels Confident North Bend May Spring Surprise at Bandon. GOSSIP FOR THE FANS. Locals Have Fighting Chance For First Place Diamond Dope Generally. STANDING OF CLUHS. PI. W. L. P.ct. North Bond... 4 3 1 .750 Coquille 4 3 1 .750 Marshfield .... 4 2 2 .500 Bandon 4 0 4 .000 Games To-Day. i Marshfield at Coquille. North Bend at Bandon. Independents vs. Smith Team. Marshfield will Journey over to tho county seat today and make a bis bluff at winning from the Coquille team. The Marshfield aggregation feel a sense of strength, though they aro crippled by the absence of two regular players, McKeown and Lam berton. There Is a belief among the nlno that Marshfield is certain to win from Coquille, since the Coquille team in the past has been as badly hoodooed when she meets this team as Marshfield is when she butts up against North Bend- This is good., argument, for it has been proven times without number in more than one section of the country. , For exampje, w,o need not make the rule applicable to the smaller and less experienced teams. Last fall tho Chicago Nationals were beaten so badly they scarcely knew thoy had been engaged In playing ball when the Chicago Americans galloped away with the world's championship. It was conceded on all sides that the Nationals were superior In nearly every position, yet the Americans took the series with ease. Marsh field's team is not making excuses because they are short regular play ers, and Bert Dimmck, who will offi ciate as captain today, is confident he has a team that can bring home a victory. Marshfield Is anxious to win this game, as they are now third in the pennant race. Should this occur, IVr percentage will be .600, while I quillo will bo pushed down the iale to .500 and third place. It Itay be Idle to figure what will hap pen at Bandon, where tho North Bend team will play, yet strange things happen in Coos Bay baseball; so Captain Lyons, of tho North Bend team, informs tho Times. It may be a surprise will bo sprung on tho un suspecting bunch from the manufac turing city. This Bandon town Is said to bo pretty wise when It comes to the national game, and hai been known to lay for a big clean-up all season. For this reason, Captain Lyons is throwing no bouquets at .htfailf over tho prospects of wln Ifws today's game. Should tho unlooked-for happen, ihea Marshfield would occupy first place. But it is a far cry, and would take a vivid imagination to lead one to such a hope. Marshfield will bo doing well If sho takes Coquille Into camp, and will be satisfied to see North Bend skin tho Beachltes. for Marshfield will havo tho next seanco with them and will trounco them, while Coqulllo Is chasing North Bead towards the pit. Marshfleld's line-up: Tower, s s.; Cowan, c; Ferrey, r. f.; Snyder, c. f ; Wells or Pohlemus, 1. f.;-Wright, p.; Dlmmlck, lb.; McLain, 2b.; Ltlje qvlst,, 3b. North Bend's Hno-up: Wickman, c. f.; Galo, 2b.; Felter, lb.; Keano 3b.; Graham, p.; Lyons, c; Gaffney, s. s.; Gaffney, s. s.; Paul, 1. f.; Foote, r. f. INDEPENDENTS VS. C. A. SMITH. The Marshfield Independent ball team will meet tho C. A Smhh ti"im this afternoon on the local ground?. The game will bo called .it 2;. "10, and tho contest is certain to he one worth witnessing, Tho Independents dia- Writ of Habeas Corpus Served On Sheriff Pomeroy Re fuses to Honor. PLEA OF ILL HEALTH MADE. Judge Fixes Hall at $2,500 and Gives Until Tuesday to liaise It. (Special to tho Times.") Astoria, July 0.- -Howard BroWn cll, nttornej for J. H. Bowlsby, to day served a writ of habeas corpus on Sheriff Pomeroy directing him to produce tho prisoner in the Circuit Court at 4 o'clock this afternoon. According to the Sheriff, Brownell simply walked into the office and I placed the paper on tho desk in front I of the SherlfT and then walked out. 1 This the Sheriff felt confident was not good service, and he decided to make no return on the writ. When the matter came before Judge Mc Brldo at 4 o'clock the Sheriff and Brownell appeared with the prisoner. The Sherlf explained his opinion as to tho service of the writ and why ho had made no return, and was upheld by JJudgo McBrldo, who ruled that only the Coroner could serve papers on, the Sheriff. The judge asked on what authority the Sheriff was de taining tlQ prisoner and the Sheriff (old him Jt was on Information charg ing murder in tho first degree, filed on Juno 3, and sworn o by Deputy District Attorney John McCue. The prisoner's attorney asked that ar rangement be made to hoar the caso today. Judge McBrlde said "it was impossible that it could be done be fore the first day of the next term. WITH THE SICK Tho four patients at the Marsh field General Hospital are improving rapidly and will soon be able to de part to their respective homes. Georgo Martin, a patient at tho Mercy