ywi iijwMiajjjyi THE MILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. COOS BAY BRIEFS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms - - - - 1 33 1 Business Office - - - - 1331 HOTELS. Following Is the list of those who registered at the hotels DIanco and Central yesterdaj': Iilnnco Hotel. P. W. Allen, Baker City; L. Sumerlln, Coquille; Mrs. T. W. Trlplett, Bend; Mrs. P. N. Per kins, Bandon; J. B. Howell, Grant's Pass; W. W. Red, Seattle; A. M. Mc intosh, Portland; J. V. Mllllgan, Port land; 11 Ponton, Portland; It IX Hume, Wedderburn.; J. D. Magee, Ten Mile; V. IL Caughell, Weddor burn. Central Hotel, Chas. B. Colevnan, San Francisco; J. S. Middloton, Ba kersneld; D. J. H. Knox, Portland; Geo. II. McGreer, Portland. Milk Won Htins Auiy. Pedes trians in MarshfleW were regaled with a bit of excitement that withal had its humorous side when last night the horse pulling the milk wagon belonging to Mat Nemlo de cided to "go through her licks" and forthwith carried tho decision out to -the letter. The decision was arrived at while the horse and equipage were In front of the McGinniss residence on A street. Tho demonstration was made down A street to the Presby terian church, thence , south and across the, C, street bridge, accom panied the while by the merry bang-ity-baqg of animated njllk cans. An obstreperous barn put a sudden fluis to what some of the more timid were beginning to believe was a runaway. Nobody injured. Attends Convention. J. D. McNeil, of the Marshfleld Chamber of Com merce, will represent that body,, at the convention of tho Willamette De velopment League today, when that body convenes in Cottage City. The session of the Development League will consume but one day and mat "tors pertaining to Coos Bay will be discussed. Of chief Interest will be the address delivered by Mr. Louis Barzee, of Roseburg, on the Douglas Coos electric railroad. As stated be fore, the Cottage Grove citizens are deeply Interested in making an ex tontlon to tho proposed Douglas-Coos railroad. S. P. Progress. Judge J. F. Hall returned yesterday from a week's, business trip to Salem, where he" has, been arguing cases In the Supreme1 Court. Mr. Hall says a gang of men Is at work on one of the tunnels be tween here and Drain, and he was told that active work on the others bad again begun; also that an addi tional foroo would bo put on. He noticed ft crew at work on tho tun nel near the Elk Creek bridge, and the driver said the force was a large tone. No grading crews are at work, although it Is reported the new con tractor wll employ several hundred men this summer. Cliamiimdo Picnic. The Chami nado Club picnic party returned from the beach yesterday morning after an all-night outing, a little the worse for sleep, but withal happy, and satis fled that the excursion was the most successful ever given by the club. There were thirty-two In tho party that left Marshfleld Monday after noon on tho Fish. Immediately on arrival at their destination the mem bers of the crowd built a bonfire and bad supper, after which the evening was spent In playing games, singing, and the like. Brick Plant Progresses. M. A. Sweetman, the real estate man, re cently made a trip to the D. A. Utter brick plant up Coal Bank Slough and reports that the plant is making good progress. Tho manufacture of brlok will be carried on at this plant on an extended scale. Thirty thousand bricks are now In readiness to go in tho kllnB to bo burned. Mr. Utter Bays ho will bo ablo to turn out a brick that can bo utilized success fully for street paving. !Latc James Fielder. The body of the late James Fielder, who was killed Saturday on tho Coos Bay, Hosoburg and Eastern Railroad was burled yesterday afternoon from the Johnson undertaking parlors. Tho services at tho chapel took place at 2:30 in tho presenco of tho members of tho Rodmen and Eagles, both of which lodges nttonded In a body. The Redmen had charge of the ser vices at tho cemetery, Rev. D. W. Thurston officiating at tho parlors. Casco Late. The Casco has not been heard of since she left San Fran cisco last week with part of the cargo from the steamer Plant. It is sup posed she had to put in at Port Or ford on account of the heavy fog at sea. Goes to Asylum The attendants of the Oregon Insane Asylum will ar rive by stage today from Salem to take Jacob H. White to the institu tion. White was committed to the asylum from Curry county, where he lived near Elk River. Alice McLaln Returns. Miss Alice McLain, who has been attending the convent at Portland the past school year, &fta returned homo for tha sum mer "mention. iTftrf.- Fishcrmeiv Frank Lftmber ton, Bert Dlmmick and Blaine Derv eru left yesterday for Ten Mile for a ftanlng trip of several das' fluration. 1'i.uit Duo ,rimirfuy. The steamer M. F. Plant wll arrive from San Fran cisco Thursday. , i, LOCAL AVEATUEIt. . Maximum CG Minimum 52 6 p. m GG Wind N. W., Clear J 4 J J " J ' H T i V , S RELEAS Well Known Marshfield Men Put Up Money On His Two Thous and Dollar Bond SANITY EXAMINATION IS. GORDON AGAIN APPEARS Will Now Remarry Her Former Hus band Edward Samuel Gordon For Pure Love STRENUOUS CAREER Mrs. Mathilda Knskl's Mental Condi tion Investigated In Justice Pennock's Court. John Kelly, who some weeks ago shot and killed William Wearn, and who was placed under a $2,000 bond to await the action of the September term of court, was allowed to leave the county jail at Coqullle, when the following ten citizens of Marshfleld went his bond Pat Honessey, D. J. Rees, W. P. Murphy, Hugh McLaln, John Wall, Edward Donnelly, Clay A. Moore, John Flanagan, Emerson Ferry and Taylor Siglln. Kelly Is at work flt Libby, notwith standing a report current yesterday afternoon to the effect that he had skipped out. An investigation conducted laBt evening in Justice Pennock's court to examine the sanity of Mrs. Math ilda Kaski resulted in letting her continue at large as In tho past. Tho complaints registered against the woman were seemingly without ground. It Is claimed she has, at various times, endeavored to do damage to somo of the residences in Marshfleld. The last disturbance was on Sunday night, when she created quite a bit of excltment In the neighborhood of Broadway and B streets. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED IN COOS COUNTY. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES WANTS TO PLACE A GOOD RELIABLE CORRE- SPONDENT IN EVERY TOWN AND COMMUNITY IN COOS COUNTY. EQUIPMENT COM- ING ON THE NEXT STEAMER PLANT WILL ENABLE THE PAPER TO THEREAFTER AP- PEAR AS AN EIGHT AND TWELVE PAGE PAPER DAILY. LIBERAL TERMS WILL BE MADE TO APPLICANTS SE- LECTED. THE WORK IS LIGHT AND WILL REQUIRE BUT A FEW HOURS EACH DAY. WRITE NOW. COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. ,$, .j, .j. .j. .. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. I WANT TO INVEST $100,000.00 In Coos County Ranches, Farms, Conl and Timber Lands, Homestead and Timber Cliitms, Improved and Unimproved City and Town Properties. I will deal only with owners. No ngents. GIVE IX DETAIL FULL PARTICULARS ns to location, liiipro omenta, LOWEST CASH PRICE, etc., or NO ATTENTION will b0 given your nnswers. If I desiro your property at YOU1 PRICE, I will call on you. Address "Investor" Care Daily Times MARSHFIELD, OREGON Has rtgared in Counterfeiting and Alfco hi Perpetration of Duiuuiy Wedding. Mtes Berth Lerch, better l;mmn hi North Bend as Mrs. Gordon, once more occupies the oentcr in tho blinding calcium of tho ne-wMpniw limelight. According to" tho Port land Journal she is at Isv-t to marry E. S. Gordon. A wook hgo Mtes Lerch received a decree of divorce from Gordon, carrying with it a judg ment for ?G,000. She says that tho money has '.not satisfied her and that she will never be happy until sho is really and truly Gordon's wife. Miss Lerch, as Mrs. Gordon, was nrrsted at the Portland hotel in Port land last November on the charge of counterfeiting. A complete outfit was found in her apartments. Later she was. tried In San .Francisco on the chafce of Jfortisrv. and altocetner therefe maiiy ldetaiIs'of ronlance cannectgiwlth her.and Gordon, One of the! fiv3st consiJiCNOus elements, is (he "dummy" wedding she performed in Vancouver, Washington, when she married a man personating E. S. Gor don, "of C003 ' county, Oregon, whom she is in reality to marry. She has been a prominent figure on the streets of this city in the past few weeks. Yesterday she spent most of the day with Attorneys Dimick & Dlmick. She stated that she was per fectly satisfied with the divorce she received In the local court and thought that with the ?6,000 she could get along for a short time at least. When asked how long this short time meant she said that she would again be married in a couplo of weeks, more or less, to a man named S. S. Gordon. Miss Lerch spoke freely of the case and said that Gor don was the only man sho could really love. j" She said she would leave Portland in a few days for Coos Bay, where she would sell considerable of the property awarded to her by the di vorce and would then settle down In her home for a quiet, peaceful life." Beforo she left she stated that she loved Gordon with all bis faults, and that there would very soon be more for the newspapers to talk about. Miss Lerch is a conspicuous figure in this city. She visited many of