,VA ' MAHSIIFIELD, OIIEGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1007. T "'''-'"i''"MlMMMMMMM-l.MiMMM,,- , A , . MARKETS : . Quotations are as follows: Bacon Per lb., 1G to 25c Flour Per sack, $1.30 to ?1.00. Potatoes Per lb., 2 to 3c. New Potatoes, 8c. Cabbage Per lb., 5 to Cc. Cauliflower Per head, 10 and 15c Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 50c. Onions Por lb., 5c. Butter Per square, 35c. to 40c. Boiled elder, per quart, 30c. Asparagus 15c. lb. - Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 25c. Beets Per lb., 3c. Country eggs Per dozen, 25c. Hens Dressed, 22c lb. Chickens Frys, dressed, 25c lb. String Beans 15c. lb. Fresh Peas 8 l-3c. Fish. drabs ?1 per dozen. Halibut 12 c. Red Fish 5c. lb. Ling Sc. lb. Flounders, Per lb., Pc. Cleaned clams Per quart, 20c. Empire Clams Per bucket, 50c. Meats. Sirloin steak Per lb., 12 to 15c Boiling Per lb., 5c to 8c. Veal Stew, per lb., Sc; cutlets, .A0C to 12!c. Porterhouse stonk Per lb., 12 c Mutton Boasts, per lb., 12 c to 15c; chops, 12M:c to 15c; stew, 10c. Pork Per pound, 12 to 15c. Chuck steak Per lb., 10c t') 15c. B(mnd steak Per lb., 10c. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c Sausage Per lb 10c Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 25c Salmon (salt) Per lb., Gc. Brains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 25c. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c- Corned beef Per lb., 7c Wienerwurst Por lb., 12 c Lamb's tongues 6 for 25c. Fruits mid Nuts. Apples 10c lb. --Cocoanuts Each, 10c Walnuts Per lb., 25c Almonds Per lb., 20c to 30c Lemons Per dozen, 20c to 30c. Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Perdozen, 30 to 60c, ac cording to size. Dried Fruits. Raisins London layers, pet lb., 20c to 30c; seeded, per lE-oz. pkg 12 q; 16-oz. pics., 15c Qurranta Clean, per 12-oz. pkg.. iC; lCoz. pkg., 15c Citron Per lb., 356. Orange peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peel Per lb., 25c Strawberries 15c. Gooseberries 2 boxes for 25c. Apricots Basket, 75c Cherries 25c lb. LOCAL WHOLESALE JIAIIKET. Following is a list of wholesale prices as seen on the local market Oat and wheat hay , f 15 to $25 ueuso 91.00 Heus 10c Sheep $3.00 to $5.00 fetal calves $2.78 Beef, steers $2.50 Chickens, spring .12 c Ducks 50c to 75c Beof, cows $2.00 OUTSIDE MARKETS. Liverpool, June 20. July wheat, Cs. 11 d. Now York, June 20. Lead and copper unchanged; silver 67 M. Chicago, June 20. July wheat opened 92, closed 91 91; barley, 72 075; Northwestern, 129. NOTICE. THE CASTLE REST, of North Bend, will reopen Monday, June 24, after being fairly renovated. TIDE TABLE. The following table shows the high and low tides at Empire for each day during the coming week: High Water. . A. M. h. m. Feet, June. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Frl. Sat. 23. 24. 25. 26. 28 29 4:5S 5:52 6:42 7:32 .2:07 .2:58 0.2 0.9 1.5 1.8 9.7 9.2 P.M. h. m. Feet. 4.41 2.7 5:48 G.32 7:27 3:32 4:23 2.8 2:8 2.8 7.8 7.9 Low Water. A.M. h. m. Feet. 9.9 0.0 7.5 June. Sun., 23... 11:10 6.8 Mon., 24.. 12: 07 7.0 Tues., 25.. 13:00 7.3 Wed., 20... 0:28 10.1 Frl. 28 9:07 1.6 Sat. 29 9:57 1.1 To find the tide hours at othor Coos Bay points, figure as folows: At tho bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfleld, add 1.61; at Milllngton, add 2.15. P.M. h. m. Foot. 10:52 9.6 11:40 0:00 1.52 9.17 10:16 - f When you have a job of printing you naturally want the best quality, work that shows taste Especially so if it is a job of com mercial stationery, such as letter heads, bill heads, etc We have an old experienced job printer in charge of this department This ex perience together with modern facilities enables us to turn out the best job work ever done on Coos Bay. Call up phone X33X and a man will call and give, you a good figure on that job . . ! I, I -; I '' 1 Ml- . . . . ... !.,-(.( "odd clnyS ow mre C",fc ml intere5t in he y Hve in if you WOULDNT ,T BE A PLEASURE if the litUe things you do about the place Were rea-y lor yourself and family? Then Why Not Pay The Rent To Yourself? I will aid you to own your home---I will aid you to build vtlVj K.:T THINK OF ITPAY RENT TO I EDGAR L. V MHIWMl m m mF-'&i 1 4 v7( A M 1 J i