Hospital is convalescing and will soon return home. Henry Saunders, who has been ill with typhoid fever at the Mercy Hos pital, Is getting along nicely. AI Nicolls, after having been operated upon is still a patient at tho Mercy Hospiatl. Allen Blucl, a surgical patient at tho Mercy Hospital, is improving. Mrs. John Lawson is still a pa tient at the Mercy. Mrs. Wickman has been taken to the Mercy Hospital and will havo an operation performed on Monday. Among the other patients at tho Mercy Hospital are: Mesdames J. Faulkner, M. G. Cole man, Earle Andrews and Tywltz. posed of thcBay City team last Sun day by a score of 10 o 4, and the mill boys havo been rustling nmtPi'al for Improving their nine sin:e then. They have a combination villi tvntuh they hope to turn tho tables on he Independents today and evoral posi tions show new players. Tho Inde pendents have not been hllp tn tho way of strengthening their lino up and havo added two strong players for the game. The dope Is out that this f.nme will bo a surprise to those who havo been watching the Leaguj games. Following Is tho list of players and their positions: Independents. Wallmark, catcher. Morrill, pitcher. Ross, first base. Cota, second base.. , Nickels, short stop. Booth, third base. . , Green, loft field. i . Parker, right field. LaPalme, center field. C. A. Smith. Carl' Johnson, catcher. Merchant, pitcher. Doylefirst base. Holland.second base.' J. Bernltt, short stop. Jones, third base. Bennett, left field. John Holmes, right field, S, Bernltt, center field. . ' PERSONAL NOTES Miss Lydla Johnson, of San Fran cisco, has come to Coos Bay on a visit to her parents. Geo. Bloodsaw, of Coquille, Is a city visitor. ' , Mrs. D. S. Be&sey was In town yes terday. Grace Kruse has returned to her home, where she will remain until school reopens In the Fall. Mrs. Jacobson, of North Bend, was shopping In Marshfield yesterday. Miss Reynolds, of North Bend, was a Marshfield visitor yesterday. Thomas Rice will return to Long' Beach, leaving Monday on the Plant. Helen Simpson came home Friday after having spent n week visiting with parents on Larsen Inlet. Seymour Bell and family have moved into the Barnes residence on Sheridan street. Mrs. Frank Rogers was a business visitor in town yesterday. Mrs. Eva Hodson. was down from Coos River yesterday. Miss. Sadie Kruse has returned to, her home, after a few days' visit Iwlth Miss Laura Escott. Miss Judd, of North Inlet, was in town yesterday. The residence that Mrs. C. W Tower is having .built on tho corner of Queen avenue and Sheridan street is nearing completion, and will soon be ready for tenants. Mr. P. A. city. Fleisburg, a -nephew1 of' Mrs, Sandberg, Is visiting in this Ben Wllley and wife left yester day on a berrying expedition to Alle gany. They will remain for a few days. Will Kronholm Is taking a few days' vacation, after which he will resume his work. Bud Holland and family leave for Coquille today. Mrs. M. Davis and Mrs. Johnson, of North Bend, were Marshfield visit ors yesterday. Mr. Iris Elrod, who left the Bay about a year ago, Is now ejmployed in Kluff Bros.' whose grocery estab lishment in San Francisco. Mr. Robert Dlllard, one of Marsh field's popular young men, Is in the employ of Welnstock and Lubin, a large dry goods firm in San Fran cisco. ' Mr. Oren has rented Dr. McCor mac's residence in Marshfield for the summer. Dr. McCormac was in town yes terday. Mrs. Fred Nelson Is at Coaledo visiting with friends and relatives. Geo. Schlegel of Plat B was In town yesterday. Mr. Frank Wickman of Chicago arrived on tho Plant to spend a few months with relatives on the bay. Mrs. Fields of San Francisco ar rived on the Plant, sho will visit for the summer on tho bay as the guest of Mrs. Jay Montgomery. Mr. Nowhall arrived on the' Plant from tho south and will remain for a few weeks visiting with friends on tho bay. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCullough loft town .yesterday for Coos River, where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Bentz, of'Mlllington.'was in Marshfield yesterday. Jim Balnes leaves for Frisco on the Plant, whero ho will remain for about threo weeks. Mr, ana Mrs. C. F. McCullom, of North Bend, left yesterday for their summer homo on Coos River, where thoy will remain, for the summer, GRADING CONTRACT WITH S. P. COMPANY. 