K fwli" wjn KAJKhtttM ' -Ji ? k-gr MMy mi - i ms daily ogop nAjg times, am isnrrELn, pitE0$ Thursday, julyi, 1007 KJOT.I. ! I JI1WI. UJ.UHmj-TiTl fcSONIC TEMPLE THEATRE ONE NIGHT THURSDAY J Clark'stfAm 1 Biogr. ' TiTe Tha UL Y 4th erfdan Company iProsentinK hike Tragedy 8000 Feet the very latest moving pictures I also beautiful Illustrated Songs, etc. Js 25c 35c and 50c for reserved seats now on Sale at I J. W. BUTLERS Come Early to Make Selections of 1 v. , !ur stock isgoingJFast. A trial of our iir 1 ' will convince thafrthey are the best on the market. oos Bay Paint & Wall paper Company. 2nd near C Street. MARKETS s SOUTHERN PACIFICCOMPAM TXf-1itl &r PRair .QQ T irxo S. S. BREAKWATER r 1 X sails for Portland andVAftorfa' July 10th, U:30 A. M. C. F. McColfiim, Agt. one Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock A ( Souvenir Rq Atiip Imp nr- stakfof Marshfield Reinll. Quotations nrc as follows: Bacon Per lb., 1 to 2Gc. Flour Per sack, $1.30 to $1.G0. Potatoes Per lb 'ZVz to 3c. Now Potatoes 8c. Cabbage Per lb., 5 to 6c. Cauliflower Per head, 10 and lGc. Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 50c. Onions Per lb., Gc. Duttor Per square, 3G to 40c. Boiled cider Per quart, 30c. Asparagus lGc. lb. Rhubarb 4 lbs. for 2Gc. Boots Por lb., 3c. Country eggs Por dozen, 2Gc. Hens Dressed, 22c! lb. Chickens Frys, dressed, 25c. lb. String Beans 3 lbs. 2Gc. Fresh Peas C lbs. 25 c. Lettuco 5 nnd 10c. head. Cucumbers 5c. each. Garlic 15c. Apricots 50c. Plums 35c. to 50c. Peaches, doz. 25c. Apples, new 3 lbs. 25c. Molons 10c. to 15c. Beans, green S lbs. 25c. Logan Berries 3 hoxes 25c. Gooseberries 10c. Strawberries 10c. Raspberries 1 0c. Meats. Salmon (salt) Per lb.. Cc. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c. Sausage Por lb., 10c. Pork Por pound, 12V6 to 15c. Chuck steak Per lb., 10 to 15c. Round Steak Per lb., 10c. Porterhouso steak Per lb., 12 c. Mutton 'Roasts, per lb., 12 c. in i, in i hi ij I.I.M..IIIIII iiw ,ii iwi 'Sf Business Directory p it v Z- jiiajr Doctors. L l a. - t to 15c; chops, 12 to 15c; 'stew, 10 to 12 c. Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 25c Sirloin steak Per lb., 121,4- to 15c Boiling Per lb., 5 to 8c Veal Stew, per lb., 8c; cutlets, 10c. Brains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 25c Pickled pork Per lb., 12i4c Corned Beef Por lb., 7c Wienerwurst Per lb., 120. Lamb's tongues C for 25c Fruits nnd Nuts. Apples 10c lb. Cocoanut? Each, 10c Walnuts Per lb., 25c Almonds Per lb., 20 to 30c Lemons Per dozen, 20 to 30c Bannnas Por dozen, 40c Oranges Por dozen, 50 to C0c, according to size. Dried Fruits. Raisins London layers, per lb., 20 to 30c; seeded, per 12oz. pkg., 12 c; lC-oz., pkg., 15c Currants Clean, per 12-oz. pkg., 12 a; 16-oz. pkg., 15c Citron Per lb., 35c Orango peel Per lb., 25c Lemon peel Per lb., 25c. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. , Following is a list of wholesale prices as seen on the local market: Oat and wheat hay ?15 to $25. Geese $1. Hens 10c Sheep $3 to $5. Veal calves $2.75. Beef, steers $2.50. Chickens, spring 12 o. Ducks 50 to 75c Beef, cows $2. MARSHFIELD QENERALHpSPITAtf rt. BLA MISS Jtt. Hospital Medical able. LAC gical and reason- itea hojte 991. Bancroft TOR VISUAL DEFECTS NEI CHW0MCILLS Officgo2entral Hotel E3E9 Oakley & Arnold civil AND MECHA s ENGINEERS NICAL North Bend, Ore. PhonelZlO Office in Mjert Bldg. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIIFIE DqttKQON. CBpitaFSulidfnbe'ct IW.000 Capital PaWL Up 40,00v) umnviaeu itojiis ao,uuu Cain ftalUank I'd IIU&UUUIU. U1.1 ilWlUICI air fork. N. ar! iloiid. l Idarynently ill bject l klat lAjslnens and draws ffornlaA San Krancicco Hland OrFlrsI Na- Hutlichlld & the principal Doe a cencral bi ou lbs Jiank ot CallL,MriitNatlc National Bank, tionifl Bank, Ni Son, London, En Also sell chnn eltlea Enropo. AceoantB kept Subject loheok, safe deposit lock boxes for rel atJT cents a month or J5. a'raar. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS can furniah the following ThorouglibfeaBgg8 at M - $2.00 Per Setting GEM RESTAURANUORTH BEND. Open day andnlght. Serves everything the niarffel affords. FOR SALE A fawof 80 acres on Daniels' Creek. Vddress E. R. Jones,. Box 110, laVshfleld. 5-26-1 FOR SALE A smalViinproved farm. This Is a bargain. AApply at Hall & Hall's office, v 6-1-1 WANTED Men tovdrk in sawmill, wages $2 pet daw and upward, Simpson LumberC6 8-241tf. FOR SALE Ffu South Marshlleld days. Add re a NOTICE Pure at your d Eton Mctlin, WANTED TO year on 2 1 addition, o i N68, caro Ci f r fri Jersom r. Mt deliAy -H- fBORRG) OtS llfedH psBay ibD Elco resor land in .or the next sixty 413012m. ilk delivered Port Dairy, man. C. Music. W, $500 for 1 ock5, railroad way. Address Times. WANTED. T J buy, clean rags. -Apply Times OElco. FOR SALE Horflfisjfead relinquish ment, direct frortif owner, on -dally mail route. AdSraes X. Y. Z. care Times. ROOM FOR RENT, hoysokeeplng and single; some Vioie office room. Enquiro at Roonil, Roger Build lng, conrer FIreik and C streets, opened undorno management. J. L. French, Tnanagor. FOR SALE Clam'lls for sale at end of Broadway, jfirtpar sack. WANTED Girl to dogeneral house work. Call at Maff S. E. Painter's, on So. Broadwny. j& &v, jmMtM i. -.; jagii-(A HUKiin a.g;y -Ygt. - c-j-a S FittfngJGlasses ik no S C, side liflo; with usl we devotpurwholeytime S I BplSERVICE I I BSGOODS I S Wo arc equlped to furnish both I F. J. HAYES I TheC.B.,R.&LR.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. In Effect January 1, 11)07. All previous schedules arc void. Subject to chango without notice, W. S. Chandler, manager; V. A, Laise, freight agent; Jgoncral offices, Marshfield, Oregon jgo No. 1. Trains. Dally I Except SunjSay. Stations. Leavo 9: 00 a. rmfMarshflold. 9:30 aym.B. H. Junction. 9 : 4pj m.Coquillo. Arrive 10:80 a.m.jMyrtle Point. No. 2. Dally Except Sunday. Leave 10:45 a. m.Myrtle Point. 10:30 r m.jcoqullif.. 12:00 m. B. L. Junction. Arrive 12:30 p.m.JMarshfleld. Extra trains will run on dally special orders. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. IJU...HMM j. lrorTfrrTwswTTnmTCmwffi'rntriiragir w. Ayty&iNG I I Dealer in'Tirfo CrcairryMilk Sand Bu'tterulkjTnft) de- a liveryytonjiimTs ofi.tio city. North BendX Ocegon ro-r7TJL-arfa.T-j-TTwft Now HOTEL New Sample R NOR' JvnnVirkXK (Vjixtyyj awQ Modforn J-l.. z r UUU1HXII1.AJ onnection D, ORE, J Bmxk (Sajiitat 5n,Dna, Branca Stusinr. Wattl atoui fully pabui rl anPttar iSanhlng feili; resmt PuUJ BELLT Wet VourWhlst J. R.ftfEWiQ Front Strcit, :jr he CORD IcThen Blow N, Prop. Marshfield, Oregon Nelson Iron Works P. E. NELSON, Prop Wo repair ntTklflda)f Machinery, Steam and QasJnnlneCiins and Bi cycles. Bestfi'nrk our Specialty. : : Wo mrfnuflvcturcXarttiigi In Iron and Bronzoffor Tfiw Mills mid Logging Camps J Wo make the bftt Sheaves nmd Koad Stools lor Loggcs TELEPHONE 021 MARSHFIELD. - - OREGON S PERINTENDENT .ofitions R H. BRIQHAM ARCHITECT Aj Plans Ano Bpecmofttions made for aJl"clBses f buildingST North Bendt Oregon PHONE 541 STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master TIR Leaves and 10:30 and 4:00 Leaves 9:45 am 3:15 an Makes days 1BADLE. irnMittflnTH T.Qfl WUIfUUQlUi u Vl aym.. andLfdO 4J m Nortb'Benu ML1R qMT:00 p. Idally til 0:00, , 2:30 at 8:15, a. m., and 1:45, ps except Sun- One way. 15 cents; round trip, 2R cou'h. E. E. STRAW, M. D. rilYSlCIAN AND SUnOEON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat a specialty. ( Oflico in Lockhart's BuildihgA Marshfield, '" . Oregon' 4 DR. HAYDON I omco opposite Union Furniture Store, .'jnouu 10 to l'nnil 2 tn fi .It Spoclal attention pa(d to diseases ot the skin urinary ana aigcsuvo organs --t V. H'.' Pension examine! . Marshfield, r'bregor, nn. j. w. ingimm. - Pliysician nnC Bnrgeon. -.! Offlc over Sengstackoh's Drug Store, Phones Office 1621; residence 783. n. M. RlCnAItDSON, Physician and Surgeon. ft Diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. m Ofllce In Eldorado Block. $f . f 3 Lawyers. I B. L. O. PARRIN. Attorucy-at-Law. City Attorney, i Deputy Dlst. Att'y. Lockhart Buildlhg. Mnrshfleld, PhAne 44. I K OwT . J . L. A. HLJEQVIST, LAWYER, .. T5 : United StAtcs Commissioner, r. IT. S.Land Mutters. . ' Filings, Entrlfcs, Proo8, Contests, etc. MS -- i. A J. W. HENNEl Oflico over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfield, Oregon. 1.' O. P. McICNlGHT, s Attorncy-nt-Law. M, Upstairs, Bennett & Walter block. Marshfield, - Oregon.. ask, J. W. SNOVER j Attornoy-nt-Law Ofllce: Roger? building s Marshflold, Oregon' coiaa & coioj, - - y "t Attornoy-aHJaw. Marshflold, - - - Oregon. PIXLEY & MAYBEE, ASorncys-ntIjaw. Ofllce over Myers' Store. Phono 701 .. . North -Bend, Ore, Real Estate Agents. '. -' '. DIER LAND COMPANY Real Estate Brokers North Bond, - Oregon. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of nil kinds. Phone 1884. , k I McPliersoii Ginser Co. 1 Wholesahfiquorvdealerfl,, I 1 Cigars jtyd saloetlpj I Califorrrb Winjr a Specialty FronTStT, Marshfield Coos Bay Steam Laundry . I MARSHFIFAoRTHBENJ). I All vardw pone at 1 the NbrtnBeml Plant 1 n I: i. ': " . J W Klipdo Bland V Edgarto;tfvlni Barred Plyinoi locks - NOR HANSEN WbitoLeghoi; Steam rPye Works j . PekmllJucL ViO more. pr Diabetes JOHN FDANAGAN If you d6 y fun in $r bond i: our orders Now Marshfield d to the I juiUw tin Philip Eggs Shippel county. y where in the chooling gsji fRY A TIMES WANT AD. C L Oi 3iirruiiL li. TJh nit fqbest shots J. iU,W Hf n TONff .-! S. ivrseean Lrceo dftoo aroun A 7f r