The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 23, 1907, Sunday Edition, Image 7

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The Fo
t if
urth of July Sale Sails Merrily AloEg
Hundreds of Happy Shoppers in its Wake.
Unprecedented Saving on Shoes
Never before hnvc so low prices lieen named on good
shoes. Several of Uie lots were badly broken during the
first days of the sale. Hut they have been replenished, nnd
they start the week oft with practically complete runs of
Lot No. 1 Boys' nnd girls' school shoe3. Sizes 10 to 2;
former prices were $2.25 and $2.50. Sale qt
price O JL
Lot No. 3 Boy's heavy lined and unllncd shoes. Sizes 10
to 5. Former prices were $2.00 to $2.65. Ai
Pair yjC
Lot No. 3 Misses' shoes. Sizes 5's to 2's. Former prices
were $1.75 to $2.25. Great Fourth of July sale, AQ
price, pair ""C
Lot No. -1 Ladles' Fine dress shoes. Sizes 3 to 7. Princi
pally 3 to 4V6. Former prices were as high as 4 An
$4.50. Choice pair 1.47
Lot No. 5 Men's dress shoes In vici and box calf. Former
prices were $3.50 to $5.00. r
Choice pair .j)
Powerful Oxford Bargains
Lot No. C Ladles fine dress oxfords in vicl kid and patent
leather .Every size and width is In this lot. For- 4 An
mer prices were $3 to $3.50. A wonderful buy ItY
Lot No. 7 Men's fine dress oxfords in vicl and box calf.
Full range of sizes and best lasts. Were sold regularly
at $4 and $4.25. Excellent values, and they will J or
move quickly at pair Ai.60
Such a busy, bustling event it is, with crowds of
eager buyers filling the store from morning till nightl
We've gathered widely, wisely and well of sum
mer goods Stocks are at the flood-tide of complete
ness. Choice is perfect, and while we are offering
these unusual special values, you'll do well to buy a
whole summer-ful of many of the items featured
Come in any or every day the coming week
Here's reason after reason for doing so:
Sensational Saving in Wash Goods.
Our entire line of wash goods must go during this sale. The prices placed on
them is absolute certainty of their moving promptly.. .There will be some very ex
quisite things shown this week in white go ods, nnd it will pay you to attend.
25c. wash goods In demities, mercerized walstlngs, etc., go, yard 17c
Everything that formerly sold at 50c yard, in embroidered Swisses, lawns, organdies
and mulls, go at , yard 33c
The most Interesting savings of all this week in the wash goods section will be the
65c and 75c silk chiffons, embroidered and plain figured mulls, printed organdies,
lawns, etc., choice yard
65c colored pongee. 32 inches wide. Co lors green, blue, tan and gray. Fourth of
July Sale price, yard 20c
35c Fine French gingham in handsome des igns, yard ?c
And dozens of other items will bc pro portionatcly reduced for the coming week.
Don't fail to bo here nake advantage of them. This Is as great buying oppor
tunity as will be your good fortune to takc advantage of for months nnd months
to come.
High Grade
Millinery at Half and Less
Our fine line of exquiste Parisian Patterns
Hate is not exempt of this great reduction sale for
the coming week- You have seen these beauti
ful hats, you admired them, and longed to have
one of them for the Fourth. Now is your op
portunity. Don't miss being here.
. . . 3.25
. 4.25
. ' . 7.00
-" - - 10.25
. - . 12.00
. . . 12.00
. . - 12.00
$7.50 Trimmed Hats -$9.50
Pattern Hats -$12.50
Pattern Hats
$18.00 Pattern Hats
$22.50 Pattern Hats
$25.00 Pattern Hats
$30.00 Pattern Hats
And dozens of other powerful savings on
numbers we cannot mention here.
Interesting Reductions In
Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar
The greatest enthusiasm of the sale Is cent
ered in the Kendy-to-wcar goods for women. The
powerful reductions given here are only a few of
the hundreds of savings awaiting you. At these
prices no one can find good cause for not coming
out on July '1th with an entirely new outfit. Head
every item, read between the lines, and then come
to the sale expecting to find the greatest lot of real
bargains you ever saw.
Ladies Tailored Suits
Your choice ,of our entire stock of ladies' fine
tailored suits, In Eton, Ponette and loose fit
ting effects, regular prices ranging from $18.50
to $20. Fourth of July Sale. 4 T CA
Price, suit Ij.JU
All tailored suits, formerly selling at $22.50 to $25,
In the season's newest styles and -I C CA
colorings, go at, choice I )JJ
.And all other suits at correspondingly low prices.