1). W. Small Giadlng Near Summit Making Cut About 1,000 Feet Lout;. Contractor D. W. Small was In Marshfield yesterday from Summit, where he is engaged In grading for the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany. Mr. Small completed a threo years' contract at Summit last Sep tember. Tho work was executed to reduce the grade over the elevation and tho cuts were deep. Two cuts were finished and the tracks laid last Fall, but before a train had passed through one of the excavations, the rains began and landslides covered the tracks so deep that trafilc could not be sent through. The other cut was used, but the grading which Mr. Small Is now en gaged in will improve the grade and aid traffic considerably. The cut will be about 1,000 feet In length. Mr. Small has ten scrapers employed in the work which ho commenced on Thursday of last week. Before moving his outfit to Sum mit, he had graded three blocks on l-Exchange street, Plat B, property he purchased last season of Major L. D. Kinney. POPULAR CONTRACTOR PASSES THROUGH. W. Jacobson, Accompanied by His Wife, Visits Marshfield Friends En Itoutc to Bandon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacobson, of Port land, were in Marshfield July 6 on their way to Bandon. Mr. Jacobson is well known on Coos Bay, having been here in former times while en gaged in superintending government Jetty work. His friends were 'pleased to see the genial contractor and he spent a very pleasant day, here. Mr. Jacobson Is a mombor of the firm of WIckfield & Jacobson, of Portland, Bridge and Building Com pany. This firm has the contract for constructing the jetty at Bandon and Mr. Jacobson goes there to superin tend the work. The contract pro vides for the expenditure of $60,000, and the work outlined for the firm iwiu uuuupy tut; ul pai l ui u. jrctii. Rock for the iettv will be taken from the Tupper quarry. Misses Delia and Ada Chapman ar rived home yesterday. Mr. Frank Rummell, Jr., and fam ily returned from a trip to Portland, where they have been visiting rela tives. I Mr. W. Seymore returned iby Rose- burg yesterday, after having trav eled through Alaska. ' Miss D. Skeels, of Coquille, Is vis iting Miss Eunice Nlchoils, of this city. , Miss Rose Ferry left yesterday for Riverton. Miss Boyd, of Coquille, Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Boone, of West Marshfield. Mr. W. Knight and family aro here from the East on their way to Bea ver Hill, where they will make their home. Mrs. W. R. Haines has returned from a two months visit with rela tives in Chicago. Mrs. T. Dolan, a well-known resi dent of Eureka, Cal., arrived on tho Bay Wednesday via Roseburg. Ho Is tho guest of Captain and Mrs. Weeks, of Centervillo. A. E. Seaman and family havo gone to their summer home, "Tho Orchard," on Coos River. Mr. W. II. Kennedy and Geo. Flan agan left last night on 'a business trip to Ten Mile. Victor Wickman, of tho Life Sav ing Station crew, spent Saturday in town. Henry Wells and wife yesterday moved into a suite of five rooms In tho Rogers building. Rev. H. II. Brown loft on tho Al liance for Seattle, going as a dolo gate to tho International Christian Endeavor convention. Ho will re main until July 15. T. J. Little to B. Folsom, lots 3 and 14, block 6, Coquille; $10. PWIIsTSALOONSWeI. TO COOS MY IN fPUE Brings Forty-One Passengers From San Francisco 215 Tons Freight. OTHER NEWS OF MARINE. Impatient Sailors Walt For Sclioon- Salvator and Northwest to Leave Hay. Tho plan arrived up from San Francisco yesterday afternoon with a list of thirty-three flrst;class and eght second-class passengers. She brought a largo consignment of fruit and vegetables, and her freight amounted to two hundred and fif teen tons. The longshoremen were busy unloading the vessel last night and she will lay over until Monday, sailing from North Bend at 11 o'clock. The following were the passengers who arrived on tho Plant yesterday: Captain Reed, E. F. Nlehaus, Mrs. E. F. Nlehaus, Chas. JJ. Hedwall, Miss Enegrln, MrB. W. Furman, Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. J. Diamond, Mrs. E. Diamond, Mrs. L. F. O'Kelly, Miss B. Hyde, Miss Theda Hyde, Miss G. H. Easton, W. E. Ireland O. T. Knapp, Mr. Hayes, Margaret Hayes, Miss Lena Kruse, Miss Fre(da Dalss, Miss Bertha Kruse, .Mrs. ,D, Hasklns, Mrs. Lucy Gould, F. A. Wickman, F. W. Newhall, Mrs. J. E. Field, Captain Robert Bressner, D. Pon dlne, J. C. Astrado, Mrs. Astrado, P. W. Smith, Mrs. Tulte and family, C. A. Smith, and eight second class passengers. There is a bunch of Impatient sail ors at the Southern Pacific, docks. The sailors are aboard the schooners Salvator and Northwest, which have been waiting' here, the former for 45 days, and the latter, about a month, for cargoes of lumber. Capt. Charles Peterson is skipper of tho Salvator and he is rather disgusted at the in activity he Is undergoing. The Northwest was chartered by the Riverton Lumber Co. to take a cargo of spruce lumber and piling to San Francisco. In a charter contract demurrage commences after ten days and the captain is sending a notice to the Riverton Lumber Co. every day. The forfeiture Is ?50 per day when the ship is lying Idle. The Northwest is without a cap tain, as Captain Anderson of that ship loft a week ago for San Fran cisco to accept a position with a line which is operating between San Francisco and Alaska. The men on the Northwest have not been paid off for some time and they are be' coming anxious to receive their re wards." GEORGE W. WILLIAMS ADJUDGED INSANE. Guards Expected Next AVeelc From Salem to Remove Him to Asylum. (Special to the Times.) Coquille, July G. Georgo Wallace Williams, the man who was taken into custody at Bandon yesterday on account of his peculiar actions', was brought to Coquille today by E. M. Brackerby and Ralph Holman. His hearing took placo this afternTJoliTijo foro tho County Court, and ho was committed to tho Insane asylum at Salem. Mr. Williams understands that ho Is charged with Insanity, and says ho Is not Insane, but abnormally sano. Tho authorities at Salem havo been advised of the court's action and guards aro expected hero early In tho week to tako him to tho asylum. J. j j. .j. j j .j. $ $ .$ ,j .j. j $ $ NEW ISSUE DELAYED. Tho Hnotypo to which an acci dent happened a fow nights ago, ngaln broke down yesterday evening, and possibly two days will bo required to repair it. Tho notice Is given because this S most unfortunate accldont ron $ dored It Impossible to carry out tho plans for tho Initial appear- anco of a twelvo-pago Sunday Issue. .4,..4.4. j. ....... ..4. .j. County Court Gives Decision In Accordance With Election East Precinct Dry. ENTER TWO GROG SHOPS. Uoth-Do Good Business Back Door Trade Is Especially Good. (Special to tho Times.) Coquille, July G. Tho County Court yesterday decided tho question respecting the granting of license in Coquille city. Tho matter has caused great interest throughout the county as well as among those locally concerned. The decsion leaves tho election as it was carried on Mon day, June 3, when the west precinct voted wet and the east precinct dry. The effect, however, is that tho city is wet, for it is no particularly stren- uous effort for a man to get out of the east precinct into the wet side and enjoy his libations to his heart's content. Two saloons were opened to the thirsty public today, one In the Tup per hotel and tho other by Baxter Brothers. Business was fair, though the long drought had partially weaned some from the burning deslro for drink. v It was noticeable that back doors were doing a good share of. the business, probably owing to the sudden novelty thrust upon tho city so unexpectedly, and that some have not yet workeu up their cour age to a front door bravery. BUSINESS DEMANDS ADDITIONAL ROOM. Additional Equipment Will Do Added In Order to Increase Capacity. W. L. Whaley, proprietor of tho Coos Bay Mattress Company, is pre paring to move Into new and larger quarters on July 15. Buildings aro being constructed on lots south of Mrs. Sarah Wilson's residenco on Broadway by S. L. Gilroy. Thero are two portions, each 24x49 feet, one standing directly back of tho other, with a' connecting runway 8x42 feet. In front is a 24x28 foot plank dock, the approach to the building. The front building is an eighteen foot story and tho rear 14 feet. Mr. Whaley purchased the busi ness on the first of tho present ,year, and since then has increased it so largely that more room was neces sary to care for tho trade. In his now quarters, Mr. Whaley will add from time, to time lines which tho business will demand. Now equip ment will be necessary in the new location and will consist of the fol lowing accessories: pneumatic filler and felt machine, feather renovator and mixer, mattress stuffing machino with a capacity of 150 beds per day, an Invention of Mr. Whaley. Mr. Whaley has not yet decided whether he will employ steam or electricity as power, but inclines to steam, since It can bo used for heat and renovating. Ho will carry a ?3,000 stock of raw materials, and will do all kinds of upholstering. Ho expects to employ from fifteen to twenty bunds, whereas, ho now has room for but six, and when tho busi ness .was purchased by him, two hands could tako rare of tho work Ho will manufacture a full lino of upholstered goods, bedding, canvas goods, including tents, besides dra peries, comforts, spreads, carpet and rug work. It is Interesting to know how tho largo varloty of mattresses which Mr. Whaley Is now manufacturing. Ono who sees a mattress considers little tho possibilities there aro In tholr manufacture. Mr. Whaley Is making at present nlno varieties cotton-folt, floss-felt, moss combina tion, hair of all grades, wool and excelsior combination, cotton tind'ex colslor combination, all oxcelslor, all wool, all grades of box mattresses. It is a favorablo Indication of tho progress of tho Coos Bay country to witness tho growth of manufacturing Institutions, and Mr. Whaley is to bo congratulated upon his success,