The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 27, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 6

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Editorial Rooms - - - - 1 33 1
Business Office - - - - 1331
i $ $ t $ 4 4 & $ 4 4 J J $ $
MONEY? The Dally Coos Bay
Times will place a correspond-
4 ent in every town and commu-
nity in Coos county. For every
4 line of newsmattor turned in
- correspondents will bo liberally
paid. In a short time the paper
will b0 materially enlarged and
4 equipped with new machinery.
4 Its aim is to build up and devol- f
op the richest country on the $
4 Pacific coast and In the United 4
States. To attain that end the
4 paper is not only willing, but de- 4
4 termined to spend money. If 4
4 you have a few spare moments 4
each day you can utilize them 4
to your financial benefit. Write 4
4 today. 4
i J $ $! 4 ! $$$$$ j
Following is a list of those regis
tered at the hotels Central and
Blanco yesterday:
Hlaiico Hotel. L. l W. Qulmby,
Portland; A. L. Denney, Portland;
Charles B. Kroll, Roseburg; William
L. Hasbrouck, Kansas City; E. E.
Stannard, Portland; Walter Culiu,
Central Hriel. Frank Murphy,
North Bend; Chas. B. Coleman, San
Francisco; D. E. Marshall, Beaver
Hill; Jess Oliver, Beaver Hill; John
Spencer, Los Angeles, Cal.; G. A.
Blake, Eugene.
League Give Picnic. Th0 Ep
worth Leagues of the Methodist
Churches of Marshfleld and North
Bend gave a picnic yesterday at
Charleston Bay which was attended
by about 75 from this city and 50
from North Bend, all of whom en
joyed the day a great deal. The
steamer Alert left Marshfleld at 8:30
with those trom this cky end tl.c
gasollno boat Fish took the crowd
from North Bend. Following a fine
picnic dinner at the Bay games were
played until time to return for the
The only incident to mar the pleas
ure of the day happened when Miss
Laura Vigars of North Bend fell, in
juring herself slightly.
The local league cleared about
$12; last evening the members of
the North Bend league did not know
how much they had cleared, as the
tickets had not beon checked up.
Plant Hrings Horses. The steam
er M. F. Plant is billed to arrive In
th0 bay this afternoon, providing the
heavy fog at sea does not interfere.
Sho will sail on her return trip Sat
urday. F. S. Dow, local agent for
the ship, received a wire yesterday
that she had 290 tons for Marsh
fleld, 80 for North Bend and 7 for
Empire. Among the special ship
ments are some running horses being
sent hero for It. D. Hume, of Wed-
ueruurn. Tiioy win uo trained on
tho local track for the races to be
hold on July 3.
Skating Itiuk Conceit. D. L.
Avery, manager of tho skating rink,
has made arrangements to have
tho Acm0 Band give tho third of tho
series of band concerts at the rink
Tuesday night next instead of Fri
day night of this week, as had been
intended. Tho chango was made on
account of the graduation exeiclsus
to bo held in tho Mu&onlc Opera
Houso on Fridny ovonlng. The usual
hours will pievall at the rink that
have beon in force hcrotoforo.
l!iillro;ul 1'rogro.s. Two schoon
ers nro unloading cement at tho Gar
diner Mill Company warehouse for
tho Southern Pacific Railroad Com
pany, which makes over 20,000 bar
rels of this material to be shipped
thorp by the Southorn Pacing. It Is
estimated that tho cost of tho ce
ment now on tho grounds amounts to
more than $120, 000. t
Hold body fof the
late Thomas Blzunti, who diet) Satur
day at tho Mercy Hospital, North
'U'diul, was buried yostorduy foronoou
at 10 o'clock from tho Catholic;
Chinch lu this eltj. Father Curry
officiated. The funeral was largely
attended by friends and relatives.
Larry Owens Out. L. Owens, who
lias been in Mercy Hospital, North
Bond, for the past several wooks as a
result of an Injury, was taken to his
homo yesterday. His condition Is
much better, although ho Is still
Buffering a great doal of pain.
Veteran Commercial Traveler.
Colonol Jack Halo, tho votoran com
mercial traveler of San Francisco, of
tho Strauss & Company wholesale
houso, loft yesterday nftor a sovoral
dayB' visit on Coos Bay.
Receive Flat Cars. A shlnmont of
about fifteen flat cars was rccolvodi
burg and Eastern Railroad Company.
Ruin. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Campbell, a daughter.
