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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1907)
T? rftnnimnmwm-?' "T'r"" .-- " "wpp TTiY 4, 1007. TUESDA JULY 2, 1001! . Mi ??& Tppwppp Lis ; - I 7 nS 'fejii Jjm?LTO. THE DAIL1 OQQ3 BAI TW AM ftSHFIELD, OItRliON l ts 1 i g ' 1 1 I . r f f I M . E i 'J I l r i ' i"H. . c MARKETS w '1; -APrlcotsGOc. ? Plums 35c. to 50c. - Peaches, doz 2r.n . apples, now 3 lba. 25c. Melons 10c. to 15c. , Deans, green 3 lbs. 25c. Logan Berries 3 boxes 25 c. Gooseberries 10c. , Strawberries 10c. Raspberries 10c. f- .- . ?: Retail Quotations aro Bacon Per lb, s follows: 1 to 25c. Flour Per sa $1.30 to $1.G0. Potatoes Po . lb., 2 to 3c. -Now Potat Fes- 8c. Cab age Per lb., 5 to Gc. Cauliflower Per head, 10 ana 15c, Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 50c. Onions Per lb., 5c. Butter Per square, 35 to 40c. Boiled cider Per quart, 30c. Asparagus 15c. lb. Rhubarb 4 lbs. for 25c. Beets Per lb., 3c. Country eggs Per dozen, 25c. Hens Dressed, 22c. lb. Chickens Prys, dressed, 25c. lb. String Beans 3 lbs. 25c. Fresh Peas G lbs. 25c. Lettuce 5 and 10c. head. Cucumbers 5c. each. Garlic 15c. Fish. Crabs $1 dozen. Halibut 12 c. Red Fish 5c. lb. Ling 8c. lb. Flounders Per lb., 5c. Cleaned clams Per quart, 20c. Empire clams Per bucket, 50c. Meats. Salmon (salt) Por lb.. Gc. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c. Sausage Per lb., 10c. Pork Per pound, 12 to 16c. Chuck steak Per lb., 10 to 15c. KILHURN SALE. The following clipping .taken from tho San Francisco Examiner of recent date regarding tho sale of the P. A. 'Kilburn which has been running into this port until lately, is self explana tory: "The steamer F. A. Kilburn, form erly running between hero and north ern points, has been purchased by tho Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Com pany of San Pedro, and will ply on tho San Francisco and San Pedro route in conjunction with the steamer Hanalel. Til McCLELLANDJ INVEST- i MENT AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY E The annual meeting" of tho stock- & holders of The McClelland Invest- 4 ment and Devourment Co. will bo g held in tho offlcof 'J. M. Blake in j Tho Times Building, Ajarshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, 'on , Wednesday the 10th day of July, A. DA19 07, at 2 o'clock p. m., for tho election of. Di- V rectors and for thet transaction of such other business as may be AiPirought before said meeting, . . i I Dated at Marshflold, Oregon ho jtth'day of June, A. D. 1907. .N U ALVA DOLL, Secretary, ( Akftli HATS AT REDUpEI) PRICES ffir the Fourth ttttbCClarko Millin erv. Broadwav ancrG street. " 'S GREATEST ILLINERY SALE EVER HELD ON COOS BAY lifill be. commenced Wednesday, Jane 26th.v Doatens .of elegantly trimmed hats will" be sold at a sac rifice at Mrs. A. G. Aiken's UNIQUE, BANTATORIUM ladies andents CLEANING Vnd i IRESSING speciality. fel llOu 111 JB; IVIII rs to each purchaser; and Round Steak Por lb., 10c. Porterhouse steak Per lb., 12 c. Mutton Roasts, por lb 12 c. to 15c; chops, 12 to 15c; stow, 10 to 12c. Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 25c Sirloin steak Porjb,., 12 to 15c. Jlolling Per' lb., 5 to 8c Veal Stew, por lb., 8c; cutlets, 10c Brains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 25c. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c. Corned Beof Per lb., 7c Wienerwurst Per lb., 12 c. Lamb's tongues G for 25c. Fruits nnd Nuts. Apples 10c lb. Cocoanutp Each, 10c. Walnuts Per lb., 25c. Almonds Per lb., 20 to 30c Lemons Per dozen, 20 to 30c Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Per dozen, 30 to G0c, nccordlng to size. Dried Fruits. Raisins London layers, per lb., 20 to 30c; seeded, per 12hz. pkg., 12 c; lG-oz., pkg., 15c. Currants Clean, por 12-oz. pkg., 12 c; lG-oz. pkg., 15c. Citron Per lb., 35c. Orango peel Per lb., 25c Lemon peel Por lb., 25c LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Following is a list of wholesale prices as seen on th0 local market: Oat and wheat hay $15 to $25. Geese $1. Hens 10c Sheep $3 to $5. Veal calves $2.75. Beef, steers $2.50. Chickens, spring 12 c. Ducks 50 to 75c Beef, cows $2. LADIESr M.N1 ESr Vn Ua season CHILDREN'S dresses, this s gpods, strictly first class, atVLadid porlum. CORTHELL& DURKEE Contractors3n"dk Builders Plans drawn, estimates fur nished. Call for Durkee, back of Hibbardgjodery store. P. O. Box 358. the Kodak )oi your outing7 trip; a fiuMincTwith supplies at the Red Cross Sign Writing Of alii descriptions. House paintingkpa per hfyging, grSn ingJcarriage paint- "T Strictlue stock sold onalfjoks, J. B. Rohr Opposite Bear's Livery-Stable uoMttforget i WANT ADS run aALE-Household toons for iLE-jtUousehold goods salo anilhouso for rentYAddress milhouBO for rent.V. Mrs. J.1J. Bowman. Marshflold. n V GEM RESTAURANT. NORlfH BEND. Open flay anA 7khrJSorves overytmnV Are market affords. FOR SALE A far&yo'f 80 acres on Danlols' Crcok. Vftddness E. R. Jones Box 110, Marshflold. E-2G-1 FOR SALE A snl ilall Irai nyroved farm. This Is a bargai Apply at Hall & Hall's ofllco. G-l-1 WANTED Boy or glrtf 1G years old or over, to learnHhe cigar making trade; wages paldXwhllo learning. Apply overl Tlmefi TUulldlng, Coos Bay Cigar Co. WANTED Min to rk In sawmill, wages $2 per and upward. Simpson L 8-241tf. FOR SALE Fohr acres of land In South Marsnfloluyor tho next sixty days. AddrfcsB.V.ill. 413012m JNUllUUi 1'uro inllk delivered at your do- Port Dairy. Eton Motlln, ryman. W. C. Music WANTED TO 1 year on 2 lc ts railroad addition, o i vay. Address NG8, care C k Times. WANTED Two rndtodo lathing, Call at tho O'Obnnell building, Marshfield, WANTED A hhnfeoiteeper to care for 3 chlldrenVAApply to J. A. Hlnch, North Bofid FOR SALE Eurnltiu-e for four rooms and hojso Aa rent if do slred. Cull at RuSsel House, third floor from Coafei House, North Bond. WANTED. To bu slean rags. Ap- ply Times Ofllco. FOR SALE Hdtaesead relinquish- ment, direct mail route. Times. owner, on daily X. Y. Z. caro FOR SALE A house with caro two lots choar M. 45, Times. FOR SALE First class Houseboat and furniture cheap for cash. Coos Bay Auction Co., Second street, between B and C. TRY THE DfcLICATJSION, Second and C streVs, for Ice Cream. Boston BakedJOcans for Sunday. Our cooking is ftl mado with pure lard and buuer. ROOM FOR RENT, hodsokeoplng and single; .sohio choice ofljca room. Enquire at RooMl 1, Roger Build ing, conrer Ffrst and C, streets, opened unuVr iiew management. J. L. Fronou, manager. MARSinIELD RACES. First Race. For two and three year-olds Half mile. Purse $100. Entry fee?20 Second Race. For four-year-olds and yupward. Half mile Purso $100. Entry feo $20. Third 4i"Sj For two-ydar-nlds. Three-oights of a mile. Piifso $10u. Eritry feo, $20. 7ourt ace. Free for all agd Half mile. Purso $100. ffintry fee 20. Entr! ,bovpraces close T with thesecre ZZ, XUU(, Ul which timo $A0 is yable, and on Juno 29 tho Balance, $10, is payable All purses iiro guaranteed and di vided as follows; 70 perVont to tho winner and 30 per cent toho second horse. Ebur or moro horss to en tor and tiireo or moro to startv Own ors colors must b named at tiro timo of tho second entry. Juno 20 and horses must bo run under such colors. Catch weights will bo tho rules. F. P. Norton, Secretary. MARSHFIELD GENERAL HOSPITAL miss a. Matron Hospital Surgical and Medical c able. Rates reason- 991. Rubiness Electing. juonuuy tvi? vs iiniuujr ua. i -4- y if y i jersoj r. y-ast doirvc: N BQRRDW. $500Ti s ue block ooseiiy y?rv III Atllf for ases, 9 f Phoner iM.i'iinW .. il 'WfiSj. W.V;mW lAliiftfSW rAT.AUa.lB.IIDI Fitting side line devote our to it o BEST iST We afriumrbcdto furnish both F. J. HAYES EGGS I can furniBhJljio-following Thorough brodEggs at $2.0Qier Setting Kliodo Island ltdds Barre( Plymouth Rocks Leghorns WJiito Wiiriti Tiirtlf a JOHWWsFLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in tho county. 1 P Dr. Bancroft jOR. VISUAL DEFECTS h r NER.VQU5 j i- i CH NIC Office op SKATING RINK An n ouncements: BAND COMGERt usual Best of order always maintained. D L Avery, Manager If vnitdnrrr .?eehv fun in Marshfield drop araund to the snooting gauary on rroni oi Prizes offered'for best shots 3" Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIIKIE D, OREGON. Capital Hnbrenbed 160,000 Capital Pald.p-J0,00) Undlvldedl-rroaU $35,000 Pooh a Koncrftl bnnkln(fJiaBlnes and drawi ou the ilank ofc:allforia, San Kranclnoo Calif., First Ktlcnal IIoAk l'brtland Or., Klrsl National Ilank, RnsobUVg, of., Hanover Na tlonat Ban, No York, nJ M. Itothchild 4 Son, London, Enguina. AIbo eell thange ion nearly all tbo principal cities of Europe. r Accounts kept subject to check, aaio deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cent a mouth or (5. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Oakley & Arnold CIVIL NICAL North Bend, Ore. Pton.1210 Office ia Ujtn BUf. -) Glasses is no m vYini ua ws m tvftoteriime. m. JC I JR MOTTO f JiKrVlUtl GDODS f I t A V Tuesday evening JfULYiJ Regular hourg and t w 1 sf prices VND MrHA ENGINEERS U)U 1UUIIIJ tliuuw TheC.B.,R.&E.R.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 8. In Effect January 1, 1007. All previous schedules are void. Subject to chango withbut notice. W. S. Chandler, manager; F. A. Lalso, .freight agent; conoral offices, L Marshfield, Oregon. No. L Trains. Dally M Except Sundai Stations. Leave 9:00 a m.lMarshfleld. 9:30 L m(D. H. Junction. 9:45 A. n.jcoqulllo. Arrive Point. No. 2. Dally I Except Suna I Leave 10:45 d. m.Myrtle Point. 10:30 R m.Coqulli. 12:00 m. D. II. Junction. Arrive 12:30 p.m.JMarshfleld. Extra trains will run on dally special orders. Trains to and from Deaver Hill dally. w. ari;nq Dealer yf Pure Milk and Butterm tee do- livery o city. Ocegon North Now Ready hot; Nov ern Sample onnection NOR D, ORE. lank aNfflrpim Oljujtlai BtnrhfulwiJaiiup 5b,mia ) tEratmara a Qtptuxl Banhbtg Bunlnrmi. j Noylly nsx& Q5gntt thVV Wet et Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON; Prop. Front Stn rt , tj-Ms Marshfield, Oreeon Nelson Iron Works P. E. NELSON, Prop Wo repair all kinds' Of Machinery, Btoam and Oas Engines, Gups and Bi cycles. Best of work our BpftcUlty. : : if We manufacture Castings in Iron and Bronze fgr Satr Mills and Loggfng Camps. Wo make the .Best Bheaves nmd Road Spools fori Loggers. TELEPUONB 921 MARSHFIELD. OREGQN F. H. BRIGHAM Architect- AprajNTENDENT Planfland BpeCifications North Bend, Oregon HONE 541 STEAMER. FLYER M. P. PcndcrgroM, Master TIME TABLE. Leaves Marokfleld7:30, 9:00. and 10:30 atnVAndl:00, 2:30 and 4:00 Leaves, d at 8:15, 9:45 an , and 1:45, 3:16 an Makeav dally trips except Sun dayB. Pareyune way, 15 cents; louncTtrlp, 25 cent. SteamDyeWorks Uullon'nnutien'guriicillBt'lMm Vl or dyed, Philip BkefrProprieloi. k.ft Croata Ik. Br o an laria out.ii Bgnd,- EL OREGON J' "V f and MoU T Ifl uooidh in-t mado far all classes of builaingl fi is. i iNUi lu uau XT It. 1-.JL. J 11: IB Bnl. d BrOdDf nf. Business -Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DieeaBeB of the Eye, Ear, "Notse and Throat a specialty. Oflico in Lockhart's Building. Marshfield, Oregon DR. HAYDON Office opposite Union Furnfturo Store, flours 10 to land 2 to 5 Special attcntfon pafd to diseases o the skli urinary and digestive organs U. SPension ozamlnei Marshfield, Oregon DR. 3. W. INGRAJV1. Physician nnC Burgeon. Oulc over Songstackon'a Drug Btoro. Phones Office lC2'l; residence' 781. r B. M. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of eye, ear, noso and throat a specialty. Office in Eldorado Block, f Lawyers.' B. L. O. FARRIN. Attorney a t-Law. City Attorney.l Deputy" Dlst. Att'y. Lockhart Building. ' Uorshflold," Ore. Phone 44. L. A. XilLJEQVlstf, IiAWYER, United States ConimLeslooer, U. 8. Land Matters. V Filings, Entries, Proofs, Contests, ots. J. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshflold, - Oreeon. o. f. Mcknight, AttorneyatLaw. Upstairs, Bennett ft Walter blook. Marshfield, ... Oregsa. J. W. SNO.VER . J f Attorneyat-Ltur ' Offlcei Rogerf building Marshfield, OAego COKE & COKE, Attoraoy-at-Law. Marshfield, ... Oregon. PIXLEY SIAYBEE, Adornoys-atiLaw. , Office over Myers" Store. Phone 701 .... North Bond, Ora. ' Real Estate Agents. DIER LAND OOSIPANr Real Estate Broken North Bend, - - -V Oregoa. MR, ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phone 1884, McPlierson Ginser Co. California Wifles a SpeclI Front St., Marshfield ' 1 Coos Bay Steam Laundry MARSHFIFID i NORTH BEND i y All work one at the North Plr Edgai iauz( Agent, Marshfieh North Bend Ph 103 1 MarshReW P. 'JO v 2 Wholesalo liquor dealers Cigars arid aftloih sup v y iiow a Bend ' 1 V7