Silk Shiriwaist Suits
Nothing is more dainty than a real pretty silk
shirtwaist suit, and no one, who enjoys wearing silk
can afford to pass up these exceptional bargains.
$25 to $27.50 silk shirtwaist suits, in princess and
two-pieco effects, all shades and 4 n r a
designs, go, choice ' .JU
$30 to $35 silk shirtwaist suits, this season's styles
and shades, all go, choice, ryj A
suit only a-. 3U
The balance of the silk shirtwaist suits are re
duced proportionately.
Ladies' Shirtwaists
The shirtwaists offered at this sale are not old,
shelf worn, or undesirable. They comprise new,
crisp and dainty shirtwaists, in the season's newest
styles, and every one of them is worth its full, reg
ular price; but, taasmuuch as the season Is well
advanced, wo would, prefer closing them out now.
Hence, our loss Is your gain. Here are a few
Fine lawn shirt waists, nicely trimmed with lace in
sertion and embroidery, short and long sleeves,
exceptional values at $1.50. Choice 7
at the Great Fourth of July Sale, each -''
All waists formerly selling at from $2.25 to $3, in
fine India linen, lawn, mull, and mercerized
effects, handsomely trimmed, short 4 Jn
and long sleeves, go, choice, each I .'!,
Silk, Net and Lace Waists
Ano Fifth Aff
Sb? Even our handsome line of silk, net and lac0 waists,
goes at reduced prices uunug una sicai. ,
These waists are as beautiful as waists can be,
and the latest styles. The regular prices are $6
to $16, and at the Fourth of
July Sale there will be a dls- 70 ngf Cent.
countof "
for a Fraction of its Value
iir o nniv Hvo n fow items here, taken at
"random from the dozens of offerings being made.
If you can use anything in this line; and what wo
man ever has too many garments of mus in under
wear. come to our sale. There will be skirts,
drawers, corset covers, chemises, aprons, etc.. In a
range of prices from 14c to $4, and all as great In
value as the following:
Corset Covers Nicely made, embroidery aAc
trimmed, worth 45c and 40c, each. . . .
Better Ones Very daintily lace trimmed, CJq
worth $1, each
Night Gowns Muslin gowns, lace and em
broidery trimmed, well made, worth up g7p
to $1.50
ISklrts White muslin skirts, good width, fin
ished with embroidery flounce, values up 7
to $1.25 "
drawers Ladles flue muslin drawers, with lull,
tucked and embroidery trimmed ruffles. njQ
Worth $1.80; each, only
1 ?1 UMBRELLAS 78c
About 100 $1.25 men's and women's umbrellas
went on ealeWednesday morning. Theso um
brellas are made by one of theTbest umbrella manu
facturers iriHho east. Made Pf excellent gualltytQii
material, and the stays aro as good as any -7Uq
found In $1.25 to $1.50 umbrellaB. Choice
Substantial Saving on
Since this house was established, we have held
a number of special skirt sales, and many Interest
ing prices were named, but of all the past offerings,
none will excell the savings that await you at-tho
Great Fourth of July Sale. Space permits us to
hint at only a few of the many savings. But they
serve as a good Illustration o.f the prices in vogue,
and should crowd this store to its capacity dally
with eager buyers. Read the Items:
$5 to $8 ladles' tailored skirts, choice 4.4
$8.50 to $12.50 tailored skirts, choice only. .3"
$18.50 to $22.50 fancy light tailored skirts.Q nr
only Vi0
On all black skirts In fine voile and panama, with
and V'ithout bilk drop skirts, regular prices
$13.75 to $35, a discount will be made of Y Off.
Powerful Ruductions Await You
In the Dress Goods Section
Teoplo looking over our stock of dress goods
nt the present prices, can't conceive how we can
inline such really unlienrd of prices. Hut as wo
have said before, the wholesale cost has not been
considered in preparing for this sale, nnd this is the
keynote of It all.
75c Wool dress goods, 3 Inches wide. Come la
gray figured novelties and plain weaves. 3 0 r
Worth 75c yard. Sale price, only JJL
G5c to S5c plain and fancy weaves In mohairs,
batistes, panamas, suitings, etc. 36 to 44 inches
wide. The best and most desirable things in the
whole line for the money. Fourth of KnC
July price, per yard J 1 1
$1 and $1.25 values of the entire stock of dress
goods. Among the lot are some of the most ex
quisite things in the season's newest. Novelty
plaids and plain weaves predominate. fiRr
Width 3G to 5G inches. Yard only UOL
$1.35 to $1.05 Wool dress goods. Widths 38 to 54
inches. Plain and fancy weaves In mohairs,
Panamas, batistes, serges and grey suit- Q7f
lngs. A wonderful buy at, yard Oft.
The New Dress Lengths Cut In Half
$2 Fine Novelty Dress Lengths, yard $1.00
$2.25 Fine Silk and Wool dress lengths, yard. $1.13
$2.50 Fancy silk and wool dress lengths, only $1.25
$3 Handsome silk and wool mixed patterns. .$1.50
There is no reason why every economically inclined man in the Coos liny country should not come
ii.ii.v 'ipis .won .o.iijua m ipi-W in-moi .fiiif no iiiosuch prices ns these are placed on good, dependa
ble clothing.. .In many instances the prices are much below the wholesale cost.. .So don't pass up buy
ing a suit now, if you can use nil additional one at nil. Hero nre the lots:
Lot No. 1 Men's Suits. All sizes. Regular prices
$8.50 to $11.50. Our entire line. All
go at Fourth of July sale, suit
Lot No. 2 Men's Suits consisting of our entire line
of $12.50 to $17.50 values. None are restricted.
Fourth of July Sale price, suit
Lot No. 3 Men's Suits. Regular prices $18 to
$22.50. All go at the Fourth of July
Sale, suit . . .'
Lot No. 4 Men's $25 to $35 suits. Every suit in
the house with former price within 4 n CC
I I kh
these figures at Fourth of July Sale
Severe Cuts in Youth's Clothing.
The savings awaiting you In the Youth's
Clothing section, should interest mightily every
father mid mother in this vicinity who has a young
man to clothe, between the age of t(J and 20 years.
Reductions of this nature do not come often, and
now that they are nt your command, why not act?
Rend the items:
Youth's suits, two and three piece effects. Ages
1C to 20. Regular prices were $0.50 to $11.50.
Fourth of July Sale, price
Youth's suits. Regular prices $7 to $8.50.
Ages 15 to 20 years. Suit only......
Youth's $11.50 to $17 suits In blue serges, light
and dark cheviots, worsted and nov- O Qf?
eltles. Ages 1G to 20 years. Suit O.jJ
Dress Pants-One Fifth Off.
During hte Great Fourth of July Sale, a discount of
20 per cent will be given on our entire lino of
Men's Pants. Don't miss this opportunity and
BUY NOW. Remember there is One Fifth Off.
- - MENS WORK PANTS - -Values
up to $4.50, Only 98 cents.
No greater bargains awaits the working man than
the work pants at 98c. Among tho lot are all
wool and cotton pants, etc., and practically every
slzo is here, up to 42 measure. Don't miss
this powerful offering. Values up to QOp
$4.50. Choice, pair
Every one of our Men's suspenders that sold regu
larly at 25c to 45c must go at this great 7
sale, at per pair
Men's G5c and 75c suspenders go at tho Great
Fourth of July Sale at, per pair fyjfi
Ages 4 to 16 year
There are Just 55 suits offered nt this ridicu
lous price, and every one of them is worth its form
er price. Dut to close them out, and q ckly, too,
they go at tho Fourth of July Sale at these prices:
$2.00 Boys' Suits $1.00
$3.00 Boys' Suits $1-C0
$4.00 Boys' Suits $2.00
$4.25 Boys' Suits $2.13
$4.50 Boys' Suits $2.25
$5.00 Boys' Suits $2.50
$5.50 Boys' Suits $2.75
$7.50 Boys' Suits $3.75
$8.00 Boys' Suits $'1-00
$3.50 MENS, HATS 97 cents
Men's stiff and soft hats, practically all sizes, In tho
best brands, that usually retail at $3 and $3.50.
Out they go at this Glorious galo, at Q7f
Each iKj
When everything Is said and done, price is the one thing that counts. This has .been cle nrly
shown in the underwear section the past week. Prices have been made so rldiculouslj low that
those ladies who did not avail themselves of underwear, either spent all their money in p Ick lnB up
tho hundreds of bargains elsewhere in the store, or remained-at home In fear of be 8 1. rtuc, need to
spend it. But our stock of underwear is large, and every line is represented for the coming cck.