tho re sorts about the city yesterday and seemed in tho best of spirits, stating many tlmbs that sho and Gordon would again bo married in a fow weeks. BERWICK COMES IN Gasoline Schooner Suffers Delay In Portland Securing Engineers Brings Bricks and Bucks R. D. Hume's gasoline schooner Berwick arrived in port la3t evening from Portland, where, sho has been detained tho past two weeks for lack of engineers. The boat has a cargo of 3G.000 brick for tho C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufacturing Com pany, in addition to twenty registered bucks consigned to Mr. 1 1 unite at Wedderburn and otiior ft eight con sisting of general mcrchandibc for Roguo rivor points. A largo ship ment of tin plato for the Hiimfl ou lucry will be taken from thte poit in place of tho brick to bo unloaded. Mr. Hume was a pnsseagar on tho (boat to Coos Bay, but will go over 1 land from hero to Port Orford, where he will again take tho boat, continu ing on to Wedderburn. The schoon er left Astoria Monday morning at 9 oclock. COUNCILMAN RESIGNS in his resignation to Mayor Straw, who will call a meeting of tho body in a fow days for tho purpose of appointing somo ono to fill tho va cancy. Mr. Douglas gives as his rea son for resigning tho lncreaso In his prlvnto business, whlcii, deprives him of tho time necessary to look after tho people's interests in tho council. Following the appointment of a man to take Mr. Douglas' plnco it will bo necessary for two-thirds of tho councllmcn to vote In favor of tho appointee. 1N1,ICTSLUG55!5J San Francisco, j- ' n. irrnn.l 4it i. o-... j u J I1I1H I-M....1 . against Rudolph Schmlt! Kyle, cnrmnti .t . a"a Jot. . ., ..uu ueoree p., a teamster who partlclnVi V attack with loaded i,Ved 1q volvers on tho street car man4 night. "'Suna,, RELEASE IS KXIM'vq,. St. Louis, Juno 25 ti, n. " I Nationals lmvn an , BOt-Lot!l Burnett of tho Tacoma tJam, oLuiuu ins reicaso cost $2,250 W. j U. Douglas Says That Private Business Affairs AVIII Require1 His Attention. V 2- " ' If- 6 J W. U. Dquglas, whp for the(fpast I two years and' a half has'be'en'a'mem- ber of the, city council, yesterday sent We Want io Bray Some Qmi' Cedar Mes for sale -a cycle. One 001 Russell UoiU-r with full front. One 1S20 Russell Automatic Huqinc. One 35 k. w. Thompson Vutcrjuitiiig DfiininollOO" volt, 123 cycle One .() k, w. Thompson Alternating Dyiuunp, 11 00 olt, 125 All the aboii machinery Is llrst class and in good running ord It Is being taken out of our central station' by reason of its bji , too small for our requirements. TW Coos Bay Gas and Electric Co. UNIQUE PANTATQRIUM Ladies, and Gents CLEANING and PRESSING a speciality. Phone 1444. ELECTRIC SIGNS and Window Lights Are the best, kinds of advertising The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. Are yon a man who- ap- predates good clothing If you are, you can come here expecting to see many suits to interest you in our tremendous and varied Btoek of spic-and-span new clothing for Spring and Summer, which in style, quality and assortment is on a par with at within-reason pricey? that shown by the leading clothing establishments of New York City. If you haven't been in this Spring to 'see the splendid values we offer in ' MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING you shouldn't delay coming another day. You can't find the equal of this celebrate.1 clothing anywhere in town under a third more than we ask. Of strictly high-grade, dependable materials, fault less in cut and tailoring and up-to-the-minute in advanced fashion, you can make a selection of any suit at $12 to $30 with every assurance of perma nent satisfaction and that you got the best value obtainable at the price you paid. Your inspection is especially requested of our Spring sack suits at $15 We ask you to judge these suits by the $18 and $20 standards of other stores as far a,s fhe quality is concerned, and for style, workmanship and finiah, with to-measure-ma.de suits costing $30 or more. Do this and you will surely purchase one of these, suits at $15 in newest patterned worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres in the fashionable gray, blue and brownish tones. Smart Spring Suits for Boys, $2.50 to $12 Clothes made of tested fabrics in handsome patterns, strongly tailored to resistTwear and hold their shapeliness permanently values that sell elsewhoro at $3.50 to $15, here in a great assortment of attractive models at $2.50 to $12. iiilM MlCHAEUS-STEim Midun'. L. A. FREY North Bend mmMDMCURE byond Cures Backachg Corrects Irregularities Do not risk havto not Bright' Dlsea 3r. or Diabetes. )SM(UE(Wi3eJpfflPJEi"igHB53jiiKpA ikaimvwuify-' j. 71 1'mm