MARKETS . Retail. 12;, 16-oz. pkK., 16c. Citron Por lb., 35t. Orange peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peel Per lb., 26c. Strawberries 15c. Gooseberries 2 boxes for 25c. Apricots Gasket, 75c. Cherries 25c. lb. luotatlons are as follows: WORK icon Per lb., 1C to 25a. Hour Per sack, ?1.30 to ?1.G0. Potatoes Per lb., 2 to 3c. ilew Potatoes, 8c. abbage Per lb., 5 to 6c. jullflower Per head, 10 and 16c loney Per box, 20; 3 for 50c. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Following Is a list of wholesale prices as seen on the local market: Oat and wheat hay $15 to $25 ueeso 1.00 Hens 10c Sneep J3.00 to ?5.00 Veal calves f 2.75 Beef, steers $2.50 Chickens, spring 12 c Duck 50c to 75c Beef, cows $2.00 Jnions Per lb., 6c. 3tUter Per square, 35c. to 40c. Soiled elder, per quart, 30c. Asparagus 15c. lb. m Ihubarb 3 lbs. for 25c. UALITY 3eets Per lb., 3c. ' Country eggs Per dozen, 25c. 1 lens Dressed, 22c lb. Shlckens Frys, dressed, 25c lb. String Beans 15c. lb. Fresh Peas 8 1-3 c. Fish. yf0fe. ( 3rabs ?1 per dozen. iallbut 12 c. led Fish 5c. lb. jlng 8c. lb. flounders, Per lb., 5c. 31eaned clams Per quart, 20c. Smpiro Clams Per bucket, 50c. rj iiicuu). glrloln steak Per lb., 12 to 15c Joillng Per lb., 5c to 8c. 7eal Stew, per lb., 8c; cutlets, to 12c. srterhouse steak Per lb., 12 c tutton Roasts, per lb., 12 c to Be; chops, 12 c to 15c; stew, 10c. ;Port Per pound, 12 to 15c LCnneh steak Per lb., 10c. IU md steak Fer lb., 10c. amburger steak Per lb., 10c. Baueose Par lb., 10c. Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 25c. almon (Bait) Per lb., 6c, Brains Pec lb 15c; 2 for 2Ge. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c. horned beef Per lb., 7c. Wienerwurst Por lb., 12 c. limb's tongues 6 for 25c. Fruits and Nuts. Ipples 10c. lb. oooanuts Each, 10c. Walnuts Per lb., 25c. llmonds Per lb 20c to 30c. emons Per dozen, 20c to 30c. Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Perdozen, 30 to 60c, ac- Slng to size. W llltlfwl 17m.. Itn ilslns London layers, pet lb., to 30c; seeded, per 12-oz. pkg., io; lG-oz. pkg., 15c. Jurrants Cian, per 12-oz. pkg., New York, Juno 24. Lead, $5.50 ?5.75; copper, $23.24; silver, 67. Chicago, Juno 24. July wheat opened 92 92 a, closed at91 91c; barley, 7074c; North western, 7074c. Portland, June 24. Club, 8Gc; blue stem, 89c; red, 84c; valley, 86c. JAVA COFPEE HOUSE BEING REMODELED Little Restaurant On Marshfield's Water Front Will Undergo Metamorphosis Today The Java Coffee House, well known to everybody on Coos Bay, will be closed today for the first time since Hank Wells, the owner, took charge. When It Is reopened tomorrow morn ing patrons will hardly recognize it, ror not only will it be reDainted. en larged, and remodeled cenerallv. hut. a handsome range will be in the place where the old one has prepared so many breakfasts, dinners, and sup pers for the many customers who patronize the little restaurant on Marshfield's water front. Hank will also Introduce an innovation In t.ho shape of a drinking fountain, which will yield forth water for parched throats, : When you have a job of printing you naturally want the best quality work that shows taste Especially so if it is a job of com mercial stationery, such as letter heads, bill heads, etc We have an old experienced job printer in charge of this department This ex perience together with modern facilities enables us to turn out the best job work ever done on Coos Bay. Call up phone 33 J and a man will call and give you a good figure on that job BAY TIMES - -5 187 1 ,000.00 1907 h pjH ih ih kkkkkkkkkkEL kkkmr kkkkkkV 0 tkkkkB kkkkkH IkkkkkH kkkkkH lkkkkakkkkkkkkkH Hr jH H M B fH ,1 kkiBt H H ''kr H H mw M M HMHHH MHHH MHA m pWBMk MKmw , 9 9m Program in Full Next Sunday Something Planned fpjr Every Hour 9 9 A Cordial Invitation lis Extended Coos Bay . iUw fr...Hi.I..m.H'H"l"M"l"l"W PROGRAM H t, '. i A. M. til''i'H'il-'l:lHvlMiii.H'Ml?l'i-. . Hi I ? v - Sports on Water Front Lo'g Rolling Contest launch Racing Climbing Greased Poles Fireworks etc. V T ,( 4, 4., 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, ff.XVl (l c,,tXrrj 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. ,4. 4, 4. 4. 4, 4. 4,,, 4, 4. ,4 f BaseBalP Marshfiejd vs. North Bend ' Foot Racs, Tug of War, Wheelbarrow traces, Ladies Races Contests of all Kind feig Barbecue at Noon Hour From 1 1:00 to 1:30 NORTH BEND UHWf'WMMUIJjyj WU,yiBWWll' t. -v w;a - J- r&mmiimtir , IWIWgPyWWIWWWHWWWTWWyiWilWIW m