Ss-'sTTeveless vests, former prices as high as 18c. Sizes 4 to 9. Garment only-. . . . . . ; lie
25c Ladies' Jersey ribbed sleeveless vests. Nicely trimmed. Sizes 4 1 to 6. .Were uniy.
35c Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed sleeveless vests Sizes 4 to G. Gnjent only. . . . . . . . . -
50c Ladles' fine lisle ribbed sleeveless vests. Nicely tr med. Colore white, pink anddsueX3. A
65c Ladles' medium heavy fleeced vests and pants, in "Vellastlc and Setsnug Su ' 39c
wonderful buy. Garment . . . . . ......... .... ; V ' I' '"' ' i0'n'cYha! ' Lace trimmed.
Ladles' fine pure white Swiss riuuea union suus aieevuDD "- - 43c
86?LadieB; white Jersey ribbed union 'suit's. ' Sleeveless.' 'knee 'length! "law trimmed. J3l 6 9.
$lPLadeieSs" fine ribbed union "suits. ' Color 'cream'.' 'well made garments. Sizes 4 to 0. Price.. 67c
75c Values now 37o
The balance of the men's 75c Jumpers must be
closed out this week. They sold rapidly last
week at tho reduced price, and they are sure to
move out every one of them this" week at the
new price. Don't miss being hero, and, above
all, don't miss the opportunity to buy one or
'moro of these Jumpers at this great saving. IJq.
all sizes, each jij
35c Roys Pants lOo
Five dozen Boys' Cotton Pants, light weight, well
made, and worth fully 35c, go on sale Monday
morning at this exceptional price. Those pants
wear and wash well, and, at this price, you can
easily afford to buy two or three pairs for 4 H
your boy. Sizes 4 to 15. Pair only. ... v
35c Boys Shirts 19c
Our entire Hn0 of boys' shirts, formerly priced at
25c and 35c, go at Fourth of July sale at 4 Q
Only "-
1G00 yards of muslin.. .Worth all of 8 cents
yard.. .In fact We could not buy It today to sell nt
8 cents.. .At this price it Is chenp ns house lining,
yes, cheaper.. .No moro than 55 yards to a cus
tomer.. .Act quick.. .Until sold, yard only 5c
-ik ronw Mittnn batiste. Neat floral designs In
black on white. Best buy of the season
Yard only
18c Fancy chambray. Full width, Fourth
of July Sale, price, yard, only
Galatea cloth, 27 inches wide. We sold It
rpciiinrlv at 17c. Sold elsewhere at 20c
Entire line of 10c apron gingham and dress
zephyrs, go at Fourth of July Sale, yard
32-inch percale. Dark oatterns. Best ma-
- terlal-for boy's shirtwaists, etc. Was 12 c
15c heavy twilled shirting. Was 15c. Sale 4 4
pricu uiu
f&oUUott'U U,JMU! vyA y&Wo
Savings For Men
Men's work shirts, In the best quality material,
light and dark patterns, uouuiy seweu, anu iorm-
erly priced at 50c. All go at this great
sale, each
These are tho shirts you were looking at and ad
miring at the price. They come In all this sea
son's patterns. Aro of tho now negligee effect,
and with and without cuffs. Every slzo is ropro
Bonted, and considering their being a great value
at $1, thoro Is certainly a great saving In
buying now at, each ,
Men's black cotton hose. All sizes. Worth 124c
Fourth of July Sale Price, per pair n 4 Op
Men's 35c fancy hose, In embroidered and plain
colors. A big savlngi in buying now at,
nair. only
Men's 65c fancy hose, in lace and embroidered.
Nono aro reserved of our entire line.
- Fourth of July Sale price, pair. ......
Men's medium heavy cotton ribbed undorwear.
Best wearing garments made. Flesh color. AH
sizes. Itecular nricn 60c. garment. Fourth of
July Sale price, garment
OOc llalhriggan Underwear 30c.
Hero's a great offering at this season of tho year.
This is tho very best grade of line, balbrlggan
underwear. All hlzes. Well made. Seat of
drawers made double. Especially
roomy. Former price was 60c. Sale
'-urice. only, garment '
This Is" a flrio French balbrlggan. Has neat silk
Btrlpe, and appears liken much more expenslvo
garment. All sizes. .Worth 75c. Fourth of
July Sale-price, garment AQc
Only, . , ,t i i . 1'
'. All
rth of
V ! Ui-, ! ,
- !. .
Tfji'mi j
, 'lJ,J.l ,.-?" -" SJ--