COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, MARSIIFIELD, OltEGOX. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. lPACITY of boom IS INCREASED J. T. McCormac Will Enlarge Capacity Of Boom At Eagle Point Jng to the Increase in the number logs that are sawed into lumber on bs Day, Dr. J. T. McCormac, who is the Eagle Point boom on the iitnus Slough and the Cedar Point m on the Coqullle river, finds it essary to enlarge the present iclty of the former for handling The boom at Eagle Point Is to extended to the Courtney Mill a distance of a half mile, in- blng the present capacity from 100,000 feet to 10,000,000 feet, Increasing tho number of men to employed In the rafting and boom Blness controlled by Mr. McCor- lc, trom seventeen 10 ai least Irty. rhls work has not been under- ken sopner owing to the lack of rs ior nanuiing me logs on tne llroad between Cedar Point and Igle Point. This is fast being ledlcd by the railroad company, lout 50 new flat cars having been celved by them In tho past month, iich will enable the company, with assistance of the large engine to received In a few days, to handle BO cars of logs per day Instead of as Is now tho case. The Eagle bint boom Is now taxed almost to Ipacity but with the half mile ex- Insion will be large enough for the fesent at least. When the Court- Key Mill Is started more capacity 111 probably bo needed. The Cedar pint boom on tho Coqullle river, hlch Is a mile and a half long, is rge enough to handle tho present ilpments of logs coming from the imps on that river. The C. A. Smith Lumber and Man- 'acturlng company is receiving logs lorn the Cunningham Creek, Klon- ykc, and tho Seeley and Thomas amps on the Coqullle, while the pmpson Lumber Company is recelv Bg logs from the Coos Bay Coal & lumber company, Cody Lumber coin- any camps and tho Ashton boom. he Ashton boom Is handling the bgs caught last winter during tho reshets. All tho logs from the amps mentioned and many others Ire being handled by tho Cedar Ind Eagle booms. , When running 100 cars a day at ipproximately 0,000 feet to tho car, i s uainznmr:, pM'T&mssnrrcwwtrwTvi S 2 it can readily bo seen that tho four mills on the bay taking that out-put are doing a lot of business. This will be Increased considerably when the Courteney mill is started. At tho present cost of logs, the Eagl0 Point Doom when enlarged to 10,000,000 feet capacity will hold when filled between 60 and 70 thous and dollars worth of material for lumber. The Cedar Point boom has a capacity of 3,500,000. The logs nre loaded onto the cars at Cedar Point with a donkey engine. JUNE BRIDES IN COUNTY SEAT That Coqullle Is getting her full share of ,Tune brides is evidenced by tho following list of couples who werejolned In the matrimonial bonds in Coos county seat: Juno 12. A. W. Ladd to Miss Ed na M. Green at Henry Radabaugh, Rev. Thos. Darklow officiating. June 17. Del Hlgglns and MIs3 Leona Plte, Rev. Barklo.w officiating. Juno 19. At tho Latter Day Saints chapel In Myrtle Point, Ore., Charles C. McCracken and Miss Maud R. Buell, Elder E. Keeler officiating. June 21. Thomas C. Ducklo and Miss M. Lena Jones, Judge E. G. D. Holden officiating. June 2. George W. Dryant to Miss Ella E. Llewellen, of Myrtlo Point, at tho parosnage In this city, Rev. George W. Ellis officiating. June 2. At the bride's home, Samuel L. Beeman to Miss Esther L. Thornton, Rev. George W. Ellis officiating. June 2G. David L. Peters to Al ma L. McClure at the residence of Mrs. Poor in this city, Rev. George W. Ellis officiating. Juno 2C. M. Earl Nosier and Miss Hazel McPhail were married at the home of Mrs. Mary Nosier, Rev. D. L. Ford officiating. June 2G. Mr. Loyd Rose and Miss Sarah J. Bohlen, both of Marshfleld, Judge E. G. D. Holden officiating. The Sentinel extends congratula tions to all of the ten happy couples. Had we space wo should bo glad to give each of tho parties tothe happy event an extended notlc according to custom, but suffice It to say that tho Sentinel craft hopes that tho various honeymoons will last for ever." Coqullle Sentinel. w&KtiMbwmw-amm'iWmauHsam ' i ft The only way i .!... .. ilwu.. ..... i - .., r , ., 1 N nim.,,. , ., J, .., IM p,1 -t. wni . . "... C77TT . r r" "' 1 1 im." '- -"' ' i. innmiui IHWWI MIWIIII miiln.limiiil -pail I iij h ihihemhm u:.L',iM'.wffTraTragfra;Trerrai NOTICE Teachers wanted. Appli cation will bo received by tho clerk of school district No. 6, Em plro City, Ore, for tho positions of principal und assistant; references must nccompany application. I IS Serve I I II at the La Bon Vivant J Great big tender ones appetising a real relish You'd pay double for the same grade elsewhere Ask your neighbor she buys olives here I :i w ft I iff iuncn aervie f. A. jALvlll ii LA E0N 1 Cora&r B. and Second streets. VIVANT fl fj f North Front Street If Jfe Opposite City Hall A piece of printing matter without personality is like a man with a diseased It, Can't, to obtain "personality printing" is to as much with brains Among printers of "personality printing" stands the The Coos Bay Times Printing Co. We are anxious to get in touch with you and you are contemplating having done. Call Up Phone 1331 SYJnATHY WITH MEN. Dutte, Juno 2C. The telephone girls of tho Rocky Mountain Boll Telephone Company struck today In sympathy with tho linemen of Utah, ' Idaho and Wyoming. Tho local sys tem is paralyzed. Convince. employ a printer whose service is as technical ability. make you a figure on that piece IHHBHHIHBHIn , E iilU &W i j bn J lunch counter. Quiet, I 1 quick, clean and 1 moderate. brain. . -i made up just r ' ' , of printing i w3 I is told in four words I The story H Q S l ; i i M h "S 1 s s u