Insane Asjlnni Patient. J. White,
of Curry county, who was committed
to the Oregon Insane Asylum, will bo
taken to that Institution today by
tho attendants who arrived yester
day. Visit On Ray. Mrs. Irving Spen
cer and baby will arrive on the
steamer Alliance to visit several
weeks with W. S. Chandler and fam
Coqullle Men Here. James Wat
son, county clerk, and Dr. Culin, both
of Coqullle, were In the city yester
day. Orvil Dodge Here. Orvll Dodge,
editor of the Coqullle Sentinel, was
In Marshfleld yesterday to meet his
relatives. Mr. Dodge also attended
the Commandery.
444 44444 4 4 4 44444
Furnished by E. MIngus, co
operative observer.
Maximum 64
Minimum 51
Set maximum 55
Wind. . .N. W., partly cloudy
church people will keep paco with
Its material prosperity by supporting
the preachers and missions with
which they nro connected.
Oregon Is no longer a missionary
jurisdiction of tho Episcopal Church,
but a regularly constituted diocese
and as such must become more and
more self-supporting.
He believes It would bo a conser
vation of energy, and proper, to com
bine some of the missions and servo
them from some strong center; and
his present policy is to 'strengthen'
the stakes before lengthening the
Aoction Auction
L. J. Simpson and Others Will Im
prove Mode of Transporta
tion Fishing Parties
$ 4 $ $ $ 4 4$$$4 J l $
Oregon's Foremost Church Leader
Impressed With Possibilities
Building Up Church
Charles Scaddlng, Bishop of Ore
gon, who Is now on Coos Bay and
is making a tour of the State, is a
firm believer In the future of Ore
gon. Speaking of tho strong tendency
to centralize most of the religious,
social and industrial energy of the
State In Portland, Bishop Scaddlng
said ho knows only the diocese of
Oregon and his efforts will be de
voted to all parts of the great State
alike. While his headquarters will
necessarily bo located at Portland,
yet he hopes to work personally with
churches In every -nook and corner of
tho State and no remote section will
be so far away as not to receive
overy attention from the head of the
He has come to Oregon to join In
tho development and upbuilding of
tht State and as churchman and citi
zen will be found fighting her battles
and telling the wondrous story of the
Bishop Scaddlng said he was deep
ly Impressed by tho vastness of the
dlocose and the magnificent oppor
tunities for work for God which the
rapidly increasing population In some
places presented.
The great need of the Episcopal
Church In Oregon Is for clergymen
of the right kind optimistic, con
structive, zealous, tactful men and
for means with which to pay them
fair living stipends.
Many people expect to get in the
ministry what they never look for
In business, namely, a $5,000 man
for less than $G00 per year. Tho
services of a Christian minister, how
ever, could not be measured by dol
lars and cents, and h0 knew there
were many clergymen making great
personal sacrifices for the cause.
Tho Bishop expressed his regret at
finding so many weak or closed mis
sions in the diocese, and Intends at
the earliest opportunity to strength
en these, just so soon as they show
L. J. Simpson and others have a
donkey engine at work near the Lake
creamery cleaning out the logs and
stumps from the lake, after which
the engine will bo mounted on a
scow and rigged to do dredging. The
little channel between North Lake
and Ten Mile is to be deepened and
to enable boats to travel between tho
lakes at any stage of the tide. The
channel is to be dredged for about
half a mile.
It Is important that the two lakes
bo connected, a3 a great deal of milk
is gathered up from the farmers
along the edges of both lakes, which
work is done in gasoline launches.
Several fishing parties are now
fishing at Ten Mile. Deer are said
to be plentiful in this territory at
the resent.
Furnished by the Title Guarantee
and Abstract Company, Henry
Sengstacken, Munn;cr.
John F. Hall et ux, to John Gol
den, S of SB , SE VI of SW Vi ,
Sec. 5, NE hi of NW hi , Sec. 8, Twp.
2, R. 11; $5.
W. G. Webster, by Sheriff, to John
F. Hall, S of SE of SW V,
Sec. 5, NE M of NW , Sec. 8, Twp.
2C, R. 11, SE vk of SE Yt, N of
SE M, S of NE .(Sec. 11, Twp.
25, R. 11. Also lots 11 and 12, Blk.
5, Elliott's Add. to Coqullle; $17.50.
L. D. Kinney et ux, to A. J. Sav
age, lots 4 and 5, Blk. G, Coos Bay
Plat C; $235.
John Lapp et ux, et al, to Crystal
M. Lapp, lot 1, block 29, East Marsh
field; $100.
Chas. H. Sanford to L. D.' Kinney,
lots 1 and 2, block 14, Coos Bay
Plat E; $5.
