lezd I VTr" MABSOTTELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 100T. MARKETS k Xlctatl. are as follows: lb., 1G to 25a. sack, $1.30 to ?1.C0. -Per lb., 2 to 3c. toes, $c. SPer lb., 5 to He. r Per head, 10 and 15c r box, 20; 3 for 60c. Per lb., 5c. er square, 35 c. to 40c. Br, per quart, 80c. -15 c. lb. -3 lbs. for 25c. er lb., 3c. fj eggs Per dozen, 26c. Pressed, 22c lb. -Frys, dressed, 25c lb.. leans 15c. lb. fi'eas 8 1-3 c. FlsTi. V $1 per dozen. v S -,f J t lRH r -9J "! c oJ 02. S? f.' a.a : . -J V WSB Halibut 12 c. Rod Pish 5c. lb. Ling Sc. lb. Flounders, Per lb., Sc. Cleaned clams Per quart, 20c. Emplro Claras Per bucket, 60c. Mcnts. Sirloin steak Per lb., 12 to 15c Dolling Per lb., Ec to 8c Veal Stew, per lb., 8c; cutlets, AOc to 12 c. Porterhouse steak Per lb., 12 c Mutton Roasts, per lb., 12 c to 16c; chops, 12 Vc to 16c; stew, 10c. Porto Per pound, 12 to 16c Chuck steak Per lb., 10c. !" ICc. Round steak Per lb., 10c. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c Sausage Per lb.,"10c. Botogna Per lb.. 10c; 3 for 2Cc. Salmon (salt) Per lb Co. Drains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 2Ge. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c. Corned beef Per lb., 7c. Wienerwurst Per lb 12 c Lamb's tongues G for 25c. Fruits nncl Nuts Apples 10c. lb. Coooanuts Each, 10c. "Walnuts Per lb., 26c Almonds Per lb., 20c to 30c. Lemons Per dozen, 20c to 30c. Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Perdozen, 30 to GOc, ac cording to size. Dried Fruits. R&lslns London layers, per lb., 20c to 30c; seeded, per 12-oz. pkg., 12 c; 16-6z. pkg., 15c. Currants Clan, per 12-oz. pkg., 12; 16-oz. pke., 16c. Citron Per lb., 35c Orange peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peel Per lb., 25c. Strawberries 16c. Gooseberries 2 bores for 25c. Apricots Basket, 75c. Cherries 25c. lb. LOCAIj WHOLESALE MARKET. 'Following Is a list of wholesale prices as seen on the local market: Oat and wheat hay $15 to $25 I ueese 1.0 Hens l.B Sheep $3.00 to $5.00 Veal calves J2-75 Beef, steers S2.G0 Chickens, spring 13o Ducks 50c to 75o Beef, cows $2.09 A nice line of X Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN i.i ES5SaKIffiZ2EZESHXKmaS23Z32E32IOTBa3EZa m jevW rara ill m V IMF KM flffii WH Vti nrA IU7 ufl VIAMw m? i . . .. i st- . , ' te- I i :-,:: t,''- ffl I I -& , i I x - - m Successors, to Bradly & Traver , regon wmwiwwj.uwwrrfflfwmzmiujj.LiWiHdiV2&S!z OLIV ? Great big tender ones a real relish. You j the same grade els'ew your neighbor-rs ! nere. , ,v ,uj '!'! t'i ' V Corner B. and Second streets f ES ''A I appetising- 1 d pay double for i here. Ask tie buys olives 1 i 'fit o t&si. ' V ml 9 UTif t,'i . - 'i ; '.'' t " ,i .'" -i i.i!, I- ffSSSKi? iiiiiiVLJiiHiT IHIIHHBi MMnnnn HRlUVH BfeHtB. IHHk B V' c. ;rdia o ft 4Jlwt ' ?; Tlv'y. ,(Lp c -a. .' c H-HHH-'I""I"1--1--IH--H- i' i a i i 1 li I KLljff' 4 j ' i r J , r5portson Water Friont.p H Log Rolling Contest Launch Racing Climbing Greased Pofe Fireworks etc. R! 5 '! W f -J'i.' - ,'.i I W'fiil ' ' " 8 I? w Mh! : w. w. w. w. w. . 4 . . v v . . T J . 8 !. -. t. ' "! . -! , :i r...1 .. i. i :. i. , .Base. Ball- ' ? 'Marshfield vs. North Bend ' Foot Races, Tug of War, Wheelbarrow Races, Ladies Races Contests of all Kind ... , y.'A .. . i'lf OT 1 i Bfe Barbecue at Noon Hour From 1 1 to 1:30 NORTH BEND . , Cii T7 -m ,j i, ' a v y' Til - - MWyiM W' 1Wl't") WIWiWtWW&ti'l'W!3 WESf1 ii