TTi wt-- pryf m 'vrr-"' - mwkbwwt M!' THK DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MAflSMTIELD, OREGON, r nf THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1007. j ' r. - JllllLIUILJipiW ' w- N 1 1 Coos Bay Times AN INDFPKNDEXT HKPUP"rt" "9?ArKn rumniiKD eveiiy ihy nxcErnso Mon day AND ALSO WEEKLY BY Tiii Coos Bay Times I'uiilihiuno Co. FKED PASLEY, Editor. IttiX LARGE, Business Manager. The policy of The Coos Bay Times will be Henublitan in politics, v.ith the Independence of which President Roose velt in the leading exponent. Enteral (vt tlio potonice at MarshtlelJ. Ore gon lor trnnsmlvxlon through the malls as sccCnd clas mall matte r. a. much greater tribute however to have an outsider a man whose home ia over three thousand miles eastward demonstrate his faith by buying up thousands of dollars worth of property, as Matthew Voney, of St. Louis, has done. That sort of action tells Its own sotry. This man, like many others, mado careful study of conditions along the PacIOc coast before Investing. Coos Bay's prospects were weighed equally with other places between Golden Gate and Pugte Sound. Liko so many others have done Mr. Voney selected Coos Bay as the place for his Investments. SUBSCRIPTION RATES' Sinfrlo copy, iluily, Po month, daily, rhK5 months daily, Bisi mouths, daily One year, daily, Woekly, per year 5 CCIltB 50 cents $1 25 $2 50 $5 0D $1 00 B0QUETS FOR SEYMOUR BELL Coos Bay's Popular Electric Light and Gas Man Is Treated to Short, Clear Dissertation "" , i ' 111 Hi tmHSSfsmmwim ii iiwii iiiiiii urn I For Sale Quick j if nnn has a lingering, wistful yearning to know what the general public thinks of him he Is recom mended to eavesdrop, or hang around a crowd In which he Is not rncrrt iTntnfluran m-m " in -tr-' ' Tf " "gT-rniiirnrraTintyTgi 1 1 iii wr aiSlfr n SB A Complete Line ii i mi ii -""TTwmiwiiw'i'iif"1 " "'' " B.upmijiM.winairJimi ii ii ! m tuim-tmmmimiMM marn Address all communications to COOS DAYTIMES Marshficld, Oregon. PORTLAND COMMPAT. PORTLAND Oregonlan editorial: "To make any comment what ever upon the conditions, circum stances amhevents which apparently block the way for a railroad to Coos Bay would he to Invite an attack of vituperation fiom the press of that section of the state. So what's the uso? Let us turn to a moie pleas ing picture of rapid railroad build ing to Tillamook Bay, and when difficulties ohnll have been removed at tlio port farther south, we ctin look that way neain and enjoy the vlotr of Industrial and commercial development. Just now all loads leafl to Tillamook." Although the old reliable new& papar of Portland has como to he goaeially acknowledged as an un- Uiaaol exponent of public; questions, Ilka the rest of us It .sometimes uu A portion of the above com ment on Coos Bay U an error to which v.e would call attention for the following reasons: rirft If the Cre&onlan woro to niHtp correct comment on the "Gon dii Ions, circumstances, and evoita Mhlc'i apparently block the way for a railroad to C003 Bay," the press ot thU section eo far Irom Indulging In vltupsiatlon would tnko a stand with the Portland newspaper. - Second The Orgonlau could not comnent on the "conditions, clrc tn Htiinoes, and ovonts which apparently bloi-U the way for a railroad" ue--anfl it H not ncfiualnted with them. Fro in our perusal of the editorial t-niun ns of that newspaper we Kiitlu i- that tho majority of tlio Bitb jpcts which it writes on nro mas teioil in detail beforo any commont is lmtde. Should it wish to make an Investigation of the "conditions, riicunistances and events" to which H nltrs and then mako comment upon the facts as gathered we would be plnesod. We bellevo hoev?r that the Oregonlan laboring as ia obvious under a misrepresentation will i"ndily seo the absurdity of in truding upon a question regarding whit.i it appeals to have no of'.er Inlunrutlon than ft distortion of lnci1! '1 ho Orogonlnn says regarding Tillamook Buy that "all roads lead that way just now." The Times would lespcctlully nillv to tho edi torial, what nitpaiuntly tho Oregon lan I irgot to mention, 'U: that at the piobent writing "all tho roads to Tillamook" so fnr jtm tluottgh I'oit land. Tho following excerpt, from tho Oregonlan of Sunday's Issue, is taken fiom an article in connection i with illustrations on Tillamook Ba "Becauso it lias boon Isolated by 3nck of railroad communication, onlj ti small proportion of tho people of Oiegon havo any idea of tho bconery of tho Tllnmook Coast. On tho com pletion of tlio Pacific Railway & Navigation Company's line, howover, thin country will ho tho most con venient to Portland of any ocean resort. It will then probnbly be come very popular nnu win soon number thousnnds In Its regular Yj .summer colony." I rnna Tinv iinns not clnltn the dis tinction of being a summor resort .adjunct to tlio Roso City of Oregon. "Wo hnvo a good harbor hore. Wo nro going to havo a hotter one. Wo uso tho adjective- without qualifica tions, it will innk as a sister to 3'uget Sqiind, mid Golden Gate. It ,may not ho so largo as tho latter nor so deep as tho former. But It will accommodate uny ship that travels over tho Pacific or Atlantic. Because vd Intend to become a Hoop-sou port somo may torm us a val to Portland wo do not seok tho 111-favpr of tho pross of that city. Neither dowo curry Its favor. Wo ask a squaroadoa,l no more, no loss. Hardware Builders Hardware Housekol Plumbi i d Goods . he: a'Spedalty V Smith .ebe&s Nort!iB2id W. J. SMITH - - P. M. REBERG H Uimz-T2is&:p. !Hl known, which, however, Is about tho same thing. Seymour Bell enjoyed such an experience recently, nnd though he learned a town character's opinion of himself, ho is undecided as to whether the joke is on him or on Mayor Straw. It happened thus-wise: Mr. Bell was sitting in his office on Front street when In camo a dis appointed franchise grabber. His conversation he addressed to Mr. Blanchard, who strolls around nnd relieves patrons f tho electric light system of any surplus capital they have at tho beginning of tho month. The tirade wa3 of considerable vol une, but Mr. Bell stood It manfully. Finally tho visitor reached a grand finale in the statement that the fran chise he wanted was obtained by Mr. Bfll after paying for a litty cent dinner for thb mavor at the Now England Kitchen. Having ex plained the situation bo fully and to himself satisfactorily, ho walked away and left Mr. Bell to state the matter to the mayor and argue out who's who. FOR RENT Two across tho street new building. Mr 5 room coltage. lot 35x100, on corner, $1300 cash. A bargain in North Bend. Also 6 million feet of team V. A. JMX mis to rent; O'Connoll's en. sfitoipagei isjwrucrq r l s r MCON prs nduth oy HIELB. OR uirff aisaoi NiOETROS 40 per cent, of which JAS Front St. 3 do MARSH Inq: BEH Bank Building, North Bend Tines are the two best bargains i Gary County ira Cedar. RO 3rd street. EGON il ever offered on Coos Bay Ii z-- CPSlSlSimSSSliSm wir,'iGrwr" "'"J WCTmwitlll tomjl $, mil K RINK An n ottneements: Open ev 7 to rW aftcrnoo week d :r?3attCfiiscKzit38WJKMsaj ts-m-asaszszxasxx-sstsna-Eqaffi j , zn7nttJ&swVz-zz2-r&cszat IxaiS3aircwvirK3-ainjiauiJjji wn ..jllJJjlJSriSiirrTrr-"-- -1T1-T .. I WANT TO INVEST $100,000.00 ervwveninp; flrom jTTtiitL Sat u relay J "S. r.. . ns nomva to o, Ava ninv. A ( Prices: 1 for um of J Rink c fl,. Al,nerrf lltintr Vt n iU)katesf ?0 Ymir In Coos County Ranches, FrmSTconl Timber Claims, lniiuoctl nml Uij.miuov I will ileal only with owners. , N i I'ARTICUIiARS ns to location, iniprc etc., or NO ATTENTION will b(gb property at YOUR PRICK, I uill cull tuuTTJmbr T-:u:ils, Homestead tuid ve 'City nnd Town I'rojtci tics. njront' aiVIi: IN DETAIIi MM, hiMP.ejfts, IiOWEST CABI1 I'illVK, our ithswers. If I dcbU'c your you. en on Address "Investor" Care Daily Times MAR3HFIELD, OREGON 2o cent'! fck.itci 13 cent their 10 cents 4jjui'-ion Gentlemen fvening". Special attention given to childion Saturday after noon. Best of order always main'ained. D L Avery, Manager ft pA ftiw Tsvrf - - M 1HE - - TIB fi'INMPP DEER SEASON OPENS JULY I& In Old Central Hotel Building nnomuK gjtraBiii.masgWKgggCK5gBi5r7Meiajsi! iSer?e 1 1 Aey hour in tfee day' ! at the La Eon Vivant 1 1 i luncn counter. Quiet m 1 quidk, 'clfeae and 1 v ... ..., jj a -t Jr .'S?x..s(,w.i& .,., ,-, .. ' I moderated The story is told irffour words KAITJI IN COOS IIAV. IT is good to have visitors to Coos Hey declare their faith In its future It lays greator stress on our oft declared boiler In this wonderful otinn nt thn Pacific coast. It Is Marshf ield Best Lunch Service LA BON VIVANT North Fi Opposite H M 58 : Ii Ii ront Street S City Hall I 7 S ;:mn:;;MK:ttJt stt;-mtt:ma:tttaMttmi:ajw!tt:K j. .ave 'Bit dis sf 'n'.i ffAaB BRffiWffa Tia m Ti9WTfsa Siao muwj w u wM.Mf, UUJ1w , s" a9 dinsiing room seLs in Ctany9 Florentine, Dtcfeess point, Irish point and etc., sizes from 6 inches yp ho 72 inches for dining table. , During this week you can have the opportun ity of seeing a stock of $2500 displayed in our WINDOWS It cost yon nothing to see them. This store be open nights until the 4th OF JULY &xx m Ml I T If' . i(