James Barrle to Minette Barrle,
lot 3 and part of lot 2, block P, West
ern Addition, Marshfleld; $1.
Martha Goodman and husband, to
R. H. Mast, lots 11 and 12, block
7, Elliott's Addition, Coquille; $10.
L. A. Jacobson et ux, to O. A.
Trowbridge, lot 22, block 19, Dun
ham's Addition, Bandon; $200.
Frank Amberger, to Ell S. Trow
bridge, lots 5 and G, block 12, Woolen
Mill Addition, Bandon; $250.
State of Oregon, to Warren E.
McCord, Tide Land In Sec. 2G, Twp.
2G, R. 14; $149.15.
E. McCord et ux, to Coos Bay Lum
ber & Coal Co., Tldo Land In Sec. 2G,
Twp. 2G, R. 14; $1.
Delia H. McKlnley and husband, to
Charles L. Trabert, W of Sec. 10,
Twp. 27, R. 12; $10.
W. W. Graves, to R. L. Edmonston,
readiness to bo strengthened and . Und. 1-3 interest In SE of SW M ,
Twp. 2G, R. 12; $1.
Bennett Trust Co., to Menasha
Wooden Ware Co., State Mill Sito in
Lear their share of a missionary's
Without formulating any deflnlto
plan, ho desired to bo considered as , Sec. 22, Twp. 25, R. 13; also SE,
much the bishop of Eastern Oregon j lots 1 mid 2, E of NW VI, Sec. 31,
as of Southern and Western Oregon, j Twp. 2G, R. 13; also E Vs of E Vs.
and Is pleased with tho loyalty and Sec. 3G, Twp. 26, R. 14; $10.
spirit of the peoplo of Maishfield. H0 j Win. H. Payne, to C. M. Baker, lots
believes In a splendid futuro for tho j 14 and 15, block SG, Western Addl
Coos BRay country, and hopes tho tlon, North Bend; $10.
ii iiniBiiii nun milium m miiji gczgtMH2B8WginBiiyA3WWwgMTwTy-syaaK
We Wait to Buy Some
I ? Good Cedar Poles
Ono fl10 Russell Roller with full front.
One RKUO Ruskoll Automatic Engine.
Ono ." I;, w. Thompson Alternating Dynamo, 1100 olt, 125 cycle.
Ono no k. w. Thompson Alternating Dynamo, 1100 volt, 125 cycle.
All clio above ni.ichiiiery is first class and in good running order.
It is being taken out of our central station by reason of Its being
too small for our requirements.
The Coos Bay Gas and Electric Co.
2:30 p. m. and 8:30 p. m.
We wifl hold our REGULAR WEEKLY
HOUSE on 2nd Street between B and G in
The DAY and HOURS, for THEN you may buy ANYTHING and
EVERYTHING we have at YOUR PRICE, not ours.
That we handle ALL KINDS and GRADES -New and Old- of PERSONAL
Property and it is no trouble to show and price our goods to you,
at "ANY OLD TIME but be certain to come next Saturday and ENJOY the
That we sell you as GOOD goods -new and old- CHEAPER than you can
buy elsewhere.
That we are ready to sell YOUR property for you on commission, at YOUR
HOME, or after removing it to our Auction House.
wp ART? sTT A VPT? that wc are here herc to stay and that
W H irXJLi Olil ry0--if YOU will ATTEND our Sales and
BID we will SELL.
That you can buy ANYTHING you want DURING THE WEEK at our
Less Money than Elsewhere
That we pay you ALL your old furniturs and furnishings are worth, and that
it is no trouble for us to call and see them.
Ring us up Main 874
and we will let you know when we can call.
That by coming to our AUCTION House you can see that
MammiOuth Antique Bed Room Set and that
Magnificent and Valuable 'Library
which is to be BROKEN UP and sold as you wish to buy.
If Yom Want
A Rrnss lied, Hair Mattress,, Clipper Springs, and Mahogany Dresser Rcdrooui Set, a fine Mntfiess,
n Good lied Lounge, a Cook Stove, a Heating Stove, n Gas Range (evtra cheap), n gun, a dining tabic,
n Rug, a Clock, mi elegant Dining Room Sidehoaid, a beautiful Dresser, n .$05 Drophead "While Sewing
Machine, a Camera, Dishes, Toilet Set, Child's High Chair, AValker or Red, mill oh! SO MANY OTIIEK
Telephone 8?4
on tho Casco by tho Coos Bay, Roso-
-r-j tx -.-at;
'"'"--i ii"iTiifiii fi litnniiiTinirniriii'iiryj!.i: